//********************************************************* // BANDAI WONDERSWAN & BENESSE POCKET CHALLENGE V2 MODULE //********************************************************* #ifdef enable_WS // Cartridge pinout // 48P 1.25mm pitch connector // C1, C48 : GND // C24, C25 : VDD (+3.3v) // C16-C23 : D7-D0 // C34-C39 : D8-D13 // C14-C15 : D15-D14 // C26-C29 : A(-1)-A2 // C10-C13 : A6-A3 // C30-C33 : A18-A15 // C2,C3,C4,C5 : A14,A9,A10,A8 // C6,C7,C8,C9 : A7,A12,A13,A11 // C40 : /RST // C41 : /IO? (only use when unlocking MMC) // C42 : /MMC (access port on cartridge with both /CART and /MMC = L) // C43 : /OE // C44 : /WE // C45 : /CART? (L when accessing cartridge (ROM/SRAM/PORT)) // C46 : INT (for RTC alarm interrupt) // C47 : CLK (384KHz on WS) #ifdef ws_adapter_v2 #define WS_CLK_BIT 5 // USE PE5 as CLK #else #define WS_CLK_BIT 3 // USE PE3 as CLK #endif /****************************************** Menu *****************************************/ static const char wsMenuItem1[] PROGMEM = "Read Rom"; static const char wsMenuItem2[] PROGMEM = "Read Save"; static const char wsMenuItem3[] PROGMEM = "Write Save"; //static const char wsMenuItem4[] PROGMEM = "Reset"; (stored in common strings array) static const char wsMenuItem5[] PROGMEM = "Write WitchOS"; static const char *const menuOptionsWS[] PROGMEM = { wsMenuItem1, wsMenuItem2, wsMenuItem3, string_reset2, wsMenuItem5 }; static const uint8_t wwLaunchCode[] PROGMEM = { 0xea, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff }; static uint8_t wsGameOrientation = 0; static uint8_t wsGameHasRTC = 0; static uint16_t wsGameChecksum = 0; static uint8_t wsEepromShiftReg[2]; static boolean wsWitch = false; void setup_WS() { // A-1 - A6 DDRF = 0xff; // A7 - A14 DDRK = 0xff; // A15 - A22 DDRL = 0xff; // D0 - D15 DDRC = 0x00; DDRA = 0x00; // controls DDRH |= ((1 << 0) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6)); PORTH |= ((1 << 0) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6)); // CLK outputs LOW DDRE |= (1 << WS_CLK_BIT); PORTE &= ~(1 << WS_CLK_BIT); // IO? as input with internal pull-up enabled DDRE &= ~(1 << 4); PORTE |= (1 << 4); // INT as input with internal pull-up enabled DDRG &= ~(1 << 5); PORTG |= (1 << 5); // unlock MMC // if (!unlockMMC2003_WS()) // print_FatalError(F("Can't initial MMC")); // if (getCartInfo_WS() != 0xea) // print_FatalError(F("Rom header read error")); println_Msg(F("Initializing...")); display_Update(); do { unlockMMC2003_WS(); } while (!headerCheck()); getCartInfo_WS(); showCartInfo_WS(); } boolean headerCheck() { dataIn_WS(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i += 2) *((uint16_t *)(sdBuffer + i)) = readWord_WS(0xffff0 + i); uint8_t startByte = sdBuffer[0]; if (startByte == 0xEA) { // Start should be 0xEA uint8_t zeroByte = sdBuffer[5]; if (zeroByte == 0) { // Zero Byte uint8_t systemByte = sdBuffer[7]; if (systemByte < 2) { // System < 2 uint8_t revisionByte = sdBuffer[9]; if ((revisionByte < 7) || (revisionByte == 0x80)) { // Known Revisions: 0 to 6 and 0x80 uint8_t sizeByte = sdBuffer[10]; if (sizeByte < 10) // Rom Size < 10 return true; } } } } return false; } void wsMenu() { vselect(true); uint8_t mainMenu = (wsWitch ? 5 : 4); convertPgm(menuOptionsWS, mainMenu); mainMenu = question_box(F("WS Menu"), menuOptions, mainMenu, 0); switch (mainMenu) { case 0: { // Read Rom sd.chdir("/"); readROM_WS(filePath, FILEPATH_LENGTH); sd.chdir("/"); compareChecksum_WS(filePath); break; } case 1: { // Read Save sd.chdir("/"); switch (saveType) { case 0: println_Msg(F("No save for this game")); break; case 1: readSRAM_WS(); break; case 2: readEEPROM_WS(); break; default: println_Msg(F("Unknown save type")); break; } break; } case 2: { // Write Save sd.chdir("/"); switch (saveType) { case 0: println_Msg(F("No save for this game")); break; case 1: { writeSRAM_WS(); verifySRAM_WS(); break; } case 2: { writeEEPROM_WS(); verifyEEPROM_WS(); break; } default: println_Msg(F("Unknown save type")); break; } break; } case 4: { writeWitchOS_WS(); break; } default: { // reset asm volatile(" jmp 0"); break; } } println_Msg(F("")); // Prints string out of the common strings array either with or without newline print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); } uint8_t getCartInfo_WS() { dataIn_WS(); // for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i += 2) // *((uint16_t*)(sdBuffer + i)) = readWord_WS(0xffff0 + i); wsGameChecksum = *(uint16_t *)(sdBuffer + 14); wsWitch = false; // some game has wrong info in header // patch here switch (wsGameChecksum) { // games with wrong save type/size // 256kbits sram case 0xe600: // BAN007 case 0x8eed: // BANC16 case 0xee90: // WIZC01 { sdBuffer[11] = 0x02; break; } // games missing 'COLOR' flag case 0x26db: // SQRC01 case 0xbfdf: // SUMC07 case 0x50ca: // BANC09 case 0x9238: // BANC0E { sdBuffer[7] |= 0x01; break; } case 0x7f73: // BAN030 { // missing developerId and cartId sdBuffer[6] = 0x01; sdBuffer[8] = 0x30; break; } case 0xeafd: //BANC33 { // enable GPIO and set to LOW dataOut_WS(); writeByte_WSPort(0xcc, 0x03); writeByte_WSPort(0xcd, 0x00); break; } case 0x0000: { // developerId/cartId/checksum are all filled with 0x00 in witch based games dataIn_WS(); if (readWord_WS(0xf0000) == 0x4c45 && readWord_WS(0xf0002) == 0x5349 && readWord_WS(0xf0004) == 0x0041) { // check witch BIOS if (readWord_WS(0xfff5e) == 0x006c && readWord_WS(0xfff60) == 0x5b1b) { // check flashchip // should be a MBM29DL400TC dataOut_WS(); writeWord_WS(0x80aaa, 0xaaaa); writeWord_WS(0x80555, 0x5555); writeWord_WS(0x80aaa, 0x9090); dataIn_WS(); if (readWord_WS(0x80000) == 0x0004 && readWord_WS(0x80002) == 0x220c) wsWitch = true; dataOut_WS(); writeWord_WS(0x80000, 0xf0f0); dataIn_WS(); // 7AC003 sdBuffer[6] = 0x7a; sdBuffer[8] = 0x03; } // check service menu else if (readWord_WS(0xfff22) == 0x006c && readWord_WS(0xfff24) == 0x5b1b) { if (readWord_WS(0x93246) == 0x4a2f && readWord_WS(0x93248) == 0x5353 && readWord_WS(0x9324a) == 0x2e32) { // jss2 sdBuffer[6] = 0xff; // WWGP sdBuffer[8] = 0x1a; // 2001A sdBuffer[7] = 0x01; // color only if (readWord_WS(0x93e9c) == 0x4648 && readWord_WS(0x93e9e) == 0x0050) { // WWGP2001A3 -> HFP Version sdBuffer[9] = 0x03; wsGameChecksum = 0x4870; } else { // TODO check other jss2 version } } else if (readWord_WS(0xe4260) == 0x6b64 && readWord_WS(0xe4262) == 0x696e) { // dknight sdBuffer[6] = 0xff; // WWGP sdBuffer[8] = 0x2b; // 2002B sdBuffer[7] = 0x01; // color only sdBuffer[9] = 0x00; wsGameChecksum = 0x8b1c; } } } else if (sdBuffer[6] == 0x2a && sdBuffer[8] == 0x01 && sdBuffer[9] == 0x01) { // Mobile WonderGate v1.1, checksum is filled with 0x0000 wsGameChecksum = 0x1da0; } break; } } romType = (sdBuffer[7] & 0x01); // wsc only = 1 romVersion = sdBuffer[9]; romSize = sdBuffer[10]; sramSize = sdBuffer[11]; wsGameOrientation = (sdBuffer[12] & 0x01); wsGameHasRTC = (sdBuffer[13] & 0x01); getDeveloperName(sdBuffer[6], vendorID, 5); snprintf(cartID, 5, "%c%02X", (romType ? 'C' : '0'), sdBuffer[8]); snprintf(checksumStr, 5, "%04X", wsGameChecksum); snprintf(romName, 17, "%s%s", vendorID, cartID); switch (romSize) { case 0x01: cartSize = 131072 * 2; break; case 0x02: cartSize = 131072 * 4; break; case 0x03: cartSize = 131072 * 8; break; case 0x04: cartSize = 131072 * 16; break; // case 0x05: cartSize = 131072 * 24; break; case 0x06: cartSize = 131072 * 32; break; // case 0x07: cartSize = 131072 * 48; break; case 0x08: cartSize = 131072 * 64; break; case 0x09: cartSize = 131072 * 128; break; default: cartSize = 0; break; } switch (sramSize) { case 0x00: saveType = 0; sramSize = 0; break; case 0x01: saveType = 1; sramSize = 64; break; case 0x02: saveType = 1; sramSize = 256; break; case 0x03: saveType = 1; sramSize = 1024; break; case 0x04: saveType = 1; sramSize = 2048; break; case 0x05: saveType = 1; sramSize = 4096; break; case 0x10: saveType = 2; sramSize = 1; break; case 0x20: saveType = 2; sramSize = 16; break; case 0x50: saveType = 2; sramSize = 8; break; default: saveType = 0xff; break; } if (saveType == 2) unprotectEEPROM(); // should be 0xea (JMPF instruction) return sdBuffer[0]; } void showCartInfo_WS() { display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Cart Info")); print_Msg(F("Game: ")); println_Msg(romName); print_Msg(F("Rom Size: ")); if (cartSize == 0x00) println_Msg(romSize, HEX); else { print_Msg((cartSize >> 17)); println_Msg(F(" Mb")); } print_Msg(F("Save: ")); switch (saveType) { case 0: println_Msg(F("None")); break; case 1: print_Msg(F("Sram ")); print_Msg(sramSize); println_Msg(F(" Kb")); break; case 2: print_Msg(F("Eeprom ")); print_Msg(sramSize); println_Msg(F(" Kb")); break; default: println_Msg(sramSize, HEX); break; } print_Msg(F("Version: 1.")); println_Msg(romVersion, HEX); print_Msg(F("Checksum: ")); println_Msg(checksumStr); // Prints string out of the common strings array either with or without newline print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); } void getDeveloperName(uint8_t id, char *buf, size_t length) { if (buf == NULL) return; char *devName = NULL; switch (id) { case 0x01: devName = PSTR("BAN"); break; case 0x02: devName = PSTR("TAT"); break; case 0x03: devName = PSTR("TMY"); break; case 0x04: devName = PSTR("KEX"); break; case 0x05: devName = PSTR("DTE"); break; case 0x06: devName = PSTR("AAE"); break; case 0x07: devName = PSTR("MDE"); break; case 0x08: devName = PSTR("NHB"); break; case 0x0a: devName = PSTR("CCJ"); break; case 0x0b: devName = PSTR("SUM"); break; case 0x0c: devName = PSTR("SUN"); break; case 0x0d: devName = PSTR("PAW"); break; case 0x0e: devName = PSTR("BPR"); break; case 0x10: devName = PSTR("JLC"); break; case 0x11: devName = PSTR("MGA"); break; case 0x12: devName = PSTR("KNM"); break; case 0x16: devName = PSTR("KBS"); break; case 0x17: devName = PSTR("BTM"); break; case 0x18: devName = PSTR("KGT"); break; case 0x19: devName = PSTR("SRV"); break; case 0x1a: devName = PSTR("CFT"); break; case 0x1b: devName = PSTR("MGH"); break; case 0x1d: devName = PSTR("BEC"); break; case 0x1e: devName = PSTR("NAP"); break; case 0x1f: devName = PSTR("BVL"); break; case 0x20: devName = PSTR("ATN"); break; case 0x21: devName = PSTR("KDX"); break; // KDK for Memories of Festa? case 0x22: devName = PSTR("HAL"); break; case 0x23: devName = PSTR("YKE"); break; case 0x24: devName = PSTR("OMM"); break; case 0x25: devName = PSTR("LAY"); break; case 0x26: devName = PSTR("KDK"); break; case 0x27: devName = PSTR("SHL"); break; case 0x28: devName = PSTR("SQR"); break; case 0x2a: devName = PSTR("SCC"); break; case 0x2b: devName = PSTR("TMC"); break; case 0x2d: devName = PSTR("NMC"); break; case 0x2e: devName = PSTR("SES"); break; case 0x2f: devName = PSTR("HTR"); break; case 0x31: devName = PSTR("VGD"); break; case 0x33: devName = PSTR("WIZ"); break; case 0x36: devName = PSTR("CPC"); break; // custom developerId case 0x7a: devName = PSTR("7AC"); break; // witch case 0xff: devName = PSTR("WWGP"); break; // WWGP series (jss2, dknight) // if not found, use id default: snprintf(buf, length, "%02X", id); return; } strlcpy_P(buf, devName, length); } void readROM_WS(char *outPathBuf, size_t bufferSize) { // generate fullname of rom file snprintf(fileName, FILENAME_LENGTH, "%s.ws%c", romName, ((romType & 1) ? 'c' : '\0')); // create a new folder for storing rom file EEPROM_readAnything(0, foldern); snprintf(folder, sizeof(folder), "WS/ROM/%s/%d", romName, foldern); sd.mkdir(folder, true); sd.chdir(folder); // filling output file path to buffer if (outPathBuf != NULL && bufferSize > 0) snprintf(outPathBuf, bufferSize, "%s/%s", folder, fileName); display_Clear(); print_STR(saving_to_STR, 0); print_Msg(folder); println_Msg(F("/...")); display_Update(); // open file on sdcard if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) print_FatalError(create_file_STR); // write new folder number back to EEPROM foldern++; EEPROM_writeAnything(0, foldern); // get correct starting rom bank uint16_t bank = (256 - (cartSize >> 16)); uint32_t progress = 0; draw_progressbar(0, cartSize); // start reading rom for (; bank <= 0xff; bank++) { // switch bank on segment 0x2 dataOut_WS(); writeByte_WSPort(0xc2, bank); // blink LED on cartridge (only for BANC33) if (wsGameChecksum == 0xeafd) writeByte_WSPort(0xcd, (bank & 0x03)); dataIn_WS(); for (uint32_t addr = 0; addr < 0x10000; addr += 512) { // blink LED if ((addr & ((1 << 14) - 1)) == 0) blinkLED(); for (uint32_t w = 0; w < 512; w += 2) *((uint16_t *)(sdBuffer + w)) = readWord_WS(0x20000 + addr + w); myFile.write(sdBuffer, 512); progress += 512; } draw_progressbar(progress, cartSize); } // turn off LEDs (only for BANC33) if (wsGameChecksum == 0xeafd) { dataOut_WS(); writeByte_WSPort(0xcd, 0x00); } myFile.close(); } void readSRAM_WS() { // generate fullname of rom file snprintf(fileName, FILENAME_LENGTH, "%s.sav", romName); // create a new folder for storing rom file EEPROM_readAnything(0, foldern); snprintf(folder, sizeof(folder), "WS/SAVE/%s/%d", romName, foldern); sd.mkdir(folder, true); sd.chdir(folder); display_Clear(); print_Msg(F("Saving ")); print_Msg(folder); println_Msg(F("/...")); display_Update(); foldern++; EEPROM_writeAnything(0, foldern); if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) print_FatalError(create_file_STR); uint32_t bank_size = (sramSize << 7); uint16_t end_bank = (bank_size >> 16); // 64KB per bank if (bank_size > 0x10000) bank_size = 0x10000; uint16_t bank = 0; do { dataOut_WS(); writeByte_WSPort(0xc1, bank); dataIn_WS(); for (uint32_t addr = 0; addr < bank_size; addr += 512) { // blink LED if ((addr & ((1 << 14) - 1)) == 0) blinkLED(); // SRAM data on D0-D7, with A-1 to select high/low byte for (uint32_t w = 0; w < 512; w++) sdBuffer[w] = readByte_WS(0x10000 + addr + w); myFile.write(sdBuffer, 512); } } while (++bank < end_bank); myFile.close(); print_STR(done_STR, 1); display_Update(); } void verifySRAM_WS() { print_Msg(F("Verifying... ")); display_Update(); if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { uint32_t bank_size = (sramSize << 7); uint16_t end_bank = (bank_size >> 16); // 64KB per bank uint16_t bank = 0; uint32_t write_errors = 0; if (bank_size > 0x10000) bank_size = 0x10000; do { dataOut_WS(); writeByte_WSPort(0xc1, bank); dataIn_WS(); for (uint32_t addr = 0; addr < bank_size && myFile.available(); addr += 512) { myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); // SRAM data on D0-D7, with A-1 to select high/low byte for (uint32_t w = 0; w < 512; w++) { if (readByte_WS(0x10000 + addr + w) != sdBuffer[w]) write_errors++; } } } while (++bank < end_bank); myFile.close(); if (write_errors == 0) { println_Msg(F("passed")); } else { println_Msg(F("failed")); print_STR(error_STR, 0); print_Msg(write_errors); print_STR(_bytes_STR, 1); print_Error(did_not_verify_STR); } } else { print_Error(F("File doesn't exist")); } } void writeSRAM_WS() { filePath[0] = 0; sd.chdir("/"); fileBrowser(F("Select sav file")); snprintf(filePath, FILEPATH_LENGTH, "%s/%s", filePath, fileName); display_Clear(); print_Msg(F("Writing ")); print_Msg(filePath); println_Msg(F("...")); display_Update(); if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { uint32_t bank_size = (sramSize << 7); uint16_t end_bank = (bank_size >> 16); // 64KB per bank if (bank_size > 0x10000) bank_size = 0x10000; uint16_t bank = 0; dataOut_WS(); do { writeByte_WSPort(0xc1, bank); for (uint32_t addr = 0; addr < bank_size && myFile.available(); addr += 512) { // blink LED if ((addr & ((1 << 14) - 1)) == 0) blinkLED(); myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); // SRAM data on D0-D7, with A-1 to select high/low byte for (uint32_t w = 0; w < 512; w++) writeByte_WS(0x10000 + addr + w, sdBuffer[w]); } } while (++bank < end_bank); myFile.close(); println_Msg(F("Writing finished")); display_Update(); } else { print_Error(F("File doesn't exist")); } } void readEEPROM_WS() { // generate fullname of eep file snprintf(fileName, FILENAME_LENGTH, "%s.eep", romName); // create a new folder for storing eep file EEPROM_readAnything(0, foldern); snprintf(folder, sizeof(folder), "WS/SAVE/%s/%d", romName, foldern); sd.mkdir(folder, true); sd.chdir(folder); display_Clear(); print_Msg(F("Saving ")); print_Msg(folder); println_Msg(F("/...")); display_Update(); foldern++; EEPROM_writeAnything(0, foldern); if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) print_FatalError(create_file_STR); uint32_t eepromSize = (sramSize << 7); uint32_t bufSize = (eepromSize < 512 ? eepromSize : 512); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < eepromSize; i += bufSize) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < bufSize; j += 2) { // blink LED if ((j & 0x1f) == 0x00) blinkLED(); generateEepromInstruction_WS(wsEepromShiftReg, 0x2, ((i + j) >> 1)); dataOut_WS(); writeByte_WSPort(0xc6, wsEepromShiftReg[0]); writeByte_WSPort(0xc7, wsEepromShiftReg[1]); writeByte_WSPort(0xc8, 0x10); // MMC will shift out from port 0xc7 to 0xc6 // and shift in 16bits into port 0xc5 to 0xc4 pulseCLK_WS(1 + 32 + 3); dataIn_WS(); sdBuffer[j] = readByte_WSPort(0xc4); sdBuffer[j + 1] = readByte_WSPort(0xc5); } myFile.write(sdBuffer, bufSize); } myFile.close(); print_STR(done_STR, 1); } void verifyEEPROM_WS() { print_Msg(F("Verifying... ")); display_Update(); if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { uint32_t write_errors = 0; uint32_t eepromSize = (sramSize << 7); uint32_t bufSize = (eepromSize < 512 ? eepromSize : 512); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < eepromSize; i += bufSize) { myFile.read(sdBuffer, bufSize); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < bufSize; j += 2) { // blink LED if ((j & 0x1f) == 0x00) blinkLED(); generateEepromInstruction_WS(wsEepromShiftReg, 0x2, ((i + j) >> 1)); dataOut_WS(); writeByte_WSPort(0xc6, wsEepromShiftReg[0]); writeByte_WSPort(0xc7, wsEepromShiftReg[1]); writeByte_WSPort(0xc8, 0x10); // MMC will shift out from port 0xc7 to 0xc6 // and shift in 16bits into port 0xc5 to 0xc4 pulseCLK_WS(1 + 32 + 3); dataIn_WS(); if (readByte_WSPort(0xc4) != sdBuffer[j]) write_errors++; if (readByte_WSPort(0xc5) != sdBuffer[j + 1]) write_errors++; } } myFile.close(); if (write_errors == 0) { println_Msg(F("passed")); } else { println_Msg(F("failed")); print_STR(error_STR, 0); print_Msg(write_errors); print_STR(_bytes_STR, 1); print_Error(did_not_verify_STR); } } else { print_Error(F("File doesn't exist")); } } void writeEEPROM_WS() { filePath[0] = 0; sd.chdir("/"); fileBrowser(F("Select eep file")); snprintf(filePath, FILEPATH_LENGTH, "%s/%s", filePath, fileName); display_Clear(); print_Msg(F("Writing ")); print_Msg(filePath); println_Msg(F("...")); display_Update(); if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { uint32_t eepromSize = (sramSize << 7); uint32_t bufSize = (eepromSize < 512 ? eepromSize : 512); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < eepromSize; i += bufSize) { myFile.read(sdBuffer, bufSize); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < bufSize; j += 2) { // blink LED if ((j & 0x1f) == 0x00) blinkLED(); generateEepromInstruction_WS(wsEepromShiftReg, 0x1, ((i + j) >> 1)); dataOut_WS(); writeByte_WSPort(0xc6, wsEepromShiftReg[0]); writeByte_WSPort(0xc7, wsEepromShiftReg[1]); writeByte_WSPort(0xc4, sdBuffer[j]); writeByte_WSPort(0xc5, sdBuffer[j + 1]); writeByte_WSPort(0xc8, 0x20); // MMC will shift out from port 0xc7 to 0xc4 pulseCLK_WS(1 + 32 + 3); dataIn_WS(); do { pulseCLK_WS(128); } while ((readByte_WSPort(0xc8) & 0x02) == 0x00); } } myFile.close(); print_STR(done_STR, 1); } else { print_Error(F("File doesn't exist")); } } void writeWitchOS_WS() { // make sure that OS sectors not protected dataOut_WS(); writeWord_WS(0x80aaa, 0xaaaa); writeWord_WS(0x80555, 0x5555); writeWord_WS(0xe0aaa, 0x9090); dataIn_WS(); if (readWord_WS(0xe0004) || readWord_WS(0xe4004) || readWord_WS(0xec004) || readWord_WS(0xee004)) { display_Clear(); print_Error(F("OS sectors are protected!")); } else { filePath[0] = 0; sd.chdir("/"); fileBrowser(F("Select fbin file")); snprintf(filePath, FILEPATH_LENGTH, "%s/%s", filePath, fileName); display_Clear(); if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { println_Msg(F("Erasing OS...")); display_Update(); eraseWitchFlashSector_WS(0xe0000); eraseWitchFlashSector_WS(0xe4000); eraseWitchFlashSector_WS(0xec000); eraseWitchFlashSector_WS(0xee000); print_Msg(F("Flashing OS ")); print_Msg(filePath); println_Msg(F("...")); display_Update(); uint32_t fbin_length = myFile.fileSize(); uint32_t i, bytes_read; uint16_t pd; uint8_t key; // OS size seems limit to 64KBytes // last 16 bytes contains jmpf code and block count (written by BIOS) if (fbin_length > 65520) fbin_length = 65520; // enter fast program mode dataOut_WS(); writeWord_WS(0x80aaa, 0xaaaa); writeWord_WS(0x80555, 0x5555); writeWord_WS(0x80aaa, 0x2020); // 128bytes per block for (i = 0; i < fbin_length; i += 128) { // blink LED if ((i & 0x3ff) == 0) blinkLED(); // reset key key = 0xff; bytes_read = myFile.read(sdBuffer, 128); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < bytes_read; j += 2) { // for each decoded[n] = encoded[n] ^ key // where key = encoded[n - 1] // key = 0xff when n = 0, 0 <= n < 128 pd = ((sdBuffer[j] ^ key) | ((sdBuffer[j + 1] ^ sdBuffer[j]) << 8)); key = sdBuffer[j + 1]; fastProgramWitchFlash_WS(0xe0000 + i + j, pd); } } // write jmpf instruction and block counts at 0xe0000 memcpy_P(sdBuffer, wwLaunchCode, 8); *((uint16_t *)(sdBuffer + 6)) = ((i >> 7) & 0xffff); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) fastProgramWitchFlash_WS(0xefff0 + i, *((uint16_t *)(sdBuffer + i))); // leave fast program mode dataOut_WS(); writeWord_WS(0xe0000, 0x9090); writeWord_WS(0xe0000, 0xf0f0); myFile.close(); print_STR(done_STR, 1); } else { print_Error(F("File doesn't exist")); } } dataOut_WS(); writeWord_WS(0x80000, 0xf0f0); } void fastProgramWitchFlash_WS(uint32_t addr, uint16_t data) { dataOut_WS(); writeWord_WS(addr, 0xa0a0); writeWord_WS(addr, data); dataIn_WS(); while (readWord_WS(addr) != data) ; } void eraseWitchFlashSector_WS(uint32_t sector_addr) { // blink LED blinkLED(); dataOut_WS(); writeWord_WS(0x80aaa, 0xaaaa); writeWord_WS(0x80555, 0x5555); writeWord_WS(0x80aaa, 0x8080); writeWord_WS(0x80aaa, 0xaaaa); writeWord_WS(0x80555, 0x5555); writeWord_WS(sector_addr, 0x3030); dataIn_WS(); while ((readWord_WS(sector_addr) & 0x0080) == 0x0000) ; } boolean compareChecksum_WS(const char *wsFilePath) { if (wsFilePath == NULL) return 0; display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Calculating Checksum")); display_Update(); if (!myFile.open(wsFilePath, O_READ)) { print_Error(F("Failed to open file")); return 0; } uint32_t calLength = myFile.fileSize() - 512; uint16_t checksum = 0; if (wsWitch) { // only calcuate last 128Kbytes for wonderwitch (OS and BIOS region) myFile.seekCur(myFile.fileSize() - 131072); calLength = 131072 - 512; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < calLength; i += 512) { myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 512; j++) checksum += sdBuffer[j]; } // last 512 bytes myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); // skip last 2 bytes (checksum value) for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 510; j++) checksum += sdBuffer[j]; myFile.close(); char result[11]; snprintf(result, 11, "%04X(%04X)", wsGameChecksum, checksum); print_Msg(F("Result: ")); println_Msg(result); if (checksum == wsGameChecksum) { println_Msg(F("Checksum matches")); // Compare CRC32 to database and rename ROM if found // Arguments: database name, precalculated crc string or 0 to calculate, rename rom or not, starting offset compareCRC("ws.txt", 0, 1, 0); return 1; } else { print_Error(F("Checksum Error")); return 0; } } void writeByte_WSPort(uint8_t port, uint8_t data) { PORTF = (port & 0x0f); PORTL = (port >> 4); // switch CART(PH3), MMC(PH4) to LOW PORTH &= ~((1 << 3) | (1 << 4)); // set data PORTC = data; // switch WE(PH5) to LOW PORTH &= ~(1 << 5); NOP; // switch WE(PH5) to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 5); NOP; NOP; // switch CART(PH3), MMC(PH4) to HIGH PORTH |= ((1 << 3) | (1 << 4)); } uint8_t readByte_WSPort(uint8_t port) { PORTF = (port & 0x0f); PORTL = (port >> 4); // switch CART(PH3), MMC(PH4) to LOW PORTH &= ~((1 << 3) | (1 << 4)); // switch OE(PH6) to LOW PORTH &= ~(1 << 6); NOP; NOP; NOP; uint8_t ret = PINC; // switch OE(PH6) to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 6); // switch CART(PH3), MMC(PH4) to HIGH PORTH |= ((1 << 3) | (1 << 4)); return ret; } void writeWord_WS(uint32_t addr, uint16_t data) { PORTF = addr & 0xff; PORTK = (addr >> 8) & 0xff; PORTL = (addr >> 16) & 0x0f; PORTC = data & 0xff; PORTA = (data >> 8); // switch CART(PH3) and WE(PH5) to LOW PORTH &= ~((1 << 3) | (1 << 5)); NOP; // switch CART(PH3) and WE(PH5) to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 3) | (1 << 5); NOP; NOP; } uint16_t readWord_WS(uint32_t addr) { PORTF = addr & 0xff; PORTK = (addr >> 8) & 0xff; PORTL = (addr >> 16) & 0x0f; // switch CART(PH3) and OE(PH6) to LOW PORTH &= ~((1 << 3) | (1 << 6)); NOP; NOP; NOP; uint16_t ret = ((PINA << 8) | PINC); // switch CART(PH3) and OE(PH6) to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 3) | (1 << 6); return ret; } void writeByte_WS(uint32_t addr, uint8_t data) { PORTF = addr & 0xff; PORTK = (addr >> 8) & 0xff; PORTL = (addr >> 16) & 0x0f; PORTC = data; // switch CART(PH3) and WE(PH5) to LOW PORTH &= ~((1 << 3) | (1 << 5)); NOP; // switch CART(PH3) and WE(PH5) to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 3) | (1 << 5); NOP; NOP; } uint8_t readByte_WS(uint32_t addr) { PORTF = addr & 0xff; PORTK = (addr >> 8) & 0xff; PORTL = (addr >> 16) & 0x0f; // switch CART(PH3) and OE(PH6) to LOW PORTH &= ~((1 << 3) | (1 << 6)); NOP; NOP; NOP; uint8_t ret = PINC; // switch CART(PH3) and OE(PH6) to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 3) | (1 << 6); return ret; } void unprotectEEPROM() { generateEepromInstruction_WS(wsEepromShiftReg, 0x0, 0x3); dataOut_WS(); writeByte_WSPort(0xc6, wsEepromShiftReg[0]); writeByte_WSPort(0xc7, wsEepromShiftReg[1]); writeByte_WSPort(0xc8, 0x40); // MMC will shift out port 0xc7 to 0xc6 to EEPROM pulseCLK_WS(1 + 16 + 3); } // generate data for port 0xc6 to 0xc7 // number of CLK pulses needed for each instruction is 1 + (16 or 32) + 3 void generateEepromInstruction_WS(uint8_t *instruction, uint8_t opcode, uint16_t addr) { uint8_t addr_bits = (sramSize > 1 ? 10 : 6); uint16_t *ptr = (uint16_t *)instruction; *ptr = 0x0001; // initial with a start bit if (opcode == 0) { // 2bits opcode = 0x00 *ptr <<= 2; // 2bits ext cmd (from addr) *ptr <<= 2; *ptr |= (addr & 0x0003); *ptr <<= (addr_bits - 2); } else { // 2bits opcode *ptr <<= 2; *ptr |= (opcode & 0x03); // address bits *ptr <<= addr_bits; *ptr |= (addr & ((1 << addr_bits) - 1)); } } // 2003 MMC need to be unlock, // or it will reject all reading and bank switching // All signals' timing are analyzed by using LogicAnalyzer boolean unlockMMC2003_WS() { // initialize all control pin state // RST(PH0) and CLK(PE3or5) to LOW // CART(PH3) MMC(PH4) WE(PH5) OE(PH6) to HIGH PORTH &= ~(1 << 0); PORTE &= ~(1 << WS_CLK_BIT); PORTH |= ((1 << 3) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6)); // switch RST(PH0) to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 0); PORTF = 0x0a; PORTL = 0x05; pulseCLK_WS(3); PORTF = 0x05; PORTL = 0x0a; pulseCLK_WS(4); // MMC is outputing something on IO? pin synchronized with CLK // so still need to pulse CLK until MMC is ok to work pulseCLK_WS(18); // unlock procedure finished // see if we can set bank number to MMC dataOut_WS(); writeByte_WSPort(0xc2, 0xaa); writeByte_WSPort(0xc3, 0x55); dataIn_WS(); if (readByte_WSPort(0xc2) == 0xaa && readByte_WSPort(0xc3) == 0x55) { // now set initial bank number to MMC dataOut_WS(); writeByte_WSPort(0xc0, 0x2f); writeByte_WSPort(0xc1, 0x3f); writeByte_WSPort(0xc2, 0xff); writeByte_WSPort(0xc3, 0xff); return true; } return false; } // doing a L->H on CLK pin void pulseCLK_WS(uint8_t count) { register uint8_t tic; // about 384KHz, 50% duty cycle asm volatile("L0_%=:\n\t" "cpi %[count], 0\n\t" "breq L3_%=\n\t" "dec %[count]\n\t" "cbi %[porte], %[ws_clk_bit]\n\t" "ldi %[tic], 6\n\t" "L1_%=:\n\t" "dec %[tic]\n\t" "brne L1_%=\n\t" "sbi %[porte], %[ws_clk_bit]\n\t" "ldi %[tic], 5\n\t" "L2_%=:\n\t" "dec %[tic]\n\t" "brne L2_%=\n\t" "rjmp L0_%=\n\t" "L3_%=:\n\t" : [tic] "=a"(tic) : [count] "a"(count), [porte] "I"(_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTE)), [ws_clk_bit] "I"(WS_CLK_BIT)); } void dataIn_WS() { DDRC = 0x00; DDRA = 0x00; // some game's ROM chip needs internal-pullup be disabled to work properly // ex: Mobile Suit Gundam Vol.2 - JABURO (MX23L6410MC-12 Mask ROM) PORTC = 0x00; PORTA = 0x00; } void dataOut_WS() { DDRC = 0xff; DDRA = 0xff; } #endif //****************************************** // End of File //******************************************