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namespace Rails\ActiveRecord;
use PDO;
use Rails;
use Rails\ActiveRecord\ActiveRecord;
use Rails\ActiveRecord\Base\Methods;
use Rails\ActiveRecord\Validation\Validator;
use Rails\ActiveModel;
abstract class Base
use Methods\CounterMethods, Methods\RelationMethods, Methods\ScopingMethods,
Methods\AttributeMethods, Methods\ModelSchemaMethods, Methods\AssociationMethods;
* ActiveRecord_Registry instance.
static private $registry;
* Instance of Table for each model.
static private $tables = [];
static private $cachedReflections = [];
* Flag to prevent calling init() for some cases.
static private $preventInit = false;
* Flag to prevent setting default attributes.
static private $skipDefaultAttributes = false;
* ActiveModel\Errors instance.
private $errors;
* @var bool
private $isNewRecord = true;
static public function __callStatic($method, $params)
if ($rel = static::scope($method, $params))
return $rel;
throw new Exception\BadMethodCallException(
sprintf("Call to undefined static method %s::%s", get_called_class(), $method)
static public function create(array $attrs, array $options = [])
$new_model = new static();
$new_model->assignAttributes($attrs, $options);
return $new_model;
* Can receive parameters that will be directly passed to where();
static public function destroyAll()
$models = call_user_func_array(get_called_class() . '::where', func_get_args())->take();
foreach ($models as $m) {
return $models;
static public function deleteAll(array $conds)
* Finds model by id and updates it.
* @param string|array $id
* @param array $attrs
static public function update($id, array $attrs)
if (is_array($id)) {
foreach ($id as $k => $i) {
static::update($i, $attrs[$k]);
} else {
$object = static::find($id);
return $object;
* Searches if record exists by id.
* How to use:
* Model::exists(1);
* Model::exists(1, 2, 3);
* Model::exists([1, 2, 3]);
static public function exists($params)
$query = self::none();
if (ctype_digit((string)$params)) {
$query->where(['id' => $params]);
} else {
if (is_array($params))
$query->where('id IN (?)', $params);
$query->where('id IN (?)', func_get_args());
return $query->exists();
static public function countBySql()
$stmt = call_user_func_array([static::connection(), 'executeSql'], func_get_args());
if (ActiveRecord::lastError())
return false;
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
if (isset($rows[0][0]))
return (int)$rows[0][0];
return false;
static public function maximum($attr)
return self::connection()->selectValue('SELECT MAX(' . $attr . ') FROM ' . static::tableName());
static public function count()
return self::connection()->selectValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `' . self::tableName() . '`');
static public function I18n()
return Rails::application()->I18n();
static public function transaction($params = [], \Closure $block = null)
self::connection()->transaction($params, $block);
static public function connectionName()
return null;
* If called class specifies a connection, such connection will be returned.
static public function connection()
$name = static::connectionName();
return ActiveRecord::connection($name);
* Public properties declared in a model class can be used to avoid defining
* setter and getter methods; the value will be set/get directly to/from it.
static public function hasPublicProperty($propName)
$reflection = self::getReflection();
return $reflection->hasProperty($propName) && $reflection->getProperty($propName)->isPublic();
* It is sometimes required an empty collection.
static public function emptyCollection()
return new Collection();
static protected function cn()
return get_called_class();
static protected function _registry()
if (!self::$registry)
self::$registry = new Registry();
return self::$registry->model(get_called_class());
* Creates and returns a non-empty model.
* This function is useful to centralize the creation of non-empty models,
* since isNewRecord must set to null by passing non_empty.
static private function _create_model(array $data)
self::$preventInit = true;
self::$skipDefaultAttributes = true;
$model = new static();
$model->attributes = $data;
# Check for primary_key and set init_attrs.
if (!static::table()->primaryKey()) {
$model->storedAttributes = $data;
$model->isNewRecord = false;
return $model;
static private function _create_collection(array $data, $query = null)
$models = array();
foreach ($data as $d)
$models[] = self::_create_model($d);
$coll = new Collection($models, $query);
return $coll;
static private function getReflection($class = null)
if (!$class) {
$class = get_called_class();
if (!isset(self::$cachedReflections[$class])) {
self::$cachedReflections[$class] = new \ReflectionClass($class);
return self::$cachedReflections[$class];
public function __construct(array $attrs = [])
if (!self::$skipDefaultAttributes) {
} else {
self::$skipDefaultAttributes = true;
if (!self::$preventInit) {
} else {
self::$preventInit = true;
* Checks for the called property in this order
* 1. Checks if property is an attribute.
* 2. Checks if called property is an already loaded association.
* 3. Checks if called property is an association.
* If none if these validations is true, the property is actually called
* in order to generate an error.
public function __get($prop)
if (static::isAttribute($prop)) {
return $this->getAttribute($prop);
} elseif ($this->getAssociation($prop) !== null) {
return $this->loadedAssociations[$prop];
} elseif ($getter = $this->getterExists($prop)) {
return $this->$getter();
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
sprintf("Tried to get unknown property %s::$%s", get_called_class(), $prop)
* 1. Checks for setter method and calls it if available.
* 2. If the property is an attribute, the value is set to it (i.e. default setter for attributes).
* 3. The value is set as object property. < This shouldn't happen!
public function __set($prop, $val)
// if (!Rails::config()->ar2) {
if (static::isAttribute($prop)) {
$this->setAttribute($prop, $val);
// } elseif ($this->setterExists($prop)) {
// $this->_run_setter($prop, $val);
} else {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
sprintf("Trying to set undefined property %s", $prop)
// # Default PHP behaviour.
// $this->$prop = $val;
// } else {
// if (static::isAttribute($prop)) {
// $this->setAttribute($prop, $val);
// } else {
// throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
// sprintf("Trying to set undefined property %s", $prop)
// );
// }
// }
public function __isset($prop)
return $this->issetAttribute($prop);
* Some model's features can be overloaded:
* 1. Check if an attribute changed with attributeNameChanged();
* Calling this normally would be: attributeChanged('attribute_name');
* 2. Get the previous value of an attribute with attributeNameWas();
* Normally: attributeWas('attribute_name');
* 3. Overload attribute setters. Models *should* define setter
* methods for each attribute, but they can be called overloadingly. The correct
* or expected name of the setter method is camel-cased, like setAttributeName();
* 4. Overload scopes.
* 5. Overload associations.
* 6. Overload attribute getters. The expected method name is the camel-cased name of
* the attribute, like attributeName(), because the "get" prefix is omitted for getters.
* Models *should* define getter methods for each attribute.
public function __call($method, $params)
# Overload attributeChange()
if (strlen($method) > 7 && substr($method, -7) == 'Changed') {
$attribute = static::properAttrName(substr($method, 0, -7));
return $this->attributeChanged($attribute);
# Overload attributeWas()
if (strlen($method) > 3 && substr($method, -3) == 'Was') {
$attribute = static::properAttrName(substr($method, 0, -3));
return $this->attributeWas($attribute);
# Overload attribute setter.
if (substr($method, 0, 3) == 'set') {
$attrName = substr($method, 3);
$underscored = Rails::services()->get('inflector')->underscore($method);
if (static::isAttribute($underscored)) {
$this->setAttribute($underscored, array_shift($params));
# Overload scopes.
if ($rel = static::scope($method, $params)) {
return $rel;
// # Overload associations.
// if ($this->getAssociation($method) !== null) {
// return $this->loadedAssociations[$method];
// }
// # Overload attributes.
// $underscored = Rails::services()->get('inflector')->underscore($method);
// if (static::isAttribute($underscored)) {
// return $this->getAttribute($underscored);
// }
throw new Exception\BadMethodCallException(
sprintf("Call to undefined method %s::%s", get_called_class(), $method)
public function isNewRecord()
return $this->isNewRecord;
* Directly passes the new value to the attributes array and then
* saves the record.
* @param string $attrName The name of the attribute.
* @param mixed $value The value for the attribute,
public function updateAttribute($attrName, $value)
$this->attributes[$attrName] = $value;
return $this->save(['skip_validation' => true, 'skip_callbacks' => true, 'action' => 'update']);
* Save record
* Saves in the database the properties of the object that match
* the columns of the corresponding table in the database.
* Is the model is new, create() will be called instead.
* @array $values: If present, object will be updated according
* to this array, otherwise, according to its properties.
public function save(array $opts = array())
// if (empty($opts['skip_validation'])) {
// if (!$this->_validate_data(!empty($opts['action']) ? $opts['action'] : 'save'))
// return false;
// }
if ($this->isNewRecord()) {
if (!$this->_create_do($opts))
return false;
} else {
if (!$this->_validate_data('save'))
return false;
if (empty($opts['skip_callbacks'])) {
if (!$this->runCallbacks('before_save'))
return false;
if (!$this->_save_do($opts))
return false;
if (empty($opts['skip_callbacks'])) {
return true;
* Delete
* Deletes row from database based on Primary keys.
static public function delete()
// if ($this->_delete_from_db('delete')) {
// foreach (array_keys(get_object_vars($this)) as $p)
// unset($this->$p);
// return true;
// }
// return false;
# Deletes current model from database but keeps model's properties.
public function destroy()
return $this->_delete_from_db('destroy');
public function errors()
if (!$this->errors)
$this->errors = new ActiveModel\Errors();
return $this->errors;
public function reload()
try {
$data = $this->_get_stored_data();
} catch (Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) {
return false;
$cn = get_called_class();
$refl = new \ReflectionClass($cn);
$reflProps = $refl->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED);
$defProps = $refl->getDefaultProperties();
foreach ($reflProps as $reflProp) {
if ($reflProp->getDeclaringClass() == $cn && !$reflProp->isStatic()) {
$this->{$reflProp->name} = $defProps[$reflProp->name];
$this->isNewRecord = false;
$this->attributes = $data->attributes();
$this->loadedAssociations = [];
return true;
public function asJson()
return $this->attributes();
public function toJson()
return json_encode($this->asJson());
public function toXml(array $params = [])
if (!isset($params['attributes'])) {
// $this->_merge_model_attributes();
$attrs = $this->attributes();
} else {
$attrs = $params['attributes'];
!isset($params['root']) && $params['root'] = strtolower(str_replace('_', '-', self::cn()));
if (!isset($params['builder'])) {
$xml = new \Rails\Xml\Xml($attrs, $params);
return $xml->output();
} else {
$builder = $params['builder'];
$builder->build($attrs, $params);
* ***************************
* Default protected methods {
* ***************************
* attrAccessible and attrProtected can be found in Base\Methods\AttributeMethods.
* associations can be found in Base\Methods\AssociationMethods
* Code executed when initializing the object.
* Called by _create_model() and _create_do().
protected function init()
* Example:
* return [
* // Validate attributes
* 'attribute_name' => [
* 'property' => rules...
* ],
* // Passing a value or an index that isn't recognized as
* // attribute will be considered as custom validation method.
* 'methodName',
* 'method2Name' => [ 'on' => [ actions... ] ],
* ];
* Custom validation methods must set the error manually. They aren't expected to
* return anything.
protected function validations()
return [];
protected function callbacks()
return [];
/* } */
* Returns model's current data in the database or using storedAttributes.
protected function _get_stored_data()
if (!($prim_key = static::table()->primaryKey()) && !$this->storedAttributes) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
"Can't find data without primary key nor storedAttributes"
$query = static::none();
if ($prim_key) {
$query->where('`'.$prim_key.'` = ?', $this->$prim_key);
} else {
$model = new static();
$cols_names = static::table()->columnNames();
foreach ($this->storedAttributes as $name => $value) {
if (in_array($name, $cols_names)) {
$model->attributes[$name] = $value;
if (!$model->attributes)
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
"Model rebuilt from storedAttributes failed"
return $model;
$current = $query->first();
if (!$current)
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
"Row not found in database (searched with storedAttributes)"
return $current;
public function runCallbacks($callback_name)
$callbacks = array();
$tmp = $this->callbacks();
if (isset($tmp[$callback_name])) {
$callbacks = $tmp[$callback_name];
$callbacks = array_unique(array_filter(array_merge($callbacks, $this->_get_parents_callbacks($callback_name))));
if ($callbacks) {
foreach ($callbacks as $method) {
if (false === $this->$method()) {
return false;
return true;
private function _get_parents_callbacks($callback_name)
$all_callbacks = array();
if (($class = get_parent_class($this)) != 'Rails\ActiveRecord\Base') {
$class = self::cn();
$obj = new $class();
while (($class = get_parent_class($obj)) != 'Rails\ActiveRecord\Base') {
$obj = new $class();
if ($callbacks = $obj->callbacks()) {
if (isset($callbacks[$callback_name]))
$all_callbacks = array_merge($callbacks, $callbacks[$callback_name]);
return $all_callbacks;
* @return bool
* @see validations()
private function _validate_data($action)
if (!$this->runCallbacks('before_validation'))
return false;
$validation_success = true;
$modelClass = get_called_class();
$classProps = get_class_vars($modelClass);
foreach ($this->validations() as $attrName => $validations) {
* This should only happen when passing a custom validation method with
* no validation options.
if (is_int($attrName)) {
$attrName = $validations;
$validations = [];
if (static::isAttribute($attrName) || array_key_exists($attrName, $classProps)) {
foreach ($validations as $type => $params) {
if (!is_array($params)) {
$params = [$params];
if ($modelClass::isAttribute($attrName)) {
$value = $this->getAttribute($attrName);
} else {
$value = $this->$attrName;
$validation = new Validator($type, $value, $params);
$validation->set_params($action, $this, $attrName);
if (!$validation->validate()->success()) {
$validation_success = false;
} else {
* The attrName passed isn't an attribute nor a property, so we assume it's a method.
* $attrName becomes the name of the method.
* $validations becomes validation options.
if (!empty($validations['on']) && !in_array($action, $validations['on'])) {
// $this->getAttribute($attrName);
if ($this->errors()->any()) {
$validation_success = false;
return $validation_success;
private function _create_do()
if (!$this->runCallbacks('before_validation_on_create')) {
return false;
} elseif (!$this->_validate_data('create')) {
return false;
if (!$this->runCallbacks('before_save'))
return false;
if (!$this->runCallbacks('before_create'))
return false;
$cols_values = $cols_names = array();
// $this->_merge_model_attributes();
foreach ($this->attributes() as $attr => $val) {
$proper = static::properAttrName($attr);
if (!static::table()->columnExists($proper)) {
$cols_names[] = '`'.$attr.'`';
$cols_values[] = $val;
$init_attrs[$attr] = $val;
if (!$cols_values)
return false;
$binding_marks = implode(', ', array_fill(0, (count($cols_names)), '?'));
$cols_names = implode(', ', $cols_names);
$sql = 'INSERT INTO `'.static::tableName().'` ('.$cols_names.') VALUES ('.$binding_marks.')';
array_unshift($cols_values, $sql);
$id = static::connection()->lastInsertId();
$primary_key = static::table()->primaryKey();
if ($primary_key && count($primary_key) == 1) {
if (!$id) {
$this->errors()->addToBase('Couldn\'t retrieve new primary key.');
return false;
if ($pri_key = static::table()->primaryKey()) {
$this->setAttribute($pri_key, $id);
} else {
$this->storedAttributes = $init_attrs;
$this->isNewRecord = false;
// $this->init();
return true;
private function _save_do()
$w = $wd = $q = $d = array();
$dt = static::table()->columnNames();
try {
$current = $this->_get_stored_data();
} catch (Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) {
$has_primary_keys = false;
foreach (static::table()->indexes() as $idx) {
$w[] = '`'.$idx.'` = ?';
$wd[] = $current->$idx;
if ($w) {
$has_primary_keys = true;
// $this->_merge_model_attributes();
foreach ($this->attributes() as $prop => $val) {
# Can't update properties that don't have a column in DB, or
# PRImary keys, or time columns.
if (!in_array($prop, $dt) || $prop == 'created_at' || $prop == 'updated_at' ||
$prop == 'created_on' || $prop == 'updated_on'
) {
} elseif (!$has_primary_keys) {
$w[] = '`'.$prop.'` = ?';
$wd[] = $current->$prop;
// foreach ($current->attributes() as $
// } elseif (!$has_primary_keys && $val === $current->$prop) {
// $w[] = '`'.$prop.'` = ?';
// $wd[] = $current->$prop;
// } else
if ($val != $current->$prop) {
$this->setChangedAttribute($prop, $current->$prop);
$q[] = '`'.$prop.'` = ?';
$d[] = $val;
# Update `updated_at|on` if exists.
if ($this->_check_time_column('updated_at')) {
$q[] = "`updated_at` = ?";
$d[] = $this->updated_at;
} elseif ($this->_check_time_column('updated_on')) {
$q[] = "`updated_on` = ?";
$d[] = $this->updated_on;
if ($q) {
$q = "UPDATE `" . static::tableName() . "` SET " . implode(', ', $q);
$w && $q .= ' WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $w);
$q .= ' LIMIT 1';
$d = array_merge($d, $wd);
array_unshift($d, $q);
if (ActiveRecord::lastError()) {
return false;
return true;
private function _delete_from_db($type)
if (!$this->runCallbacks('before_'.$type)) {
return false;
$w = $wd = [];
if ($keys = self::table()->indexes()) {
foreach ($keys as $k) {
$w[] = '`' . static::tableName() . '`.`'.$k.'` = ?';
$wd[] = $this->$k;
} elseif ($this->storedAttributes) {
foreach ($this->storedAttributes as $attr => $val) {
$w[] = '`'.$attr.'` = ?';
$wd[] = $val;
} else {
throw new Exception\LogicException(
"Can't delete model without attributes"
$w = implode(' AND ', $w);
$query = 'DELETE FROM `' . static::tableName() . '` WHERE '.$w;
array_unshift($wd, $query);
return true;
private function _register()
* Check time column
* Called by save() and create(), checks if $column
* exists and automatically sets a value to it.
private function _check_time_column($column)
if (!static::table()->columnExists($column))
return false;
$type = static::table()->columnType($column);
if ($type == 'datetime')
$time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
elseif ($type == 'year')
$time = date('Y');
elseif ($type == 'date')
$time = date('Y-m-d');
elseif ($type == 'time')
$time = date('H:i:s');
elseif ($type == 'timestamp')
$time = time();
return false;
$this->attributes[$column] = $time;
return true;
private function _update_init_attrs()
foreach (array_keys($this->storedAttributes) as $name) {
if (isset($this->attributes[$name]))
$this->storedAttributes[$name] = $this->attributes[$name];
protected function getterExists($attrName)
if (is_int(strpos($attrName, '_'))) {
$inflector = Rails::services()->get('inflector');
$getter = 'get' . $inflector->camelize($attrName);
} else {
$getter = 'get' . ucfirst($attrName);
$reflection = self::getReflection();
if ($reflection->hasMethod($getter) && $reflection->getMethod($getter)->isPublic()) {
return $getter;
} else {
return false;
protected function setterExists($attrName)
if (is_int(strpos($attrName, '_'))) {
$inflector = Rails::services()->get('inflector');
$setter = 'set' . $inflector->camelize($attrName);
} else {
$setter = 'set' . ucfirst($attrName);
$reflection = self::getReflection();
if ($reflection->hasMethod($setter) && $reflection->getMethod($setter)->isPublic()) {
return $setter;
} else {
return false;