/********************************************************************************** Nintendo Power Writer for Arduino Mega2560 Author: sanni Date: 2017-11-13 Version: V10 SD lib: https://github.com/greiman/SdFat Many thanks to MichlK, skaman and nocash Please visit: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=158974.0 And also: http://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=11453 *********************************************************************************/ /****************************************** Libraries *****************************************/ // SD Card (Pin 50 = MISO, Pin 51 = MOSI, Pin 52 = SCK, Pin 53 = SS) #include <SPI.h> #include <SdFat.h> #define chipSelectPin 53 SdFat sd; SdBaseFile myFile; /****************************************** Pinout *****************************************/ // Address Pins #define a0Pin A0 #define a1Pin A1 #define a2Pin A2 #define a3Pin A3 #define a4Pin A4 #define a5Pin A5 #define a6Pin A6 #define a7Pin A7 #define a8Pin A8 #define a9Pin A9 #define a10Pin A10 #define a11Pin A11 #define a12Pin A12 #define a13Pin A13 #define a14Pin A14 #define a15Pin A15 #define ba0Pin 49 //a16 #define ba1Pin 48 //a17 #define ba2Pin 47 //a18 #define ba3Pin 46 //a19 #define ba4Pin 45 //a20 #define ba5Pin 44 //a21 #define ba6Pin 43 //a22 #define ba7Pin 42 //a23 // Control Pins #define csPin 6 #define irqPin 7 #define wrPin 8 #define rdPin 9 // Data Pins #define d0Pin 37 #define d1Pin 36 #define d2Pin 35 #define d3Pin 34 #define d4Pin 33 #define d5Pin 32 #define d6Pin 31 #define d7Pin 30 // Clock & Reset Pin #define rstPin 17 #define clkPin 5 /****************************************** Variables *****************************************/ // Buffer for the SD byte SDBuffer[512]; byte SDBuffer2[512]; // Filename of SD file char fileName[13]; // Nintendo Power status byte NPReady = 0; // Flashrom ID and size char flashid[5]; unsigned long flashSize = 4194304; byte numBanks = 128; boolean romType = 0; byte sramSize = 64; // Variable to count errors unsigned long writeErrors; // For incoming serial data int incomingByte; /****************************************** Setup *****************************************/ void setup() { // Clock Pin to Output DDRE |= (1 << 3); // Clock Pin to Low PORTE &= ~(1 << 3); // Set Address Pins to Output //A0-A7 DDRF = 0xFF; //A8-A15 DDRK = 0xFF; //BA0-BA7 DDRL = 0xFF; // Set Control Pins to Output RST(PH0) CS(PH3) WR(PH5) RD(PH6) DDRH |= (1 << 0) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6); // Output a high signal on all pins, pins are active low therefore everything is disabled now PORTH |= (1 << 0) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6); // Set IRQ(PH4) to Input DDRH &= ~(1 << 4); // Activate Internal Pullup Resistors PORTH |= (1 << 4); // Set Data Pins (D0-D7) to Input DDRC = 0x00; // Enable Internal Pullups //PORTC = 0xFF; // Serial Begin Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("--------------------------------------------------------->"); Serial.println("Nintendo Power Writer V10 2017 sanni"); Serial.println("--------------------------------------------------------->"); // Init SD card if (!sd.begin(chipSelectPin, SPI_FULL_SPEED)) { Serial.println("SD Error."); while (1); } // Print SD Info Serial.print("SD Card: "); Serial.print(sd.card()->cardSize() * 512E-9); Serial.print("GB FAT"); Serial.println(int(sd.vol()->fatType())); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("FILES---------------------------------------------------->"); // Print all files in root of SD Serial.println("Name - Size"); sd.vwd()->rewind(); while (myFile.openNext(sd.vwd(), O_READ)) { if (myFile.isHidden()) { } else { if (myFile.isDir()) { // Indicate a directory. Serial.write('/'); } myFile.printName(&Serial); Serial.write(' '); myFile.printFileSize(&Serial); Serial.println(); } myFile.close(); } Serial.println(""); } /****************************************** Helper functions *****************************************/ // Prompt a filename from the Serial Monitor void getfilename() { Serial.println(""); Serial.println("-------> Please enter a filename in 8.3 format: _ <-------"); Serial.println(""); while (Serial.available() == 0) { } String strBuffer; strBuffer = Serial.readString(); strBuffer.toCharArray(fileName, 13); } // Send a clock pulse void pulseClock(int times) { for (int i = 0; i < times * 2; i++) { // Switch the clock pin to 0 if it's 1 and 0 if it's 1 PORTE ^= (1 << 3); // Wait 62.5ns __asm__("nop\n\t"); } } /****************************************** I/O Functions *****************************************/ // Switch control pins to write void controlOut() { // Switch RD(PH6) and WR(PH5) to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 6) | (1 << 5); // Switch CS(PH3) to LOW PORTH &= ~(1 << 3); } // Switch control pins to read void controlIn() { // Switch WR(PH5) to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 5); // Switch CS(PH3) and RD(PH6) to LOW PORTH &= ~((1 << 3) | (1 << 6)); } // Switch data pins to write void dataOut() { DDRC = 0xFF; } // Switch data pins to read void dataIn() { DDRC = 0x00; // Pullups //PORTC = 0xFF; } // Write one byte of data to a location specified by bank and address, 00:0000 void writeBank(byte myBank, word myAddress, byte myData) { PORTL = myBank; PORTF = myAddress & 0xFF; PORTK = (myAddress >> 8) & 0xFF; PORTC = myData; // Arduino running at 16Mhz -> one nop = 62.5ns // Wait till output is stable __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); // Switch WE(PH5) to LOW PORTH &= ~(1 << 5); // Leave WE low for at least 60ns __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); // Switch WR(PH5) to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 5); // Leave WE high for at least 50ns __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); } // Write a byte to the data pins and pulse the clock pin, used when sending to the MX15001 chip void writeBankClock(byte myBank, word myAddress, byte myData) { if ( (myAddress & 1) == 1 ) digitalWrite(a0Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a0Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 2) == 2 ) digitalWrite(a1Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a1Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 4) == 4 ) digitalWrite(a2Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a2Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 8) == 8 ) digitalWrite(a3Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a3Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 16) == 16 ) digitalWrite(a4Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a4Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 32) == 32 ) digitalWrite(a5Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a5Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 64) == 64 ) digitalWrite(a6Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a6Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 128) == 128 ) digitalWrite(a7Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a7Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 256) == 256 ) digitalWrite(a8Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a8Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 512) == 512 ) digitalWrite(a9Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a9Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 1024) == 1024 ) digitalWrite(a10Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a10Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 2048) == 2048 ) digitalWrite(a11Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a11Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 4096) == 4096 ) digitalWrite(a12Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a12Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 8192) == 8192 ) digitalWrite(a13Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a13Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 16384) == 16384 ) digitalWrite(a14Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a14Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 32768) == 32768 ) digitalWrite(a15Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a15Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 1) == 1 ) digitalWrite(ba0Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba0Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 2) == 2 ) digitalWrite(ba1Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba1Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 4) == 4 ) digitalWrite(ba2Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba2Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 8) == 8 ) digitalWrite(ba3Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba3Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 16) == 16 ) digitalWrite(ba4Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba4Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 32) == 32 ) digitalWrite(ba5Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba5Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 64) == 64 ) digitalWrite(ba6Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba6Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 128) == 128 ) digitalWrite(ba7Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba7Pin, 0); if ( (myData & 1) == 1 ) digitalWrite(d0Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(d0Pin, 0); if ( (myData & 2) == 2 ) digitalWrite(d1Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(d1Pin, 0); if ( (myData & 4) == 4 ) digitalWrite(d2Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(d2Pin, 0); if ( (myData & 8) == 8 ) digitalWrite(d3Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(d3Pin, 0); if ( (myData & 16) == 16 ) digitalWrite(d4Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(d4Pin, 0); if ( (myData & 32) == 32 ) digitalWrite(d5Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(d5Pin, 0); if ( (myData & 64) == 64 ) digitalWrite(d6Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(d6Pin, 0); if ( (myData & 128) == 128 ) digitalWrite(d7Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(d7Pin, 0); // Pull WE low digitalWrite(wrPin, LOW); // Pulse clock pin 4 times pulseClock(8); // Pull WE high digitalWrite(wrPin, HIGH); // Pulse clock pin 4 times pulseClock(8); } // Read one byte of data from a location specified by bank and address, 00:0000 byte readBank(byte myBank, word myAddress) { PORTL = myBank; PORTF = myAddress & 0xFF; PORTK = (myAddress >> 8) & 0xFF; // Arduino running at 16Mhz -> one nop = 62.5ns __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); // Read byte tempByte = PINC; return tempByte; } // Read a byte from the digital pins and pulse the clock, used when sending to the MX15001 chip byte readBankClock(byte myBank, word myAddress) { if ( (myAddress & 1) == 1 ) digitalWrite(a0Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a0Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 2) == 2 ) digitalWrite(a1Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a1Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 4) == 4 ) digitalWrite(a2Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a2Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 8) == 8 ) digitalWrite(a3Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a3Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 16) == 16 ) digitalWrite(a4Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a4Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 32) == 32 ) digitalWrite(a5Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a5Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 64) == 64 ) digitalWrite(a6Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a6Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 128) == 128 ) digitalWrite(a7Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a7Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 256) == 256 ) digitalWrite(a8Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a8Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 512) == 512 ) digitalWrite(a9Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a9Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 1024) == 1024 ) digitalWrite(a10Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a10Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 2048) == 2048 ) digitalWrite(a11Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a11Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 4096) == 4096 ) digitalWrite(a12Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a12Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 8192) == 8192 ) digitalWrite(a13Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a13Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 16384) == 16384 ) digitalWrite(a14Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a14Pin, 0); if ( (myAddress & 32768) == 32768 ) digitalWrite(a15Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(a15Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 1) == 1 ) digitalWrite(ba0Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba0Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 2) == 2 ) digitalWrite(ba1Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba1Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 4) == 4 ) digitalWrite(ba2Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba2Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 8) == 8 ) digitalWrite(ba3Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba3Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 16) == 16 ) digitalWrite(ba4Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba4Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 32) == 32 ) digitalWrite(ba5Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba5Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 64) == 64 ) digitalWrite(ba6Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba6Pin, 0); if ( (myBank & 128) == 128 ) digitalWrite(ba7Pin, 1); else digitalWrite(ba7Pin, 0); // Pulse clock 4 times pulseClock(8); // Read byte tempByte = 0; if (digitalRead(d0Pin)) tempByte = tempByte + 1; if (digitalRead(d1Pin)) tempByte = tempByte + 2; if (digitalRead(d2Pin)) tempByte = tempByte + 4; if (digitalRead(d3Pin)) tempByte = tempByte + 8; if (digitalRead(d4Pin)) tempByte = tempByte + 16; if (digitalRead(d5Pin)) tempByte = tempByte + 32; if (digitalRead(d6Pin)) tempByte = tempByte + 64; if (digitalRead(d7Pin)) tempByte = tempByte + 128; return tempByte; } /****************************************** 29F1601 flashrom functions *****************************************/ // Reset the MX29F1601 flashrom, startbank is 0xC0 for first and 0xE0 for second flashrom void resetFlash(int startBank) { // Configure control pins controlOut(); // Set data pins to output dataOut(); // Reset command sequence if (romType) { writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(startBank, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xf0); } else { writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xf0); } // Set data pins to input dataIn(); // Set control pins to input and therefore pull CE low and latch status register content controlIn(); } // Print flashrom manufacturer and device ID void idFlash(int startBank) { // Configure control pins controlOut(); // Set data pins to output dataOut(); if (romType) { // ID command sequence writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(startBank, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0x90); // Set data pins to input again dataIn(); // Set control pins to input controlIn(); // Read the two id bytes into a string sprintf(flashid, "%x%x", readBank(startBank, 0x00), readBank(startBank, 0x02)); } else { writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0x90); // Set data pins to input again dataIn(); // Set control pins to input controlIn(); // Read the two id bytes into a string sprintf(flashid, "%x%x", readBank(0, 0x8000), readBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x02)); } // Set data pins to input dataIn(); // Set control pins to input and therefore pull CE low and latch status register content controlIn(); } // Write the flashroms by reading a file from the SD card, pos defines where in the file the reading/writing should start void writeFlash(int startBank, uint32_t pos) { Serial.print("Writing "); Serial.print(flashSize); Serial.print(" Bytes into "); Serial.print(numBanks); Serial.print(" Banks "); if (romType) Serial.println("(HiROM)."); else Serial.println("(LoRom)."); // Open file on sd card if (myFile.open(fileName, O_READ)) { // Seek to a new position in the file if (pos != 0) myFile.seekCur(pos); // Configure control pins controlOut(); // Set data pins to output dataOut(); if (romType) { // Write hirom for (int currBank = startBank; currBank < startBank + numBanks; currBank++) { // Print Status Serial.print("."); // Fill SDBuffer with 4 pages for (unsigned long currBuffer = 0; currBuffer < 0x10000; currBuffer += 512) { myFile.read(SDBuffer, 512); // Write the four pages out of the buffer to the rom chip one page at a time for (unsigned long currPage = 0; currPage < 512; currPage += 128) { // Write command sequence writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(startBank, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xa0); for (byte currByte = 0; currByte < 128; currByte++) { // Write one byte of data writeBank(currBank, currBuffer + currPage + currByte, SDBuffer[currPage + currByte]); if (currByte == 127) { // Write the last byte twice or else it won't write at all writeBank(currBank, currBuffer + currPage + currByte, SDBuffer[currPage + currByte]); } } // Wait until write is finished busyCheck(startBank); } } } } else { // Write lorom for (int currBank = 0; currBank < numBanks; currBank++) { // Print Status Serial.print("."); for (unsigned long currByte = 0x8000; currByte < 0x10000; currByte += 128) { myFile.read(SDBuffer, 128); // Write command sequence writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xa0); for (byte c = 0; c < 128; c++) { // Write one byte of data writeBank(currBank, currByte + c, SDBuffer[c]); if (c == 127) { // Write the last byte twice or else it won't write at all writeBank(currBank, currByte + c, SDBuffer[c]); } } // Wait until write is finished busyCheck(startBank); } } } // Close the file: myFile.close(); Serial.println(""); } else { Serial.println("Can't open file on SD."); } } // Write 4MB to both flashroms in parallel void writeNP() { unsigned long bankSize = 0x10000; int bufferSize = 512; unsigned long currOffset = 2097152; numBanks = 32; // Open file on sd card if (myFile.open(fileName, O_READ)) { // Configure control pins controlOut(); // Set data pins to output dataOut(); // Write 32 hirom banks at 65536B each per chip, so 4MB total for (int currBank = 0; currBank < numBanks; currBank++) { Serial.print("."); // Fill 2 SDBuffers with 4(if bufferSize=512) pages each, one page has 128B for (unsigned long currBuffer = 0; currBuffer < bankSize; currBuffer += bufferSize) { // Seek to current position in the file myFile.seekSet((currBank * bankSize) + currBuffer); myFile.read(SDBuffer, bufferSize); myFile.seekSet((currBank * bankSize) + currOffset + currBuffer); myFile.read(SDBuffer2, bufferSize); // Write 2x 128B at once out of the two SDBuffers to the flashroms until all the buffer's content was written for (unsigned long currPage = 0; currPage < bufferSize; currPage += 128) { // Write command sequence to 1st flashrom writeBank(0xC0, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0xC0, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(0xC0, 0x5555 * 2, 0xa0); for (byte currByte = 0; currByte < 128; currByte++) { // Write one byte of data writeBank(0xC0 + currBank, currBuffer + currPage + currByte, SDBuffer[currPage + currByte]); if (currByte == 127) { // Write the last byte twice or else it won't write at all writeBank(0xC0 + currBank, currBuffer + currPage + currByte, SDBuffer[currPage + currByte]); } } // Write command sequence to 2nd flashrom writeBank(0xE0, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0xE0, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(0xE0, 0x5555 * 2, 0xa0); for (byte currByte = 0; currByte < 128; currByte++) { // Write one byte of data writeBank(0xE0 + currBank, currBuffer + currPage + currByte, SDBuffer2[currPage + currByte]); if (currByte == 127) { // Write the last byte twice or else it won't write at all writeBank(0xE0 + currBank, currBuffer + currPage + currByte, SDBuffer2[currPage + currByte]); } } // Wait until writes are finished busyCheck(0xC0); busyCheck(0xE0); } } } // Close the file: myFile.close(); } else { Serial.println("Can't open file on SD."); } } // Delay between write operations based on status register void busyCheck(byte startBank) { // Set data pins to input dataIn(); // Set control pins to input and therefore pull CE low and latch status register content controlIn(); // Read register readBank(startBank, 0x0000); // Read D7 while D7 = 0 //1 = B00000001, 1 << 7 = B10000000, PINC = B1XXXXXXX (X = don't care), & = bitwise and while (!(PINC & (1 << 7))) { // CE or OE must be toggled with each subsequent status read or the // completion of a program or erase operation will not be evident. // Switch RD(PH6) to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 6); // one nop ~62.5ns __asm__("nop\n\t"); // Switch RD(PH6) to LOW PORTH &= ~(1 << 6); // one nop ~62.5ns __asm__("nop\n\t"); } // Configure control pins controlOut(); // Set data pins to output dataOut(); } // Erase the flashrom to 0xFF void eraseFlash(int startBank) { // Configure control pins controlOut(); // Set data pins to output dataOut(); if (romType) { // Erase command sequence writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(startBank, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0x80); writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(startBank, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0x10); } else { writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0x80); writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0x10); } // Wait for erase to complete busyCheck(startBank); } // Check if an erase succeeded, return 1 if blank and 0 if not byte blankcheck(int startBank) { // Set data pins to input again dataIn(); // Set control pins to input controlIn(); byte blank = 1; if (romType) { for (int currBank = startBank; currBank < startBank + numBanks; currBank++) { for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < 0x10000; currByte++) { if (readBank(currBank, currByte) != 0xFF) { currBank = startBank + numBanks; blank = 0; } } } } else { for (int currBank = 0; currBank < numBanks; currBank++) { for (unsigned long currByte = 0x8000; currByte < 0x10000; currByte++) { if (readBank(currBank, currByte) != 0xFF) { currBank = numBanks; blank = 0; } } } } return blank; } // Check if a write succeeded, returns 0 if all is ok and number of errors if not unsigned long verifyFlash(int startBank, uint32_t pos) { unsigned long verified = 0; // Open file on sd card if (myFile.open(fileName, O_READ)) { // Set file starting position myFile.seekCur(pos); // Set data pins to input dataIn(); // Set control pins to input controlIn(); if (romType) { for (int currBank = startBank; currBank < startBank + numBanks; currBank++) { for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < 0x10000; currByte += 512) { // Fill SDBuffer myFile.read(SDBuffer, 512); for (int c = 0; c < 512; c++) { if (readBank(currBank, currByte + c) != SDBuffer[c]) { verified++; } } } } } else { for (int currBank = 0; currBank < numBanks; currBank++) { for (unsigned long currByte = 0x8000; currByte < 0x10000; currByte += 512) { // Fill SDBuffer myFile.read(SDBuffer, 512); for (int c = 0; c < 512; c++) { if (readBank(currBank, currByte + c) != SDBuffer[c]) { verified++; } } } } } // Close the file: myFile.close(); } else { // SD Error verified = 999999; Serial.println("Can't open file on SD."); } // Return 0 if verified ok, or number of errors return verified; } // Read flashroms and save them to the SD card void readFlash() { // Set data pins to input dataIn(); // Set control pins to input controlIn(); Serial.print("Reading flash into file "); Serial.println(fileName); // Open file on sd card if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) { Serial.println("Can't create file on SD."); while (1); } if (romType) { for (int currBank = 0xC0; currBank < 0xC0 + numBanks; currBank++) { // Print Status Serial.print("."); for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < 0x10000; currByte += 512) { for (int c = 0; c < 512; c++) { SDBuffer[c] = readBank(currBank, currByte + c); } myFile.write(SDBuffer, 512); } } } else { for (int currBank = 0; currBank < numBanks; currBank++) { // Print Status Serial.print("."); for (unsigned long currByte = 0x8000; currByte < 0x10000; currByte += 512) { for (int c = 0; c < 512; c++) { SDBuffer[c] = readBank(currBank, currByte + c); } myFile.write(SDBuffer, 512); } } } // Close the file: myFile.close(); Serial.println(""); } // Print part of the flash to the serial monitor void printFlash(boolean hirom, unsigned long startByte, unsigned long startBank, int numBytes) { // Set data pins to input dataIn(); // Set control pins to input controlIn(); char buffer[3]; if (hirom) { for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < numBytes; currByte += 16) { for (int c = 0; c < 16; c++) { itoa (readBank(startBank, currByte + c), buffer, 16); for (int i = 0; i < 2 - strlen(buffer); i++) { Serial.print('0'); } // Now print the significant bits Serial.print(buffer); Serial.print(" "); } Serial.println(""); } } else { for (unsigned long currByte = 0x8000; currByte < 0x8000 + numBytes; currByte += 16) { for (int c = 0; c < 16; c++) { itoa (readBank(startBank, currByte + c), buffer, 16); for (int i = 0; i < 2 - strlen(buffer); i++) { Serial.print('0'); } // Now print the significant bits Serial.print(buffer); Serial.print(" "); } Serial.println(""); } } } // Print multiple 64 bytes sections out of different parts of the flashroms void printFlashAll() { // Romtype, startByte, numBytes Serial.println("0x00/0xC0"); printFlash(romType, 0, 0xC0, 64); Serial.println("0x80000/0xC8"); printFlash(romType, 0x80000, 0xC8, 64); Serial.println("0x100000/0xD0"); printFlash(romType, 0x100000, 0xD0, 64); Serial.println("0x180000/0xD8"); printFlash(romType, 0x180000, 0xD8, 64); Serial.println("0x200000/0xE0"); printFlash(romType, 0x200000, 0xE0, 64); Serial.println("0x280000/0xE8"); printFlash(romType, 0x280000, 0xE8, 64); Serial.println("0x300000/0xF0"); printFlash(romType, 0x300000, 0xF0, 64); Serial.println("0x380000/0xF8"); printFlash(romType, 0x380000, 0xF8, 64); } // Display protected sectors/banks as 0xc2 and unprotected as 0x00 byte readSectorProtection(byte startBank) { byte isProtected = 0; // Configure control pins controlOut(); // Set data pins to output dataOut(); // Display Sector Protection Status if (romType) { writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(startBank, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0x90); // Configure control pins controlIn(); // Set data pins to output dataIn(); for (int i = 0; i <= 0x1F; i++) { if (readBank(startBank + i, 0x04) == 0xC2) { Serial.print("Sector 0x"); Serial.print(startBank + i, HEX); Serial.println(" is protected"); isProtected = 1; } else if (readBank(startBank + i, 0x04) == 0x0) { /*Serial.print("Sector 0x"); Serial.print(startBank + i, HEX); Serial.println(" is not protected");*/ } else { /*Serial.print("Sector 0x"); Serial.print(startBank + i, HEX); Serial.println(" READ ERROR");*/ isProtected = 2; } } } else { writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0x90); // Configure control pins controlIn(); // Set data pins to output dataIn(); for (int i = 0; i <= 0x1F; i++) { if (readBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x04) == 0xC2) { Serial.print("Sector 0x"); Serial.print(startBank + i, HEX); Serial.println(" is protected"); isProtected = 1; } else if (readBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x04) == 0x0) { } else { isProtected = 2; } } } return isProtected; } void unlockSectorProtection(byte startBank) { // Configure control pins controlOut(); // Set data pins to output dataOut(); // Remove Sector Protection if (romType) { writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(startBank, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0x60); writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(startBank, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(startBank, 0x0000 * 2, 0x40); } else { writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0x60); writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x0000 * 2, 0x40); } // Wait until write is finished busyCheck(startBank); } void setSectorProtection(byte startBank) { // Configure control pins controlOut(); // Set data pins to output dataOut(); // Set Sector Protection if (romType) { writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(startBank, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0x60); writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(startBank, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(startBank, 0x0000 * 2, 0x20); } else { writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0x60); writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x0000 * 2, 0x20); } // Wait until write is finished busyCheck(startBank); } /****************************************** Nintendo Power *****************************************/ // Switch to HiRom All and unlock Write Protection boolean unlockedHirom() { romType = 1; if (sendNP(0x04) == 0x2A) { // Unlock Write Protection sendNP(0x02); if (readBankClock(0, 0x2401) == 0x4) { return 1; } else { Serial.println("Error: Unlocking WP failed."); Serial.println("Please power-cycle NP cart."); readPorts(); return 0; } } else { Serial.println("Error: Switching to HiRom All failed."); Serial.println("Please power-cycle NP cart."); readPorts(); return 0; } } // Read the ports at 0x2400-0x2407 and print the results void readPorts() { // Set data pins to input dataIn(); // Set control pins to input controlIn(); for (unsigned long myAddr = 0x2400; myAddr < 0x2408; myAddr++) { Serial.print(readBankClock(0, myAddr), HEX); Serial.print(" "); } Serial.println(" "); } void eraseMapping(byte startBank) { // Switch to write dataOut(); controlOut(); if (romType) { // Prepare to erase/write Page Buffer writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(startBank, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0x77); // Erase Page Buffer writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(startBank, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xe0); } else { // Prepare to erase/write Page Buffer writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0x77); // Erase Page Buffer writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xe0); } // Wait until erase is finished busyCheck(startBank); // Switch to read dataIn(); controlIn(); } // Read the current mapping from the hidden "page buffer" void readMapping() { Serial.print("Reading mapping into file "); Serial.println(fileName); // Switch to write dataOut(); controlOut(); // Reset to defaults writeBank(0xC0, 0x0000, 0x38); writeBank(0xC0, 0x0000, 0xd0); // Read Extended Status Register (GSR and PSR) writeBank(0xC0, 0x0000, 0x71); // Page Buffer Swap writeBank(0xC0, 0x0000, 0x72); // Read Page Buffer writeBank(0xC0, 0x0000, 0x75); // Switch to read dataIn(); controlIn(); //open file on sd card if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) { Serial.println("SD Error"); } // Read the mapping info out of the 1st chip for (unsigned long currByte = 0xFF00; currByte <= 0xFFFF; currByte++) { myFile.write(readBank(0xC0, currByte)); } // Switch to write dataOut(); controlOut(); // Reset to defaults writeBank(0xE0, 0x0000, 0x38); writeBank(0xE0, 0x0000, 0xd0); // Read Extended Status Register (GSR and PSR) writeBank(0xE0, 0x0000, 0x71); // Page Buffer Swap writeBank(0xE0, 0x0000, 0x72); // Read Page Buffer writeBank(0xE0, 0x0000, 0x75); // Switch to read dataIn(); controlIn(); // Read the mapping info out of the 1st chip for (unsigned long currByte = 0xFF00; currByte <= 0xFFFF; currByte++) { myFile.write(readBank(0xE0, currByte)); } // Close the file: myFile.close(); // Switch to write dataOut(); controlOut(); // Reset Flash writeBank(0xC0, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0xC0, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(0xC0, 0x5555 * 2, 0xf0); // Reset Flash writeBank(0xE0, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0xE0, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(0xE0, 0x5555 * 2, 0xf0); // Switch to read dataIn(); controlIn(); // Signal end of process Serial.println("Done."); } void writeMapping(byte startBank, uint32_t pos) { // Switch to write dataOut(); controlOut(); // Open file on sd card if (myFile.open(fileName, O_READ)) { // Seek to a new position in the file if (pos != 0) myFile.seekCur(pos); if (romType) { // Write to Page Buffer for (unsigned long currByte = 0x00; currByte < 0x100; currByte += 128) { // Prepare to erase/write Page Buffer writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(startBank, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0x77); // Write Page Buffer Command writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(startBank, 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(startBank, 0x5555 * 2, 0x99); myFile.read(SDBuffer, 128); for (byte c = 0; c < 128; c++) { writeBank(startBank, currByte + c, SDBuffer[c]); // Write last byte twice if (c == 127) { writeBank(startBank, currByte + c, SDBuffer[c]); } } busyCheck(startBank); } } else { // Write to Page Buffer for (unsigned long currByte = 0x0000; currByte < 0x100; currByte += 128) { // Prepare to erase/write Page Buffer writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0x77); // Write Page Buffer Command writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0xaa); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x2AAA * 2, 0x55); writeBank(1, 0x8000 + 0x1555 * 2, 0x99); myFile.read(SDBuffer, 128); for (byte c = 0; c < 128; c++) { writeBank(1, 0x8000 + currByte + c, SDBuffer[c]); // Write last byte twice if (c == 127) { writeBank(1, 0x8000 + currByte + c, SDBuffer[c]); } } busyCheck(startBank); } } // Close the file: myFile.close(); } else { Serial.println("Can't open file on SD"); } // Switch to read dataIn(); controlIn(); } // Print the current mapping from the hidden "page buffer" void printMapping(byte startBank) { // Switch to write dataOut(); controlOut(); if (romType) { // Unlock read map writeBank(startBank, 0x0000, 0x38); writeBank(startBank, 0x0000, 0xd0); // Read Extended Status Register (GSR and PSR) writeBank(startBank, 0x0000, 0x71); // Page Buffer Swap writeBank(startBank, 0x0000, 0x72); // Read Page Buffer writeBank(startBank, 0x0000, 0x75); // Switch to read dataIn(); controlIn(); char buffer[3]; for (unsigned long currByte = 0xFF00; currByte < 0xFFFF; currByte += 16) { Serial.print("0x"); Serial.print(startBank, HEX); Serial.print(currByte, HEX); Serial.print(" "); for (int c = 0; c < 16; c++) { itoa (readBank(startBank, currByte + c), buffer, 16); for (int i = 0; i < 2 - strlen(buffer); i++) { Serial.print('0'); } // Now print the significant bits Serial.print(buffer); Serial.print(" "); } Serial.println(""); } } else { writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x0000, 0x38); writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x0000, 0xd0); // Read Extended Status Register (GSR and PSR) writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x0000, 0x71); // Page Buffer Swap writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x0000, 0x72); // Read Page Buffer writeBank(0, 0x8000 + 0x0000, 0x75); // Switch to read dataIn(); controlIn(); char buffer[3]; for (unsigned long currByte = 0x0000; currByte < 0x100; currByte += 16) { Serial.print("0x"); Serial.print(currByte, HEX); Serial.print(" "); for (int c = 0; c < 16; c++) { itoa (readBank(0, 0x8000 + currByte + c), buffer, 16); for (int i = 0; i < 2 - strlen(buffer); i++) { Serial.print('0'); } // Now print the significant bits Serial.print(buffer); Serial.print(" "); } Serial.println(""); } } // Switch to read dataIn(); controlIn(); } // Send a command to the MX15001 chip byte sendNP(byte command) { // Switch to write dataOut(); controlOut(); // Write command then pulse clock pin 2 times writeBankClock(0, 0x2400, 0x09); pulseClock(4); // Switch to read dataIn(); controlIn(); // Read status NPReady = readBankClock(0, 0x2400); // Switch to write dataOut(); controlOut(); writeBankClock(0, 0x2401, 0x28); pulseClock(4); writeBankClock(0, 0x2401, 0x84); pulseClock(4); // NP_CMD_06h, send this only if above read has returned 7Dh, not if it's already returning 2Ah if (NPReady == 0x7D) { writeBankClock(0, 0x2400, 0x06); pulseClock(4); writeBankClock(0, 0x2400, 0x39); pulseClock(4); } // Write the command writeBankClock(0, 0x2400, command); // Switch to read dataIn(); controlIn(); // Read status NPReady = readBankClock(0, 0x2400); return NPReady; } // This function will erase and program one of the flashroms(0xC0 or 0xE0) from a file off the SD card void programFlash(int startBank, uint32_t pos) { // Switch NP cart's mapping if (unlockedHirom()) { // Get ID idFlash(startBank); if (strcmp(flashid, "c2f3") == 0) { Serial.print("Flash ID: "); Serial.println(flashid); resetFlash(startBank); // Erase flash Serial.print("Checking if flash is empty..."); if (blankcheck(startBank)) Serial.println("Success."); else { Serial.println("Flash is not blank."); Serial.print("Erasing..."); eraseFlash(startBank); resetFlash(startBank); Serial.println("Done."); Serial.print("Checking if flash is empty..."); if (blankcheck(startBank)) Serial.println("Success."); else { Serial.println("Abort: Could not erase flash."); while (1); } } // Write flash writeFlash(startBank, pos); // Reset flash resetFlash(startBank); // Checking for errors Serial.print("Checking for write errors..."); writeErrors = verifyFlash(startBank, pos); if (writeErrors == 0) { Serial.println("Flashrom verified ok"); } else { Serial.print("Number of Errors: "); Serial.println(writeErrors); } } else { Serial.println("Error: Wrong Flash ID"); } } } // This function will erase and program the NP cart(both flashroms) from a 4MB file off the SD card void programNP() { // Switch NP cart's mapping if (unlockedHirom()) { // Get ID for (int currFlash = 0; currFlash < 33; currFlash += 32) { idFlash(0xC0 + currFlash); if (strcmp(flashid, "c2f3") == 0) { resetFlash(0xC0 + currFlash); // Erase flash Serial.print("Checking if flash 0x"); Serial.print(0xC0 + currFlash, HEX); Serial.print(" is empty..."); if (blankcheck(0xC0 + currFlash)) Serial.println("Success."); else { Serial.println("Flash is not blank."); Serial.print("Erasing..."); eraseFlash(0xC0 + currFlash); resetFlash(0xC0 + currFlash); if (blankcheck(0xC0 + currFlash)) Serial.println("Done."); else { Serial.println("Abort: Could not erase flash."); while (1); } } } else { Serial.println("Error: Wrong Flash ID"); while (1); } } // Write flash Serial.print("Writing..."); writeNP(); Serial.println(""); // Reset flash resetFlash(0xC0); resetFlash(0xE0); // Checking for errors Serial.println("Checking for write errors..."); writeErrors = verifyFlash(0xC0, 0); if (writeErrors == 0) { Serial.println("Flash 0xC0 verified OK."); } else { Serial.print("Number of Errors: "); Serial.println(writeErrors); } // Checking for errors writeErrors = verifyFlash(0xE0, 2097152); if (writeErrors == 0) { Serial.println("Flash 0xE0 verified OK."); } else { Serial.print("Number of Errors: "); Serial.println(writeErrors); } } } /****************************************** SNES SRAM Functions *****************************************/ // Dump the SRAM to the SD card void writeSRAM () { //open file on sd card if (myFile.open(fileName, O_READ)) { // Set pins to output dataOut(); // Set RST RD WR to High and CS to Low controlOut(); // Dump HiRom if (romType) { // Writing SRAM on HiRom needs CS to be high digitalWrite(csPin, HIGH); // Sram size long lastByte = (long(sramSize) * 128) + 24576; for (long currByte = 24576; currByte < lastByte; currByte++) { //startAddr = 0x6000 writeBank(48, currByte, myFile.read()); //startBank = 0x30 } } // Dump LoRom else { // Sram size long lastByte = (long(sramSize) * 128); for (long currByte = 0; currByte < lastByte; currByte++) { //startAddr = 0x0000 writeBank(112, currByte, myFile.read()); //startBank = 0x70 } } // set control controlIn(); // Set pins to input dataIn(); // Close the file: myFile.close(); Serial.println("SRAM writing finished"); } else { Serial.println("File doesnt exist"); } } void readSRAM () { // set control controlIn(); // Set pins to input dataIn(); //open file on sd card if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) { Serial.println("SD Error"); } if (romType) { // Dumping SRAM on HiRom needs CS to be high digitalWrite(csPin, HIGH); // Sram size long lastByte = (long(sramSize) * 128) + 24576; for (long currByte = 24576; currByte < lastByte; currByte++) { //startAddr = 0x6000 myFile.write(readBank(48, currByte)); //startBank = 0x30 } } else { // Sram size long lastByte = (long(sramSize) * 128); for (long currByte = 0; currByte < lastByte; currByte++) { //startAddr = 0x0000 myFile.write(readBank(112, currByte)); //startBank = 0x70 } } // Close the file: myFile.close(); // Signal end of process Serial.print("Saved to "); Serial.println(fileName); } // Check if the SRAM was written without any error unsigned long verifySRAM() { //open file on sd card if (myFile.open(fileName, O_READ)) { // Variable for errors writeErrors = 0; // set control controlIn(); // Set pins to input dataIn(); if (romType) { // Dumping SRAM on HiRom needs CS to be high digitalWrite(csPin, HIGH); // Sram size long lastByte = (long(sramSize) * 128) + 24576; for (long currByte = 24576; currByte < lastByte; currByte += 512) { //fill sdBuffer myFile.read(SDBuffer, 512); for (unsigned long c = 0; c < 512; c++) { if ((readBank(48, currByte + c)) != SDBuffer[c]) { writeErrors++; } } } } else { // Sram size long lastByte = (long(sramSize) * 128); for (long currByte = 0; currByte < lastByte; currByte += 512) { //fill sdBuffer myFile.read(SDBuffer, 512); for (unsigned long c = 0; c < 512; c++) { if ((readBank(112, currByte + c)) != SDBuffer[c]) { writeErrors++; } } } } // Close the file: myFile.close(); return writeErrors; } else { Serial.println("Can't open file"); } } /****************************************** Main loop *****************************************/ void loop() { // Print menu to serial monitor Serial.println("MENU----------------------------------------------------->"); Serial.println("Change Mode: "); Serial.println("(0)Menu (2)GAME2 (4)GAME4 (6)GAME6 (8)HIROM ALL"); Serial.println("(1)GAME1 (3)GAME3 (5)GAME5 (7)GAME7 (9)HIROM MENU"); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Flash Commands: "); Serial.println("(A)Read ID (B)Reset (C)Print Flash"); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Read / Write Rom: "); Serial.println("(D)Read Rom (E)Erase Flash (F)Write Rom"); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Read / Write Mapping: "); Serial.println("(G)Print mapping (H)Save mapping"); Serial.println("(I)Erase mapping (J)Write mapping"); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Sector Protection: "); Serial.println("(K)Read Sector Protection"); Serial.println("(L)Unlock Sector Protection"); Serial.println("(M)Set Sector Protection"); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Read / Write SRAM: "); Serial.println("(N)Read SRAM"); Serial.println("(O)Write SRAM"); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Misc: "); Serial.println("(P)Print Ports"); Serial.println("(Q)Unlock WP"); Serial.println(""); // Wait for user input Serial.println("-------> Please enter a single digit or letter: _ <-------"); Serial.println(""); while (Serial.available() == 0) { } // Read the incoming byte: incomingByte = Serial.read(); // Execute user choice switch (incomingByte) { case 48: Serial.println("(0)Menu 0x80"); // Reset to Menu romType = 0; sendNP(0x80); readPorts(); break; case 49: Serial.println("(1)GAME1 0x81"); // Reset to GAME1 romType = 0; sendNP(0x81); readPorts(); break; case 50: Serial.println("(2)GAME2 0x82"); // Reset to GAME2 romType = 0; sendNP(0x82); readPorts(); break; case 51: Serial.println("(3)GAME3 0x83"); // Reset to GAME3 romType = 0; sendNP(0x83); readPorts(); break; case 52: Serial.println("(4)GAME4 0x84"); // Reset to GAME4 romType = 0; sendNP(0x84); readPorts(); break; case 53: Serial.println("(5)GAME5 0x85"); // Reset to GAME5 romType = 0; sendNP(0x85); readPorts(); break; case 54: Serial.println("(6)GAME6 0x86"); // Reset to GAME6 romType = 0; sendNP(0x86); readPorts(); break; case 55: Serial.println("(7)GAME7 0x87"); // Reset to GAME7 romType = 0; sendNP(0x87); readPorts(); break; case 56: Serial.println("(8)HIROM ALL 0x04"); // Reset to HIROM ALL romType = 1; if (sendNP(0x04) == 0x2A) Serial.println("Success"); else Serial.println("Failed"); readPorts(); break; case 57: Serial.println("(9)HIROM MENU 0x05"); // Reset to HIROM MENU romType = 1; sendNP(0x05); readPorts(); break; case 97: Serial.println("(A)Read Flash ID"); // Read Flash ID idFlash(0xC0); Serial.print("Flash ID 1: "); Serial.println(flashid); resetFlash(0xC0); idFlash(0xE0); Serial.print("Flash ID 2: "); Serial.println(flashid); resetFlash(0xE0); break; case 98: Serial.println("(B)Reset flash"); // Reset flash #1 resetFlash(0xC0); // Reset flash #2 resetFlash(0xE0); // Reset flash #2 resetFlash(0xE0); break; case 99: Serial.println("(C)Print Flash"); // Print flash Serial.println("Flash: "); printFlashAll(); Serial.println(" "); break; case 100: Serial.println("(D)Dump NP"); resetFlash(0xC0); resetFlash(0xE0); romType = 1; flashSize = 4194304; numBanks = 64; Serial.print("Switching Mapping to HiRom All..."); if (sendNP(0x04) == 0x2A) { Serial.println("Success."); // Read flash getfilename(); readFlash(); } else { Serial.println("Error: Switching to HiRom All failed."); Serial.println("Please power - cycle NP cart."); readPorts(); } break; case 101: Serial.println("(E)Erase NP"); flashSize = 2097152; numBanks = 32; if (unlockedHirom()) { Serial.println("Erasing flashrom #1"); // Erase Flash #1 eraseFlash(0xC0); resetFlash(0xC0); Serial.print("Blankcheck..."); if (blankcheck(0xC0)) Serial.println("Success."); else Serial.println("failed."); // Erase Flash #2 Serial.println("Erasing flashrom #2"); eraseFlash(0xE0); resetFlash(0xE0); Serial.print("Blankcheck..."); if (blankcheck(0xE0)) Serial.println("Success."); else Serial.println("failed."); } break; case 102: Serial.println("(F)Write NP"); flashSize = 2097152; numBanks = 32; // Prompt user input getfilename(); //Serial Programming Serial.println("Programming 1st flashrom."); // Program 1st flashrom programFlash(0xC0, 0); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Programming 2nd flashrom."); // Program 2nd flashrom programFlash(0xE0, 2097152); //Parallel Programming //programNP(); break; case 103: Serial.println("(G)Print mapping"); if (unlockedHirom()) { printMapping(0xC0); printMapping(0xE0); } break; case 104: Serial.println("(H)Save mapping"); if (unlockedHirom()) { getfilename(); readMapping(); } break; case 105: Serial.println("(I)Erase mapping"); if (unlockedHirom()) { eraseMapping(0xD0); // 0xC0 not working eraseMapping(0xE0); printMapping(0xC0); printMapping(0xE0); } break; case 106: Serial.println("(J)Write mapping"); if (unlockedHirom()) { getfilename(); writeMapping(0xD0, 0); // 0xC0 not working writeMapping(0xE0, 256); printMapping(0xC0); printMapping(0xE0); } break; case 107: Serial.println("(K)Read Sector Protection"); if (unlockedHirom()) { byte protectStatus; protectStatus = readSectorProtection(0xC0); if (protectStatus == 2) Serial.println("Can't access Flash C0"); else if (protectStatus == 0) Serial.println("Flash C0 unprotected"); protectStatus = readSectorProtection(0xE0); if (protectStatus == 2) Serial.println("Can't access Flash E0"); else if (protectStatus == 0) Serial.println("Flash E0 unprotected"); } break; case 108: Serial.println("(L)Unlock Sector Protection"); if (unlockedHirom()) { unlockSectorProtection(0xC1); unlockSectorProtection(0xE0); } break; case 109: Serial.println("(M)Set Sector Protection"); if (unlockedHirom()) { setSectorProtection(0xC1); setSectorProtection(0xE0); } break; case 110: Serial.println("(N)Read SRAM"); if (sendNP(0x04) == 0x2A) { romType = 1; getfilename(); readSRAM(); } else Serial.println("Switching to Hirom failed."); break; case 111: Serial.println("(O)Write SRAM"); if (sendNP(0x04) == 0x2A) { romType = 1; getfilename(); writeSRAM(); Serial.print("Verifying..."); if (verifySRAM() == 0) Serial.println("OK."); else Serial.println("failed."); } else Serial.println("Switching to Hirom failed."); break; case 112: Serial.println("(P)Print Ports"); readPorts(); break; case 113: Serial.println("(Q)Unlock WP"); sendNP(0x02); if (readBankClock(0, 0x2401) == 0x4) { Serial.println("Success."); readPorts(); } else { Serial.println("Error: Unlocking WP failed."); Serial.println("Please power - cycle NP cart."); readPorts(); } break; } Serial.println(""); } //****************************************** // End of File //******************************************