# WSABuilds
## Issue: Error stating that "Path is too long" when extracting files from .zip archive, needed to install Windows Subystem for Android (WSA)
### Preface:
##### This issue is caused if the folder name is too long. This is the typically the case as MagiskOnWSALocal script tends to generate a long string for the .zip file and the folder within the archive.
## Solution
The solution is simple, all you have to do is:
**1. Rename the .zip folder to a shorter name, which can be anything to your choosing (For example: WSA_2XXX.XXXXX.X.X_XXXX_Release-Nightly-with-magisk-XXXXXXX-XXXXXX-MindTheGapps-XX.X-RemovedAmazon ----> WSAArchive2XXX)**
**2. Rename the extracted folder to a shorter name, which can be anything to your choosing (For example: WSA_2XXX.XXXXX.X.X_XXXX_Release-Nightly-with-magisk-XXXXXXX-XXXXXX-MindTheGapps-XX.X-RemovedAmazon ----> WSAExtracted2XXX)**
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