//****************************************** // CASIO LOOPY MODULE //****************************************** // IMPORTANT: All data are stored as BIG-ENDIAN. Many ROM dumps online are little endian. // See https://github.com/kasamikona/Loopy-Tools/blob/master/ROM%20Structure.md // // By @partlyhuman // Special thanks to @kasamikona #ifdef enable_LOOPY // SH-1 memory map locations, ROM starts here const uint32_t LOOPY_MAP_ROM_ZERO = 0x0E000000; const uint32_t LOOPY_MAP_SRAM_ZERO = 0x02000000; // Control pins const int LOOPY_ROMCE = 42; const int LOOPY_OE = 43; const int LOOPY_RAMWE = 6; const int LOOPY_RAMCS1 = 7; const int LOOPY_RESET = A7; // The internal checksum read from the cart header at 08h, will be checked against an actual sum uint32_t loopyChecksum; uint32_t loopyChecksumStart; uint32_t loopyChecksumEnd; // Whether the cart was found (by checksum) in the database bool loopyCartRecognized; //****************************************** // SETUP //****************************************** void setup_LOOPY() { // Request 5V setVoltage(VOLTS_SET_5V); // Set Address Pins to Output // PK1-PK7, PA1-PA7, PC0-PC3, PL0-PL3 // Take whole port and unset the exceptions later DDRK = DDRA = DDRC = DDRL = 0xFF; // Control pins, all active low pinMode(LOOPY_ROMCE, OUTPUT); pinMode(LOOPY_OE, OUTPUT); pinMode(LOOPY_RAMWE, OUTPUT); pinMode(LOOPY_RAMCS1, OUTPUT); pinMode(LOOPY_RESET, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LOOPY_ROMCE, HIGH); digitalWrite(LOOPY_OE, HIGH); digitalWrite(LOOPY_RAMWE, HIGH); digitalWrite(LOOPY_RAMCS1, HIGH); digitalWrite(LOOPY_RESET, HIGH); // Set Pins (D0-D15) to Input dataIn_LOOPY(); strcpy(romName, "unknown"); getCartInfo_LOOPY(); mode = mode_LOOPY; } //****************************************** // MENU //****************************************** // Base Menu static const char loopyMenuItem0[] PROGMEM = "Refresh Cart"; static const char loopyMenuItem1[] PROGMEM = "Read ROM"; static const char loopyMenuItem2[] PROGMEM = "Read SRAM"; static const char loopyMenuItem3[] PROGMEM = "Write SRAM"; //static const char loopyMenuItem4[] PROGMEM = "Reset"; (stored in common strings array) static const char* const menuOptionsLOOPY[] PROGMEM = { loopyMenuItem0, loopyMenuItem1, loopyMenuItem2, loopyMenuItem3, string_reset2 }; void loopyMenu() { convertPgm(menuOptionsLOOPY, 4); uint8_t mainMenu = question_box(F("CASIO LOOPY MENU"), menuOptions, 4, 0); display_Clear(); display_Update(); switch (mainMenu) { case 0: setup_LOOPY(); break; case 1: // Read ROM sd.chdir("/"); readROM_LOOPY(); sd.chdir("/"); break; case 2: // Read SRAM sd.chdir("/"); println_Msg(F("Reading SRAM...")); display_Update(); readSRAM_LOOPY(); sd.chdir("/"); #if (defined(enable_OLED) || defined(enable_LCD)) // Wait for user input // Prints string out of the common strings array either with or without newline print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); #endif break; case 3: // Write SRAM // Change working dir to root sd.chdir("/"); fileBrowser(F("Select SAV file")); display_Clear(); writeSRAM_LOOPY(); writeErrors = verifySRAM_LOOPY(); if (writeErrors == 0) { println_Msg(F("SRAM verified OK")); display_Update(); } else { print_STR(error_STR, 0); print_Msg(writeErrors); print_STR(_bytes_STR, 1); print_Error(did_not_verify_STR); } #if (defined(enable_OLED) || defined(enable_LCD)) // Wait for user input // Prints string out of the common strings array either with or without newline print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); #endif break; case 4: // reset resetArduino(); break; } } //****************************************** // LOW LEVEL FUNCTIONS //****************************************** void setAddress_LOOPY(unsigned long A) { // PK1 A0 // PK2 A1 // PK3 A21 // PK4 A3 // PK5 A20 // PK6 A15 // PK7 A13 PORTK = (bitRead(A, 0) << 1) | (bitRead(A, 1) << 2) | (bitRead(A, 21) << 3) | (bitRead(A, 3) << 4) | (bitRead(A, 20) << 5) | (bitRead(A, 15) << 6) | (bitRead(A, 13) << 7); // PA1 A2 // PA2 A4 // PA3 A19 // PA4 A18 // PA5 A16 // PA6 A17 // PA7 A14 PORTA = (bitRead(A, 2) << 1) | (bitRead(A, 4) << 2) | (bitRead(A, 19) << 3) | (bitRead(A, 18) << 4) | (bitRead(A, 16) << 5) | (bitRead(A, 17) << 6) | (bitRead(A, 14) << 7); // PC0 A6 // PC1 A8 // PC2 A10 // PC3 A12 PORTC = (bitRead(A, 6)) | (bitRead(A, 8) << 1) | (bitRead(A, 10) << 2) | (bitRead(A, 12) << 3); // PL0 A5 // PL1 A7 // PL2 A9 // PL3 A11 // CAUTION PORTL is shared! // D42 PL7 CE // D43 PL6 OE // D44 PL5 // D45 PL4 // D46 PL3 A11 // D47 PL2 A9 // D48 PL1 A7 // D49 PL0 A5 digitalWrite(46, bitRead(A, 11)); digitalWrite(47, bitRead(A, 9)); digitalWrite(48, bitRead(A, 7)); digitalWrite(49, bitRead(A, 5)); // PORTL = (bitRead(A, 5)) // | (bitRead(A, 7) << 1) // | (bitRead(A, 9) << 2) // | (bitRead(A, 11) << 3); } uint16_t getWord_LOOPY() { // A8 PK0 D0 // D22 PA0 D1 // A6 PF6 D2 // A5 PF5 D3 // A3 PF3 D4 // D40 PG1 D5 // A2 PF2 D6 // D41 PG0 D7 // A1 PF1 D8 // D3 PE5 D9 // A0 PF0 D10 // D2 PE4 D11 // D14 PJ1 D12 // D15 PJ0 D13 // A4 PF4 D14 // D4 PG5 D15 return bitRead(PINK, 0) | (bitRead(PINA, 0) << 1) | (bitRead(PINF, 6) << 2) | (bitRead(PINF, 5) << 3) | (bitRead(PINF, 3) << 4) | (bitRead(PING, 1) << 5) | (bitRead(PINF, 2) << 6) | (bitRead(PING, 0) << 7) | (bitRead(PINF, 1) << 8) | (bitRead(PINE, 5) << 9) | (bitRead(PINF, 0) << 10) | (bitRead(PINE, 4) << 11) | (bitRead(PINJ, 1) << 12) | (bitRead(PINJ, 0) << 13) | (bitRead(PINF, 4) << 14) | (bitRead(PING, 5) << 15); } uint8_t getByte_LOOPY() { return bitRead(PINK, 0) | (bitRead(PINA, 0) << 1) | (bitRead(PINF, 6) << 2) | (bitRead(PINF, 5) << 3) | (bitRead(PINF, 3) << 4) | (bitRead(PING, 1) << 5) | (bitRead(PINF, 2) << 6) | (bitRead(PING, 0) << 7); } void setByte_LOOPY(uint8_t D) { digitalWrite(A8, bitRead(D, 0)); digitalWrite(22, bitRead(D, 1)); digitalWrite(A6, bitRead(D, 2)); digitalWrite(A5, bitRead(D, 3)); digitalWrite(A3, bitRead(D, 4)); digitalWrite(40, bitRead(D, 5)); digitalWrite(A2, bitRead(D, 6)); digitalWrite(41, bitRead(D, 7)); } byte readByte_LOOPY(unsigned long myAddress) { setAddress_LOOPY(myAddress); // 100ns MAX NOP; NOP; NOP; NOP; NOP; NOP; NOP; return getByte_LOOPY(); } void writeByte_LOOPY(unsigned long myAddress, byte myData) { // TODO now that resolved issues with writing sram, can we simplify again setAddress_LOOPY(myAddress); digitalWrite(LOOPY_RAMWE, LOW); // tWHZ 35 NOP; NOP; NOP; NOP; dataOut_LOOPY(); setByte_LOOPY(myData); // tWP 60 NOP; NOP; NOP; NOP; NOP; NOP; NOP; NOP; digitalWrite(LOOPY_RAMWE, HIGH); dataIn_LOOPY(); } word readWord_LOOPY(unsigned long myAddress) { setAddress_LOOPY(myAddress); digitalWrite(LOOPY_ROMCE, LOW); digitalWrite(LOOPY_OE, LOW); // 16mhz = 62.5ns NOP; NOP; word tempWord = getWord_LOOPY(); digitalWrite(LOOPY_ROMCE, HIGH); digitalWrite(LOOPY_OE, HIGH); return tempWord; } // Switch data pins to write void dataOut_LOOPY() { // // PA0 // DDRA |= 0x01; // // PK0 // DDRK |= 0x01; // // PG0, PG1, PG5 (rest unused?) // DDRG = 0xFF; // // PJ0-1 (rest unused?) // DDRJ = 0xFF; // // PE4-PE5 (rest unused?) // DDRE = 0xFF; // // PF0-PF6 // DDRF |= 0b0111111; // TODO we could really only control the lower bits since we never write words just bytes pinMode(A8, OUTPUT); pinMode(22, OUTPUT); pinMode(A6, OUTPUT); pinMode(A5, OUTPUT); pinMode(A3, OUTPUT); pinMode(40, OUTPUT); pinMode(A2, OUTPUT); pinMode(41, OUTPUT); pinMode(A1, OUTPUT); pinMode(3, OUTPUT); pinMode(A0, OUTPUT); pinMode(2, OUTPUT); pinMode(14, OUTPUT); pinMode(15, OUTPUT); pinMode(A4, OUTPUT); pinMode(4, OUTPUT); } // Switch data pins to read void dataIn_LOOPY() { // // PA0 // DDRA &= ~0x01; // // PK0 // DDRK &= ~0x01; // // PG0, PG1, PG5 (rest unused?) // DDRG = 0x00; // // PJ0-1 (rest unused?) // DDRJ = 0x00; // // PE4-PE5 (rest unused?) // DDRE = 0x00; // // PF0-PF6 // DDRF &= ~0b0111111; pinMode(A8, INPUT); pinMode(22, INPUT); pinMode(A6, INPUT); pinMode(A5, INPUT); pinMode(A3, INPUT); pinMode(40, INPUT); pinMode(A2, INPUT); pinMode(41, INPUT); pinMode(A1, INPUT); pinMode(3, INPUT); pinMode(A0, INPUT); pinMode(2, INPUT); pinMode(14, INPUT); pinMode(15, INPUT); pinMode(A4, INPUT); pinMode(4, INPUT); } //****************************************** // CART INFO //****************************************** void getCartInfo_LOOPY() { display_Clear(); // Set control dataIn_LOOPY(); // First word after header stored as 32-bit pointer at 0h, final word (inclusive) at 4h // based on SH-1 memory mapped location of ROM (shift to rebase on zero) loopyChecksumStart = (((uint32_t)readWord_LOOPY(0x0) << 16) | (uint32_t)readWord_LOOPY(0x2)) - LOOPY_MAP_ROM_ZERO; loopyChecksumEnd = (((uint32_t)readWord_LOOPY(0x4) << 16) | (uint32_t)readWord_LOOPY(0x6)) - LOOPY_MAP_ROM_ZERO; // Full cart size DOES include the header, don't subtract it off :) cartSize = loopyChecksumEnd + 2; // SRAM first and last byte locations stored at 10h and 14h, based on SH-1 memory mapped location of SRAM uint32_t loopySramStart = (((uint32_t)readWord_LOOPY(0x10) << 16) | (uint32_t)readWord_LOOPY(0x12)) - LOOPY_MAP_SRAM_ZERO; uint32_t loopySramEnd = (((uint32_t)readWord_LOOPY(0x14) << 16) | (uint32_t)readWord_LOOPY(0x16)) - LOOPY_MAP_SRAM_ZERO; sramSize = loopySramEnd - loopySramStart + 1; // TODO sanity check these values // Get internal checksum from header loopyChecksum = ((uint32_t)readWord_LOOPY(0x8) << 16) | (uint32_t)readWord_LOOPY(0xA); sprintf(checksumStr, "%08lX", loopyChecksum); // Look up in database loopyCartRecognized = setRomName("loopy.txt", checksumStr); println_Msg(F("Cart Info")); println_Msg(F(" ")); print_Msg(F("Name: ")); println_Msg(romName); print_Msg(F("Checksum: ")); println_Msg(checksumStr); print_Msg(F("Size: ")); print_Msg(cartSize * 8 / 1024 / 1024); println_Msg(F(" MBit")); print_Msg(F("Sram: ")); print_Msg(sramSize * 8 / 1024); println_Msg(F(" KBit")); println_Msg(F(" ")); #if (defined(enable_OLED) || defined(enable_LCD)) // Wait for user input // Prints string out of the common strings array either with or without newline print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); #endif } //****************************************** // READ CODE //****************************************** void readROM_LOOPY() { dataIn_LOOPY(); sprintf(fileName, "%s.bin", romName); EEPROM_readAnything(0, foldern); sprintf(folder, "LOOPY/ROM/%d", foldern); sd.mkdir(folder, true); sd.chdir(folder); display_Clear(); print_STR(saving_to_STR, 0); print_Msg(folder); println_Msg(F("/...")); display_Update(); foldern = foldern + 1; EEPROM_writeAnything(0, foldern); if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) { print_FatalError(sd_error_STR); } draw_progressbar(0, cartSize); const size_t sdBufferSize = 512; uint32_t sum = 0; digitalWrite(LOOPY_ROMCE, LOW); for (unsigned long ptr = 0; ptr < cartSize;) { word myWord = readWord_LOOPY(ptr); // aggregate checksum over 16-bit words, starting at 80h, this address is stored in header but never varies if (ptr >= loopyChecksumStart) { sum += myWord; } // Store in buffer sdBuffer[ptr++ % sdBufferSize] = (myWord >> 8) & 0xFF; sdBuffer[ptr++ % sdBufferSize] = myWord & 0xFF; // Flush when buffer full if (ptr % sdBufferSize == 0) { myFile.write(sdBuffer, sdBufferSize); blinkLED(); // Only update progress bar every 64kb if (ptr % 0x10000 == 0) { draw_progressbar(ptr, cartSize); } } } // TODO this assumes size is divisible by 512 myFile.close(); digitalWrite(LOOPY_ROMCE, HIGH); // Instead of the CRC32, check the internal integrity based on the header checksum print_Msg(F("Header sum: ")); println_Msg(checksumStr); print_Msg(F("Actual sum: ")); char calculatedChecksumStr[9]; sprintf(calculatedChecksumStr, "%08lX", sum); println_Msg(calculatedChecksumStr); if (sum == loopyChecksum) { println_Msg(F("INTEGRITY OK :)")); } else { println_Msg(F("INTEGRITY FAIL! Bad dump")); } display_Update(); // Compare CRC32 to database and rename ROM if found // Arguments: database name, precalculated crc string or 0 to calculate, rename rom or not, starting offset //compareCRC("loopy.txt", 0, 1, 0x80); #if (defined(enable_OLED) || defined(enable_LCD)) // Wait for user input println_Msg(F("")); // Prints string out of the common strings array either with or without newline print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); #endif } //****************************************** // SRAM //****************************************** void writeSRAM_LOOPY() { // dataOut_LOOPY(); sprintf(filePath, "%s/%s", filePath, fileName); //println_Msg(F("Writing...")); char str[16]; sprintf(str, "Writing %ld bytes to", sramSize); println_Msg(str); println_Msg(filePath); display_Update(); digitalWrite(LOOPY_ROMCE, HIGH); digitalWrite(LOOPY_RAMCS1, LOW); digitalWrite(LOOPY_RESET, HIGH); digitalWrite(LOOPY_OE, LOW); if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < sramSize; currByte++) { writeByte_LOOPY(currByte, myFile.read()); if (currByte % 512 == 0) { blinkLED(); } } myFile.close(); print_STR(done_STR, 1); display_Update(); } else { print_FatalError(sd_error_STR); } digitalWrite(LOOPY_RAMCS1, HIGH); digitalWrite(LOOPY_OE, HIGH); dataIn_LOOPY(); } void readSRAM_LOOPY() { dataIn_LOOPY(); sprintf(fileName, "%s.sav", romName); EEPROM_readAnything(0, foldern); sprintf(folder, "LOOPY/SAVE/%s/%d", romName, foldern); sd.mkdir(folder, true); sd.chdir(folder); foldern = foldern + 1; EEPROM_writeAnything(0, foldern); if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) { print_FatalError(sd_error_STR); } digitalWrite(LOOPY_ROMCE, HIGH); digitalWrite(LOOPY_RAMCS1, LOW); digitalWrite(LOOPY_OE, LOW); const size_t sdBufferSize = 512; for (unsigned long ptr = 0; ptr < sramSize;) { sdBuffer[ptr++ % sdBufferSize] = readByte_LOOPY(ptr); if (ptr % sdBufferSize == 0) { myFile.write(sdBuffer, sdBufferSize); blinkLED(); } } digitalWrite(LOOPY_OE, HIGH); digitalWrite(LOOPY_RAMCS1, HIGH); myFile.close(); print_Msg(F("Saved to ")); print_Msg(folder); println_Msg(F("/")); display_Update(); } unsigned long verifySRAM_LOOPY() { dataIn_LOOPY(); writeErrors = 0; digitalWrite(LOOPY_ROMCE, HIGH); digitalWrite(LOOPY_RAMCS1, LOW); digitalWrite(LOOPY_OE, LOW); if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { for (unsigned long currBuffer = 0; currBuffer < sramSize; currBuffer += 512) { for (int currByte = 0; currByte < 512; currByte++) { byte myByte = readByte_LOOPY(currBuffer + currByte); sdBuffer[currByte] = myByte; } for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) { if (myFile.read() != sdBuffer[i]) { writeErrors++; } } } myFile.close(); } else { print_FatalError(sd_error_STR); } digitalWrite(LOOPY_OE, HIGH); digitalWrite(LOOPY_RAMCS1, HIGH); return writeErrors; } #endif //****************************************** // End of File //******************************************