This Arduino code is written by a beginner for beginners, therefore I tried to comment every line of code. To an experienced coder this probably will seem very wrong but it really helps if you're just starting out.
Every submodule has it's own setup_XX() function that configures the needed pins and a submenu that lets you choose what you want to do.
The code directly addresses the pins via the DDR, PIN and PORT registers.
In an effort to keep the codebase as portable as possible instead of using the functions supplied by the OLED library directly to print out text, auxiliary functions like `println_Msg` are being used. So if you want to change to another display library you don't need to change all the code but only the helper functions.
For development purposes you can route all the text output to the Arduino's Serial Monitor instead of to the OLED screen. In this case you control the cart reader by typing numbers into the serial monitor corresponding to the action you want to perform. If you are asked to press the button just send a random number.