# WSABuilds
## Issue: Error 0x80073D10 when "Run.bat" is executed to install Windows Subystem for Android (WSA)
### Preface:
##### This issue is caused when your are trying to install the incorrect WSA package for your CPU Archetecture. For example, you are mistakenly trying to install the arm64 package on your x64 system.
## Solution
**1. To ensure that you download the correct package for your CPU archtecture, go to the [Downloads Section](https://github.com/MustardChef/WSABuilds#downloads) in the Readme.md**
**2. Click on the badge/button matching your Operating System (OS) and CPU Archetecture**
**3. Download the package and then install it, by following the [Installation guide](https://github.com/MustardChef/WSABuilds#--installation) in README.md**
**4. Enjoy**