import os import json import requests import logging import subprocess logging.captureWarnings(True) env_file = os.getenv('GITHUB_ENV') new_version_found = False currentver = requests.get(f"").text.replace('\n', '') git = ( "git checkout -f update || git switch --discard-changes --orphan update" ) with open('gapps.appversion', 'w') as file: file.write(currentver) if not new_version_found: latestver = "" mtgmsg = "" latestver = json.loads(requests.get(f"").content)['name'].replace('\n', '') mtgmsg="Update MindTheGapps Version from `v" + currentver + "` to `v" + latestver + "`" if currentver != latestver: print("New version found: " + latestver) new_version_found = True subprocess.Popen(git, shell=True, stdout=None, stderr=None, executable='/bin/bash').wait() with open('gapps.appversion', 'w+') as file: file.truncate() file.write(latestver) with open(env_file, "a") as wr: wr.write(f"MTG_MSG={mtgmsg}\n") else: mtgmsg = "MindTheGapps Package Version: `" + latestver + "`" with open(env_file, "a") as wr: wr.write(f"MTG_MSG={mtgmsg}\n") file.close()