2021-10-26 17:16:38 +08:00

168 lines
6.4 KiB

name: Magisk
description: 'Download link to magisk apk.'
required: true
description: 'Architecture to build. Should be x64 or arm64.'
required: true
default: 'x64'
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- name: Dependencies
run: |
pip3 install beautifulsoup4 lxml
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install setools
- name: Download AWS
shell: python
run: |
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import zipfile
import os
import urllib.request
res = requests.post("https://store.rg-adguard.net/api/GetFiles", "type=CategoryId&url=858014f3-3934-4abe-8078-4aa193e74ca8&ring=WIS&lang=en-US", headers={
"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
html = BeautifulSoup(res.content, "lxml")
a = html.find("a", string=re.compile("MicrosoftCorporationII\.WindowsSubsystemForAndroid_.*\.msixbundle"))
link = a["href"]
print(f"downloading link: {link}", flush=True)
out_file = "wsa.zip"
arch = "${{ github.event.inputs.arch }}"
if not os.path.isfile(out_file):
urllib.request.urlretrieve(link, out_file)
zip_name = ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(out_file) as zip:
for f in zip.filelist:
if f.filename.__contains__(arch):
zip_name = f.filename
if not os.path.isfile(zip_name):
print(f"unzipping to {zip_name}", flush=True)
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name) as zip:
if not os.path.isdir(arch):
print(f"unzipping from {zip_name}", flush=True)
print("done", flush=True)
- name: Download Magisk
shell: python
run: |
import urllib.request
import zipfile
import os
magisk_apk = """${{ github.event.inputs.magisk_apk }}"""
out_file = "magisk.zip"
arch = "${{ github.event.inputs.arch }}"
abi_map={"x64" : ["x86_64", "x86"], "arm64" : ["arm64-v8a", "armeabi-v7a"]}
if not os.path.isfile(out_file):
urllib.request.urlretrieve(magisk_apk, out_file)
def extract_as(zip, name, as_name, dir):
info = zip.getinfo(name)
info.filename = as_name
zip.extract(info, dir)
with zipfile.ZipFile(out_file) as zip:
extract_as(zip, f"lib/{ abi_map[arch][0] }/libmagisk64.so", "magisk64", "magisk")
extract_as(zip, f"lib/{ abi_map[arch][1] }/libmagisk32.so", "magisk32", "magisk")
extract_as(zip, f"lib/{ abi_map[arch][0] }/libmagiskinit.so", "magiskinit", "magisk")
- name: Expand images
run: |
e2fsck -yf ${{ github.event.inputs.arch }}/vendor.img
resize2fs ${{ github.event.inputs.arch }}/vendor.img 320M
- name: Mount images
run: |
sudo mkdir system
sudo mount -o loop ${{ github.event.inputs.arch }}/system.img system
sudo mount -o loop ${{ github.event.inputs.arch }}/vendor.img system/vendor
- name: Modify images
run: |
sudo mkdir system/sbin
sudo chcon --reference system/init.environ.rc system/sbin
sudo chown root:root system/sbin
sudo chmod 0700 system/sbin
sudo cp magisk/* system/sbin/
sudo find system/sbin -type f -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
sudo find system/sbin -type f -exec chown root:root {} \;
sudo find system/sbin -type f -exec chcon --reference system/product {} \;
ln -s magiskinit magisk/magiskpolicy
chmod +x magisk/magiskpolicy
echo '/dev/wsa-magisk(/.*)? u:object_r:magisk_file:s0' | sudo tee -a system/vendor/etc/selinux/vendor_file_contexts
sudo ./magisk/magiskpolicy --load system/vendor/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy --save system/vendor/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy --magisk "allow * magisk_file lnk_file *"
sudo tee -a system/system/etc/init/hw/init.rc <<EOF
on post-fs-data
start logd
start adbd
mkdir /dev/wsa-magisk
mount tmpfs tmpfs /dev/wsa-magisk mode=0755
copy /sbin/magisk64 /dev/wsa-magisk/magisk64
chmod 0755 /dev/wsa-magisk/magisk64
symlink ./magisk64 /dev/wsa-magisk/magisk
symlink ./magisk64 /dev/wsa-magisk/su
symlink ./magisk64 /dev/wsa-magisk/resetprop
copy /sbin/magisk32 /dev/wsa-magisk/magisk32
chmod 0755 /dev/wsa-magisk/magisk32
copy /sbin/magiskinit /dev/wsa-magisk/magiskinit
chmod 0755 /dev/wsa-magisk/magiskinit
symlink ./magiskinit /dev/wsa-magisk/magiskpolicy
mkdir /dev/wsa-magisk/.magisk 700
mkdir /dev/wsa-magisk/.magisk/mirror 700
mkdir /dev/wsa-magisk/.magisk/block 700
rm /dev/.magisk_unblock
start FAhW7H9G5sf
wait /dev/.magisk_unblock 10
rm /dev/.magisk_unblock
service FAhW7H9G5sf /dev/wsa-magisk/magisk --post-fs-data
user root
seclabel u:r:magisk:s0
service HLiFsR1HtIXVN6 /dev/wsa-magisk/magisk --service
class late_start
user root
seclabel u:r:magisk:s0
on property:sys.boot_completed=1
start YqCTLTppv3ML
service YqCTLTppv3ML /dev/wsa-magisk/magisk --boot-complete
user root
seclabel u:r:magisk:s0
- name: Umount images
run: |
sudo umount system/vendor
sudo umount system
- name: Remove signature
run: |
rm -rf ${{ github.event.inputs.arch }}/\[Content_Types\].xml ${{ github.event.inputs.arch }}/AppxBlockMap.xml ${{ github.event.inputs.arch }}/AppxSignature.p7x ${{ github.event.inputs.arch }}/AppxMetadata
- name: Upload WSA
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: WSA-with-Magisk
path: './${{ github.event.inputs.arch }}/*'