name: Custom Build (for testing purpose) run-name: WSA ${{ inputs.release_type }} ${{ inputs.arch }} with ${{ inputs.root_sol }} and ${{ inputs.gapps_brand }} as ${{ inputs.custom_model }} on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: wintype: type: choice description: Target Windows version. required: true options: ["Windows 10","Windows 11"] default: "Windows 11" arch: type: choice description: Target CPU architecture of WSA. required: true options: [x64, arm64] default: x64 release_type: type: choice description: WSA Release Channel required: true options: ["Retail","Release Preview","Insider Slow","Insider Fast","Insider Private"] default: "Retail" user_code: type: string description: User code for WSA Insider User (Optional) required: false default: "" root_sol: type: choice description: Root solution required: true options: ["Non-root","KernelSU","Magisk Stable","Magisk Beta","Magisk Canary","Magisk Debug","Magisk Alpha (vvb2060)","Magisk Delta (HuskyDG)"] default: "Magisk Stable" gapps_brand: type: choice description: Google Apps brand required: true options: ["MindTheGapps v13.0","No GApps"] default: "MindTheGapps v13.0" custom_model: type: choice description: Custom model required: true options: ["WSA Default", "Pixel 4a", "Pixel 4a (5G)", "Pixel 5", "Pixel 5a", "Pixel 6", "Pixel 6 Pro", "Pixel 6a", "Pixel 7", "Pixel 7 Pro", "Pixel 7a", "Pixel Tablet", "Pixel Fold"] default: "Pixel 5" compression: type: choice description: Compression format. required: true options: [".zip",".7z"] default: ".7z" remove_amazon: description: "Remove Amazon Appstore from the system" required: true default: true type: boolean jobs: build: name: Build WSA runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Check inputs run: | if [[ "${{ github.event.inputs.wintype }}" == "Windows 10" && "${{ github.event.inputs.arch }}" == "arm64" ]]; then echo "Windows 10 patch does not support arm64 architecture" exit 1 else echo "Inputs are valid" fi - name: Checkout ♻️ uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Setup Python 👷 uses: actions/setup-python@v5 with: check-latest: true python-version: '3.x' cache: 'pip' cache-dependency-path: MagiskOnWSA/scripts/ - name: Setup Python3 Virtual Enviroment 🐍 working-directory: MagiskOnWSA/scripts run: | sudo apt-get update PYTHON_VENV_DIR="$(dirname "$PWD")/python3-env" python3 -m venv "$PYTHON_VENV_DIR" || abort "Failed to create python3 virtual env" # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source "$PYTHON_VENV_DIR/bin/activate" || abort "Failed to activate python3 virtual env" python3 -c "import pkg_resources; pkg_resources.require(open('requirements.txt',mode='r'))" &>/dev/null || { echo "Installing Python3 dependencies" python3 -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt || abort "Failed to install python3 dependencies" } deactivate - name: Install Ubuntu Dependencies 🧑‍🏭 uses: awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action@v1 with: packages: e2fsprogs attr unzip qemu-utils python3-venv version: 1.0 - name: Build WSA 🏗️ id: wsa working-directory: MagiskOnWSA run: | declare -A opts=( ["RELEASE_TYPE,Retail"]="retail" ["RELEASE_TYPE,Release Preview"]="RP" ["RELEASE_TYPE,Insider Slow"]="WIS" ["RELEASE_TYPE,Insider Fast"]="WIF" ["RELEASE_TYPE,Insider Private"]="latest" ["ROOT_SOL,Magisk Stable"]="stable" ["ROOT_SOL,Magisk Beta"]="beta" ["ROOT_SOL,Magisk Canary"]="canary" ["ROOT_SOL,Magisk Debug"]="debug" ["ROOT_SOL,Magisk Delta (HuskyDG)"]="delta" ["ROOT_SOL,Magisk Alpha (vvb2060)"]="alpha" ["ROOT_SOL,KernelSU"]="kernelsu" ["ROOT_SOL,Non-root"]="none" ["GAPPS_BRAND,MindTheGapps v13.0"]="MindTheGapps" ["GAPPS_BRAND,No GApps"]="none" ["CUSTOM_MODEL,WSA Default"]="none" ["CUSTOM_MODEL,Pixel 4a"]="sunfish" ["CUSTOM_MODEL,Pixel 4a (5G)"]="bramble" ["CUSTOM_MODEL,Pixel 5"]="redfin" ["CUSTOM_MODEL,Pixel 5a"]="barbet" ["CUSTOM_MODEL,Pixel 6 Pro"]="raven" ["CUSTOM_MODEL,Pixel 6"]="oriole" ["CUSTOM_MODEL,Pixel 6a"]="bluejay" ["CUSTOM_MODEL,Pixel 7"]="panther" ["CUSTOM_MODEL,Pixel 7 Pro"]="cheetah" ["CUSTOM_MODEL,Pixel 7a"]="lynx" ["CUSTOM_MODEL,Pixel Tablet"]="tangorpro" ["CUSTOM_MODEL,Pixel Fold"]="felix" ["REMOVE_AMAZON,true"]="--remove-amazon" ["COMPRESSION,.zip"]="zip" ["COMPRESSION,.7z"]="7z" ) if [[ "${{ inputs.root_sol }}" == *Magisk* ]]; then MAGISK_VER="${opts[ROOT_SOL,${{ inputs.root_sol }}]}" ROOT_SOL="magisk" else MAGISK_VER="${opts[ROOT_SOL,Magisk Stable]}" ROOT_SOL="${opts[ROOT_SOL,${{ inputs.root_sol }}]}" fi chmod -R 777 ./ mkdir -p download echo -e "user_code=$(cat $GITHUB_EVENT_PATH | jq -r '.inputs.user_code')" > download/.ms_account ./scripts/ --arch ${{ inputs.arch }} --release-type ${opts[RELEASE_TYPE,${{ inputs.release_type }}]} --magisk-ver $MAGISK_VER --gapps-brand ${opts[GAPPS_BRAND,${{ inputs.gapps_brand }}]} --custom-model ${opts[CUSTOM_MODEL,${{ inputs.custom_model }}]} --root-sol $ROOT_SOL --compress-format ${opts[COMPRESSION,${{ inputs.compression }}]} ${opts[REMOVE_AMAZON,${{ inputs.remove_amazon }}]} --after-compress env: API_KEY: ${{ secrets.API_KEY }} - name: Pass to Windows 💸 uses: actions/cache/save@v3 with: path: output key: ${{ steps.wsa.outputs.artifact }}-${{ steps.wsa.outputs.built }} enableCrossOsArchive: true outputs: artifact: ${{ steps.wsa.outputs.artifact }} built: ${{ steps.wsa.outputs.built }} make-pri: name: Merge PRI resources runs-on: windows-latest needs: build steps: - name: Checkout ♻️ uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Download built artifact ⌛ uses: actions/cache/restore@v3 with: path: output key: ${{ }}-${{ }} enableCrossOsArchive: true fail-on-cache-miss: true - name: Merge language and density resources 🧙🏻‍♂️ run: | if ("${{ inputs.arch }}" -eq "x64") { (Start-Process pwsh.exe -NoNewWindow -PassThru -Args "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File MakePri.ps1" -WorkingDirectory "${{ github.workspace }}\output\${{ }}").WaitForExit() } else { Copy-Item -Force "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\arm64\makepri.exe" "${{ github.workspace }}\output\${{ }}" } - name: Compact Images 💿 run: | foreach ($Partition in 'system','product','system_ext','vendor') { Write-Output "Optimizing of $Partition..." Write-Output "SELECT VDISK FILE=`"${{ github.workspace }}\output\${{ }}\$Partition.vhdx`"` ATTACH VDISK READONLY` COMPACT VDISK` DETACH VDISK" | Set-Content -Path "$Partition.txt" -Encoding Ascii Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Wait "diskpart.exe" -Args "/s $Partition.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput NUL } - name: Run WSA Windows 10 PowerShell Patch Script if: inputs.wintype == 'Windows 10' run: | Write-Output "`r`nPatching Windows 10 AppxManifest file..." $outputDir = "${{ github.workspace }}\output\${{ }}" $xml = [xml](Get-Content "$outputDir\AppxManifest.xml") $nsm = New-Object Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($xml.NameTable) $nsm.AddNamespace('rescap', "") $nsm.AddNamespace('desktop6', "") $node = $xml.Package.Capabilities.SelectSingleNode("rescap:Capability[@Name='customInstallActions']", $nsm) $xml.Package.Capabilities.RemoveChild($node) | Out-Null $node = $xml.Package.Extensions.SelectSingleNode("desktop6:Extension[@Category='windows.customInstall']", $nsm) $xml.Package.Extensions.RemoveChild($node) | Out-Null $xml.Package.Dependencies.TargetDeviceFamily.MinVersion = "10.0.19041.264" $xml.Save("$outputDir\AppxManifest.xml") Write-Output "`r`nDownloading modifided DLL file..." $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "$outputDir\WSAClient\winhttp.dll" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "$outputDir\WSAClient\WsaPatch.dll" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "$outputDir\WSAClient\icu.dll" shell: pwsh - name: Compress 7-Zip and Add checksum (Windows 10) ✔️ if: inputs.compression == '.7z' && inputs.wintype == 'Windows 10' working-directory: output run: | 7z a -t7z -mx=6 -m0=LZMA2 -ms=on -mmt=8 -sdel -- ${{ }}_Windows_10.7z ${{ }}\* ($(Get-FileHash -Path ${{ }}_Windows_10.7z -Algorithm SHA256).Hash.ToLower().ToString() + " " + "${{ }}_Windows_10.7z") | Out-File -FilePath sha256-checksum.txt -Encoding UTF8 - name: Compress 7-Zip and Add checksum (Windows 11) ✔️ if: inputs.compression == '.7z' working-directory: output run: | 7z a -t7z -mx=6 -m0=LZMA2 -ms=on -mmt=8 -sdel -- ${{ }}.7z ${{ }}\* ($(Get-FileHash -Path ${{ }}.7z -Algorithm SHA256).Hash.ToLower().ToString() + " " + "${{ }}.7z") | Out-File -FilePath sha256-checksum.txt -Encoding UTF8 - name: Upload Windows 11 Artifact 📦 uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: ${{ }}-compressed path: output - name: Upload Windows 10 Artifact 📦 if: inputs.wintype == 'Windows 10' uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: ${{ }}_Windows_10-compressed path: output