name: Build MagiskOnWSA on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: arch: description: "WSA Architecture" required: true default: "X86_64" type: choice options: - X86_64 - AArch64 release_type: description: "WSA Release Channel" required: true default: "Dev Channel" type: choice options: - General Availability Channel - Release Preview Channel - Beta Channel - Dev Channel magisk_ver: description: "Magisk Version" required: true default: "Stable" type: choice options: - None - Stable - Beta - Canary - Debug - Custom (URL) magisk_url: description: "Custom Magisk APK/ZIP URL" required: false type: string gapps_var: description: "GApps Variant" required: true default: "Full" type: choice options: - None - Pico - Full - MindTheGapps (URL) mindthegapps_url: description: "MindTheGapps ZIP URL" required: false type: string remove_amazon: description: "Remove Amazon AppStore" required: false default: true type: boolean offline_mode: description: "Offline Mode" required: false default: false type: boolean permissions: contents: write jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install Dependencies working-directory: ./scripts run: | sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install setools lzip wine winetricks patchelf e2fsprogs python3-pip aria2 python3 -m pip install requests cp -r ../wine/.cache/* ~/.cache winetricks msxml6 - name: Build MagiskOnWSA working-directory: ./scripts run: | DOWNLOAD_DIR=../download DOWNLOAD_CONF_NAME=download.list declare -A opts=( ["ARCH,X86_64"]="x64" ["ARCH,AArch64"]="arm64" ["RELEASE_TYPE,General Availability Channel"]="retail" ["RELEASE_TYPE,Release Preview Channel"]="release preview" ["RELEASE_TYPE,Beta Channel"]="insider slow" ["RELEASE_TYPE,Dev Channel"]="insider fast" ["MAGISK_VER,Stable"]="stable" ["MAGISK_VER,Beta"]="beta" ["MAGISK_VER,Canary"]="canary" ["MAGISK_VER,Debug"]="debug" ["GAPPS_VAR,None"]="none" ["GAPPS_VAR,Pico"]="pico" ["GAPPS_VAR,Full"]="full" ["GAPPS_VAR,MindTheGapps (URL)"]="MindTheGapps" ["REMOVE_AMAZON,true"]="--remove-amazon" ["REMOVE_AMAZON,false"]="" ["OFFLINE_MODE,true"]="--offline" ["OFFLINE_MODE,false"]="" ) ARCH="${opts[ARCH,${{ inputs.arch }}]}" RELEASE_TYPE="${opts[RELEASE_TYPE,${{ inputs.release_type }}]}" if [ "${{inputs.magisk_ver }}" != "None" ]; then ROOT_SOL="magisk" if [ "${{ inputs.magisk_ver }}" != "Custom (URL)" ]; then MAGISK_VER="${opts[MAGISK_VER,${{ inputs.magisk_ver }}]}" else echo "${{ inputs.magisk_url }}" > "$DOWNLOAD_DIR"/"$DOWNLOAD_CONF_NAME" if ! aria2c --no-conf --log-level=info --log="$DOWNLOAD_DIR/aria2_custom_magisk_download.log" -R --allow-overwrite -d"$DOWNLOAD_DIR" -o -i"$DOWNLOAD_DIR"/"$DOWNLOAD_CONF_NAME"; then echo "Custom Magisk download error!" exit 1 fi CUSTOM_MAGISK="1" MAGISK_VER="${opts[MAGISK_VER,Debug]}" fi else ROOT_SOL="none" MAGISK_VER="${opts[MAGISK_VER,Stable]}" fi if [ "$ARCH" != "arm64" ]; then GAPPS_VAR="${opts[GAPPS_VAR,${{ inputs.gapps_var }}]}" else # TODO: keep it 11.0 since official opengapps does not support 12+ yet # As soon as opengapps is available for 12+, we need to get the sdk/release from build.prop and download the corresponding version GAPPS_VAR="pico" fi if [ "${{inputs.gapps_var }}" != "None" ]; then if [ "${{ inputs.gapps_var }}" != "MindTheGapps (URL)" ]; then GAPPS_BRAND="OpenGApps" else echo "${{ inputs.mindthegapps_url }}" > -i"$DOWNLOAD_DIR"/"$DOWNLOAD_CONF_NAME" if ! aria2c --no-conf --log-level=info --log="$DOWNLOAD_DIR/aria2_mindthegapps_download.log" -R --allow-overwrite -d"$DOWNLOAD_DIR" -o MindTheGapps-"$ARCH".zip -i"$DOWNLOAD_DIR"/"$DOWNLOAD_CONF_NAME"; then echo "MindTheGapps download error!" exit 1 fi GAPPS_BRAND="MindTheGapps" fi fi REMOVE_AMAZON="${opts[REMOVE_AMAZON,${{ inputs.remove_amazon }}]}" OFFLINE_MODE="${opts[OFFLINE_MODE,${{ inputs.offline_mode }}]}" COMMAND_LINE=(--arch "$ARCH" --release-type "$RELEASE_TYPE" --magisk-ver "$MAGISK_VER" --gapps-brand "$GAPPS_BRAND" --gapps-variant "$GAPPS_VARIANT" "$REMOVE_AMAZON" --root-sol "$ROOT_SOL" "$COMPRESS_OUTPUT" "$OFFLINE" "$DEBUG" "$CUSTOM_MAGISK") echo "COMMAND_LINE=${COMMAND_LINE[*]}" chmod +x / ./ "${COMMAND_LINE[@]}" - name: Generate Release Asset Name working-directory: ./output run: | magisk_ver="${{ inputs.magisk_ver }}" gapps_var="${{ inputs.gapps_var }}" remove_amazon="${{ inputs.remove_amazon }}" if [[ "$magisk_ver" = "None" ]]; then magiskVer="" elif [[ "$magisk_ver" = "Custom (URL)" ]]; then magiskVer="_Magisk-Custom" else magiskVer="_Magisk-$(curl -s$magisk_ver.json | jq -r ".magisk.version")" fi if [[ "$gapps_var" = "None" ]]; then gappsVar="" elif [[ "$gapps_var" = "MindTheGapps (URL)" ]]; then gappsVar="_MindTheGapps" else gappsVar="_${gapps_var}-OpenGApps" fi if [[ "$remove_amazon" == "true" ]]; then amazon="" else amazon="_Amazon-AppStore" fi echo "release_asset_name=WSA_${{ env.WSA_VER }}$magiskVer$gappsVar$amazon_${{ inputs.arch }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Compress Asset working-directory: ./output run: | find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type d -not -path './' -exec mv "{}" WSA \; zip -qrv "${{ env.release_asset_name }}.zip" ./* - name: Upload Asset uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: files: ./output/${{ env.release_asset_name }}.zip tag_name: WSA