//****************************************** // MSX COMPUTER MODULE //****************************************** #ifdef ENABLE_MSX // MSX // Cartridge Pinout // 50P 2.54mm pitch connector // // FRONT BACK // SIDE SIDE // +-------+ // /CS2 -| 2 1 |- /CS1 // /SLTSL -| 4 3 |- /CS12 // /RFSH -| 6 5 |- RSV(NC) // /INT -| 8 7 |- /WAIT // /BUSDIR -| 10 9 |- /M1 // /MERQ -| 12 11 |- /IORQ // /RD -| 14 13 |- /WR // RSV(NC) -| 16 15 |- /RESET // A15 -| 18 17 |- A9 // A10 -| 20 19 |- A11 // A6 -| 22 21 |- A7 // A8 -| 24 23 |- A12 // A13-| 26 25 |- A14 // A0 -| 28 27 |- A1 // A2 -| 30 29 |- A3 // A4 -| 32 31 |- A5 // D0 -| 34 33 |- D1 // D2 -| 36 35 |- D3 // D4 -| 38 37 |- D5 // D6 -| 40 39 |- D7 // CLOCK -| 42 41 |- GND // SW1 -| 44 43 |- GND // SW2 -| 46 45 |- +5V // +12V -| 48 47 |- +5V // -12V -| 50 49 |- SOUNDIN // +-------+ // // BACK // +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | 49 47 45 43 41 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 | // LEFT | | RIGHT // | 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // FRONT // // CONTROL PINS: // /RESET(PH0) - SNES RESET // CLOCK(PH1) - SNES CPUCLK // /SLTSL(PH3) - SNES /CS // /MERQ(PH4) - SNES /IRQ // /WR(PH5) - SNES /WR // /RD(PH6) - SNES /RD // /CS1(PL0) - SNES A16 // /CS2(PL1) - SNES A17 // /CS12(PL2) - SNES A18 //****************************************** // Defines //****************************************** #define CS1_DISABLE PORTL |= (1 << 0) // ROM SELECT 4000-7FFF #define CS1_ENABLE PORTL &= ~(1 << 0) #define CS2_DISABLE PORTL |= (1 << 1) // ROM SELECT 8000-BFFF #define CS2_ENABLE PORTL &= ~(1 << 1) #define CS12_DISABLE PORTL |= (1 << 2) // ROM SELECT 4000-BFFF #define CS12_ENABLE PORTL &= ~(1 << 2) #define MERQ_DISABLE PORTH |= (1 << 4) #define MERQ_ENABLE PORTH &= ~(1 << 4) //****************************************** // Supported Mappers //****************************************** // Supported Mapper Array // Format = {msxmapper,msxlo,msxhi,msxramlo,msxramhi} static const byte PROGMEM msxmapsize[] = { 0, 1, 4, 0, 0, // No Mapper 1, 4, 7, 0, 2, // ASCII8 [sram r/w] 2K (Dires), 8K (Xanadu/Wizardry) 2, 4, 8, 0, 2, // ASCII16 [sram r/w] 2K (Daisenryaku/Hydlide 2), 8K (A-Train) 3, 4, 4, 0, 0, // Cross Blaim (db-Soft) 64K 4, 5, 5, 2, 2, // Game Master 2 128K [sram r/w] 8K 5, 8, 8, 3, 3, // Halnote (HAL) 1024K [sram r/w] 16K 6, 4, 4, 0, 0, // Harry Fox (Micro Cabin) 64K 7, 6, 8, 2, 4, // Koei [sram r/w] 8K (Nobunaga no Yabou - Zenkoku Ban), 32K (Sangokushi II) 8, 4, 8, 0, 0, // Konami without SCC "Konami4" 9, 5, 8, 0, 0, // Konami with SCC "Konami5" 10, 4, 4, 0, 0, // MSX-DOS2 64K 11, 0, 4, 2, 2, // PAC 0K/FM-PAC 64K [sram r/w] 8K 12, 7, 7, 0, 0, // R-Type 384K 13, 5, 5, 0, 0, // Super Lode Runner (Irem) 128K 14, 2, 3, 0, 0, // Hudson Soft Bee Pack }; // MSX1 = 8,16,32,128,256 // MSX2 = 32,64,128,256,512,1024 int MSX[] = { 0, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 }; byte msxlo = 0; // Lowest Entry byte msxhi = 8; // Highest Entry byte MSXRAM[] = { 0, 2, 8, 16, 32 }; byte msxramlo = 0; // Lowest Entry byte msxramhi = 4; // Highest Entry byte msxmapcount = 15; // (sizeof(mapsize)/sizeof(mapsize[0])) / 5; boolean msxmapfound = false; byte msxmapselect; int msxindex; byte msxmapper; byte msxsize; byte msxramsize; uint8_t msxbanks; byte chipselect; boolean srambit5 = false; boolean srambit6 = false; boolean srambit7 = false; // EEPROM MAPPING // 07 MAPPER // 08 ROM SIZE // 10 RAM SIZE //****************************************** // MENU //****************************************** // Base Menu static const char msxMenuItem2[] PROGMEM = "Read Cart"; static const char msxMenuItem3[] PROGMEM = "Set Mapper + Size"; static const char msxMenuItem4[] PROGMEM = "Write SRAM"; static const char* const menuOptionsMSX[] PROGMEM = { FSTRING_SELECT_CART, msxMenuItem2, msxMenuItem3, msxMenuItem4, FSTRING_RESET }; void msxMenu() { convertPgm(menuOptionsMSX, 5); uint8_t mainMenu = question_box(F("MSX MENU"), menuOptions, 5, 0); switch (mainMenu) { case 0: // Select Cart setCart_MSX(); setup_MSX(); break; case 1: // Read ROM + Read RAM sd.chdir("/"); readROM_MSX(); readRAM_MSX(); sd.chdir("/"); break; case 2: // Set Mapper + Size setMapper_MSX(); checkMapperSize_MSX(); setROMSize_MSX(); setRAMSize_MSX(); break; case 3: // Write RAM writeRAM_MSX(); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); // Prints string out of the common strings array either with or without newline print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); break; case 4: // reset resetArduino(); break; } } //****************************************** // SETUP //****************************************** void setup_MSX() { // Request 5V setVoltage(VOLTS_SET_5V); // Set Address Pins to Output // MSX uses A0-A15 //A0-A7 DDRF = 0xFF; //A8-A15 DDRK = 0xFF; //A16-A23 - Use A16-A18 for /CS1, /CS2, /CS12 DDRL = 0xFF; // Set Control Pins to Output // /RST(PH0) CLOCK(PH1) /SLTSL(PH3) /MERQ(PH4) /WR(PH5) /RD(PH6) DDRH |= (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6); // Set TIME(PJ0) to Output (UNUSED) DDRJ |= (1 << 0); // Set Pins (D0-D7) to Input DDRC = 0x00; // Setting Control Pins to HIGH // /RST(PH0) CLOCK(PH1) /SLTSL(PH3) /MERQ(PH4) /WR(PH5) /RD(PH6) PORTH |= (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6); // Set /SLTSL(PH3) to LOW PORTH &= ~(1 << 3); // Set /CS1, /CS2, /CS12 to HIGH PORTL = 0xFF; // A16-A23 (A16 = /CS1, A17 = /CS2, A18 = /CS12) // Set Unused Data Pins (PA0-PA7) to Output DDRA = 0xFF; // Set Unused Pins HIGH PORTA = 0xFF; PORTJ |= (1 << 0); // TIME(PJ0) checkStatus_MSX(); strcpy(romName, "MSX"); mode = CORE_MSX; } //****************************************** // READ DATA //****************************************** uint8_t readData_MSX(uint16_t addr) { PORTF = addr & 0xFF; // A0-A7 PORTK = (addr >> 8) & 0xFF; // A8-A15 NOP; NOP; // Set /SLTSL(PH3) to LOW // PORTH &= ~(1 << 3); // Set /RD to LOW PORTH &= ~(1 << 6); // /RD LOW (ENABLE) NOP; NOP; NOP; uint8_t ret = PINC; // Pull /RD to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 6); // /RD HIGH (DISABLE) // Set /SLTSL(PH3) to HIGH // PORTH |= (1 << 3); // NOP; NOP; return ret; } void readSegment_MSX(uint32_t startaddr, uint32_t endaddr) { for (uint32_t addr = startaddr; addr < endaddr; addr += 512) { for (int w = 0; w < 512; w++) { uint8_t temp = readData_MSX(addr + w); sdBuffer[w] = temp; } myFile.write(sdBuffer, 512); } } //****************************************** // WRITE DATA //****************************************** void writeData_MSX(uint16_t addr, uint8_t data) { PORTF = addr & 0xFF; // A0-A7 PORTK = (addr >> 8) & 0xFF; // A8-A15 NOP; NOP; DDRC = 0xFF; // Set to Output PORTC = data; NOP; NOP; NOP; // Set /WR(PH5) to LOW PORTH &= ~(1 << 5); NOP; NOP; NOP; // Set /WR(PH5) to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 5); NOP; NOP; DDRC = 0x00; // Reset to Input } //****************************************** // CS CODE //****************************************** void setCS() // Set CS Line { chipselect = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { uint8_t check0 = readData_MSX(0x4000); uint8_t check1 = readData_MSX(0x4001); if ((check0 == 0x41) && (check1 == 0x42)) break; chipselect++; enableCS(); } } void checkCS() // Check for 2nd Chip { if (chipselect == 1) { uint8_t check0 = readData_MSX(0x8000); uint8_t check1 = readData_MSX(0x8001); if ((check0 == 0x41) && (check1 == 0x42)) { disableCS(); chipselect = 2; enableCS(); } } } void enableCS() { if (chipselect == 1) CS1_ENABLE; else if (chipselect == 2) CS2_ENABLE; else if (chipselect == 3) CS12_ENABLE; } void disableCS() { CS1_DISABLE; CS2_DISABLE; CS12_DISABLE; } //****************************************** // READ ROM //****************************************** void readROM_MSX() { if (msxsize == 0) { display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("ROM SIZE 0K")); display_Update(); } else { createFolderAndOpenFile("MSX", "ROM", romName, "bin"); switch (msxmapper) { case 0: // No Mapper disableCS(); if (msxsize == 4) // 64K readSegment_MSX(0x0000, 0x4000); // +16K setCS(); readSegment_MSX(0x4000, 0x6000); // 8K if (msxsize > 1) readSegment_MSX(0x6000, 0x8000); // +8K = 16K if (msxsize > 2) { checkCS(); // Check for 2nd Chip readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0xC000); // +16K = 32K } disableCS(); if (msxsize == 4) // 64K readSegment_MSX(0xC000, 0x10000); // +16K break; case 1: // ASCII8 (64K/128K/256K/512K) case 7: // Koei (256K/512K/1024K) msxbanks = int_pow(2, msxsize - 1); for (int x = 0; x < msxbanks; x += 4) { writeData_MSX(0x6000, x); readSegment_MSX(0x4000, 0x6000); // 8K Init Bank 0 writeData_MSX(0x6800, x + 1); readSegment_MSX(0x6000, 0x8000); // 8K Init Bank 0 writeData_MSX(0x7000, x + 2); readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0xA000); // 8K Init Bank 0 writeData_MSX(0x7800, x + 3); readSegment_MSX(0xA000, 0xC000); // 8K Init Bank 0 } break; case 2: // ASCII16 (64K/128K/256K/512K) msxbanks = int_pow(2, msxsize - 1) / 2; for (int x = 0; x < msxbanks; x += 2) { writeData_MSX(0x6000, x); readSegment_MSX(0x4000, 0x8000); // 16K Init Bank 0 writeData_MSX(0x7000, x + 1); readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0xC000); // 16K Init Bank 0 } break; case 3: // Cross Blaim (64K) CS1_ENABLE; readSegment_MSX(0x4000, 0x8000); // 16K Fixed Bank 0 CS1_DISABLE; CS2_ENABLE; for (int x = 1; x < 4; x++) { writeData_MSX(0x4045, x); readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0xC000); // 16K Init Bank 1 } CS2_DISABLE; break; case 4: // Game Master 2 (128K) readSegment_MSX(0x4000, 0x6000); // 8K Fixed Bank 0 writeData_MSX(0x6000, 1); // Set Bank 1 for subsequent reads readSegment_MSX(0x6000, 0x8000); // 8K Init Bank 1 for (int x = 2; x < 16; x += 2) { writeData_MSX(0x8000, x); readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0xA000); // 8K writeData_MSX(0xA000, x + 1); readSegment_MSX(0xA000, 0xC000); // 8K } break; case 5: // HAL Note (1024K) MERQ_ENABLE; // Dummy Read - Needed to prevent random bytes for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++) { writeData_MSX(0x4FFF, y); for (uint32_t addr = 0x4000; addr < 0x6000; addr++) readData_MSX(addr); // Dummy Read } // READ for (int x = 0; x < 128; x++) { writeData_MSX(0x4FFF, x); readSegment_MSX(0x4000, 0x6000); // 8K Init Bank 0 } MERQ_DISABLE; break; case 6: // Harry Fox (64K) CS1_ENABLE; writeData_MSX(0x6000, 0); readSegment_MSX(0x4000, 0x8000); // 16K Init Bank 0 CS1_DISABLE; CS2_ENABLE; writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0); readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0xC000); // 16K Init Bank 1 CS2_DISABLE; CS1_ENABLE; writeData_MSX(0x6000, 1); readSegment_MSX(0x4000, 0x8000); // 16K CS1_DISABLE; CS2_ENABLE; writeData_MSX(0x7000, 1); readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0xC000); // 16K CS2_DISABLE; break; case 8: // Konami MegaROM without SCC readSegment_MSX(0x4000, 0x6000); // 8K Fixed Bank 0 readSegment_MSX(0x6000, 0x8000); // 8K Init Bank 1 msxbanks = int_pow(2, msxsize - 1); for (int x = 2; x < msxbanks; x += 2) { writeData_MSX(0x8000, x); readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0xA000); // 8K writeData_MSX(0xA000, x + 1); readSegment_MSX(0xA000, 0xC000); // 8K } break; case 9: // Konami MegaROM with SCC msxbanks = int_pow(2, msxsize - 1); for (int x = 0; x < msxbanks; x += 4) { writeData_MSX(0x5000, x); readSegment_MSX(0x4000, 0x6000); // 8K writeData_MSX(0x7000, x + 1); readSegment_MSX(0x6000, 0x8000); // 8K writeData_MSX(0x9000, x + 2); readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0xA000); // 8K writeData_MSX(0xB000, x + 3); readSegment_MSX(0xA000, 0xC000); // 8K } break; case 10: // MSX-DOS2 (64K) MERQ_ENABLE; CS1_ENABLE; for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { writeData_MSX(0x7FFE, x); // Official v2.20 readSegment_MSX(0x4000, 0x8000); // 16K Init Bank 0 } CS1_DISABLE; MERQ_DISABLE; break; case 11: // FM-PAC (64K) CS1_ENABLE; for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { writeData_MSX(0x7FF7, x); readSegment_MSX(0x4000, 0x8000); // 16K } CS1_DISABLE; break; case 12: // R-TYPE (384K) for (int x = 0; x < 23; x++) { writeData_MSX(0x7000, x); readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0xC000); // 16K Init Bank 0 } readSegment_MSX(0x4000, 0x8000); // 16K Init Bank 0F break; case 13: // Super Lode Runner (128K) MERQ_ENABLE; CS2_ENABLE; for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { writeData_MSX(0x0000, x); readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0xC000); // 16K Init Bank 0 } CS2_DISABLE; MERQ_DISABLE; break; case 14: // Hudson Soft Bee Pack (16K/32K) CS1_ENABLE; readSegment_MSX(0x4000,0x8000); // 16K Bank 0 CS1_DISABLE; if (msxsize == 3) { // 32K CS2_ENABLE; readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0xC000); // +16K Bank 1 CS2_DISABLE; } break; } myFile.close(); printCRC(fileName, NULL, 0); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); // Prints string out of the common strings array either with or without newline print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); } } //****************************************** // TEST/CHECK RAM //****************************************** boolean testRAM(byte enable1, byte enable2) { boolean testbit = false; for (int x = 0; x < 0x10; x++) { // Test 16 Bytes writeData_MSX(0x7000, enable1); byte test1 = readData_MSX(0x8000 + x); writeData_MSX(0x7000, enable2); byte test2 = readData_MSX(0x8000 + x); if (test1 == test2) testbit = true; else { testbit = false; break; } } return testbit; } void checkRAM() { // Test carts to identify SRAM Enable Bits (Bit 5/6/7) // Bit 5 Test srambit5 = testRAM(0x20, 0xB0); if (!srambit5) { // Bit 6 Test srambit6 = testRAM(0x40, 0xC0); if (!srambit6) { // Bit 7 Test srambit7 = testRAM(0x80, 0xF0); if (!srambit7) { display_Clear(); print_Error(F("SRAM FAILED - CHECK BATTERY")); } } } } //****************************************** // READ RAM //****************************************** void readRAM_MSX() { if (msxramsize == 0) { display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("RAM SIZE 0K")); display_Update(); } else { strcpy(fileName, romName); strcat(fileName, ".srm"); if (msxsize == 0) { // create a new folder for storing ram file EEPROM_readAnything(0, foldern); sprintf(folder, "MSX/RAM/%d", foldern); sd.mkdir(folder, true); sd.chdir(folder); } display_Clear(); print_STR(saving_to_STR, 0); print_Msg(folder); println_Msg(F("/...")); display_Update(); // open file on sdcard if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) print_FatalError(sd_error_STR); if (msxsize == 0) { // write new folder number back to EEPROM foldern++; EEPROM_writeAnything(0, foldern); } switch (msxmapper) { case 1: // ASCII8 (2K/8K) // ASCII8 carts use different SRAM Enable Bits // Bit 4 (0x10) - Dires (2K) // Bit 5 (0x20) - Xanadu // Bit 7 (0x80) - Wizardry if (msxramsize == 1) { // Dires (2K) writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0x10); // Bit 4 readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0x8800); // 2K } else { // Combine SRAM Enable Bit 5 + Bit 7 = 0xA0 writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0xA0); // Bit 5 + Bit 7 readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0xA000); // 8K } writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0); // SRAM Disable break; case 2: // ASCII16 (2K/8K) writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0x10); // Bit 4 Enable readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0x8800); // 2K - Hydlide 2 & Daisenryaku (2K) if (msxramsize == 2) // A-Train (8K) readSegment_MSX(0x8800, 0xA000); // +6K = 8K writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0); // SRAM Disable break; case 4: // Game Master 2 (8K) writeData_MSX(0xA000, 0x10); // Bit 4 Enable, Bit 5 SRAM Segment 0 readSegment_MSX(0xB000, 0xC000); // 4K writeData_MSX(0xA000, 0x30); // Bit 4 Enable, Bit 5 SRAM Segment 1 readSegment_MSX(0xB000, 0xC000); // 4K writeData_MSX(0xA000, 0); // SRAM Disable break; case 5: // HAL Note (16K) MERQ_ENABLE; writeData_MSX(0x4FFF, 0x80); // Bit 7 Enable readSegment_MSX(0x0000, 0x4000); // 16K writeData_MSX(0x4FFF, 0); // SRAM Disable MERQ_DISABLE; break; case 7: // Koei (8K/32K) Nobunaga no Yabou - Zenkoku Ban (8K) & Sangokushi II (32K) // Koei carts use different SRAM Enable Bits // Bit 5 (0x20) - Nobunaga no Yabou - Zenkoku Ban MSX // Bit 6 (0x40) - Nobunaga no Yabou - Zenkoku Ban MSX2 // Bit 7 (0x80) - Sangokushi II // Use Combined Bits: 0xA0 (Bit 5 + Bit 7) and 0xC0 (Bit 6 + Bit 7) // Note: Combined 0xE0 (Bit 5 + Bit 6 + Bit 7) does not work checkRAM(); if (srambit6) writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0xC0); // Bit 6 + Bit 7 Enable else writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0xA0); // Bit 5 + Bit 7 Enable readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0xA000); // 8K if (msxramsize > 2) { for (int x = 1; x < 4; x++) { if (srambit6) writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0xC0 + x); // Bit 6 + Bit 7 Enable else writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0xA0 + x); // Bit 5 + Bit 7 Enable readSegment_MSX(0x8000, 0xA000); // 8K } } writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0); // SRAM Disable break; case 11: // PAC/FM-PAC (8K) writeData_MSX(0x5FFE, 0x4D); // SRAM Enable Step 1 writeData_MSX(0x5FFF, 0x69); // SRAM Enable Step 2 readSegment_MSX(0x4000, 0x6000); // 8K writeData_MSX(0x5FFE, 0); // SRAM Disable break; } myFile.close(); printCRC(fileName, NULL, 0); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); // Prints string out of the common strings array either with or without newline print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); } } //****************************************** // WRITE RAM //****************************************** void writeRAM_MSX() { display_Clear(); if (msxramsize == 0) { print_Error(F("RAM SIZE 0K")); } else { fileBrowser(F("Select RAM File")); sd.chdir(); sprintf(filePath, "%s/%s", filePath, fileName); display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Writing File: ")); println_Msg(filePath); println_Msg(fileName); display_Update(); //open file on sd card if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { switch (msxmapper) { case 1: // ASCII8 (2K/8K) for (word address = 0x0; address < (0x800 * msxramsize * msxramsize); address += 512) { // 2K/8K if (msxramsize == 1) writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0x10); // Bit 4 else writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0xA0); // Bit 5 + Bit 7 myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); for (int x = 0; x < 512; x++) { writeData_MSX(0x8000 + address + x, sdBuffer[x]); } } writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0); // SRAM Disable break; case 2: // ASCII16 (2K/8K) writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0x10); // Bit 4 Enable for (word address = 0x0; address < (0x800 * msxramsize * msxramsize); address += 512) { // 2K/8K myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); for (int x = 0; x < 512; x++) { writeData_MSX(0x8000 + address + x, sdBuffer[x]); } } writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0); // SRAM Disable break; case 4: // Game Master 2 (8K) for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++) { writeData_MSX(0xA000, 0x10 + (y * 0x20)); // Bit 4 Enable, Bit 5 SRAM Segment 0/1 for (word address = 0x0; address < 0x1000; address += 512) { // 4K myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); for (int x = 0; x < 512; x++) { writeData_MSX(0xB000 + address + x, sdBuffer[x]); } } } writeData_MSX(0xA000, 0); // SRAM Disable break; case 5: // HAL Note (16K) MERQ_ENABLE; writeData_MSX(0x4FFF, 0x80); // Bit 7 Enable for (word address = 0; address < 0x4000; address += 512) { // 16K myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); for (int x = 0; x < 512; x++) { writeData_MSX(address + x, sdBuffer[x]); } } writeData_MSX(0x4FFF, 0); // SRAM Disable MERQ_DISABLE; break; case 7: // Koei (8K/32K) checkRAM(); if (srambit6) writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0xC0); // Bit 6 + Bit 7 Enable else writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0xA0); // Bit 5 + Bit 7 Enable for (word address = 0x0; address < 0x2000; address += 512) { // 8K myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); for (int x = 0; x < 512; x++) { writeData_MSX(0x8000 + address + x, sdBuffer[x]); } } if (msxramsize > 2) { for (int y = 1; y < 4; y++) { if (srambit6) writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0xC0 + y); // Bit 6 + Bit 7 Enable else writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0xA0 + y); // Bit 5 + Bit 7 Enable for (word address = 0x0; address < 0x2000; address += 512) { // 8K myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); for (int x = 0; x < 512; x++) { writeData_MSX(0x8000 + address + x, sdBuffer[x]); } } } } writeData_MSX(0x7000, 0); // SRAM Disable break; case 11: // PAC/FM-PAC (8K) writeData_MSX(0x5FFE, 0x4D); // SRAM Enable Step 1 writeData_MSX(0x5FFF, 0x69); // SRAM Enable Step 2 for (word address = 0x0; address < 0x2000; address += 512) { // 8K myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); for (int x = 0; x < 512; x++) { writeData_MSX(0x4000 + address + x, sdBuffer[x]); } } writeData_MSX(0x5FFE, 0); // SRAM Disable break; } myFile.close(); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); println_Msg(F("RAM FILE WRITTEN!")); display_Update(); } else { print_FatalError(sd_error_STR); } } sd.chdir(); // root filePath[0] = '\0'; // Reset filePath } //****************************************** // MAPPER CODE //****************************************** #if (defined(ENABLE_OLED) || defined(ENABLE_LCD)) void printMapperSelection_MSX(int index) { display_Clear(); print_Msg(FS(FSTRING_MAPPER)); msxindex = index * 5; msxmapselect = pgm_read_byte(msxmapsize + msxindex); println_Msg(msxmapselect); printMapper(msxmapselect); } #endif void setMapper_MSX() { byte newmsxmapper; #if (defined(ENABLE_OLED) || defined(ENABLE_LCD)) navigateMenu(0, msxmapcount - 1, &printMapperSelection_MSX); newmsxmapper = msxmapselect; display.setCursor(0, 56); print_Msg(F("MAPPER ")); print_Msg(newmsxmapper); println_Msg(F(" SELECTED")); display_Update(); delay(1000); #else setmapper: String newmap; msxmapfound = false; printMapper(0); Serial.print(F("Enter Mapper [0-14]: ")); while (Serial.available() == 0) {} newmap = Serial.readStringUntil('\n'); Serial.println(newmap); newmsxmapper = newmap.toInt(); for (int i = 0; i < msxmapcount; i++) { msxindex = i * 5; msxmapselect = pgm_read_byte(msxmapsize + msxindex); if (newmsxmapper == msxmapselect) msxmapfound = true; } if (msxmapfound == false) { Serial.println(F("MAPPER NOT SUPPORTED!")); Serial.println(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); newmsxmapper = 0; goto setmapper; } #endif EEPROM_writeAnything(7, newmsxmapper); msxmapper = newmsxmapper; } void checkMapperSize_MSX() { for (int i = 0; i < msxmapcount; i++) { msxindex = i * 5; byte mapcheck = pgm_read_byte(msxmapsize + msxindex); if (mapcheck == msxmapper) { msxlo = pgm_read_byte(msxmapsize + msxindex + 1); msxhi = pgm_read_byte(msxmapsize + msxindex + 2); msxramlo = pgm_read_byte(msxmapsize + msxindex + 3); msxramhi = pgm_read_byte(msxmapsize + msxindex + 4); break; } } } //****************************************** // SET ROM SIZE //****************************************** #if (defined(ENABLE_OLED) || defined(ENABLE_LCD)) void printRomSize_MSX(uint8_t index) { display_Clear(); print_Msg(FS(FSTRING_ROM_SIZE)); println_Msg(MSX[index]); } #endif void setROMSize_MSX() { byte newmsxsize; #if (defined(ENABLE_OLED) || defined(ENABLE_LCD)) display_Clear(); if (msxlo == msxhi) newmsxsize = msxlo; else { uint8_t b = 0; int i = msxlo; printRomSize_MSX(i); printInstructions(); while (1) { b = checkButton(); if (b == 2) { // Previous (doubleclick) if (msxmapper == 11) { // PAC/FM-PAC 0K/64K if (i == msxlo) i = msxhi; // 64K else i = msxlo; // 0K } else { if (i == msxlo) i = msxhi; else i--; // Only update display after input because of slow LCD library printRomSize_MSX(i); printInstructions(); } } if (b == 1) { // Next (press) if (msxmapper == 11) { // PAC/FM-PAC 0K/64K if (i == msxlo) i = msxhi; // 64K else i = msxlo; // 0K } else { if (i == msxhi) i = msxlo; else i++; // Only update display after input because of slow LCD library printRomSize_MSX(i); printInstructions(); } } if (b == 3) { // Long Press - Execute (hold) newmsxsize = i; break; } } display.setCursor(0, 56); // Display selection at bottom } print_Msg(FS(FSTRING_ROM_SIZE)); if (msxmapper == 12) // R-Type print_Msg(F("384")); else print_Msg(MSX[newmsxsize]); println_Msg(F("K")); display_Update(); delay(1000); #else if (msxlo == msxhi) newmsxsize = msxlo; else { setrom: String sizeROM; for (int i = 0; i < (msxhi - msxlo + 1); i++) { Serial.print(F("Select ROM Size: ")); Serial.print(i); Serial.print(F(" = ")); if (msxmapper == 12) // R-Type Serial.print(F("384")); else Serial.print(MSX[i + msxlo]); Serial.println(F("K")); } Serial.print(F("Enter ROM Size: ")); while (Serial.available() == 0) {} sizeROM = Serial.readStringUntil('\n'); Serial.println(sizeROM); newmsxsize = sizeROM.toInt() + msxlo; if (msxmapper == 11) { // PAC/FM-PAC 0K/64K if ((newmsxromsize > 0) && (newmsxromsize < 4)) { Serial.println(F("SIZE NOT SUPPORTED")); Serial.println(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); goto setrom; } } if (newmsxsize > msxhi) { Serial.println(F("SIZE NOT SUPPORTED")); Serial.println(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); goto setrom; } } Serial.print(F("ROM Size = ")); if (msxmapper == 12) // R-Type Serial.print(F("384")); else Serial.print(MSX[newmsxsize]); Serial.println(F("K")); #endif EEPROM_writeAnything(8, newmsxsize); msxsize = newmsxsize; } //****************************************** // SET RAM SIZE //****************************************** #if (defined(ENABLE_OLED) || defined(ENABLE_LCD)) void printRamSize_MSX(uint8_t index) { display_Clear(); print_Msg(F("RAM Size: ")); println_Msg(MSXRAM[index]); } #endif void setRAMSize_MSX() { byte newmsxramsize; #if (defined(ENABLE_OLED) || defined(ENABLE_LCD)) display_Clear(); if (msxramlo == msxramhi) newmsxramsize = msxramlo; else { uint8_t b = 0; int i = msxramlo; printRamSize_MSX(i); printInstructions(); while (1) { b = checkButton(); if (b == 2) { // Previous (doubleclick) if (msxmapper == 7) { // Koei 8K/32K if (i == msxramlo) i = msxramhi; // 32K else i = msxramlo; // 8K } else { if (i == msxramlo) i = msxramhi; else i--; // Only update display after input because of slow LCD library printRamSize_MSX(i); printInstructions(); } } if (b == 1) { // Next (press) if (msxmapper == 7) { // Koei 8K/32K if (i == msxramlo) i = msxramhi; // 32K else i = msxramlo; // 8K } else { if (i == msxramhi) i = msxramlo; else i++; // Only update display after input because of slow LCD library printRamSize_MSX(i); printInstructions(); } } if (b == 3) { // Long Press - Execute (hold) newmsxramsize = i; break; } } display.setCursor(0, 56); // Display selection at bottom } print_Msg(F("RAM SIZE ")); print_Msg(MSXRAM[newmsxramsize]); println_Msg(F("K")); display_Update(); delay(1000); #else if (msxramlo == msxramhi) newmsxramsize = msxramlo; else { setram: String sizeRAM; for (int i = 0; i < (msxramhi - msxramlo + 1); i++) { Serial.print(F("Select RAM Size: ")); Serial.print(i); Serial.print(F(" = ")); Serial.print(MSXRAM[i + msxramlo]); Serial.println(F("K")); } Serial.print(F("Enter RAM Size: ")); while (Serial.available() == 0) {} sizeRAM = Serial.readStringUntil('\n'); Serial.println(sizeRAM); newmsxramsize = sizeRAM.toInt() + msxramlo; if (msxmapper == 7) { // Koei 8K/32K if (newmsxramsize == 3) { // 16K Serial.println(F("SIZE NOT SUPPORTED")); Serial.println(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); goto setram; } } if (newmsxramsize > msxramhi) { Serial.println(F("SIZE NOT SUPPORTED")); Serial.println(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); goto setram; } } Serial.print(F("RAM Size = ")); Serial.print(MSXRAM[newmsxramsize]); Serial.println(F("K")); #endif EEPROM_writeAnything(10, newmsxramsize); msxramsize = newmsxramsize; } //****************************************** // CHECK STATUS //****************************************** void checkStatus_MSX() { EEPROM_readAnything(7, msxmapper); EEPROM_readAnything(8, msxsize); EEPROM_readAnything(10, msxramsize); if (msxmapper > 14) { msxmapper = 0; EEPROM_writeAnything(7, msxmapper); } if (msxsize > 8) { msxsize = 0; EEPROM_writeAnything(8, msxsize); } if (msxramsize > 4) { msxramsize = 0; EEPROM_writeAnything(10, msxramsize); } #if (defined(ENABLE_OLED) || defined(ENABLE_LCD)) display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("MSX READER")); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_CURRENT_SETTINGS)); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); print_Msg(F("MAPPER: ")); println_Msg(msxmapper); printMapper(msxmapper); print_Msg(FS(FSTRING_ROM_SIZE)); if (msxmapper == 12) // R-Type print_Msg(F("384")); else print_Msg(MSX[msxsize]); println_Msg(F("K")); print_Msg(F("RAM SIZE: ")); print_Msg(MSXRAM[msxramsize]); println_Msg(F("K")); display_Update(); wait(); #else Serial.print(F("CURRENT MAPPER: ")); Serial.println(msxmapper); Serial.print(F("CURRENT ROM SIZE: ")); if (msxmapper == 12) // R-Type Serial.print(F("384")); else Serial.print(MSX[msxsize]); Serial.println(F("K")); Serial.print(F("CURRENT RAM SIZE: ")); Serial.print(MSXRAM[msxramsize]); Serial.println(F("K")); Serial.println(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); #endif } void printMapper(byte msxmaplabel) { #if (defined(ENABLE_OLED) || defined(ENABLE_LCD)) switch (msxmaplabel) { case 0: println_Msg(F("NONE")); break; case 1: println_Msg(F("ASCII8")); break; case 2: println_Msg(F("ASCII16")); break; case 3: println_Msg(F("CROSS BLAIM")); break; case 4: println_Msg(F("GAME MASTER 2")); break; case 5: println_Msg(F("HAL NOTE")); break; case 6: println_Msg(F("HARRY FOX YUKI")); break; case 7: println_Msg(F("KOEI")); break; case 8: println_Msg(F("KONAMI")); break; case 9: println_Msg(F("KONAMI SCC")); break; case 10: println_Msg(F("MSX-DOS2")); break; case 11: println_Msg(F("PAC/FM-PAC")); break; case 12: println_Msg(F("R-TYPE")); break; case 13: println_Msg(F("SUPER LODE RUNNER")); break; case 14: println_Msg(F("HUDSON SOFT BEE PACK")); break; } #else Serial.println(F("0 = NONE")); Serial.println(F("1 = ASCII8")); Serial.println(F("2 = ASCII16")); Serial.println(F("3 = CROSS BLAIM")); Serial.println(F("4 = GAME MASTER 2")); Serial.println(F("5 = HAL NOTE")); Serial.println(F("6 = HARRY FOX YUKI")); Serial.println(F("7 = KOEI")); Serial.println(F("8 = KONAMI")); Serial.println(F("9 = KONAMI SCC")); Serial.println(F("10 = MSX-DOS2")); Serial.println(F("11 = PAC/FM-PAC")); Serial.println(F("12 = R-TYPE")); Serial.println(F("13 = SUPER LODE RUNNER")); Serial.println(F("14 = HUDSON SOFT BEE PACK")); #endif } //****************************************** // CART SELECT CODE //****************************************** struct database_entry_MSX { byte gameMapper; byte gameSize; byte ramSize; }; void readDataLine_MSX(FsFile& database, void* entry) { database_entry_MSX* castEntry = (database_entry_MSX*)entry; // Read mapper castEntry->gameMapper = ((database.read() - 48) * 10) + (database.read() - 48); // Skip over semicolon database.seekCur(1); // Read rom size castEntry->gameSize = database.read() - 48; // Skip over semicolon database.seekCur(1); // Read ram size castEntry->ramSize = database.read() - 48; // Skip rest of line database.seekCur(2); } void setCart_MSX() { //go to root sd.chdir(); struct database_entry_MSX entry; // Select starting letter byte myLetter = starting_letter(); // Open database if (myFile.open("msxcart.txt", O_READ)) { seek_first_letter_in_database(myFile, myLetter); if(checkCartSelection(myFile, &readDataLine_MSX, &entry)) { EEPROM_writeAnything(7, entry.gameMapper); EEPROM_writeAnything(8, entry.gameSize); EEPROM_writeAnything(10, entry.ramSize); } } else { print_FatalError(FS(FSTRING_DATABASE_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); } } #endif