####Copy these files to the root of your SD card. ####n64.txt This file stores the N64 database which is needed because the save type and rom size are not stored inside the rom. The CRC32 checksum is used to verify a good dump. Example: 002c3b2a,NO7P,32,0 CRC32, game id, size in MByte, savetype Savetypes: 0 = no save chip 1 = SRAM 4 = Flashram 5 = 4K Eeprom 6 = 16K Eeprom ####snes.txt This file is needed for odd sized SNES games like Final Fantasy (JAP), Super Metroid(US/JAP) or Tales of Symphonia. Without this file you will get overdumps and the checksum calculation will fail. There are still a lot games missing from this list. Example: A172,24,48 checksum, size in Mbit, number of banks (lorom needs twice as many banks as hirom for the same rom size) ####hirom64.map This is a Nintendo Power mapping file that changes the mapping to a single 4MB HiRom game with 64Kbit/8KByte save. The first byte is used to specify the mapping. Bit0-1 SRAM Size (0=2K, 1=8K, 2=32K, 3=None) ;ie. 2K SHL (N*2) Bit2-4 ROM Size (0=512K, 2=1.5M, 5=3M, 7=4M) ;ie. 512K*(N+1) Bit5 Zero (maybe MSB of ROM Size for carts with three FLASH chips) (set for HIROM:ALL) Bit6-7 Mode (0=Lorom, 1=Hirom, 2=Forced HIROM:MENU, 3=Forced HIROM:ALL) More info: http://problemkaputt.de/fullsnes.htm#snescartnintendopowerflashcard Example: 0x5d = 0b 01 0 111 01 01 -> Hirom 0 111 -> 4M 01 -> 8K ####lorom256.map This is a Nintendo Power mapping file that changes the mapping to a single 4MB LoRom game with 256Kbit/32 KByte save. Example: 0x1e = 0b 00 0 111 10 00 -> Lorom 0 0b111 -> 7 -> 4M 0x10 -> 2 ->32k