/********************************************************************************** Cartridge Reader for Arduino Mega2560 This project represents a community-driven effort to provide an easy to build and easy to modify cartridge dumper. Date: 2024-09-13 Version: 14.5 SD lib: https://github.com/greiman/SdFat LCD lib: https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2 Neopixel lib: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_NeoPixel Rotary Enc lib: https://github.com/mathertel/RotaryEncoder SI5351 lib: https://github.com/etherkit/Si5351Arduino RTC lib: https://github.com/adafruit/RTClib Frequency lib: https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/FreqCount Compiled with Arduino IDE 2.3.2 Thanks to: MichlK - ROM Reader for Super Nintendo Jeff Saltzman - 4-Way Button Wayne and Layne - Video Game Shield menu skaman - Cart ROM READER SNES ENHANCED, Famicom Cart Dumper, 2600, 5200, 7800, ARC, ATARI8, BALLY, C64, COLV, FAIRCHILD, INTV, LEAP, LJ, LJPRO, MSX, ODY2, PCW, POKEMINI, PV1000, PYUUTA, RCA, TI99, TRS80, VBOY, VECTREX, WSV, VIC20, VSMILE modules Tamanegi_taro - PCE and Satellaview modules splash5 - GBSmart, Wonderswan, NGP and Super A'can modules partlyhuman - Casio Loopy & Atari Lynx module hkz & themanbehindthecurtain - N64 flashram commands Andrew Brown & Peter Den Hartog - N64 controller protocol libdragon - N64 controller checksum functions Angus Gratton - CRC32 Snes9x - SuperFX sram fix insidegadgets - GBCartRead RobinTheHood - GameboyAdvanceRomDumper Gens-gs - Megadrive checksum fceux - iNes header PsyK0p4T - Sufami Turbo module LuigiBlood - SNES Game Processor RAM Cassette module And a special Thank You to all coders and contributors on Github and the Arduino forum: jiyunomegami, splash5, Kreeblah, ramapcsx2, PsyK0p4T, Dakkaron, majorpbx, Pickle, sdhizumi, Uzlopak, sakman55, Tombo89, scrap-a, borti4938, vogelfreiheit, CaitSith2, Modman, Chomemel, philenotfound, karimhadjsalem, nsx0r, ducky92, niklasweber, Lesserkuma, BacteriaMage, qufb, vpelletier, Ancyker, mattiacci, RWeick, ButThouMust, partlyhuman, fakkuyuu, hxlnt, breyell, smesgr9000, joshman196, PsychoFox11, plaidpants, LuigiBlood, InvalidInterrupt, andy-miles, wfmarques And to nocash for figuring out the secrets of the SFC Nintendo Power cartridge. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . **********************************************************************************/ #include "OSCR.h" /****************************************** Libraries *****************************************/ // SD Card SdFs sd; FsFile myFile; #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG FsFile myLog; bool dont_log = false; #endif // AVR Eeprom #include // forward declarations for "T" (for non Arduino IDE) template int EEPROM_writeAnything(int ee, const T& value); template int EEPROM_readAnything(int ee, T& value); // Graphic SPI LCD #ifdef ENABLE_LCD #include U8G2_ST7567_OS12864_F_4W_HW_SPI display(U8G2_R2, /* cs=*/12, /* dc=*/11, /* reset=*/10); #endif // Rotary Encoder #ifdef ENABLE_ROTARY #include #define PIN_IN1 18 #define PIN_IN2 19 #ifdef rotate_counter_clockwise RotaryEncoder encoder(PIN_IN2, PIN_IN1, RotaryEncoder::LatchMode::FOUR3); #else RotaryEncoder encoder(PIN_IN1, PIN_IN2, RotaryEncoder::LatchMode::FOUR3); #endif int rotaryPos = 0; #endif // Choose RGB LED type #ifdef ENABLE_NEOPIXEL // Neopixel #include Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(3, 13, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); #endif typedef enum COLOR_T { blue_color, red_color, purple_color, green_color, turquoise_color, yellow_color, white_color, black_color, } color_t; // Graphic I2C OLED #ifdef ENABLE_OLED #include U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_HW_I2C display(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/U8X8_PIN_NONE); #endif // Adafruit Clock Generator #include Si5351 clockgen; bool i2c_found; // RTC Library #ifdef ENABLE_RTC #define _RTC_H #include "RTClib.h" #endif // Clockgen Calibration #ifdef OPTION_CLOCKGEN_CALIBRATION #include "FreqCount.h" #endif void _print_FatalError(void) __attribute__((noreturn)); void print_FatalError(const __FlashStringHelper* errorMessage) __attribute__((noreturn)); void print_FatalError(byte errorMessage) __attribute__((noreturn)); /****************************************** End of inclusions and forward declarations *****************************************/ template int EEPROM_writeAnything(int ee, const T& value) { const byte* p = (const byte*)(const void*)&value; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(value); i++) EEPROM.write(ee++, *p++); return i; } template int EEPROM_readAnything(int ee, T& value) { byte* p = (byte*)(void*)&value; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(value); i++) *p++ = EEPROM.read(ee++); return i; } /****************************************** Common Strings *****************************************/ #define press_button_STR 0 #define sd_error_STR 1 #define reset_STR 2 #define did_not_verify_STR 3 #define _bytes_STR 4 #define error_STR 5 #define create_file_STR 6 #define open_file_STR 7 #define file_too_big_STR 8 #define done_STR 9 #define saving_to_STR 10 #define verifying_STR 11 #define flashing_file_STR 12 #define press_to_change_STR 13 #define right_to_select_STR 14 #define rotate_to_change_STR 15 #define press_to_select_STR 16 // This array holds the most often used strings constexpr char string_press_button0[] PROGMEM = "Press Button..."; constexpr char string_sd_error1[] PROGMEM = "SD Error"; constexpr char string_did_not_verify3[] PROGMEM = "did not verify"; constexpr char string_bytes4[] PROGMEM = " bytes "; constexpr char string_error5[] PROGMEM = "Error: "; constexpr char string_create_file6[] PROGMEM = "Can't create file"; constexpr char string_open_file7[] PROGMEM = "Can't open file"; constexpr char string_file_too_big8[] PROGMEM = "File too big"; constexpr char string_done9[] PROGMEM = "Done"; constexpr char string_saving_to10[] PROGMEM = "Saving to "; constexpr char string_verifying11[] PROGMEM = "Verifying..."; constexpr char string_flashing_file12[] PROGMEM = "Flashing file "; constexpr char string_press_to_change13[] PROGMEM = "Press left to Change"; constexpr char string_right_to_select14[] PROGMEM = "and right to Select"; constexpr char string_rotate_to_change15[] PROGMEM = "Rotate to Change"; constexpr char string_press_to_select16[] PROGMEM = "Press to Select"; static const char* const string_table[] PROGMEM = { string_press_button0, string_sd_error1, FSTRING_RESET, string_did_not_verify3, string_bytes4, string_error5, string_create_file6, string_open_file7, string_file_too_big8, string_done9, string_saving_to10, string_verifying11, string_flashing_file12, string_press_to_change13, string_right_to_select14, string_rotate_to_change15, string_press_to_select16 }; void print_STR(byte string_number, boolean newline) { char string_buffer[22]; strcpy_P(string_buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(string_table[string_number]))); if (newline) println_Msg(string_buffer); else print_Msg(string_buffer); } /****************************************** Defines *****************************************/ // optimization-safe nop delay #define NOP __asm__ __volatile__("nop\n\t") // Button timing #define debounce 20 // ms debounce period to prevent flickering when pressing or releasing the button #define DCgap 250 // max ms between clicks for a double click event #define holdTime 2000 // ms hold period: how long to wait for press+hold event #define longHoldTime 5000 // ms long hold period: how long to wait for press+hold event /****************************************** Variables *****************************************/ #ifdef ENABLE_ROTARY // Button debounce boolean buttonState = HIGH; // the current reading from the input pin boolean lastButtonState = HIGH; // the previous reading from the input pin unsigned long lastDebounceTime = 0; // the last time the output pin was toggled unsigned long debounceDelay = 50; // the debounce time; increase if the output flickers #endif #ifdef ENABLE_OLED // Button 1 boolean buttonVal1 = HIGH; // value read from button boolean buttonLast1 = HIGH; // buffered value of the button's previous state boolean DCwaiting1 = false; // whether we're waiting for a double click (down) boolean DConUp1 = false; // whether to register a double click on next release, or whether to wait and click boolean singleOK1 = true; // whether it's OK to do a single click long downTime1 = -1; // time the button was pressed down long upTime1 = -1; // time the button was released boolean ignoreUp1 = false; // whether to ignore the button release because the click+hold was triggered boolean waitForUp1 = false; // when held, whether to wait for the up event boolean holdEventPast1 = false; // whether or not the hold event happened already boolean longholdEventPast1 = false; // whether or not the long hold event happened already // Button 2 boolean buttonVal2 = HIGH; // value read from button boolean buttonLast2 = HIGH; // buffered value of the button's previous state boolean DCwaiting2 = false; // whether we're waiting for a double click (down) boolean DConUp2 = false; // whether to register a double click on next release, or whether to wait and click boolean singleOK2 = true; // whether it's OK to do a single click long downTime2 = -1; // time the button was pressed down long upTime2 = -1; // time the button was released boolean ignoreUp2 = false; // whether to ignore the button release because the click+hold was triggered boolean waitForUp2 = false; // when held, whether to wait for the up event boolean holdEventPast2 = false; // whether or not the hold event happened already boolean longholdEventPast2 = false; // whether or not the long hold event happened already #endif // Variables for the menu int choice = 0; // Temporary array that holds the menu option read out of progmem char menuOptions[7][20]; boolean ignoreError = 0; // File browser #define FILENAME_LENGTH 100 #define FILEPATH_LENGTH 132 #define FILEOPTS_LENGTH 20 char fileName[FILENAME_LENGTH]; char filePath[FILEPATH_LENGTH]; byte currPage; byte lastPage; byte numPages; boolean root = 0; boolean filebrowse = 0; // Common // 21 chars for ROM name, one char for termination char romName[22]; unsigned long sramSize = 0; int romType = 0; byte saveType; word romSize = 0; word numBanks = 128; char checksumStr[9]; bool errorLvl = 0; byte romVersion = 0; char cartID[5]; unsigned long cartSize; unsigned int flashid; char flashid_str[5]; char vendorID[5]; unsigned long fileSize; unsigned long sramBase; unsigned long flashBanks; bool flashX16Mode; bool flashSwitchLastBits; // Variable to count errors unsigned long writeErrors; // Operation mode CORES mode = CORE_MAX; //remember folder number to create a new folder for every game int foldern; // 4 chars for console type, 4 chars for SAVE/ROM, 21 chars for ROM name, 4 chars for folder number, 3 chars for slashes, one char for termination, one char savety char folder[38]; // Array that holds the data byte sdBuffer[512]; // soft reset Arduino: jumps to 0 // using the watchdog timer would be more elegant but some Mega2560 bootloaders are buggy with it void (*resetArduino)(void) __attribute__((noreturn)) = 0; // Progressbar void draw_progressbar(uint32_t processedsize, uint32_t totalsize); // used by MD and NES modules byte eepbit[8]; byte eeptemp; // Array to hold iNES header byte iNES_HEADER[16]; //ID 0-3 //ROM_size 4 //VROM_size 5 //ROM_type 6 //ROM_type2 7 //ROM_type3 8 //Upper_ROM_VROM_size 9 //RAM_size 10 //VRAM_size 11 //TV_system 12 //VS_hardware 13 //reserved 14, 15 //****************************************** // CRC32 //****************************************** // CRC32 lookup table // 256 entries constexpr uint32_t crc_32_tab[] PROGMEM = { /* CRC polynomial 0xedb88320 */ 0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419, 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4, 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x09b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07, 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de, 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856, 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9, 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4, 0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b, 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3, 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a, 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599, 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924, 0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190, 0x01db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f, 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e, 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01, 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed, 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950, 0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3, 0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2, 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a, 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5, 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010, 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f, 0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17, 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6, 0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615, 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8, 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27, 0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344, 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb, 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a, 0x67dd4acc, 0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5, 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1, 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c, 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef, 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236, 0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe, 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31, 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c, 0x026d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x05005713, 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38, 0x92d28e9b, 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242, 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1, 0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c, 0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278, 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7, 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66, 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9, 0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605, 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8, 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b, 0x2d02ef8d }; // Defined as a macros, as compiler disregards inlining requests and these are // performance-critical functions. #define UPDATE_CRC(crc, ch) \ do { \ uint8_t idx = ((crc) ^ (ch)) & 0xff; \ uint32_t tab_value = pgm_read_dword(crc_32_tab + idx); \ (crc) = tab_value ^ ((crc) >> 8); \ } while (0) uint32_t updateCRC(const byte* buffer, size_t length, uint32_t crc) { for (size_t c = 0; c < length; c++) { UPDATE_CRC(crc, buffer[c]); } return crc; } uint32_t calculateCRC(const byte* buffer, size_t length) { uint32_t crc = 0xFFFFFFFF; crc = updateCRC(buffer, length, crc); return ~crc; } uint32_t calculateCRC(FsFile& infile) { uint32_t byte_count; uint32_t crc = 0xFFFFFFFF; while ((byte_count = infile.read(sdBuffer, sizeof(sdBuffer))) != 0) { crc = updateCRC(sdBuffer, byte_count, crc); } return ~crc; } // Calculate rom's CRC32 from SD uint32_t calculateCRC(char* fileName, char* folder, unsigned long offset) { FsFile infile; uint32_t result; sd.chdir(folder); if (infile.open(fileName, O_READ)) { infile.seek(offset); result = calculateCRC(infile); infile.close(); return result; } else { display_Clear(); print_Msg(F("File ")); //print_Msg(folder); //print_Msg(F("/")); //print_Msg(fileName); print_FatalError(F(" not found")); return 0; } } /****************************************** CRC Functions for Atari, Fairchild, Ody2, Arc, etc. modules *****************************************/ #if (defined(ENABLE_ODY2) || defined(ENABLE_ARC) || defined(ENABLE_FAIRCHILD) || defined(ENABLE_MSX) || defined(ENABLE_POKE) || defined(ENABLE_2600) || defined(ENABLE_7800) || defined(ENABLE_C64) || defined(ENABLE_VECTREX) || defined(ENABLE_NES) || defined(ENABLE_LYNX) || defined(ENABLE_ATARI8) || defined(ENABLE_BALLY) || defined(ENABLE_LEAP) || defined(ENABLE_LJ) || defined(ENABLE_LJPRO) || defined(ENABLE_PV1000) || defined(ENABLE_PYUUTA) || defined(ENABLE_RCA) || defined(ENABLE_TI99) || defined(ENABLE_TRS80) || defined(ENABLE_VIC20) || defined(ENABLE_VSMILE) || defined(ENABLE_CPS3)) void printCRC(char* checkFile, uint32_t* crcCopy, unsigned long offset) { uint32_t crc = calculateCRC(checkFile, folder, offset); char tempCRC[9]; if (crcCopy != NULL) { *crcCopy = crc; } sprintf(tempCRC, "%08lX", crc); print_Msg(F("CRC: ")); println_Msg(tempCRC); display_Update(); } #endif //****************************************** // Functions for CRC32 database //****************************************** //Skip line void skip_line(FsFile* readfile) { int i = 0; char str_buf; while (readfile->available()) { //Read 1 byte from file str_buf = readfile->read(); //if end of file or newline found, execute command if (str_buf == '\r') { readfile->read(); //dispose \n because \r\n break; } i++; } //End while } //Get line from file void get_line(char* str_buf, FsFile* readfile, uint8_t maxi) { int read_len; // Status LED on statusLED(true); read_len = readfile->read(str_buf, maxi - 1); for (int i = 0; i < read_len; i++) { //if end of file or newline found, execute command if (str_buf[i] == '\r') { str_buf[i] = 0; readfile->seekCur(i - read_len + 2); // +2 to skip over \n because \r\n return; } } str_buf[maxi - 1] = 0; // EOL was not found, keep looking (slower) while (readfile->available()) { if (readfile->read() == '\r') { readfile->read(); // read \n because \r\n break; } } } void rewind_line(FsFile& readfile, byte count = 1) { uint32_t position = readfile.curPosition(); // To seek one line back, this code must step over the first newline it finds // in order to exit the current line and enter the end of the previous one. // Convert from how-many-lines-back into how-many-newlines-to-look-for // by incrementing it by 1. count++; for (byte count_newline = 0; count_newline < count; count_newline++) { // Go to the strictly previous '\n', or file start. while (position) { // Seek back first (keeping position updated)... position--; readfile.seekCur(-1); // ...and check current byte second. // Note: this code assumed all files use ASCII with DOS-style newlines // so \n is encountered first when seeking backwards. if (readfile.peek() == '\n') break; } } // If not at file start, the current character is the '\n' just before the // desired line, so advance by one. if (position) readfile.seekCur(1); } // Calculate CRC32 if needed and compare it to CRC read from database boolean compareCRC(const char* database, uint32_t crc32sum, boolean renamerom, int offset) { char crcStr[9]; print_Msg(F("CRC32... ")); display_Update(); if (crc32sum == 0) { //go to root sd.chdir(); // Calculate CRC32 sprintf(crcStr, "%08lX", calculateCRC(fileName, folder, offset)); } else { // Convert precalculated crc to string sprintf(crcStr, "%08lX", ~crc32sum); } // Print checksum print_Msg(crcStr); display_Update(); //Search for CRC32 in file char gamename[96]; char crc_search[9]; //go to root sd.chdir(); if (myFile.open(database, O_READ)) { //Search for same CRC in list while (myFile.available()) { //Read 2 lines (game name and CRC) get_line(gamename, &myFile, sizeof(gamename)); get_line(crc_search, &myFile, sizeof(crc_search)); skip_line(&myFile); //Skip every 3rd line //if checksum search successful, rename the file and end search if (strcmp(crc_search, crcStr) == 0) { #ifdef ENABLE_NES if ((mode == CORE_NES) && (offset != 0)) { // Rewind to iNES Header myFile.seekCur(-36); char iNES_STR[33]; // Read iNES header get_line(iNES_STR, &myFile, 33); // Convert "4E4553" to (0x4E, 0x45, 0x53) unsigned int iNES_BUF; for (byte j = 0; j < 16; j++) { sscanf(iNES_STR + j * 2, "%2X", &iNES_BUF); iNES_HEADER[j] = iNES_BUF; } //Skip CRLF myFile.seekCur(4); } #endif // ENABLE_NES // Close the file: myFile.close(); //Write iNES header #ifdef ENABLE_NES if ((mode == CORE_NES) && (offset != 0)) { // Write iNES header sd.chdir(folder); if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR)) { print_FatalError(sd_error_STR); } for (byte z = 0; z < 16; z++) { myFile.write(iNES_HEADER[z]); } myFile.close(); } #endif // ENABLE_NES print_Msg(F(" -> ")); display_Update(); if (renamerom) { println_Msg(gamename); // Rename file to database name sd.chdir(folder); delay(100); if (myFile.open(fileName, O_READ)) { myFile.rename(gamename); // Close the file: myFile.close(); } } else { println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_OK)); } return 1; break; } } if (strcmp(crc_search, crcStr) != 0) { print_Error(F(" -> Not found")); return 0; } } else { println_Msg(F(" -> Error")); print_Error(F("Database missing")); return 0; } return 0; } //****************************************** // Math Functions //****************************************** #if (defined(ENABLE_NES) || defined(ENABLE_MSX) || defined(ENABLE_GBX) || defined(ENABLE_TRS80) || defined(ENABLE_JAGUAR)) int int_pow(int base, int exp) { // Power for int int result = 1; while (exp) { if (exp & 1) result *= base; exp /= 2; base *= base; } return result; } #endif void createFolder(const char* system, const char* subfolder, const char* gameName, const char* fileSuffix) { snprintf(fileName, FILENAME_LENGTH, "%s.%s", gameName, fileSuffix); // create a new folder for the rom file EEPROM_readAnything(0, foldern); if (subfolder == NULL) { sprintf(folder, "%s/%s/%d", system, gameName, foldern); } else { sprintf(folder, "%s/%s/%s/%d", system, subfolder, gameName, foldern); } sd.mkdir(folder, true); sd.chdir(folder); } void printAndIncrementFolder(bool displayClear = false) { // Save location if (displayClear) { display_Clear(); } print_STR(saving_to_STR, 0); print_Msg(folder); println_Msg(F("/...")); display_Update(); // write new folder number back to eeprom foldern = foldern + 1; EEPROM_writeAnything(0, foldern); } void createFolderAndOpenFile(const char* system, const char* subfolder, const char* gameName, const char* fileSuffix) { createFolder(system, subfolder, gameName, fileSuffix); printAndIncrementFolder(true); if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) { print_FatalError(sd_error_STR); } } // move file pointer to first game line with matching letter. If no match is found the last database entry is selected void seek_first_letter_in_database(FsFile& database, byte myLetter) { char gamename_str[3]; #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG // Disable log to prevent unnecessary logging println_Log(F("Select Mapping from List")); dont_log = true; #endif database.rewind(); // Skip ahead to selected starting letter if ((myLetter > 0) && (myLetter <= 26)) { myLetter += 'A' - 1; do { // Read current name get_line(gamename_str, &database, 2); // Skip data line skip_line(&database); // Skip empty line skip_line(&database); } while (database.available() && gamename_str[0] != myLetter); rewind_line(database, 3); } #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG // Enable log again dont_log = false; #endif } #if ( \ defined(ENABLE_ARC) || defined(ENABLE_FAIRCHILD) || defined(ENABLE_VECTREX) || defined(ENABLE_BALLY) || defined(ENABLE_PV1000) || defined(ENABLE_PYUUTA) || defined(ENABLE_RCA) || defined(ENABLE_TRS80) || defined(ENABLE_LEAP) || defined(ENABLE_LJ) || defined(ENABLE_VSMILE)) // read single digit data line as byte void readDataLineSingleDigit(FsFile& database, void* byteData) { // Read rom size (*(byte*)byteData) = database.read() - 48; // Skip rest of line database.seekCur(2); } #endif #if ( \ defined(ENABLE_ODY2) || defined(ENABLE_7800) || defined(ENABLE_C64) || defined(ENABLE_JAGUAR) || defined(ENABLE_VIC20) || defined(ENABLE_ATARI8)) struct database_entry_mapper_size { byte gameMapper; byte gameSize; }; // read database entry with mapper and size digits void readDataLineMapperSize(FsFile& database, void* entry) { struct database_entry_mapper_size* castEntry = (database_entry_mapper_size*)entry; // Read mapper castEntry->gameMapper = database.read() - 48; // if next char is not a semicolon expect an additional digit char temp = database.read(); if (temp != ',') { castEntry->gameMapper = (castEntry->gameMapper * 10) + (temp - 48); // Skip over semicolon database.seekCur(1); } // Read rom size castEntry->gameSize = database.read() - 48; // Skip rest of line database.seekCur(2); } #endif // navigate through the database file using OSSC input buttons. Requires function pointer readData for reading device specific data line from database // printDataLine - optional callback for printing device specific data informations about the currently browsed game // setRomName - callback function to set rom name if game is selected // returns true if a game was selected, false otherwise boolean checkCartSelection(FsFile& database, void (*readData)(FsFile&, void*), void* data, void (*printDataLine)(void*) = NULL, void (*setRomName)(const char* input) = NULL) { char gamename[128]; uint8_t fastScrolling = 1; // Display database while (database.available()) { #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG // Disable log to prevent unnecessary logging dont_log = true; #endif display_Clear(); get_line(gamename, &database, sizeof(gamename)); readData(database, data); skip_line(&database); println_Msg(F("Select your cartridge")); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); println_Msg(gamename); if (printDataLine) { printDataLine(data); } println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); #if defined(ENABLE_OLED) print_STR(press_to_change_STR, 0); if (fastScrolling > 1) println_Msg(F(" (fast)")); else println_Msg(""); print_STR(right_to_select_STR, 1); #elif defined(ENABLE_LCD) print_STR(rotate_to_change_STR, 0); if (fastScrolling > 1) println_Msg(F(" (fast)")); else println_Msg(""); print_STR(press_to_select_STR, 1); #elif defined(SERIAL_MONITOR) println_Msg(F("U/D to Change")); println_Msg(F("Space/Zero to Select")); #endif display_Update(); #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG // Enable log again dont_log = false; #endif uint8_t b = 0; while (1) { // Check button input b = checkButton(); // Next if (b == 1) { // 1: Next record if (fastScrolling > 1) { for (uint8_t skipped = 0; skipped < fastScrolling * 3; skipped++) { skip_line(&database); } } break; } // Previous else if (b == 2) { // 2: Previous record if (fastScrolling > 1) rewind_line(database, fastScrolling * 3 + 3); else rewind_line(database, 6); break; } // Selection else if (b == 3) { if (setRomName) { setRomName(gamename); } database.close(); return true; } else if (b == 4) { // 4: Toggle Fast Scrolling if (fastScrolling == 1) fastScrolling = 30; else fastScrolling = 1; continue; } } } return false; } void printInstructions() { println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG // Disable log to prevent unnecessary logging bool wasnt_logging = dont_log; // Remember if we were logging or not dont_log = true; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_OLED) print_STR(press_to_change_STR, 1); print_STR(right_to_select_STR, 1); #elif defined(ENABLE_LCD) print_STR(rotate_to_change_STR, 1); print_STR(press_to_select_STR, 1); #elif defined(SERIAL_MONITOR) println_Msg(F("U/D to Change")); println_Msg(F("Space/Zero to Select")); #endif /* ENABLE_OLED | ENABLE_LCD | SERIAL_MONITOR */ display_Update(); #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG // Enable log again dont_log = wasnt_logging; // Return to original state #endif } #if (defined(ENABLE_OLED) || defined(ENABLE_LCD)) int navigateMenu(int min, int max, void (*printSelection)(int)) { uint8_t b = 0; int i = min; // Check Button Status #if defined(ENABLE_OLED) buttonVal1 = (PIND & (1 << 7)); // PD7 #elif defined(ENABLE_LCD) boolean buttonVal1 = (PING & (1 << 2)); //PG2 #endif /* ENABLE_OLED | ENABLE_LCD */ if (buttonVal1 == LOW) { // Button Pressed while (1) { // Scroll Mapper List #if defined(ENABLE_OLED) buttonVal1 = (PIND & (1 << 7)); // PD7 #elif defined(ENABLE_LCD) buttonVal1 = (PING & (1 << 2)); // PG2 #endif /* ENABLE_OLED | ENABLE_LCD */ if (buttonVal1 == HIGH) { // Button Released // Correct Overshoot if (i == min) i = max; else i--; break; } printSelection(i); display_Update(); if (i == max) i = min; else i++; delay(250); } } b = 0; printSelection(i); printInstructions(); while (1) { b = checkButton(); if (b == 2) { // Previous Mapper (doubleclick) if (i == min) i = max; else i--; // Only update display after input because of slow LCD library printSelection(i); printInstructions(); } if (b == 1) { // Next Mapper (press) if (i == max) i = min; else i++; // Only update display after input because of slow LCD library printSelection(i); printInstructions(); } if (b == 3) { // Long Press - Execute (hold) return i; } } } #elif defined(SERIAL_MONITOR) int navigateMenu(__attribute__((unused)) int min, __attribute__((unused)) int max, void (*printSelection)(int)) { printSelection(0); Serial.println(F("Enter number to change:_")); while (Serial.available() == 0) {} int selectedNumber = Serial.parseInt(); delay(200); return selectedNumber; } #endif /* (ENABLE_OLED | ENABLE_LCD) */ #if (defined(ENABLE_OLED) || defined(ENABLE_LCD)) void starting_letter__subDraw(byte selection, byte line) { display.setDrawColor(0); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) display.drawLine(0, 10 + i * 16, 128, 10 + i * 16); display.setDrawColor(1); display.drawLine(4 + selection * 16, 10 + line * 16, 9 + selection * 16, 10 + line * 16); display_Update(); } #endif /* (ENABLE_OLED | ENABLE_LCD) */ byte starting_letter() { #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG // Disable log to prevent unnecessary logging dont_log = true; #endif #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) byte selection = 0; byte line = 0; display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("[#] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]")); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); println_Msg(F("[G] [H] [ I ] [J] [K] [L] [M]")); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); println_Msg(F("[N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T]")); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); println_Msg(F("[U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [?]")); // Draw selection line display.setDrawColor(1); display.drawLine(4 + selection * 16, 10 + line * 16, 9 + selection * 16, 10 + line * 16); display_Update(); while (1) { uint8_t b = checkButton(); if (b == 2) { // Previous if ((selection == 0) && (line > 0)) { line--; selection = 6; } else if ((selection == 0) && (line == 0)) { line = 3; selection = 6; } else if (selection > 0) { selection--; } starting_letter__subDraw(selection, line); } else if (b == 1) { // Next if ((selection == 6) && (line < 3)) { line++; selection = 0; } else if ((selection == 6) && (line == 3)) { line = 0; selection = 0; } else if (selection < 6) { selection++; } starting_letter__subDraw(selection, line); } else if (b == 3) { // Long Press - Execute if ((selection + line * 7) != 27) { display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Please wait...")); display_Update(); } break; } } return (selection + line * 7); #elif defined(SERIAL_MONITOR) Serial.println(F("Enter first letter: ")); while (Serial.available() == 0) { } // Read the incoming byte: byte incomingByte = Serial.read(); return incomingByte; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG // Enable log again dont_log = false; #endif } void print_MissingModule(void) { display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Please enable module")); print_FatalError(F("in Config.h.")); } /****************************************** Main menu *****************************************/ constexpr char modeItem1[] PROGMEM = "Game Boy"; constexpr char modeItem2[] PROGMEM = "NES/Famicom"; constexpr char modeItem3[] PROGMEM = "Super Nintendo/SFC"; constexpr char modeItem4[] PROGMEM = "Nintendo 64 (3V)"; constexpr char modeItem5[] PROGMEM = "Mega Drive/Genesis"; constexpr char modeItem6[] PROGMEM = "SMS/GG/MIII/SG-1000"; constexpr char modeItem7[] PROGMEM = "PC Engine/TG16"; constexpr char modeItem8[] PROGMEM = "WonderSwan (3V)"; constexpr char modeItem9[] PROGMEM = "NeoGeo Pocket (3V)"; constexpr char modeItem10[] PROGMEM = "Intellivision"; constexpr char modeItem11[] PROGMEM = "Colecovision"; constexpr char modeItem12[] PROGMEM = "Virtual Boy"; constexpr char modeItem13[] PROGMEM = "Watara Supervision (3V)"; constexpr char modeItem14[] PROGMEM = "Pocket Challenge W"; constexpr char modeItem15[] PROGMEM = "Atari 2600"; constexpr char modeItem16[] PROGMEM = "Magnavox Odyssey 2"; constexpr char modeItem17[] PROGMEM = "Arcadia 2001"; constexpr char modeItem18[] PROGMEM = "Fairchild Channel F"; constexpr char modeItem19[] PROGMEM = "Super A'can"; constexpr char modeItem20[] PROGMEM = "MSX"; constexpr char modeItem21[] PROGMEM = "Pokemon Mini (3V)"; constexpr char modeItem22[] PROGMEM = "Casio Loopy"; constexpr char modeItem23[] PROGMEM = "Commodore 64"; constexpr char modeItem24[] PROGMEM = "Atari 5200"; constexpr char modeItem25[] PROGMEM = "Atari 7800"; constexpr char modeItem26[] PROGMEM = "Atari Jaguar"; constexpr char modeItem27[] PROGMEM = "Atari Lynx"; constexpr char modeItem28[] PROGMEM = "Vectrex"; constexpr char modeItem29[] PROGMEM = "Atari 8-bit"; constexpr char modeItem30[] PROGMEM = "Bally Astrocade"; constexpr char modeItem31[] PROGMEM = "Bandai LJ"; constexpr char modeItem32[] PROGMEM = "Bandai LJ Pro"; constexpr char modeItem33[] PROGMEM = "Casio PV-1000"; constexpr char modeItem34[] PROGMEM = "Commodore VIC-20"; constexpr char modeItem35[] PROGMEM = "LF Leapster (3V)"; constexpr char modeItem36[] PROGMEM = "RCA Studio II"; constexpr char modeItem37[] PROGMEM = "TI-99"; constexpr char modeItem38[] PROGMEM = "Tomy Pyuuta"; constexpr char modeItem39[] PROGMEM = "TRS-80"; constexpr char modeItem40[] PROGMEM = "Vtech V.Smile (3V)"; constexpr char modeItem41[] PROGMEM = "Flashrom Programmer"; constexpr char modeItem42[] PROGMEM = "CP System III"; constexpr char modeItem43[] PROGMEM = "Self Test (3V)"; constexpr char modeItem44[] PROGMEM = "About"; static const char* const modeOptions[] PROGMEM = { #ifdef ENABLE_GBX modeItem1, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NES modeItem2, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SNES modeItem3, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_N64 modeItem4, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MD modeItem5, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SMS modeItem6, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PCE modeItem7, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_WS modeItem8, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NGP modeItem9, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_INTV modeItem10, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_COLV modeItem11, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_VBOY modeItem12, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_WSV modeItem13, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PCW modeItem14, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_2600 modeItem15, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ODY2 modeItem16, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ARC modeItem17, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_FAIRCHILD modeItem18, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SUPRACAN modeItem19, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MSX modeItem20, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_POKE modeItem21, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LOOPY modeItem22, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_C64 modeItem23, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_5200 modeItem24, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_7800 modeItem25, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_JAGUAR modeItem26, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LYNX modeItem27, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_VECTREX modeItem28, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ATARI8 modeItem29, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_BALLY modeItem30, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LJ modeItem31, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LJPRO modeItem32, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PV1000 modeItem33, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_VIC20 modeItem34, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LEAP modeItem35, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_RCA modeItem36, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_TI99 modeItem37, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PYUUTA modeItem38, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_TRS80 modeItem39, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_VSMILE modeItem40, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_FLASH8 modeItem41, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CPS3 modeItem42, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SELFTEST modeItem43, #endif modeItem44, FSTRING_RESET }; uint8_t pageMenu(const __FlashStringHelper* question, const char* const* menuStrings, uint8_t entryCount, uint8_t default_choice = 0) { // Create menu uint8_t modeMenu; uint8_t num_answers; uint8_t option_offset; // Menu spans across multiple pages currPage = 1; lastPage = 1; numPages = (entryCount / 7) + ((entryCount % 7) != 0); do { option_offset = (currPage - 1) * 7; num_answers = ((entryCount < (option_offset + 7)) ? entryCount - option_offset : 7); // Copy menuOptions out of progmem convertPgm(menuStrings + option_offset, num_answers); modeMenu = question_box(question, menuOptions, num_answers, default_choice) + option_offset; } while (numPages != 0); // Reset page number currPage = 1; return modeMenu; } // All included slots void mainMenu() { // wait for user choice to come back from the question box menu switch (pageMenu(F("OPEN SOURCE CART READER"), modeOptions, SYSTEM_MENU_TOTAL)) { #ifdef ENABLE_GBX case SYSTEM_MENU_GBX: return gbxMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NES case SYSTEM_MENU_NES: mode = CORE_NES; display_Clear(); display_Update(); setup_NES(); getMapping(); checkStatus_NES(); return nesMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SNES case SYSTEM_MENU_SNES: return snsMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_N64 case SYSTEM_MENU_N64: return n64Menu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MD case SYSTEM_MENU_MD: return mdMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SMS case SYSTEM_MENU_SMS: return smsMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PCE case SYSTEM_MENU_PCE: return pcsMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_WS case SYSTEM_MENU_WS: display_Clear(); display_Update(); setup_WS(); mode = CORE_WS; return wsMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NGP case SYSTEM_MENU_NGP: display_Clear(); display_Update(); setup_NGP(); mode = CORE_NGP; break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_INTV case SYSTEM_MENU_INTV: setup_INTV(); return intvMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_COLV case SYSTEM_MENU_COLV: setup_COL(); return colMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_VBOY case SYSTEM_MENU_VBOY: setup_VBOY(); vboyMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_WSV case SYSTEM_MENU_WSV: setup_WSV(); return wsvMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PCW case SYSTEM_MENU_PCW: setup_PCW(); return pcwMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_2600 case SYSTEM_MENU_2600: setup_2600(); return a2600Menu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ODY2 case SYSTEM_MENU_ODY2: setup_ODY2(); return ody2Menu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ARC case SYSTEM_MENU_ARC: setup_ARC(); return arcMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_FAIRCHILD case SYSTEM_MENU_FAIRCHILD: setup_FAIRCHILD(); return fairchildMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SUPRACAN case SYSTEM_MENU_SUPRACAN: return setup_SuprAcan(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MSX case SYSTEM_MENU_MSX: setup_MSX(); return msxMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_POKE case SYSTEM_MENU_POKE: setup_POKE(); return pokeMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LOOPY case SYSTEM_MENU_LOOPY: setup_LOOPY(); return loopyMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_C64 case SYSTEM_MENU_C64: setup_C64(); return c64Menu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_5200 case SYSTEM_MENU_5200: setup_5200(); return a5200Menu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_7800 case SYSTEM_MENU_7800: setup_7800(); return a7800Menu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_JAGUAR case SYSTEM_MENU_JAGUAR: setup_Jag(); return jagMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LYNX case SYSTEM_MENU_LYNX: setup_LYNX(); return lynxMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_VECTREX case SYSTEM_MENU_VECTREX: setup_VECTREX(); return vectrexMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ATARI8 case SYSTEM_MENU_ATARI8: setup_ATARI8(); return atari8Menu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_BALLY case SYSTEM_MENU_BALLY: setup_BALLY(); return ballyMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LJ case SYSTEM_MENU_LJ: setup_LJ(); return ljMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LJPRO case SYSTEM_MENU_LJPRO: setup_LJPRO(); return ljproMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PV1000 case SYSTEM_MENU_PV1000: setup_PV1000(); return pv1000Menu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_VIC20 case SYSTEM_MENU_VIC20: setup_VIC20(); return vic20Menu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LEAP case SYSTEM_MENU_LEAP: setup_LEAP(); return leapMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_RCA case SYSTEM_MENU_RCA: setup_RCA(); return rcaMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_TI99 case SYSTEM_MENU_TI99: setup_TI99(); return ti99Menu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PYUUTA case SYSTEM_MENU_PYUUTA: setup_PYUUTA(); return pyuutaMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_TRS80 case SYSTEM_MENU_TRS80: setup_TRS80(); return trs80Menu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_VSMILE case SYSTEM_MENU_VSMILE: setup_VSMILE(); return vsmileMenu(); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_FLASH8 case SYSTEM_MENU_FLASH: #ifdef ENABLE_VSELECT setup_FlashVoltage(); #endif return flashMenu(); break; #endif #if (defined(ENABLE_CPS3) && defined(ENABLE_FLASH8) && defined(ENABLE_FLASH16)) case SYSTEM_MENU_CPS3: return cpsMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SELFTEST case SYSTEM_MENU_SELFTEST: return selfTest(); break; #endif case SYSTEM_MENU_ABOUT: return aboutScreen(); break; case SYSTEM_MENU_RESET: return resetArduino(); break; default: return print_MissingModule(); // does not return } } /****************************************** Self Test *****************************************/ #ifdef ENABLE_SELFTEST // Check if given pin number is one of pins 2-9, 14-17, 22-37, 42-49, 54-69 bool isPin_2t9_14t17_22t37_42t49_54t69(byte pinNumber) { return ((2 <= pinNumber) && (pinNumber <= 9)) || ((14 <= pinNumber) && (pinNumber <= 17)) || ((22 <= pinNumber) && (pinNumber <= 37)) || ((42 <= pinNumber) && (pinNumber <= 49)) || ((54 <= pinNumber) && (pinNumber <= 69)); } void selfTest() { #ifdef ENABLE_VSELECT // Set Automatic Voltage Selection to 3V setVoltage(VOLTS_SET_3V3); #endif display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Self Test")); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); println_Msg(F("Remove all Cartridges")); println_Msg(F("before continuing!")); #if (defined(HW3) || defined(HW2)) println_Msg(F("And turn the EEP switch on.")); #else println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); #endif println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); display_Clear(); // Test if pin 7 is held high by 1K resistor pinMode(7, INPUT); println_Msg(F("Testing 1K resistor ")); display_Update(); if (!digitalRead(7)) { rgbLed(red_color); errorLvl = 1; println_Msg(F("Error")); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); resetArduino(); } println_Msg(F("Testing short to GND")); display_Update(); // Set pins 2-9, 14-17, 22-37, 42-49, 54-69 to input and activate internal pull-up resistors for (byte pinNumber = 2; pinNumber <= 69; pinNumber++) { if (isPin_2t9_14t17_22t37_42t49_54t69(pinNumber)) { pinMode(pinNumber, INPUT_PULLUP); } } // Tests pins 2-9, 14-17, 22-37, 42-49, 54-69 for short to GND for (byte pinNumber = 2; pinNumber <= 69; pinNumber++) { if (isPin_2t9_14t17_22t37_42t49_54t69(pinNumber)) { if (!digitalRead(pinNumber)) { rgbLed(red_color); errorLvl = 1; print_Msg(F("Error: Pin ")); if ((54 <= pinNumber) && (pinNumber <= 69)) { print_Msg(F("A")); println_Msg(pinNumber - 54); } else { print_Msg(F("D")); println_Msg(pinNumber); } println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); resetArduino(); } } } println_Msg(F("Testing short between pins")); display_Update(); // Test for short between pins 2-9, 14-17, 22-37, 42-49, 54-69 for (byte pinNumber = 2; pinNumber <= 69; pinNumber++) { if (isPin_2t9_14t17_22t37_42t49_54t69(pinNumber)) { pinMode(pinNumber, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pinNumber, LOW); for (byte pinNumber2 = 2; pinNumber2 <= 69; pinNumber2++) { if (isPin_2t9_14t17_22t37_42t49_54t69(pinNumber2) && (pinNumber != pinNumber2)) { pinMode(pinNumber2, INPUT_PULLUP); if (!digitalRead(pinNumber2)) { rgbLed(red_color); errorLvl = 1; print_Msg(F("Error: Pin ")); if ((54 <= pinNumber) && (pinNumber <= 69)) { print_Msg(F("A")); print_Msg(pinNumber - 54); } else { print_Msg(F("D")); print_Msg(pinNumber); } print_Msg(F(" + ")); if ((54 <= pinNumber2) && (pinNumber2 <= 69)) { print_Msg(F("A")); println_Msg(pinNumber2 - 54); } else { print_Msg(F("D")); println_Msg(pinNumber2); } println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); resetArduino(); } } } pinMode(pinNumber, INPUT_PULLUP); } } println_Msg(F("Testing Clock Generator")); initializeClockOffset(); if (!i2c_found) { rgbLed(red_color); errorLvl = 1; println_Msg(F("Error: Clock Generator")); println_Msg(F("not found")); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); resetArduino(); } else { //clockgen.set_correction(cal_factor, SI5351_PLL_INPUT_XO); clockgen.set_pll(SI5351_PLL_FIXED, SI5351_PLLA); clockgen.set_pll(SI5351_PLL_FIXED, SI5351_PLLB); //clockgen.pll_reset(SI5351_PLLA); //clockgen.pll_reset(SI5351_PLLB); clockgen.set_freq(400000000ULL, SI5351_CLK0); clockgen.set_freq(100000000ULL, SI5351_CLK1); clockgen.set_freq(307200000ULL, SI5351_CLK2); clockgen.output_enable(SI5351_CLK1, 1); clockgen.output_enable(SI5351_CLK2, 1); clockgen.output_enable(SI5351_CLK0, 1); } println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); println_Msg(F("All tests passed.")); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); resetArduino(); } #endif /****************************************** About Screen *****************************************/ // Info Screen void aboutScreen() { display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Cartridge Reader")); println_Msg(F("github.com/sanni")); print_Msg(F("2024 FW ")); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_VERSION)); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); // Prints string out of the common strings array either with or without newline print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); while (1) { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) // get input button uint8_t b = checkButton(); // if the cart readers input button is pressed shortly if (b == 1) { resetArduino(); } // if the cart readers input button is pressed long if (b == 3) { resetArduino(); } // if the button is pressed super long if (b == 4) { display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Resetting folder...")); display_Update(); delay(2000); foldern = 0; EEPROM_writeAnything(0, foldern); resetArduino(); } #elif defined(ENABLE_SERIAL) wait_serial(); resetArduino(); #endif } } /****************************************** Progressbar *****************************************/ void draw_progressbar(uint32_t processed, uint32_t total) { uint8_t current, i; static uint8_t previous; uint8_t steps = 20; //Find progressbar length and draw if processed size is not 0 if (processed == 0) { previous = 0; print_Msg(F("[")); display_Update(); return; } // Progress bar current = (processed >= total) ? steps : processed / (total / steps); //Draw "*" if needed if (current > previous) { for (i = previous; i < current; i++) { // steps are 20, so 20 - 1 = 19. if (i == (19)) { //If end of progress bar, finish progress bar by drawing "]" println_Msg(F("]")); } else { print_Msg(F("*")); } } //update previous "*" status previous = current; //Update display display_Update(); } } /****************************************** RTC Module *****************************************/ #ifdef ENABLE_RTC #if defined(DS3231) RTC_DS3231 rtc; #elif defined(DS1307) RTC_DS1307 rtc; #endif // Start Time void RTCStart() { // Start RTC if (!rtc.begin()) { abort(); } // RTC_DS1307 does not have lostPower() #if defined(DS3231) // Set RTC Date/Time of Sketch Build if it lost battery power // After initial setup it would have lost battery power ;) if (rtc.lostPower()) { rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); } #endif } // Set Date/Time Callback Funtion // Callback for file timestamps void dateTime(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time) { DateTime now = rtc.now(); // Return date using FAT_DATE macro to format fields *date = FAT_DATE(now.year(), now.month(), now.day()); // Return time using FAT_TIME macro to format fields *time = FAT_TIME(now.hour(), now.minute(), now.second()); } /****************************************** RTC Time Stamp Setup Call in any other script *****************************************/ // Format a Date/Time stamp String RTCStamp() { // Set a format char dtstamp[] = "DDMMMYYYY hh:mm:ssAP"; // Get current Date/Time DateTime now = rtc.now(); // Convert it to a string and caps lock it String dts = now.toString(dtstamp); dts.toUpperCase(); // Print results return dts; } #endif /****************************************** Clockgen Calibration *****************************************/ #ifdef OPTION_CLOCKGEN_CALIBRATION int32_t cal_factor = 0; int32_t old_cal = 0; int32_t cal_offset = 100; void clkcal() { // Adafruit Clock Generator // last number is the clock correction factor which is custom for each clock generator cal_factor = readClockOffset(); display_Clear(); print_Msg(F("Read correction: ")); println_Msg(String(cal_factor)); display_Update(); delay(500); if (cal_factor > INT32_MIN) { i2c_found = clockgen.init(SI5351_CRYSTAL_LOAD_8PF, 0, cal_factor); } else { i2c_found = clockgen.init(SI5351_CRYSTAL_LOAD_8PF, 0, 0); cal_factor = 0; } if (!i2c_found) { display_Clear(); print_FatalError(F("Clock Generator not found")); } //clockgen.set_correction(cal_factor, SI5351_PLL_INPUT_XO); clockgen.set_pll(SI5351_PLL_FIXED, SI5351_PLLA); clockgen.set_pll(SI5351_PLL_FIXED, SI5351_PLLB); //clockgen.pll_reset(SI5351_PLLA); //clockgen.pll_reset(SI5351_PLLB); clockgen.set_freq(400000000ULL, SI5351_CLK0); clockgen.set_freq(100000000ULL, SI5351_CLK1); clockgen.set_freq(307200000ULL, SI5351_CLK2); clockgen.output_enable(SI5351_CLK1, 1); clockgen.output_enable(SI5351_CLK2, 1); clockgen.output_enable(SI5351_CLK0, 1); // Frequency Counter delay(500); FreqCount.begin(1000); while (1) { if (old_cal != cal_factor) { display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Adjusting...")); display_Update(); clockgen.set_correction(cal_factor, SI5351_PLL_INPUT_XO); clockgen.set_pll(SI5351_PLL_FIXED, SI5351_PLLA); clockgen.set_pll(SI5351_PLL_FIXED, SI5351_PLLB); clockgen.pll_reset(SI5351_PLLA); clockgen.pll_reset(SI5351_PLLB); clockgen.set_freq(400000000ULL, SI5351_CLK0); clockgen.set_freq(100000000ULL, SI5351_CLK1); clockgen.set_freq(307200000ULL, SI5351_CLK2); old_cal = cal_factor; delay(500); } else { clockgen.update_status(); while (clockgen.dev_status.SYS_INIT == 1) { } if (FreqCount.available()) { float count = FreqCount.read(); display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Clock Calibration")); print_Msg(F("Freq: ")); print_Msg(count); println_Msg(F("Hz")); print_Msg(F("Correction:")); println_Msg(String(cal_factor)); print_Msg(F("Step:")); print_right(cal_offset); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); #ifdef ENABLE_BUTTON2 println_Msg(F("(Hold button to save)")); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); println_Msg(F("Decrease Increase")); #else #ifdef ENABLE_ROTARY println_Msg(F("Rotate to adjust Frequency")); println_Msg(F("Press to change step width")); println_Msg(F("Hold to save")); #else println_Msg(F("Click/dbl to adjust")); #endif #endif display_Update(); } #ifdef ENABLE_BUTTON2 // get input button uint8_t a = checkButton1(); uint8_t b = checkButton2(); // if the cart readers input button is pressed shortly if (a == 1) { old_cal = cal_factor; cal_factor -= cal_offset; } if (b == 1) { old_cal = cal_factor; cal_factor += cal_offset; } // if the cart readers input buttons is double clicked if (a == 2) { cal_offset /= 10ULL; if (cal_offset < 1) { cal_offset = 100000000ULL; } } if (b == 2) { cal_offset *= 10ULL; if (cal_offset > 100000000ULL) { cal_offset = 1; } } // if the cart readers input button is pressed long if (a == 3) { savetofile(); } if (b == 3) { savetofile(); } #else //Handle inputs for either rotary encoder or single button interface. uint8_t a = checkButton(); if (a == 1) { //clockwise rotation or single click old_cal = cal_factor; cal_factor += cal_offset; } if (a == 2) { //counterclockwise rotation or double click old_cal = cal_factor; cal_factor -= cal_offset; } if (a == 3) { //button short hold cal_offset *= 10ULL; if (cal_offset > 100000000ULL) { cal_offset = 1; } } if (a == 4) { //button long hold savetofile(); } #endif } } } void print_right(int32_t number) { int32_t abs_number = number; if (abs_number < 0) abs_number *= -1; else print_Msg(FS(FSTRING_SPACE)); if (abs_number == 0) abs_number = 1; while (abs_number < 100000000ULL) { print_Msg(FS(FSTRING_SPACE)); abs_number *= 10ULL; } println_Msg(number); } void savetofile() { display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Saving...")); println_Msg(String(cal_factor)); display_Update(); delay(2000); if (!myFile.open("/snes_clk.txt", O_WRITE | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC)) { print_FatalError(sd_error_STR); } // Write calibration factor to file myFile.print(cal_factor); // Close the file: myFile.close(); print_STR(done_STR, 1); display_Update(); delay(1000); resetArduino(); } #endif #if defined(OPTION_CLOCKGEN_CALIBRATION) || defined(OPTION_CLOCKGEN_USE_CALIBRATION) int32_t atoi32_signed(const char* input_string) { if (input_string == NULL) { return 0; } int int_sign = 1; int i = 0; if (input_string[0] == '-') { int_sign = -1; i = 1; } int32_t return_val = 0; while (input_string[i] != '\0') { if (input_string[i] >= '0' && input_string[i] <= '9') { return_val = (return_val * 10) + (input_string[i] - '0'); } else if (input_string[i] != '\0') { return 0; } i++; } return_val = return_val * int_sign; return return_val; } int32_t readClockOffset() { FsFile clock_file; char* clock_buf; int16_t i; int32_t clock_offset; if (!clock_file.open("/snes_clk.txt", O_READ)) { return INT32_MIN; } clock_buf = (char*)malloc(12 * sizeof(char)); i = clock_file.read(clock_buf, 11); clock_file.close(); if (i == -1) { free(clock_buf); return INT32_MIN; } else if ((i == 11) && (clock_buf[0] != '-')) { free(clock_buf); return INT32_MIN; } else { clock_buf[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (clock_buf[i] != '-' && clock_buf[i] < '0' && clock_buf[i] > '9') { if (i == 0) { free(clock_buf); return INT32_MIN; } else if ((i == 1) && (clock_buf[0] == '-')) { free(clock_buf); return INT32_MIN; } else { clock_buf[i] = 0; } } } clock_offset = atoi32_signed(clock_buf); free(clock_buf); return clock_offset; } #endif int32_t initializeClockOffset() { #ifdef OPTION_CLOCKGEN_USE_CALIBRATION FsFile clock_file; const char zero_char_arr[] = { '0' }; int32_t clock_offset = readClockOffset(); if (clock_offset > INT32_MIN) { i2c_found = clockgen.init(SI5351_CRYSTAL_LOAD_8PF, 0, clock_offset); } else { i2c_found = clockgen.init(SI5351_CRYSTAL_LOAD_8PF, 0, 0); if (clock_file.open("/snes_clk.txt", O_WRITE | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC)) { clock_file.write(zero_char_arr, 1); clock_file.close(); } } return clock_offset; #else // last number is the clock correction factor which is custom for each clock generator i2c_found = clockgen.init(SI5351_CRYSTAL_LOAD_8PF, 0, 0); return 0; #endif } /****************************************** Setup *****************************************/ void setup() { // Set Button Pin PG2 to Input DDRG &= ~(1 << 2); #if defined(HW5) && !defined(ENABLE_VSELECT) /** * HW5 has status LED connected to PD7 * Set LED Pin PD7 to Output **/ DDRD |= (1 << 7); PORTD |= (1 << 7); #elif defined(ENABLE_VSELECT) /** * VSELECT uses pin PD7 * Set LED Pin PD7 to Output **/ DDRD |= (1 << 7); #else /* !defined(HW5) && !defined(ENABLE_VSELECT) */ /** * HW1-3 have button connected to PD7 * Set pin PD7 to input for button **/ DDRD &= ~(1 << 7); #endif /* HW5 &| ENABLE_VSELECT */ // Set power to low to protect carts setVoltage(VOLTS_SET_3V3); #if defined(ENABLE_3V3FIX) // Set clock high during setup setClockScale(CLKSCALE_16MHZ); delay(10); #endif /* ENABLE_3V3FIX */ #if !defined(ENABLE_SERIAL) && defined(ENABLE_UPDATER) ClockedSerial.begin(UPD_BAUD); printVersionToSerial(); ClockedSerial.flush(); #endif /* ENABLE_UPDATER */ // Read current folder number out of the EEPROM EEPROM_readAnything(0, foldern); if (foldern < 0) foldern = 0; #ifdef ENABLE_LCD display.begin(); display.setContrast(40); display.setFont(u8g2_font_haxrcorp4089_tr); #endif /* ENABLE_LCD */ #ifdef ENABLE_NEOPIXEL pixels.begin(); setColor_RGB(0, 0, 100); // Set TX0 LED Pin(PE1) to Output for status indication during flashing for HW4 #if !(defined(ENABLE_SERIAL) || defined(HW5)) DDRE |= (1 << 1); #endif /* ENABLE_SERIAL */ #else /* !ENABLE_NEOPIXEL */ #ifndef ENABLE_LCD #ifdef ENABLE_CA_LED // Turn LED off digitalWrite(12, 1); digitalWrite(11, 1); digitalWrite(10, 1); #endif /* ENABLE_CA_LED */ // Configure 4 Pin RGB LED pins as output DDRB |= (1 << DDB6); // Red LED (pin 12) DDRB |= (1 << DDB5); // Green LED (pin 11) DDRB |= (1 << DDB4); // Blue LED (pin 10) #endif /* ENABLE_LCD */ #endif /* ENABLE_NEOPIXEL */ #ifdef ENABLE_RTC // Start RTC RTCStart(); // Set Date/Time Callback Funtion SdFile::dateTimeCallback(dateTime); #endif /* ENABLE_RTC */ #ifdef ENABLE_OLED display.begin(); //isplay.setContrast(40); display.setFont(u8g2_font_haxrcorp4089_tr); #endif /* ENABLE_OLED */ #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL // Serial Begin Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); Serial.println(F("Cartridge Reader")); Serial.println(F("2024 github.com/sanni")); // LED Error rgbLed(blue_color); #endif /* ENABLE_SERIAL */ // Init SD card if (!sd.begin(SS)) { display_Clear(); #ifdef ENABLE_VSELECT print_STR(sd_error_STR, 1); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); println_Msg(F("Press button to enable 5V for")); println_Msg(F(" updating firmware...")); display_Update(); wait(); display_Clear(); setVoltage(VOLTS_SET_5V); // Set voltage high for flashing println_Msg(F(" ======== UPDATE MODE ======== ")); println_Msg(F("Waiting for update...")); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); println_Msg(F("Press button to cancel/restart.")); display_Update(); wait(); resetArduino(); #else /* !ENABLE_VSELECT */ print_FatalError(sd_error_STR); #endif /* ENABLE_VSELECT */ } #if defined(ENABLE_CONFIG) configInit(); #if defined(ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG) loggingEnabled = !!configGetLong(F("oscr.logging"), 1); #endif /*ENABLE_CONFIG*/ // Change LCD background if config specified #ifdef ENABLE_NEOPIXEL setColor_RGB(0, 0, 100); #endif /* ENABLE_NEOPIXEL */ #endif /* ENABLE_CONFIG */ #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG if (!myLog.open("OSCR_LOG.txt", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND)) { print_FatalError(sd_error_STR); } // Start new log if file is too big EEPROM_readAnything(0, foldern); if ((myLog.fileSize() > 262144) && (foldern < 9999) && (foldern > 0)){ sprintf(folder, "%s%d%s", "OSCR_LOG_", foldern, ".txt"); foldern = foldern + 1; EEPROM_writeAnything(0, foldern); myLog.rename(folder); // Close the file: myLog.close(); if (!myLog.open("OSCR_LOG.txt", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND)) { print_FatalError(sd_error_STR); } } println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); #if defined(HW1) print_Msg(F("OSCR HW1")); #elif defined(HW2) print_Msg(F("OSCR HW2")); #elif defined(HW3) print_Msg(F("OSCR HW3")); #elif defined(HW4) print_Msg(F("OSCR HW4")); #elif defined(HW5) print_Msg(F("OSCR HW5")); #elif defined(SERIAL_MONITOR) print_Msg(F("OSCR Serial")); #endif /* HWn */ print_Msg(FS(FSTRING_SPACE)); println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_VERSION)); #endif /* ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG */ // Turn status LED on statusLED(true); #if defined(ENABLE_3V3FIX) setClockScale(CLKSCALE_8MHZ); // Set clock back to low after setup #endif /* ENABLE_3V3FIX */ // Start menu system mainMenu(); } /****************************************** Common I/O Functions *****************************************/ // Switch data pins to write void dataOut() { DDRC = 0xFF; } // Switch data pins to read void dataIn() { // Set to Input and activate pull-up resistors DDRC = 0x00; // Pullups PORTC = 0xFF; } /****************************************** Helper Functions *****************************************/ // Set RGB color void setColor_RGB(byte r, byte g, byte b) { #if defined(ENABLE_NEOPIXEL) #if defined(ENABLE_3V3FIX) if (clock == CS_8MHZ) return; #endif // Dim Neopixel LEDs if (r >= 100) r = 100; if (g >= 100) g = 100; if (b >= 100) b = 100; pixels.clear(); #if defined(ENABLE_CONFIG) uint8_t lcdConfColor = configGetLong(F("lcd.confColor")); if (lcdConfColor > 0) { uint8_t lcdRed = configGetLong(F("lcd.red")); uint8_t lcdGreen = configGetLong(F("lcd.green")); uint8_t lcdBlue = configGetLong(F("lcd.blue")); pixels.setPixelColor(0, pixels.Color(lcdGreen, lcdRed, lcdBlue)); } else { pixels.setPixelColor(0, pixels.Color(OPTION_LCD_BG_COLOR)); } #else /* !ENABLE_CONFIG */ pixels.setPixelColor(0, pixels.Color(OPTION_LCD_BG_COLOR)); #endif /* ENABLE_CONFIG */ pixels.setPixelColor(1, pixels.Color(g, r, b)); pixels.setPixelColor(2, pixels.Color(g, r, b)); pixels.show(); #elif defined(ENABLE_CA_LED) // Set color of analog 4 Pin common anode RGB LED analogWrite(12, 255 - r); analogWrite(11, 255 - g); analogWrite(10, 255 - b); #else // Set color of analog 4 Pin common cathode RGB LED analogWrite(12, r); analogWrite(11, g); analogWrite(10, b); #endif } // Extract ASCII printable characters from input, collapsing underscores and spaces. // Use when extracting titles from cartridges, to build a rom title. byte buildRomName(char* output, const byte* input, byte length) { byte input_char; byte output_len = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++) { input_char = input[i]; if (isprint(input_char) && input_char != '<' && input_char != '>' && input_char != ':' && input_char != '"' && input_char != '/' && input_char != '\\' && input_char != '|' && input_char != '?' && input_char != '*') { output[output_len++] = input_char; } else { if (output_len == 0 || output[output_len - 1] != '_') { output[output_len++] = '_'; } } } while ( output_len && (output[output_len - 1] == '_' || output[output_len - 1] == ' ')) { output_len--; } output[output_len] = 0; return output_len; } // Converts a progmem array into a ram array void convertPgm(const char* const pgmOptions[], byte numArrays) { for (int i = 0; i < numArrays; i++) { strlcpy_P(menuOptions[i], (char*)pgm_read_word(&(pgmOptions[i])), 20); } } void _print_Error(void) { errorLvl = 1; rgbLed(red_color); display_Update(); } void print_Error(const __FlashStringHelper* errorMessage) { println_Msg(errorMessage); _print_Error(); } void print_Error(byte errorMessage) { print_STR(errorMessage, 1); _print_Error(); } void print_Error(int errorMessage) { print_STR(errorMessage, 1); _print_Error(); } void _print_FatalError(void) { println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); print_STR(press_button_STR, 1); display_Update(); wait(); resetArduino(); } void print_FatalError(const __FlashStringHelper* errorMessage) { print_Error(errorMessage); _print_FatalError(); } void print_FatalError(byte errorMessage) { print_Error(errorMessage); _print_FatalError(); } void wait() { // Switch status LED off statusLED(false); #if defined(ENABLE_LCD) wait_btn(); #elif defined(ENABLE_OLED) wait_btn(); #elif defined(ENABLE_SERIAL) wait_serial(); #endif } #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG // Copies the last part of the current log file to the dump folder void save_log() { // Last found position uint64_t lastPosition = 0; // Go to first line of log myLog.rewind(); // Find location of OSCR string to determine start of current log char tempStr[5]; while (myLog.available()) { // Read first 4 chars of line tempStr[0] = myLog.read(); // Check if it's an empty line if (tempStr[0] == '\r') { // skip \n myLog.read(); } else { // Read more lines tempStr[1] = myLog.read(); tempStr[2] = myLog.read(); tempStr[3] = myLog.read(); tempStr[4] = '\0'; char str_buf; // Skip rest of line while (myLog.available()) { str_buf = myLog.read(); //break out of loop if CRLF is found if (str_buf == '\r') { myLog.read(); //dispose \n because \r\n break; } } // If string is OSCR remember position in file and test if it's the lastest log entry if (strncmp(tempStr, "OSCR", 4) == 0) { // Check if current position is newer as old position if (myLog.position() > lastPosition) { lastPosition = myLog.position(); } } } } // Go to position of last log entry myLog.seek(lastPosition - 16); // Copy log from there to dump dir sd.chdir(folder); strcpy(fileName, romName); strcat(fileName, ".txt"); if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) { print_FatalError(sd_error_STR); } while (myLog.available()) { if (myLog.available() >= 512) { for (word i = 0; i < 512; i++) { sdBuffer[i] = myLog.read(); } myFile.write(sdBuffer, 512); } else { int i = 0; for (; i < myLog.available(); i++) { sdBuffer[i] = myLog.read(); } myFile.write(sdBuffer, i); } } // Close the file: myFile.close(); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG void println_Log(const __FlashStringHelper* string) { myLog.println(string); } #endif void print_Msg(const __FlashStringHelper* string) { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) display.print(string); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL Serial.print(string); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG if (!dont_log && loggingEnabled) myLog.print(string); #endif } void print_Msg(const char myString[]) { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) // test for word wrap if ((display.tx + strlen(myString) * 6) > 128) { unsigned int strPos = 0; // Print until end of display while (display.tx < 122) { display.print(myString[strPos]); strPos++; } // Newline display.setCursor(0, display.ty + 8); // Print until end of display and ignore remaining characters while ((strPos < strlen(myString)) && (display.tx < 122)) { display.print(myString[strPos]); strPos++; } } else { display.print(myString); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL Serial.print(myString); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG if (!dont_log && loggingEnabled) myLog.print(myString); #endif } void print_Msg(long unsigned int message) { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) display.print(message); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL Serial.print(message); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG if (!dont_log && loggingEnabled) myLog.print(message); #endif } void print_Msg(byte message, int outputFormat) { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) display.print(message, outputFormat); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL Serial.print(message, outputFormat); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG if (!dont_log && loggingEnabled) myLog.print(message, outputFormat); #endif } void print_Msg(word message, int outputFormat) { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) display.print(message, outputFormat); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL Serial.print(message, outputFormat); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG if (!dont_log && loggingEnabled) myLog.print(message, outputFormat); #endif } void print_Msg(int message, int outputFormat) { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) display.print(message, outputFormat); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL Serial.print(message, outputFormat); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG if (!dont_log && loggingEnabled) myLog.print(message, outputFormat); #endif } void print_Msg(long unsigned int message, int outputFormat) { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) display.print(message, outputFormat); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL Serial.print(message, outputFormat); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG if (!dont_log && loggingEnabled) myLog.print(message, outputFormat); #endif } void print_Msg(String string) { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) display.print(string); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL Serial.print(string); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG if (!dont_log && loggingEnabled) myLog.print(string); #endif } void print_Msg_PaddedHexByte(byte message) { if (message < 16) print_Msg(0, HEX); print_Msg(message, HEX); } void print_Msg_PaddedHex16(word message) { print_Msg_PaddedHexByte((message >> 8) & 0xFF); print_Msg_PaddedHexByte((message >> 0) & 0xFF); } void print_Msg_PaddedHex32(unsigned long message) { print_Msg_PaddedHexByte((message >> 24) & 0xFF); print_Msg_PaddedHexByte((message >> 16) & 0xFF); print_Msg_PaddedHexByte((message >> 8) & 0xFF); print_Msg_PaddedHexByte((message >> 0) & 0xFF); } void println_Msg(String string) { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) display.print(string); display.setCursor(0, display.ty + 8); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL Serial.println(string); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG if (!dont_log && loggingEnabled) myLog.println(string); #endif } void println_Msg(byte message, int outputFormat) { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) display.print(message, outputFormat); display.setCursor(0, display.ty + 8); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL Serial.println(message, outputFormat); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG if (!dont_log && loggingEnabled) myLog.println(message, outputFormat); #endif } void println_Msg(const char myString[]) { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) // test for word wrap if ((display.tx + strlen(myString) * 6) > 128) { unsigned int strPos = 0; // Print until end of display while ((display.tx < 122) && (myString[strPos] != '\0')) { display.print(myString[strPos]); strPos++; } // Newline display.setCursor(0, display.ty + 8); // Print until end of display and ignore remaining characters while ((strPos < strlen(myString)) && (display.tx < 122) && (myString[strPos] != '\0')) { display.print(myString[strPos]); strPos++; } } else { display.print(myString); } display.setCursor(0, display.ty + 8); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL Serial.println(myString); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG if (!dont_log && loggingEnabled) myLog.println(myString); #endif } void println_Msg(const __FlashStringHelper* string) { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) display.print(string); display.setCursor(0, display.ty + 8); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL Serial.println(string); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG char myBuffer[15]; strlcpy_P(myBuffer, (char*)string, 15); if ((strncmp(myBuffer, "Press Button...", 14) != 0) && (strncmp(myBuffer, "Select file", 10) != 0)) { if (!dont_log && loggingEnabled) myLog.println(string); } #endif } void println_Msg(long unsigned int message) { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) display.print(message); display.setCursor(0, display.ty + 8); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL Serial.println(message); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG if (!dont_log && loggingEnabled) myLog.println(message); #endif } void display_Update() { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) display.updateDisplay(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL delay(100); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG if (!dont_log && loggingEnabled) myLog.flush(); #endif } void display_Clear() { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) display.clearDisplay(); display.setCursor(0, 8); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG if (!dont_log && loggingEnabled) myLog.println(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); #endif } void display_Clear_Slow() { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) display.setDrawColor(0); for (byte y = 0; y < 64; y++) { display.drawLine(0, y, 128, y); } display.setDrawColor(1); display.setCursor(0, 8); #endif } /****************************************** RGB LED *****************************************/ void rgbLed(byte Color) { switch (Color) { case blue_color: setColor_RGB(0, 0, 255); break; case red_color: setColor_RGB(255, 0, 0); break; case purple_color: setColor_RGB(255, 0, 255); break; case green_color: setColor_RGB(0, 255, 0); break; case turquoise_color: setColor_RGB(0, 255, 255); break; case yellow_color: setColor_RGB(255, 255, 0); break; case white_color: setColor_RGB(255, 255, 255); break; case black_color: setColor_RGB(0, 0, 0); break; } } void blinkLED() { #if defined(ENABLE_VSELECT) // Nothing #elif defined(HW5) // 3mm LED on D38, front of PCB PORTD ^= (1 << 7); #elif defined(ENABLE_OLED) // 5mm LED on D10, above SD slot PORTB ^= (1 << 4); #elif defined(ENABLE_LCD) // HW4 // TX LED on D1, build-in PORTE ^= (1 << 1); #elif defined(ENABLE_SERIAL) // 5mm LED on D10, above SD slot (HW3) PORTB ^= (1 << 4); //HW4/HW5 LCD RST connects there now too // 3mm LED on D38, front of PCB (HW5) PORTB ^= (1 << 7); #endif } #if defined(HW5) && !defined(ENABLE_VSELECT) // 3mm LED on D38, front of PCB void statusLED(boolean on) { if (!on) PORTD |= (1 << 7); else PORTD &= ~(1 << 7); } #else void statusLED(boolean on __attribute__((unused))) { } #endif /****************************************** Menu system *****************************************/ unsigned char question_box(const __FlashStringHelper* question, char answers[7][20], uint8_t num_answers, uint8_t default_choice) { #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) return questionBox_Display(question, answers, num_answers, default_choice); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SERIAL return questionBox_Serial(question, answers, num_answers, default_choice); #endif } #if defined(ENABLE_SERIAL) // Serial Monitor byte questionBox_Serial(const __FlashStringHelper* question __attribute__((unused)), char answers[7][20], uint8_t num_answers, uint8_t default_choice __attribute__((unused))) { // Print menu to serial monitor Serial.println(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); for (byte i = 0; i < num_answers; i++) { Serial.print(i); Serial.print(F(")")); Serial.println(answers[i]); } // Wait for user input Serial.println(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); Serial.println(F("Please browse pages with 'u'(up) and 'd'(down)")); Serial.println(F("and enter a selection by typing a number(0-6): _ ")); Serial.println(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); while (Serial.available() == 0) { } // Read the incoming byte: int incomingByte = Serial.read() - 48; // Page up (u) if (incomingByte == 69) { if (currPage > 1) { lastPage = currPage; currPage--; } else { root = 1; } } // Page down (d) else if (incomingByte == 52) { if (numPages > currPage) { lastPage = currPage; currPage++; } } // Execute choice else if ((incomingByte >= 0) && (incomingByte < 7)) { numPages = 0; } // Print the received byte for validation e.g. in case of a different keyboard mapping //Serial.println(incomingByte); //Serial.println(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); return incomingByte; } #endif // OLED & LCD #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) || defined(ENABLE_OLED)) // Display a question box with selectable answers. Make sure default choice is in (0, num_answers] unsigned char questionBox_Display(const __FlashStringHelper* question, char answers[7][20], uint8_t num_answers, uint8_t default_choice) { //clear the screen display.clearDisplay(); display.updateDisplay(); display.setCursor(0, 8); display.setDrawColor(1); // change the rgb led to the start menu color rgbLed(default_choice); // print menu display.println(question); display.setCursor(0, display.ty + 8); for (unsigned char i = 0; i < num_answers; i++) { // Add space for the selection dot display.print(" "); // Print menu item display.println(answers[i]); display.setCursor(0, display.ty + 8); } display.updateDisplay(); // start with the default choice choice = default_choice; // draw selection box display.drawBox(1, 8 * choice + 11, 3, 3); display.updateDisplay(); unsigned long idleTime = millis(); byte currentColor = 0; // wait until user makes his choice while (1) { // Attract Mode if (millis() - idleTime > 300000) { if ((millis() - idleTime) % 4000 == 0) { if (currentColor < 5) { currentColor++; if (currentColor == 1) { currentColor = 2; // skip red as that signifies an error to the user } } else { currentColor = 0; } rgbLed(currentColor); } } /* Check Button/rotary encoder 1 click/clockwise rotation 2 doubleClick/counter clockwise rotation 3 hold/press 4 longHold */ uint8_t b = checkButton(); // if button is pressed twice or rotary encoder turned left/counter clockwise if (b == 2) { idleTime = millis(); // remove selection box display.setDrawColor(0); display.drawBox(1, 8 * choice + 11, 3, 3); display.setDrawColor(1); display.updateDisplay(); // If cursor on top list entry if (choice == 0) { // On 2nd, 3rd, ... page go back one page if (currPage > 1) { lastPage = currPage; currPage--; break; } // In file browser go to root dir else if ((filebrowse == 1) && (root != 1)) { root = 1; break; } // Else go to bottom of list as a shortcut else { choice = num_answers - 1; } } // If not top entry go up/back one entry else { choice--; } // draw selection box display.drawBox(1, 8 * choice + 11, 3, 3); display.updateDisplay(); // change RGB led to the color of the current menu option rgbLed(choice); } // go one down in the menu if the Cart Readers button is clicked shortly if (b == 1) { idleTime = millis(); // remove selection box display.setDrawColor(0); display.drawBox(1, 8 * choice + 11, 3, 3); display.setDrawColor(1); display.updateDisplay(); if ((choice == num_answers - 1) && (numPages > currPage)) { lastPage = currPage; currPage++; break; } else choice = (choice + 1) % num_answers; // draw selection box display.drawBox(1, 8 * choice + 11, 3, 3); display.updateDisplay(); // change RGB led to the color of the current menu option rgbLed(choice); } // if the Cart Readers button is hold continiously leave the menu // so the currently highlighted action can be executed if (b == 3) { idleTime = millis(); // All done numPages = 0; break; } checkUpdater(); } // pass on user choice rgbLed(black_color); #ifdef ENABLE_GLOBAL_LOG println_Msg(FS(FSTRING_EMPTY)); print_Msg(F("[+] ")); println_Msg(answers[choice]); #endif return choice; } #endif void checkUpdater() { #if !defined(ENABLE_SERIAL) && defined(ENABLE_UPDATER) if (ClockedSerial.available() > 0) { String cmd = ClockedSerial.readStringUntil('\n'); cmd.trim(); if (cmd == "VERCHK") { // VERCHK: Gets OSCR version and features delay(500); printVersionToSerial(); } else if (cmd == "GETCLOCK") { // GETCLOCK: Gets the MEGA's current clock speed. #if defined(ENABLE_3V3FIX) ClockedSerial.print(F("Clock is running at ")); ClockedSerial.print((clock == CS_16MHZ) ? 16UL : 8UL); ClockedSerial.println(F("MHz")); #else /* !ENABLE_3V3FIX */ ClockedSerial.println(FS(FSTRING_MODULE_NOT_ENABLED)); #endif /* ENABLE_3V3FIX */ } else if (cmd.substring(1, 8) == "ETVOLTS") { // (G/S)ETVOLTS: Get and set the voltage. #if defined(ENABLE_VSELECT) if (cmd != "GETVOLTS") { switch (cmd.substring(9, 10).toInt()) { case 3: setVoltage(VOLTS_SET_3V3); break; case 5: setVoltage(VOLTS_SET_5V); break; } } ClockedSerial.print(F("Voltage is set to ")); ClockedSerial.print((voltage == VOLTS_SET_5V) ? 5 : 3.3); ClockedSerial.println(F("V")); #else /* !ENABLE_VSELECT */ ClockedSerial.println(FS(FSTRING_MODULE_NOT_ENABLED)); #endif /* ENABLE_VSELECT */ } // RTC commands else if (cmd.substring(1, 7) == "ETTIME") { // (G/S)ETTIME: Get and set the date/time. #if defined(ENABLE_RTC) if (cmd != "GETTIME") { ClockedSerial.println(F("Setting Time...")); rtc.adjust(DateTime(cmd.substring(8).toInt())); } ClockedSerial.print(F("Current Time: ")); ClockedSerial.println(RTCStamp()); #else /* !ENABLE_RTC */ ClockedSerial.println(FS(FSTRING_MODULE_NOT_ENABLED)); #endif /* ENABLE_RTC */ } else { ClockedSerial.print(FS(FSTRING_OSCR)); ClockedSerial.println(F(": Unknown Command")); } } #endif } /****************************************** User Control *****************************************/ // Using Serial Monitor #if defined(ENABLE_SERIAL) uint8_t checkButton() { while (Serial.available() == 0) { } int incomingByte = Serial.read() - 48; //Next if (incomingByte == 52) { return 1; } //Previous else if (incomingByte == 69) { return 2; } //Selection else if ((incomingByte == 240) || (incomingByte == -16) || (incomingByte == 0)) { return 3; } return 0; } void wait_serial() { if (errorLvl) { errorLvl = 0; } while (Serial.available() == 0) { } int incomingByte = Serial.read() - 48; /* if ((incomingByte == 53) && (fileName[0] != '\0')) { // Open file on sd card sd.chdir(folder); if (myFile.open(fileName, O_READ)) { // Get rom size from file fileSize = myFile.fileSize(); // Send filesize char tempStr[16]; sprintf(tempStr, "%d", fileSize); Serial.write(tempStr); // Wait for ok while (Serial.available() == 0) { } // Send file for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < fileSize; currByte++) { // Blink led if (currByte % 1024 == 0) blinkLED(); Serial.write(myFile.read()); } // Close the file: myFile.close(); } else { print_FatalError(open_file_STR); } }*/ } #endif // Using one or two push buttons (HW1/HW2/HW3) #if defined(ENABLE_OLED) // Read button state uint8_t checkButton() { #ifdef ENABLE_BUTTON2 byte eventButton2 = checkButton2(); if ((eventButton2 > 0) && (eventButton2 < 2)) return 3; else if (eventButton2 > 2) return 4; #endif return (checkButton1()); } // Read button 1 uint8_t checkButton1() { uint8_t event = 0; // Read the state of the button (PD7) buttonVal1 = (PIND & (1 << 7)); // Button pressed down if (buttonVal1 == LOW && buttonLast1 == HIGH && (millis() - upTime1) > debounce) { downTime1 = millis(); ignoreUp1 = false; waitForUp1 = false; singleOK1 = true; holdEventPast1 = false; longholdEventPast1 = false; if ((millis() - upTime1) < DCgap && DConUp1 == false && DCwaiting1 == true) DConUp1 = true; else DConUp1 = false; DCwaiting1 = false; } // Button released else if (buttonVal1 == HIGH && buttonLast1 == LOW && (millis() - downTime1) > debounce) { if (!ignoreUp1) { upTime1 = millis(); if (DConUp1 == false) DCwaiting1 = true; else { event = 2; DConUp1 = false; DCwaiting1 = false; singleOK1 = false; } } } // Test for normal click event: DCgap expired if (buttonVal1 == HIGH && (millis() - upTime1) >= DCgap && DCwaiting1 == true && DConUp1 == false && singleOK1 == true) { event = 1; DCwaiting1 = false; } // Test for hold if (buttonVal1 == LOW && (millis() - downTime1) >= holdTime) { // Trigger "normal" hold if (!holdEventPast1) { event = 3; waitForUp1 = true; ignoreUp1 = true; DConUp1 = false; DCwaiting1 = false; //downTime1 = millis(); holdEventPast1 = true; } // Trigger "long" hold if ((millis() - downTime1) >= longHoldTime) { if (!longholdEventPast1) { event = 4; longholdEventPast1 = true; } } } buttonLast1 = buttonVal1; return event; } // Read button 2 uint8_t checkButton2() { uint8_t event = 0; // Read the state of the button (PG2) buttonVal2 = (PING & (1 << 2)); // Button pressed down if (buttonVal2 == LOW && buttonLast2 == HIGH && (millis() - upTime2) > debounce) { downTime2 = millis(); ignoreUp2 = false; waitForUp2 = false; singleOK2 = true; holdEventPast2 = false; longholdEventPast2 = false; if ((millis() - upTime2) < DCgap && DConUp2 == false && DCwaiting2 == true) DConUp2 = true; else DConUp2 = false; DCwaiting2 = false; } // Button released else if (buttonVal2 == HIGH && buttonLast2 == LOW && (millis() - downTime2) > debounce) { if (!ignoreUp2) { upTime2 = millis(); if (DConUp2 == false) DCwaiting2 = true; else { event = 2; DConUp2 = false; DCwaiting2 = false; singleOK2 = false; } } } // Test for normal click event: DCgap expired if (buttonVal2 == HIGH && (millis() - upTime2) >= DCgap && DCwaiting2 == true && DConUp2 == false && singleOK2 == true) { event = 1; DCwaiting2 = false; } // Test for hold if (buttonVal2 == LOW && (millis() - downTime2) >= holdTime) { // Trigger "normal" hold if (!holdEventPast2) { event = 3; waitForUp2 = true; ignoreUp2 = true; DConUp2 = false; DCwaiting2 = false; //downTime2 = millis(); holdEventPast2 = true; } // Trigger "long" hold if ((millis() - downTime2) >= longHoldTime) { if (!longholdEventPast2) { event = 4; longholdEventPast2 = true; } } } buttonLast2 = buttonVal2; return event; } // Wait for user to push button void wait_btn() { // Change led to green if (errorLvl == 0) rgbLed(green_color); while (1) { // get input button uint8_t b = checkButton(); // if the cart readers input button is pressed shortly if (b == 1) { errorLvl = 0; break; } // if the cart readers input button is pressed long if (b == 3) { if (errorLvl) { errorLvl = 0; } break; } checkUpdater(); } } #endif // Using rotary encoder (HW4/HW5) #if (defined(ENABLE_LCD) && defined(ENABLE_ROTARY)) // Read encoder state uint8_t checkButton() { // Read rotary encoder encoder.tick(); int newPos = encoder.getPosition(); // Read button boolean reading = (PING & (1 << PING2)) >> PING2; // Check if rotary encoder has changed if (rotaryPos != newPos) { int rotaryDir = (int)encoder.getDirection(); rotaryPos = newPos; if (rotaryDir == 1) { return 1; } else if (rotaryDir == -1) { return 2; } } else if (reading != buttonState) { if (reading != lastButtonState) { lastDebounceTime = millis(); lastButtonState = reading; } else if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) { buttonState = reading; // Button was pressed down if (buttonState == 0) { rgbLed(black_color); unsigned long pushTime = millis(); // Wait until button was let go again while ((PING & (1 << PING2)) >> PING2 == 0) { // Signal long press delay reached if ((millis() - pushTime) > 2000) { rgbLed(green_color); } } // 2 second long press if ((millis() - pushTime) > 2000) { return 4; } // normal press else { return 3; } } } } return 0; } // Wait for user to push button void wait_btn() { // Change led to green if (errorLvl == 0) rgbLed(green_color); while (1) { // get input button uint8_t b = checkButton(); // if the cart readers input button is pressed shortly if (b == 1) { errorLvl = 0; break; } // if the cart readers input button is pressed long if (b == 3) { if (errorLvl) { errorLvl = 0; } break; } checkUpdater(); } } // Wait for user to rotate knob void wait_encoder() { // Change led to green if (errorLvl == 0) rgbLed(green_color); while (1) { // Get rotary encoder encoder.tick(); int newPos = encoder.getPosition(); if (rotaryPos != newPos) { rotaryPos = newPos; errorLvl = 0; break; } } } #endif /****************************************** Filebrowser Module *****************************************/ void fileBrowser(const __FlashStringHelper* browserTitle) { char fileNames[7][FILENAME_LENGTH]; int currFile; FsFile myDir; div_t page_layout; filebrowse = 1; // Root filePath[0] = '/'; filePath[1] = '\0'; // Temporary char array for filename char nameStr[FILENAME_LENGTH]; browserstart: // Print title println_Msg(browserTitle); // Set currFile back to 0 currFile = 0; currPage = 1; lastPage = 1; // Open filepath directory if (!myDir.open(filePath)) { display_Clear(); print_FatalError(sd_error_STR); } // Count files in directory while (myFile.openNext(&myDir, O_READ)) { if (!myFile.isHidden() && (myFile.isDir() || myFile.isFile())) { currFile++; } myFile.close(); } myDir.close(); page_layout = div(currFile, 7); numPages = page_layout.quot + 1; // Fill the array "answers" with 7 options to choose from in the file browser char answers[7][20]; page: // If there are less than 7 entries, set count to that number so no empty options appear byte count = currPage == numPages ? page_layout.rem : 7; // Open filepath directory if (!myDir.open(filePath)) { display_Clear(); print_FatalError(sd_error_STR); } int countFile = 0; byte i = 0; // Cycle through all files while ((myFile.openNext(&myDir, O_READ)) && (i < 8)) { // Get name of file myFile.getName(nameStr, FILENAME_LENGTH); // Ignore if hidden if (myFile.isHidden()) { } // Directory else if (myFile.isDir()) { if (countFile == ((currPage - 1) * 7 + i)) { snprintf(fileNames[i], FILENAME_LENGTH, "%s%s", "/", nameStr); i++; } countFile++; } // File else if (myFile.isFile()) { if (countFile == ((currPage - 1) * 7 + i)) { snprintf(fileNames[i], FILENAME_LENGTH, "%s", nameStr); i++; } countFile++; } myFile.close(); } myDir.close(); for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // Copy short string into fileOptions snprintf(answers[i], FILEOPTS_LENGTH, "%s", fileNames[i]); } // Create menu with title and 1-7 options to choose from unsigned char answer = question_box(browserTitle, answers, count, 0); // Check if the page has been switched if (currPage != lastPage) { lastPage = currPage; goto page; } // Check if we are supposed to go back to the root dir if (root) { // Change working dir to root filePath[0] = '/'; filePath[1] = '\0'; sd.chdir("/"); // Start again root = 0; goto browserstart; } // wait for user choice to come back from the question box menu switch (answer) { case 0: strncpy(fileName, fileNames[0], FILENAME_LENGTH - 1); break; case 1: strncpy(fileName, fileNames[1], FILENAME_LENGTH - 1); break; case 2: strncpy(fileName, fileNames[2], FILENAME_LENGTH - 1); break; case 3: strncpy(fileName, fileNames[3], FILENAME_LENGTH - 1); break; case 4: strncpy(fileName, fileNames[4], FILENAME_LENGTH - 1); break; case 5: strncpy(fileName, fileNames[5], FILENAME_LENGTH - 1); break; case 6: strncpy(fileName, fileNames[6], FILENAME_LENGTH - 1); break; //case 7: // File import //break; } // Add directory to our filepath if we just entered a new directory if (fileName[0] == '/') { // add dirname to path strcat(filePath, fileName); // Remove / from dir name char* dirName = fileName + 1; // Change working dir sd.chdir(dirName); // Start browser in new directory again goto browserstart; } else { // Afer everything is done change SD working directory back to root sd.chdir("/"); } filebrowse = 0; } /****************************************** Main loop *****************************************/ void loop() { switch (mode) { #ifdef ENABLE_N64 case CORE_N64_CART: return n64CartMenu(); case CORE_N64_CONTROLLER: return n64ControllerMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SNES case CORE_SNES: return snesMenu(); #endif #if (defined(ENABLE_SFM) && defined(ENABLE_SNES)) case CORE_SFM: return sfmMenu(); #ifdef ENABLE_FLASH case CORE_SFM_FLASH: return sfmFlashMenu(); #endif case CORE_SFM_GAME: return sfmGameOptions(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GBX case CORE_GB: return gbMenu(); case CORE_GBA: return gbaMenu(); case CORE_GBM: return gbmMenu(); #if defined(ENABLE_FLASH) case CORE_GB_GBSMART: return gbSmartMenu(); case CORE_GB_GBSMART_FLASH: return gbSmartFlashMenu(); case CORE_GB_GBSMART_GAME: return gbSmartGameOptions(); #endif #endif #ifdef ENABLE_FLASH8 case CORE_FLASH8: return flashromMenu8(); #ifdef ENABLE_FLASH16 case CORE_FLASH16: return flashromMenu16(); case CORE_EPROM: return epromMenu(); #endif #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MD case CORE_MD_CART: return mdCartMenu(); case CORE_SEGA_CD: return segaCDMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PCE case CORE_PCE: return pceMenu(); #endif #if (defined(ENABLE_SV) && defined(ENABLE_SNES)) case CORE_SV: return svMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NES case CORE_NES: return nesMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SMS case CORE_SMS: return smsMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_WS case CORE_WS: return wsMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NGP case CORE_NGP: return ngpMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_INTV case CORE_INTV: return intvMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_COLV case CORE_COL: return colMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_VBOY case CORE_VBOY: return vboyMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_WSV case CORE_WSV: return wsvMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PCW case CORE_PCW: return pcwMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ODY2 case CORE_ODY2: return ody2Menu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ARC case CORE_ARC: return arcMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_FAIRCHILD case CORE_FAIRCHILD: return fairchildMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SUPRACAN case CORE_SUPRACAN: return suprAcanMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MSX case CORE_MSX: return msxMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_POKE case CORE_POKE: return pokeMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LOOPY case CORE_LOOPY: return loopyMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_C64 case CORE_C64: return c64Menu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_2600 case CORE_2600: return a2600Menu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_5200 case CORE_5200: return a5200Menu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_7800 case CORE_7800: return a7800Menu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LYNX case CORE_LYNX: return lynxMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_VECTREX case CORE_VECTREX: return vectrexMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_JAGUAR case CORE_JAGUAR: return jagMenu(); #endif #if (defined(ENABLE_ST) && defined(ENABLE_SNES)) case CORE_ST: return stMenu(); #endif #if (defined(ENABLE_GPC) && defined(ENABLE_SNES)) case CORE_GPC: return gpcMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ATARI8 case CORE_ATARI8: return atari8Menu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_BALLY case CORE_BALLY: return ballyMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LJ case CORE_LJ: return ljMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LJPRO case CORE_LJPRO: return ljproMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PV1000 case CORE_PV1000: return pv1000Menu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_VIC20 case CORE_VIC20: return vic20Menu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LEAP case CORE_LEAP: return leapMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_RCA case CORE_RCA: return rcaMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_TI99 case CORE_TI99: return ti99Menu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PYUUTA case CORE_PYUUTA: return pyuutaMenu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_TRS80 case CORE_TRS80: return trs80Menu(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_VSMILE case CORE_VSMILE: return vsmileMenu(); #endif #if (defined(ENABLE_CPS3) && defined(ENABLE_FLASH8) && defined(ENABLE_FLASH16)) case CORE_CPS3_CART: return flashromCPS_Cartridge(); case CORE_CPS3_128SIMM: return flashromCPS_SIMM2x8(); case CORE_CPS3_64SIMM: return flashromCPS_SIMM4x8(); #endif case CORE_MAX: return resetArduino(); } } //****************************************** // End of File //******************************************