:warning: For fork developers: Please don't build using GitHub Actions, as GitHub will count your forked GitHub Actions usage against this upstream repository, which may cause this upstream repository gets disabled by GitHub staff like [MagiskOnWSA](https://github.com/LSPosed/MagiskOnWSA) because of numerous forks building GitHub Actions, and counting the forks' Action usage against this upstream repository.
9. If you are running the script for the first time, it will take some time to complete. After the script completes, two new folders named `output` and `download` will be generated in the `MagiskOnWSALocal` folder. Go to the `output` folder. While running the `./run.sh` script in the step 3, if you selected `Yes` for `Do you want to compress the output?` then in `output` folder you will see a compressed file called `WSA-with-magisk-stable-MindTheGapps_2207.40000.8.0_x64_Release-Nightly`or else there will be folder with the `WSA-with-magisk-stable-MindTheGapps_2207.40000.8.0_x64_Release-Nightly`. If there is a folder open it and skip to step 10. NOTE: The name of compressed file or the folder generated in the `output` folder may be different for you. It will be dependent on the choices made when executing `./run.sh`.
10. Extract the compressed file and open the folder created after the extraction of the file.
11. Here look for file `Run.bat` and run it.
- If you previously have a MagiskOnWSA installation, it will automatically uninstall the previous one while **preserving all user data** and install the new one, so don't worry about your data.
- If you have an official WSA installation, you should uninstall it first. (In case you want to preserve your data, you can backup `%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\MicrosoftCorporationII.WindowsSubsystemForAndroid_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\userdata.vhdx` before uninstallation and restore it after installation.)
- If the popup windows disappear **without asking administrative permission** and WSA is not installed successfully, you should manually run `Install.ps1` as Administrator:
1. Press `Win+x` and select `Windows Terminal (Admin)`.
2. Input `cd "{X:\path\to\your\extracted\folder}"` and press `enter`, and remember to replace `{X:\path\to\your\extracted\folder}` including the `{}`, for example `cd "D:\wsa"`
3. Input `PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\Install.ps1` and press `Enter`.
4. The script will run and WSA will be installed.
5. If this workaround does not work, your PC is not supported for WSA.
12. Magisk/Play Store will be launched. Enjoy by installing LSPosed-Zygisk with Zygisk enabled or Riru and LSPosed-Riru.
`Install.ps1` helps you enable it if not enabled. After rebooting, rerun `Install.ps1` to install WSA. If it's still not working, you have to enable virtualization in BIOS. That's a long story so ask Google for help.
No way in WSA since it's mounted as read-only by Hyper-V. You can modify the system by making a Magisk module. Or directly modify the system.img. Ask Google for help.
Magisk actively removes the online module repository. You can install the module locally or by `adb push module.zip /data/local/tmp` and `adb shell su -c magisk --install-module /data/local/tmp/module.zip`.
You can download from here [MindTheGapps](https://androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=322935) ([mirror](http://downloads.codefi.re/jdcteam/javelinanddart/gapps)).
This is certainly available, Microsoft's change of read-only partition from 2305's EROFS to read-only EXT4 only affects the read-only system partition.
- [Magisk](https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk): The most famous root solution on Android
- ~~[The Open GApps Project](https://opengapps.org): One of the most famous Google Apps packages solution~~
- [WSA-Kernel-SU](https://github.com/LSPosed/WSA-Kernel-SU) and [kernel-assisted-superuser](https://git.zx2c4.com/kernel-assisted-superuser/): The kernel `su` for debugging Magisk Integration
- ~~[WSAGAScript](https://github.com/ADeltaX/WSAGAScript): The first GApps integration script for WSA~~
- ~~[erofs-utils](https://github.com/sekaiacg/erofs-utils): Pre-build `erofs-utils` with erofsfuse enabled~~