#!/bin/bash # # This file is part of MagiskOnWSALocal. # # MagiskOnWSALocal is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # MagiskOnWSALocal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with MagiskOnWSALocal. If not, see . # # Copyright (C) 2023 LSPosed Contributors # if [ ! "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then echo "Please do not use sh to run this script, just execute it directly" 1>&2 exit 1 fi cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit 1 abort() { [ "$1" ] && echo "ERROR: $1" echo "Dependencies: an error has occurred, exit" exit 1 } require_su() { if test "$(id -u)" != "0"; then if [ "$(sudo id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "sudo is required to run this script" abort fi fi } echo "Checking and ensuring dependencies" check_dependencies() { command -v whiptail >/dev/null 2>&1 || command -v dialog >/dev/null 2>&1 || NEED_INSTALL+=("whiptail") command -v pip >/dev/null 2>&1 || NEED_INSTALL+=("python3-pip") command -v aria2c >/dev/null 2>&1 || NEED_INSTALL+=("aria2") command -v 7z >/dev/null 2>&1 || NEED_INSTALL+=("p7zip-full") command -v unzip >/dev/null 2>&1 || NEED_INSTALL+=("unzip") } check_dependencies osrel=$(sed -n '/^ID_LIKE=/s/^.*=//p' /etc/os-release) declare -A os_pm_install # os_pm_install["/etc/redhat-release"]=yum os_pm_install["/etc/arch-release"]=pacman os_pm_install["/etc/gentoo-release"]=emerge os_pm_install["/etc/SuSE-release"]=zypper os_pm_install["/etc/debian_version"]=apt-get # os_pm_install["/etc/alpine-release"]=apk declare -A PM_UPDATE_MAP PM_UPDATE_MAP["yum"]="check-update" PM_UPDATE_MAP["pacman"]="-Syu --noconfirm" PM_UPDATE_MAP["emerge"]="-auDU1 @world" PM_UPDATE_MAP["zypper"]="ref" PM_UPDATE_MAP["apt-get"]="update" PM_UPDATE_MAP["apk"]="update" declare -A PM_INSTALL_MAP PM_INSTALL_MAP["yum"]="install -y" PM_INSTALL_MAP["pacman"]="-S --noconfirm --needed" PM_INSTALL_MAP["emerge"]="-a" PM_INSTALL_MAP["zypper"]="in -y" PM_INSTALL_MAP["apt-get"]="install -y" PM_INSTALL_MAP["apk"]="add" declare -A PM_UPGRADE_MAP PM_UPGRADE_MAP["apt-get"]="upgrade -y" PM_UPGRADE_MAP["zypper"]="up -y" check_package_manager() { for f in "${!os_pm_install[@]}"; do if [[ -f $f ]]; then PM="${os_pm_install[$f]}" break fi done if [[ "$osrel" = *"suse"* ]]; then PM="zypper" fi if [ -n "$PM" ]; then readarray -td ' ' UPDATE_OPTION <<<"${PM_UPDATE_MAP[$PM]} " unset 'UPDATE_OPTION[-1]' readarray -td ' ' INSTALL_OPTION <<<"${PM_INSTALL_MAP[$PM]} " unset 'INSTALL_OPTION[-1]' readarray -td ' ' UPGRADE_OPTION <<<"${PM_UPGRADE_MAP[$PM]} " unset 'UPGRADE_OPTION[-1]' fi } check_package_manager require_su if [ -z "$PM" ]; then echo "Unable to determine package manager: Unsupported distros" abort elif [[ "$PM" =~ pacman|emerge ]]; then [ "$PM" = "emerge" ] && (sudo emerge -qoO aria2[adns] || abort) i=30 while ((i-- > 1)) && ! read -r -sn 1 -t 1 -p $'\r:: Proceed with full system upgrade? Cancel after '$i$'s.. [y/N]\e[0K ' answer; do : done [[ $answer == [yY] ]] && answer=Yes || answer=No echo "$answer" case "$answer" in Yes) if ! (sudo "$PM" "${UPDATE_OPTION[@]}" ca-certificates); then abort; fi ;; *) abort "Operation cancelled by user" ;; esac else if ! (sudo "$PM" "${UPDATE_OPTION[@]}" && sudo "$PM" "${UPGRADE_OPTION[@]}" ca-certificates); then abort; fi fi if [ -n "${NEED_INSTALL[*]}" ]; then if [ "$PM" = "zypper" ]; then NEED_INSTALL_FIX=${NEED_INSTALL[*]} { NEED_INSTALL_FIX=${NEED_INSTALL_FIX//whiptail/dialog} 2>&1 } >>/dev/null readarray -td ' ' NEED_INSTALL <<<"$NEED_INSTALL_FIX " unset 'NEED_INSTALL[-1]' elif [ "$PM" = "apk" ]; then NEED_INSTALL_FIX=${NEED_INSTALL[*]} readarray -td ' ' NEED_INSTALL <<<"${NEED_INSTALL_FIX//p7zip-full/p7zip} " unset 'NEED_INSTALL[-1]' elif [ "$PM" = "pacman" ]; then NEED_INSTALL_FIX=${NEED_INSTALL[*]} { NEED_INSTALL_FIX=${NEED_INSTALL_FIX//whiptail/libnewt} 2>&1 NEED_INSTALL_FIX=${NEED_INSTALL_FIX//python3-pip/python-pip} 2>&1 NEED_INSTALL_FIX=${NEED_INSTALL_FIX//p7zip-full/p7zip} 2>&1 } >>/dev/null readarray -td ' ' NEED_INSTALL <<<"$NEED_INSTALL_FIX " unset 'NEED_INSTALL[-1]' elif [ "$PM" = "emerge" ]; then NEED_INSTALL_FIX=${NEED_INSTALL[*]} { NEED_INSTALL_FIX=${NEED_INSTALL_FIX//whiptail/dialog} 2>&1 NEED_INSTALL_FIX=${NEED_INSTALL_FIX//python3-pip/dev-python/pip} 2>&1 NEED_INSTALL_FIX=${NEED_INSTALL_FIX//p7zip-full/p7zip} 2>&1 } >>/dev/null readarray -td ' ' NEED_INSTALL <<<"$NEED_INSTALL_FIX " unset 'NEED_INSTALL[-1]' fi if ! (sudo "$PM" "${INSTALL_OPTION[@]}" "${NEED_INSTALL[@]}"); then abort; fi fi python_version=$(python3 -c 'import sys;print("{0}{1}".format(*(sys.version_info[:2])))') PYTHON_VENV_DIR="$(dirname "$PWD")/python3-env" if [ "$python_version" -ge 311 ] || [ -f "$PYTHON_VENV_DIR/bin/activate" ]; then python3 -c "import venv" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { case "$PM" in zypper) if ! (sudo "$PM" "${INSTALL_OPTION[@]}" "python3-venvctrl"); then abort fi ;; *) if ! (sudo "$PM" "${INSTALL_OPTION[@]}" "python3-venv"); then abort fi ;; esac } echo "Creating python3 virtual env" python3 -m venv --system-site-packages "$PYTHON_VENV_DIR" || { echo "Failed to upgrade python3 virtual env, clear and recreate" python3 -m venv --clear --system-site-packages "$PYTHON_VENV_DIR" || abort "Failed to create python3 virtual env" } fi if [ -f "$PYTHON_VENV_DIR/bin/activate" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source "$PYTHON_VENV_DIR"/bin/activate || abort "Failed to activate python3 virtual env" python3 -c "import pkg_resources; pkg_resources.require(open('requirements.txt',mode='r'))" &>/dev/null || { echo "Installing Python3 dependencies" python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt || abort "Failed to install python3 dependencies" } deactivate else python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt -q || abort "Failed to install python3 dependencies" fi