//****************************************** // ATARI LYNX MODULE //****************************************** // // For use with SNES-Lynx adapter // +----+ // | 1 |- GND // | 2 |- D3 // | 3 |- D2 // | 4 |- D4 // | 5 |- D1 // | 6 |- D5 // | 7 |- D0 // | 8 |- D6 // | 9 |- D7 // | 10 |- /OE // | 11 |- A1 // | 12 |- A2 // | 13 |- A3 // | 14 |- A6 // | 15 |- A4 // | 16 |- A5 // | 17 |- A0 // | 18 |- A7 // | 19 |- A16 // | 20 |- A17 // | 21 |- A18 // | 22 |- A19 // | 23 |- A15 // | 24 |- A14 // | 25 |- A13 // | 26 |- A12 // | 27 |- /WE // | 28 |- A8 // | 29 |- A9 // | 30 |- A10 // | 31 |- VCC // | 32 |- AUDIN // | 33 |- VCC // | 34 |- SWVCC // +----+ // // By @partlyhuman // This implementation would not be possible without the invaluable // documentation on // https://atarilynxvault.com/ // by Igor (@theatarigamer) of K-Retro Gaming / Atari Lynx Vault // and the reference implementation of the Lynx Cart Programmer Pi-Hat // https://bitbucket.org/atarilynx/lynx/src/master/ // by Karri Kaksonen (whitelynx.fi) and Igor as well as countless contributions // by the Atari Lynx community // // Version 1.0 // Future enhancements // 1. EEPROM read/write // 2. Homebrew flash cart programming // #ifdef ENABLE_LYNX #pragma region DEFS #define LYNX_HEADER_SIZE 64 #define LYNX_WE 8 #define LYNX_OE 9 #define LYNX_AUDIN 46 #define LYNX_BLOCKADDR 2048UL #define LYNX_BLOCKCOUNT 256UL // Includes \0 static const char LYNX[5] = "LYNX"; // Cart information static bool lynxUseAudin; static uint16_t lynxBlockSize; #pragma region LOWLEVEL void setup_LYNX() { setVoltage(VOLTS_SET_5V); // Address pins output // A0-7, A8-A16 (A11 doesn't exist) DDRF = 0xff; DDRK = 0xff; DDRL = 0xff; // Data pins input DDRC = 0x00; // Control pins output // CE is tied low, not accessible pinMode(LYNX_WE, OUTPUT); pinMode(LYNX_OE, OUTPUT); pinMode(LYNX_AUDIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LYNX_WE, HIGH); digitalWrite(LYNX_OE, HIGH); digitalWrite(LYNX_AUDIN, HIGH); strcpy(romName, LYNX); mode = CORE_LYNX; } static void dataDir_LYNX(byte direction) { DDRC = (direction == OUTPUT) ? 0xff : 0x00; } static uint8_t readByte_LYNX(uint32_t addr, uint8_t audin = 0) { digitalWrite(LYNX_OE, HIGH); PORTF = addr & 0xff; PORTK = (addr >> 8) & 0xff; PORTL = ((addr >> 16) & 0b111) | (audin << 3); digitalWrite(LYNX_OE, LOW); delayMicroseconds(20); uint8_t data = PINC; digitalWrite(LYNX_OE, HIGH); return data; } #pragma region HIGHLEVEL static bool detectBlockSize_LYNX() { lynxUseAudin = false; lynxBlockSize = 0; // Somewhat arbitrary, however many bytes would be unlikely to be // coincidentally mirrored const size_t DETECT_BYTES = 128; for (int i = 0; i < DETECT_BYTES; i++) { // If any differences are detected when AUDIN=1, // AUDIN is used to bankswitch // meaning we also use the maximum block size // (1024kb cart / 256 blocks = 4kb block bank switched between two // lower/upper 2kb blocks) if (readByte_LYNX(i, 0) != readByte_LYNX(i, 1)) { lynxUseAudin = true; lynxBlockSize = 2048; return true; } } // Use the already-dumped 2KB to detect mirroring in a small sample // Valid cart sizes of 128kb, 256kb, 512kb / 256 blocks // = block sizes of 512b, 1024b, 2048b for (int i = 0; i < DETECT_BYTES; i++) { uint8_t b = readByte_LYNX(i); if (b != readByte_LYNX(i + 1024)) { lynxBlockSize = max(lynxBlockSize, 2048); } else if (b != readByte_LYNX(i + 512)) { lynxBlockSize = max(lynxBlockSize, 1024); } else if (b != readByte_LYNX(i + 256)) { lynxBlockSize = max(lynxBlockSize, 512); } } return (lynxBlockSize > 0); } static bool detectCart_LYNX() { // Could omit logging to save a few bytes display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Identifying...")); if (!detectBlockSize_LYNX()) { print_STR(error_STR, false); display_Update(); wait(); resetArduino(); } print_Msg(F("AUDIN=")); print_Msg(lynxUseAudin); print_Msg(F(" BLOCK=")); println_Msg(lynxBlockSize); display_Update(); } static void writeHeader_LYNX() { char header[LYNX_HEADER_SIZE] = {}; // Magic number strcpy(header, LYNX); // Cart name (dummy) strcpy(header + 10, LYNX); // Manufacturer (dummy) strcpy(header + 42, LYNX); // Version header[8] = 1; // Bank 0 page size header[4] = lynxBlockSize & 0xff; // Bank 1 page size header[5] = (lynxBlockSize >> 8) & 0xff; // AUDIN used header[59] = lynxUseAudin; // TODO detect EEPROM? // header[60] = lynxUseEeprom; myFile.write(header, LYNX_HEADER_SIZE); } // Saves memory by using existing sd buffer instead of a second block-sized buffer (which could be up to 2KB) // Minimum block size is 512b, size of sdBuffer is 512b, all block sizes multiples of 512b, // so we shouldn't need to check for leftovers... static inline void ringBufferWrite_LYNX(uint32_t blocki, uint8_t byte) { sdBuffer[blocki % 512] = byte; if ((blocki + 1) % 512 == 0) { myFile.write(sdBuffer, 512); } } static void readROM_LYNX() { dataDir_LYNX(INPUT); // The upper part of the address is used as a block address // There are always 256 blocks, but the size of the block can vary // So outer loop always steps through block addresses uint32_t i; const uint32_t upto = LYNX_BLOCKCOUNT * LYNX_BLOCKADDR; for (uint32_t blockAddr = 0; blockAddr < upto; blockAddr += LYNX_BLOCKADDR) { draw_progressbar(blockAddr, upto); blinkLED(); if (lynxUseAudin) { // AUDIN bank switching uses a 4kb block split to 2 banks for (i = 0; i < lynxBlockSize / 2; i++) { ringBufferWrite_LYNX(i, readByte_LYNX(blockAddr + i, 0)); } for (; i < lynxBlockSize; i++) { ringBufferWrite_LYNX(i, readByte_LYNX(blockAddr + i - (lynxBlockSize / 2), 1)); } } else { for (i = 0; i < lynxBlockSize; i++) { ringBufferWrite_LYNX(i, readByte_LYNX(i + blockAddr)); } } } draw_progressbar(upto, upto); } #pragma region MENU static const char* const menuOptionsLYNX[] PROGMEM = {FSTRING_READ_ROM, FSTRING_RESET}; void lynxMenu() { size_t menuCount = sizeof(menuOptionsLYNX) / sizeof(menuOptionsLYNX[0]); convertPgm(menuOptionsLYNX, menuCount); uint8_t mainMenu = question_box(F("LYNX MENU"), menuOptions, menuCount, 0); display_Clear(); display_Update(); switch (mainMenu) { case 0: sd.chdir("/"); createFolderAndOpenFile(LYNX, "ROM", romName, "lnx"); detectCart_LYNX(); writeHeader_LYNX(); readROM_LYNX(); myFile.close(); sd.chdir("/"); compareCRC("lynx.txt", 0, true, LYNX_HEADER_SIZE); print_STR(done_STR, true); display_Update(); wait(); break; } } #endif