<h3>SparkFun Electronics' preferred foot prints</h3> In this library you'll find non-functional items- supply symbols, logos, notations, frame blocks, etc.<br><br> We've spent an enormous amount of time creating and checking these footprints and parts, but it is the end user's responsibility to ensure correctness and suitablity for a given componet or application. If you enjoy using this library, please buy one of our products at www.sparkfun.com. <br><br> <b>Licensing:</b> Creative Commons ShareAlike 4.0 International - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ <br><br> You are welcome to use this library for commercial purposes. For attribution, we ask that when you begin to sell your device using our footprint, you email us with a link to the product being sold. We want bragging rights that we helped (in a very small part) to create your 8th world wonder. We would like the opportunity to feature your device on our homepage. <h3>Schematic Frame - A4L - European Format</h3> <p>Standard A4 size frame in Landscape</p> <p>Devices using: <ul><li>FRAME-A4L</li></ul></p> >DRAWING_NAME >LAST_DATE_TIME >SHEET Sheet: >CNAME Rev: >DESIGNER >CREVISION <h3>Schematic Frame - A4L - European Format</h3> <p>Standard A4 size frame in Landscape</p> <b>SNES Cartridge Part Library</b><p> Contains board outlines and common chips used in Super Nintendo game cartridges. <ul> <li>MaskROM <li>SRAM <li>Address Decoder <li>Lockout chip </ul> Also contains many chips used in reproduction cartridges. <ul> <li>Flash ROM <li>SuperCIC lockout chip clone </ul> <author>Created by qwertymodo</author><p> Additional parts added by magno: <ul> <li>32Mbit UV EPROM <li>Various 74XXX decoders </ul> <p> Email: qwertymodo@gmail.com <b>SNES expansion cart</b><p> <b>NOTE:</b> Front side of board faces the back of the SNES console 1 4 28 31 62 59 35 32 55 50 45 40 5 10 15 20 25 <b>SNES Cartridge Slot</b><p> 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 31 32 35 40 45 50 55 60 62 32 35 40 1 5 10 15 45 20 50 55 25 60 62 30 31 <b>SNES Cartridge Slot</b><p> <p>Part cut to fit within EAGLE's 100mm size limitation 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 31 32 35 40 45 50 55 60 62 32 35 40 1 5 10 15 45 20 50 55 25 60 62 30 31 62-pin SNES cart edge with expansion connectors >VALUE 62-pin SNES cart edge with expansion connectors NES Pins >VALUE SNES CART TO DIP ADAPTER