/****************************************** Variables *****************************************/ // Game Boy int sramBanks; /****************************************** Menu *****************************************/ // GB menu items const char GBMenuItem1[] PROGMEM = "Read Rom"; const char GBMenuItem2[] PROGMEM = "Read Save"; const char GBMenuItem3[] PROGMEM = "Write Save"; const char GBMenuItem4[] PROGMEM = "Reset"; const char* const menuOptionsGB[] PROGMEM = {GBMenuItem1, GBMenuItem2, GBMenuItem3, GBMenuItem4}; void gbMenu() { // Output a high signal on CS(PH3) WR(PH5) RD(PH6) PORTH |= (1 << 3) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6); // create menu with title and 4 options to choose from unsigned char mainMenu; // Copy menuOptions of of progmem convertPgm(menuOptionsGB, 4); mainMenu = question_box("GB Cart Reader", menuOptions, 4, 0); // wait for user choice to come back from the question box menu switch (mainMenu) { case 0: display_Clear(); // Change working dir to root sd.chdir("/"); readROM_GB(); compare_checksum_GB(); break; case 1: display_Clear(); // Change working dir to root sd.chdir("/"); readSRAM_GB(); break; case 2: display_Clear(); // Change working dir to root sd.chdir("/"); writeSRAM_GB(); unsigned long wrErrors; wrErrors = verifySRAM_GB(); if (wrErrors == 0) { println_Msg(F("Verified OK")); display_Update(); } else { print_Msg(F("Error: ")); print_Msg(wrErrors); println_Msg(F(" bytes ")); print_Error(F("did not verify."), false); } break; case 3: asm volatile (" jmp 0"); break; } println_Msg(F("")); println_Msg(F("Press Button...")); display_Update(); wait(); } /****************************************** Setup *****************************************/ void setup_GB() { // Set RST(PH0) to Input DDRH &= ~(1 << 0); // Activate Internal Pullup Resistors PORTH |= (1 << 0); // Set Address Pins to Output //A0-A7 DDRF = 0xFF; //A8-A15 DDRK = 0xFF; // Set Control Pins to Output CS(PH3) WR(PH5) RD(PH6) DDRH |= (1 << 3) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6); // Output a high signal on all pins, pins are active low therefore everything is disabled now PORTH |= (1 << 3) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6); // Set Data Pins (D0-D7) to Input DDRC = 0x00; // Enable Internal Pullups //PORTC = 0xFF; // Print start page getCartInfo_GB(); display_Clear(); if (strcmp(checksumStr, "00") != 0) { println_Msg(F("GB Cart Info")); print_Msg(F("Rom Name: ")); println_Msg(romName); print_Msg(F("Rom Type: ")); switch (romType) { case 0: print_Msg(F("ROM ONLY")); break; case 1: print_Msg(F("MBC1")); break; case 2: print_Msg(F("MBC1+RAM")); break; case 3: print_Msg(F("MBC1+RAM")); break; case 5: print_Msg(F("MBC2")); break; case 6: print_Msg(F("MBC2")); break; case 8: print_Msg(F("ROM+RAM")); break; case 9: print_Msg(F("ROM ONLY")); break; case 11: print_Msg(F("MMM01")); break; case 12: print_Msg(F("MMM01+RAM")); break; case 13: print_Msg(F("MMM01+RAM")); break; case 15: print_Msg(F("MBC3+TIMER")); break; case 16: print_Msg(F("MBC3+TIMER+RAM")); break; case 17: print_Msg(F("MBC3")); break; case 18: print_Msg(F("MBC3+RAM")); break; case 19: print_Msg(F("MBC3+RAM")); break; case 21: print_Msg(F("MBC4")); break; case 22: print_Msg(F("MBC4+RAM")); break; case 23: print_Msg(F("MBC4+RAM")); break; case 25: print_Msg(F("MBC5")); break; case 26: print_Msg(F("MBC5+RAM")); break; case 27: print_Msg(F("MBC5+RAM")); break; case 28: print_Msg(F("MBC5+RUMBLE")); break; case 29: print_Msg(F("MBC5+RUMBLE+RAM")); break; case 30: print_Msg(F("MBC5+RUMBLE+RAM")); break; case 252: print_Msg(F("Gameboy Camera")); break; default: print_Msg(F("Not found")); } println_Msg(F(" ")); print_Msg(F("Rom Size: ")); switch (romSize) { case 0: print_Msg(F("32KByte")); break; case 1: print_Msg(F("64KByte")); break; case 2: print_Msg(F("128KByte")); break; case 3: print_Msg(F("256KByte")); break; case 4: print_Msg(F("512KByte")); break; case 5: if (romType == 1 || romType == 2 || romType == 3) { print_Msg(F("1MByte")); } else { print_Msg(F("1MByte")); } break; case 6: if (romType == 1 || romType == 2 || romType == 3) { print_Msg(F("2MByte")); } else { print_Msg(F("2MByte")); } break; case 7: print_Msg(F("4MByte")); break; case 82: print_Msg(F("1.1MByten")); break; case 83: print_Msg(F("1.2MByte")); break; case 84: print_Msg(F("1.5MByte")); break; default: print_Msg(F("Not found")); } println_Msg(F("")); print_Msg(F("Banks: ")); println_Msg(numBanks); print_Msg(F("Sram Size: ")); switch (sramSize) { case 0: if (romType == 6) { print_Msg(F("512 bytes")); } else { print_Msg(F("None")); } break; case 1: print_Msg(F("2 KBytes")); break; case 2: print_Msg(F("8 KBytes")); break; case 3: print_Msg(F("32 KBytes")); break; case 4: print_Msg(F("128 KBytes")); break; default: print_Msg(F("Not found")); } println_Msg(F("")); print_Msg(F("Checksum: ")); println_Msg(checksumStr); display_Update(); // Wait for user input println_Msg(F("Press Button...")); display_Update(); wait(); } else { print_Error(F("GAMEPAK ERROR"), true); } } /****************************************** I/O Functions *****************************************/ /****************************************** Low level functions *****************************************/ byte readByte_GB(word myAddress) { PORTF = myAddress & 0xFF; PORTK = (myAddress >> 8) & 0xFF; __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); // Switch CS(PH3) and RD(PH6) to LOW PORTH &= ~((1 << 3) | (1 << 6)); __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); // Read byte tempByte = PINC; // Switch CS(PH3) and RD(PH6) to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 3) | (1 << 6); __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); return tempByte; } void writeByte_GB(int myAddress, uint8_t myData) { PORTF = myAddress & 0xFF; PORTK = (myAddress >> 8) & 0xFF; PORTC = myData; // Arduino running at 16Mhz -> one nop = 62.5ns // Wait till output is stable __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); // Pull WR(PH5) low PORTH &= ~(1 << 5); // Leave WE low for at least 60ns __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); // Pull WR(PH5) HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 5); // Leave WE high for at least 50ns __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); } /****************************************** Game Boy functions *****************************************/ // Read Cartridge Header void getCartInfo_GB() { // Dump name into 8.3 compatible format byte myByte = 0; byte myLength = 0; for (int addr = 0x0134; addr <= 0x13C; addr++) { myByte = readByte_GB(addr); if (((char(myByte) >= 48 && char(myByte) <= 57) || (char(myByte) >= 65 && char(myByte) <= 122)) && myLength < 8) { romName[myLength] = char(myByte); myLength++; } } // Get Checksum as string sprintf(checksumStr, "%X%X", readByte_GB(0x014E), readByte_GB(0x014F)); romType = readByte_GB(0x0147); romSize = readByte_GB(0x0148); sramSize = readByte_GB(0x0149); numBanks = 2; // Default 32K if (romSize == 1) { numBanks = 4; } if (romSize == 2) { numBanks = 8; } if (romSize == 3) { numBanks = 16; } if (romSize == 4) { numBanks = 32; } if (romSize == 5 && (romType == 1 || romType == 2 || romType == 3)) { numBanks = 63; } else if (romSize == 5) { numBanks = 64; } if (romSize == 6 && (romType == 1 || romType == 2 || romType == 3)) { numBanks = 125; } else if (romSize == 6) { numBanks = 128; } if (romSize == 7) { numBanks = 256; } if (romSize == 82) { numBanks = 72; } if (romSize == 83) { numBanks = 80; } if (romSize == 84) { numBanks = 96; } sramBanks = 1; // Default 8K RAM if (sramSize == 3) { sramBanks = 4; } if (sramSize == 4) { sramBanks = 16; // GB Camera } } // Dump ROM void readROM_GB() { // Get name, add extension and convert to char array for sd lib char fileName[26]; strcpy(fileName, romName); strcat(fileName, ".GB"); // create a new folder for the rom file EEPROM_readAnything(0, foldern); sprintf(folder, "ROM/%s/%d", romName, foldern); sd.mkdir(folder, true); sd.chdir(folder); //clear the screen display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Creating folder: ")); println_Msg(folder); display_Update(); // write new folder number back to eeprom foldern = foldern + 1; EEPROM_writeAnything(0, foldern); //open file on sd card if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) { print_Error(F("Can't create file on SD"), true); } unsigned int addr = 0; // Read x number of banks for (int y = 1; y < numBanks; y++) { dataOut(); // Set ROM bank writeByte_GB(0x2100, y); dataIn(); if (y > 1) { addr = 0x4000; } for (; addr <= 0x7FFF; addr = addr + 512) { uint8_t readData[512]; for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) { readData[i] = readByte_GB(addr + i); } myFile.write(readData, 512); } } // Close the file: myFile.close(); // Signal end of process print_Msg(F("Saved as ")); println_Msg(fileName); } unsigned int calc_checksum_GB (char* fileName, char* folder) { unsigned int calcChecksum = 0; int calcFilesize = 0; unsigned long i = 0; int c = 0; if (strcmp(folder, "root") != 0) sd.chdir(folder); // If file exists if (myFile.open(fileName, O_READ)) { calcFilesize = myFile.fileSize() * 8 / 1024 / 1024; for (i = 0; i < (myFile.fileSize() / 512); i++) { myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); for (c = 0; c < 512; c++) { calcChecksum += sdBuffer[c]; } } myFile.close(); sd.chdir(); // Subtract checksum bytes calcChecksum -= readByte_GB(0x014E); calcChecksum -= readByte_GB(0x014F); // Return result return (calcChecksum); } // Else show error else { print_Error(F("DUMP ROM 1ST"), false); return 0; } } boolean compare_checksum_GB() { println_Msg(F("Calculating Checksum")); display_Update(); char fileName[26]; strcpy(fileName, romName); strcat(fileName, ".GB"); // last used rom folder EEPROM_readAnything(0, foldern); sprintf(folder, "ROM/%s/%d", romName, foldern - 1); char calcsumStr[5]; sprintf(calcsumStr, "%04X", calc_checksum_GB(fileName, folder)); if (strcmp(calcsumStr, checksumStr) == 0) { print_Msg(F("Result: ")); println_Msg(calcsumStr); println_Msg(F("Checksum matches")); display_Update(); return 1; } else { print_Msg(F("Result: ")); println_Msg(calcsumStr); print_Error(F("Checksum Error"), false); return 0; } } // Read RAM void readSRAM_GB() { // Get name, add extension and convert to char array for sd lib char fileName[26]; strcpy(fileName, romName); strcat(fileName, ".sav"); // create a new folder for the save file EEPROM_readAnything(0, foldern); sprintf(folder, "SAVE/%s/%d", romName, foldern); sd.mkdir(folder, true); sd.chdir(folder); // write new folder number back to eeprom foldern = foldern + 1; EEPROM_writeAnything(0, foldern); //open file on sd card if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) { print_Error(F("SD Error"), true); } // MBC2 Fix (unknown why this fixes it, maybe has to read ROM before RAM?) readByte_GB(0x0134); unsigned int addr = 0; unsigned int endaddr = 0; if (romType == 6 && sramSize == 0) { endaddr = 0xA1FF; // MBC2 512bytes (nibbles) } if (sramSize == 1) { endaddr = 0xA7FF; // 2K RAM } if (sramSize > 1) { endaddr = 0xBFFF; // 8K RAM } // Does cartridge have RAM if (endaddr > 0) { dataOut(); // Initialise MBC writeByte_GB(0x0000, 0x0A); // Switch RAM banks for (int bank = 0; bank < sramBanks; bank++) { dataOut(); writeByte_GB(0x4000, bank); // Read RAM dataIn(); for (addr = 0xA000; addr <= endaddr; addr = addr + 64) { uint8_t readData[64]; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { readData[i] = readByte_GB(addr + i); } myFile.write(readData, 64); } } dataOut(); // Disable RAM writeByte_GB(0x0000, 0x00); dataIn(); } else { print_Error(F("Cart has no SRAM"), false); } // Close the file: myFile.close(); // Signal end of process print_Msg(F("Saved to SAVE/")); print_Msg(romName); print_Msg(F("/")); print_Msg(foldern - 1); print_Msg(F("/")); println_Msg(fileName); display_Update(); } // Write RAM void writeSRAM_GB() { filePath[0] = '\0'; sd.chdir("/"); fileBrowser("Select sav file"); // Create filepath sprintf(filePath, "%s/%s", filePath, fileName); //open file on sd card if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { // MBC2 Fix (unknown why this fixes it, maybe has to read ROM before RAM?) readByte_GB(0x0134); unsigned int addr = 0; unsigned int endaddr = 0; if (romType == 6 && sramSize == 0) { endaddr = 0xA1FF; // MBC2 512bytes (nibbles) } if (sramSize == 1) { endaddr = 0xA7FF; // 2K RAM } if (sramSize > 1) { endaddr = 0xBFFF; // 8K RAM } // Does cartridge have RAM if (endaddr > 0) { dataOut(); // Initialise MBC writeByte_GB(0x0000, 0x0A); // Switch RAM banks for (int bank = 0; bank < sramBanks; bank++) { writeByte_GB(0x4000, bank); // Write RAM for (addr = 0xA000; addr <= endaddr; addr = addr + 64) { // Wait for serial input for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 64; i++) { // Pull CS(PH3) LOW PORTH &= ~(1 << 3); // Write to RAM writeByte_GB(addr + i, myFile.read()); asm volatile("nop"); asm volatile("nop"); asm volatile("nop"); // Pull CS(PH3) HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 3) ; } } } // Disable RAM writeByte_GB(0x0000, 0x00); Serial.flush(); // Flush any serial data that wasn't processed } else { print_Error(F("Cart has no SRAM"), false); } // Set pins to input dataIn(); // Close the file: myFile.close(); display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("SRAM writing finished")); display_Update(); } else { print_Error(F("File doesnt exist"), false); } } // Check if the SRAM was written without any error unsigned long verifySRAM_GB() { //open file on sd card if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { // Variable for errors writeErrors = 0; // MBC2 Fix (unknown why this fixes it, maybe has to read ROM before RAM?) readByte_GB(0x0134); unsigned int addr = 0; unsigned int endaddr = 0; if (romType == 6 && sramSize == 0) { endaddr = 0xA1FF; // MBC2 512bytes (nibbles) } if (sramSize == 1) { endaddr = 0xA7FF; // 2K RAM } if (sramSize > 1) { endaddr = 0xBFFF; // 8K RAM } // Does cartridge have RAM if (endaddr > 0) { dataOut(); // Initialise MBC writeByte_GB(0x0000, 0x0A); // Switch RAM banks for (int bank = 0; bank < sramBanks; bank++) { dataOut(); writeByte_GB(0x4000, bank); // Read RAM dataIn(); for (addr = 0xA000; addr <= endaddr; addr = addr + 64) { //fill sdBuffer myFile.read(sdBuffer, 64); for (int c = 0; c < 64; c++) { if (readByte_GB(addr + c) != sdBuffer[c]) { writeErrors++; } } } } dataOut(); // Disable RAM writeByte_GB(0x0000, 0x00); dataIn(); } // Close the file: myFile.close(); return writeErrors; } else { print_Error(F("Can't open file"), true); } } //****************************************** // End of File //******************************************