//****************************************** // FLASHROM //****************************************** /****************************************** Variables *****************************************/ // Flashrom unsigned long flashSize; byte flashromType; byte secondID = 1; unsigned long time; unsigned long blank; /****************************************** Menu *****************************************/ // Flash start menu static const char flashMenuItem1[] PROGMEM = "8bit adapter"; static const char flashMenuItem2[] PROGMEM = "16bit adapter"; static const char* const menuOptionsFlash[] PROGMEM = {flashMenuItem1, flashMenuItem2}; // 8bit Flash menu items static const char flash8MenuItem1[] PROGMEM = "Blankcheck"; static const char flash8MenuItem2[] PROGMEM = "Erase"; static const char flash8MenuItem3[] PROGMEM = "Read"; static const char flash8MenuItem4[] PROGMEM = "Write"; static const char flash8MenuItem5[] PROGMEM = "ID"; static const char flash8MenuItem6[] PROGMEM = "Print"; static const char flash8MenuItem7[] PROGMEM = "Reset"; static const char* const menuOptionsFLASH8[] PROGMEM = {flash8MenuItem1, flash8MenuItem2, flash8MenuItem3, flash8MenuItem4, flash8MenuItem5, flash8MenuItem6, flash8MenuItem7}; // 16bit Flash menu items static const char flash16MenuItem1[] PROGMEM = "Blankcheck"; static const char flash16MenuItem2[] PROGMEM = "Erase"; static const char flash16MenuItem3[] PROGMEM = "Read"; static const char flash16MenuItem4[] PROGMEM = "Write"; static const char flash16MenuItem5[] PROGMEM = "ID"; static const char flash16MenuItem6[] PROGMEM = "Print"; static const char flash16MenuItem7[] PROGMEM = "Reset"; static const char* const menuOptionsFLASH16[] PROGMEM = {flash16MenuItem1, flash16MenuItem2, flash16MenuItem3, flash16MenuItem4, flash16MenuItem5, flash16MenuItem6, flash16MenuItem7}; void flashMenu() { // create menu with title and 2 options to choose from unsigned char flashSlot; // Copy menuOptions out of progmem convertPgm(menuOptionsFlash, 2); flashSlot = question_box("Select flashrom slot", menuOptions, 2, 0); // wait for user choice to come back from the question box menu switch (flashSlot) { case 0: display_Clear(); display_Update(); setup_Flash8(); mode = mode_FLASH8; break; case 1: display_Clear(); display_Update(); setup_Flash16(); mode = mode_FLASH16; break; } } void flashromMenu8() { // create menu with title and 7 options to choose from unsigned char mainMenu; // Copy menuOptions out of progmem convertPgm(menuOptionsFLASH8, 7); mainMenu = question_box("Flashrom Writer 8", menuOptions, 7, 0); // wait for user choice to come back from the question box menu switch (mainMenu) { case 0: display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Blankcheck")); display_Update(); time = millis(); if (flashromType == 1) resetFlash29F032(); else resetFlash29F1610(); blankcheck_Flash(); break; case 1: display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Erasing Flashrom")); println_Msg(F("Please wait...")); display_Update(); time = millis(); if (flashromType == 1) { eraseFlash29F032(); } else { eraseFlash29F1610(); } println_Msg(F("Flashrom erased")); display_Update(); if (flashromType == 1) resetFlash29F032(); else resetFlash29F1610(); break; case 2: time = millis(); if (flashromType == 1) resetFlash29F032(); else resetFlash29F1610(); readFlash(); break; case 3: filePath[0] = '\0'; sd.chdir("/"); fileBrowser("Select file"); display_Clear(); time = millis(); if (flashromType == 1) writeFlash29F032(); else if (flashromType == 2) { if (strcmp(flashid, "C2F3") == 0) writeFlash29F1601(); else if ((strcmp(flashid, "C2F1") == 0) || (strcmp(flashid, "C2F9") == 0)) writeFlash29F1610(); else if ((strcmp(flashid, "C2C4") == 0) || (strcmp(flashid, "C2A8") == 0) || (strcmp(flashid, "C2C9") == 0)) writeFlash29LV640(); } delay(100); // Reset twice just to be sure if (flashromType == 1) resetFlash29F032(); else resetFlash29F1610(); if (flashromType == 1) resetFlash29F032(); else resetFlash29F1610(); verifyFlash(); break; case 4: time = 0; display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("ID Flashrom")); if (flashromType == 1) idFlash29F032(); else idFlash29F1610(); println_Msg(flashid); display_Update(); if (flashromType == 1) resetFlash29F032(); else resetFlash29F1610(); break; case 5: time = 0; display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Print first 70Bytes")); display_Update(); if (flashromType == 1) resetFlash29F032(); else resetFlash29F1610(); printFlash(70); break; case 6: time = 0; display_Clear(); display_Update(); if (flashromType == 1) resetFlash29F032(); else resetFlash29F1610(); asm volatile (" jmp 0"); break; } if (time != 0) { print_Msg(F("Operation took : ")); print_Msg((millis() - time) / 1000, DEC); println_Msg(F("s")); display_Update(); } print_Msg(F("Press Button...")); display_Update(); wait(); } void flashromMenu16() { // create menu with title "Flashrom Writer 16" and 7 options to choose from unsigned char mainMenu; // Copy menuOptions out of progmem convertPgm(menuOptionsFLASH16, 7); mainMenu = question_box("Flashrom Writer 16", menuOptions, 7, 0); // wait for user choice to come back from the question box menu switch (mainMenu) { case 0: display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Blankcheck")); display_Update(); time = millis(); resetFlash16(); blankcheck16(); break; case 1: display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Erase Flashrom")); display_Update(); time = millis(); resetFlash16(); eraseFlash16(); println_Msg(F("Flashrom erased.")); display_Update(); break; case 2: display_Clear(); time = millis(); resetFlash16(); readFlash16(); break; case 3: filePath[0] = '\0'; sd.chdir("/"); fileBrowser("Select file"); display_Clear(); time = millis(); if (strcmp(flashid, "C2F3") == 0) { writeFlash16_29F1601(); } else if ((strcmp(flashid, "C2C4") == 0) || (strcmp(flashid, "C2A8") == 0) || (strcmp(flashid, "C2C9") == 0)) { writeFlash16_29LV640(); } else { writeFlash16(); } delay(100); resetFlash16(); delay(100); verifyFlash16(); break; case 4: time = 0; display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("ID Flashrom")); idFlash16(); println_Msg(flashid); display_Update(); resetFlash16(); break; case 5: time = 0; display_Clear(); println_Msg(F("Print first 70Bytes")); display_Update(); resetFlash16(); printFlash16(70); break; case 6: time = 0; display_Clear(); display_Update(); resetFlash16(); asm volatile (" jmp 0"); break; } if (time != 0) { print_Msg(F("Operation took: ")); print_Msg((millis() - time) / 1000, DEC); println_Msg("s"); display_Update(); } wait(); } /****************************************** Setup *****************************************/ void setup_Flash8() { // Set Address Pins to Output //A0-A7 DDRF = 0xFF; //A8-A15 DDRK = 0xFF; //A16-A23 DDRL = 0xFF; // Set Control Pins to Output RST(PH0) OE(PH1) WE(PH4) CE(PH6) DDRH |= (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 6); // Setting RST(PH0) OE(PH1) WE(PH4) HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 4); // Setting CE(PH6) LOW PORTH &= ~(1 << 6); // Set Data Pins (D0-D7) to Input DDRC = 0x00; // Disable Internal Pullups PORTC = 0x00; // ID flash idFlash29F032(); // Print start screen idtheflash: display_Clear(); display_Update(); println_Msg(F("Flashrom Writer 8bit")); println_Msg(" "); println_Msg(" "); print_Msg(F("Flash ID: ")); println_Msg(flashid); if (strcmp(flashid, "C2F1") == 0) { println_Msg(F("MX29F1610 detected")); flashSize = 2097152; flashromType = 2; } else if (strcmp(flashid, "C2F3") == 0) { println_Msg(F("MX29F1601 detected")); flashSize = 2097152; flashromType = 2; } else if (strcmp(flashid, "C2F9") == 0) { println_Msg(F("MX29L3211 detected")); println_Msg(F("ATTENTION 3.3V")); flashSize = 4194304; flashromType = 2; } else if (strcmp(flashid, "C2C4") == 0) { println_Msg(F("MX29LV160 detected")); println_Msg(F("ATTENTION 3.3V")); flashSize = 2097152; flashromType = 2; } else if (strcmp(flashid, "C2A8") == 0) { println_Msg(F("MX29LV320")); println_Msg(F("ATTENTION 3.3V")); flashSize = 4194304; flashromType = 2; } else if (strcmp(flashid, "C2C9") == 0) { println_Msg(F("MX29LV640")); println_Msg(F("ATTENTION 3.3V")); flashSize = 8388608; flashromType = 2; } else if (strcmp(flashid, "0141") == 0) { println_Msg(F("AM29F032B")); flashSize = 4194304; flashromType = 1; } else if (strcmp(flashid, "01AD") == 0) { println_Msg(F("AM29F016B")); flashSize = 2097152; flashromType = 1; } else if (strcmp(flashid, "20AD") == 0) { println_Msg(F("AM29F016D")); flashSize = 2097152; flashromType = 1; } else if (strcmp(flashid, "04D4") == 0) { println_Msg(F("MBM29F033C")); flashSize = 4194304; flashromType = 1; } else if (secondID) { idFlash29F1610(); secondID = 0; goto idtheflash; } else { print_Error(F("Unknown flashrom"), true); } println_Msg(" "); println_Msg(F("Press Button...")); display_Update(); if (flashromType == 1) resetFlash29F032(); else resetFlash29F1610(); wait(); } void setup_Flash16() { // Set Address Pins to Output //A0-A7 DDRF = 0xFF; //A8-A15 DDRK = 0xFF; //A16-A23 DDRL = 0xFF; // Set Control Pins to Output RST(PH0) OE(PH1) BYTE(PH3) WE(PH4) CE(PH6) DDRH |= (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 6); // Set Data Pins (D0-D15) to Input DDRC = 0x00; DDRA = 0x00; // Disable Internal Pullups PORTC = 0x00; PORTA = 0x00; // Setting RST(PH0) OE(PH1) BYTE(PH3) WE(PH4) HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 4); // Setting CE(PH6) LOW PORTH &= ~(1 << 6); delay(100); // ID flash idFlash16(); resetFlash16(); println_Msg(F("Flashrom Writer 16bit")); println_Msg(" "); print_Msg(F("Flash ID: ")); println_Msg(flashid); if (strcmp(flashid, "C2F1") == 0) { println_Msg(F("MX29F1610 detected")); println_Msg(" "); flashSize = 2097152; flashromType = 2; } else if (strcmp(flashid, "C2F3") == 0) { println_Msg(F("MX29F1601 detected")); flashSize = 2097152; flashromType = 2; } else if (strcmp(flashid, "C2F9") == 0) { println_Msg(F("MX29L3211 detected")); println_Msg(F("ATTENTION 3.3V")); flashSize = 4194304; flashromType = 2; } else if (strcmp(flashid, "C2C4") == 0) { println_Msg(F("MX29LV160 detected")); println_Msg(F("ATTENTION 3.3V")); flashSize = 2097152; flashromType = 2; } else if (strcmp(flashid, "C2A8") == 0) { println_Msg(F("MX29LV320")); println_Msg(F("ATTENTION 3.3V")); flashSize = 4194304; flashromType = 2; } else if (strcmp(flashid, "C2C9") == 0) { println_Msg(F("MX29LV640")); println_Msg(F("ATTENTION 3.3V")); flashSize = 8388608; flashromType = 2; } else { print_Error(F("Unknown flashrom"), true); println_Msg(" "); } println_Msg(" "); println_Msg(F("Press Button...")); display_Update(); wait(); } /****************************************** I/O Functions *****************************************/ // Switch data pins to read void dataIn8() { // Set to Input DDRC = 0x00; } // Switch data pins to write void dataOut16() { DDRC = 0xFF; DDRA = 0xFF; } // Switch data pins to read void dataIn16() { DDRC = 0x00; DDRA = 0x00; } /****************************************** Low level functions *****************************************/ void writeByte_Flash(unsigned long myAddress, byte myData) { PORTF = myAddress & 0xFF; PORTK = (myAddress >> 8) & 0xFF; PORTL = (myAddress >> 16) & 0xFF; PORTC = myData; // Arduino running at 16Mhz -> one nop = 62.5ns // Wait till output is stable __asm__("nop\n\t"); // Switch WE(PH4) to LOW PORTH &= ~(1 << 4); // Leave WE low for at least 60ns __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); // Switch WE(PH4) to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 4); // Leave WE high for at least 50ns __asm__("nop\n\t"); } byte readByte_Flash(unsigned long myAddress) { PORTF = myAddress & 0xFF; PORTK = (myAddress >> 8) & 0xFF; PORTL = (myAddress >> 16) & 0xFF; // Arduino running at 16Mhz -> one nop = 62.5ns __asm__("nop\n\t"); // Setting OE(PH1) LOW PORTH &= ~(1 << 1); __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); // Read byte tempByte = PINC; // Setting OE(PH1) HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 1); __asm__("nop\n\t"); return tempByte; } void writeWord_Flash(unsigned long myAddress, word myData) { PORTF = myAddress & 0xFF; PORTK = (myAddress >> 8) & 0xFF; PORTL = (myAddress >> 16) & 0xFF; PORTC = myData; PORTA = (myData >> 8) & 0xFF; // Arduino running at 16Mhz -> one nop = 62.5ns // Wait till output is stable __asm__("nop\n\t"); // Switch WE(PH4) to LOW PORTH &= ~(1 << 4); // Leave WE low for at least 60ns __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); // Switch WE(PH4) to HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 4); // Leave WE high for at least 50ns __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); } word readWord_Flash(unsigned long myAddress) { PORTF = myAddress & 0xFF; PORTK = (myAddress >> 8) & 0xFF; PORTL = (myAddress >> 16) & 0xFF; // Arduino running at 16Mhz -> one nop = 62.5ns __asm__("nop\n\t"); // Setting OE(PH1) LOW PORTH &= ~(1 << 1); __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); // Read word tempWord = ( ( PINA & 0xFF ) << 8 ) | ( PINC & 0xFF ); __asm__("nop\n\t"); // Setting OE(PH1) HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 1); __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); return tempWord; } /****************************************** 29F032 flashrom functions *****************************************/ void resetFlash29F032() { // Set data pins to output dataOut(); // Reset command sequence writeByte_Flash(0x555, 0xf0); // Set data pins to input again dataIn8(); delay(500); } void idFlash29F032() { // Set data pins to output dataOut(); // ID command sequence writeByte_Flash(0x555, 0xaa); writeByte_Flash(0x2aa, 0x55); writeByte_Flash(0x555, 0x90); // Set data pins to input again dataIn8(); // Read the two id bytes into a string sprintf(flashid, "%02X%02X", readByte_Flash(0), readByte_Flash(1)); } void eraseFlash29F032() { // Set data pins to output dataOut(); // Erase command sequence writeByte_Flash(0x555, 0xaa); writeByte_Flash(0x2aa, 0x55); writeByte_Flash(0x555, 0x80); writeByte_Flash(0x555, 0xaa); writeByte_Flash(0x2aa, 0x55); writeByte_Flash(0x555, 0x10); // Set data pins to input again dataIn8(); // Read the status register byte statusReg = readByte_Flash(0); // After a completed erase D7 will output 1 while ((statusReg & 0x80) != 0x80) { // Blink led PORTB ^= (1 << 4); delay(100); // Update Status statusReg = readByte_Flash(0); } } void writeFlash29F032() { // Create filepath sprintf(filePath, "%s/%s", filePath, fileName); print_Msg(F("Flashing file ")); print_Msg(filePath); println_Msg(F("...")); display_Update(); // Open file on sd card if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { // Get rom size from file fileSize = myFile.fileSize(); if (fileSize > flashSize) print_Error(F("File size exceeds flash size."), true); // Set data pins to output dataOut(); // Fill sdBuffer for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < fileSize; currByte += 512) { myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); // Blink led if (currByte % 2048 == 0) PORTB ^= (1 << 4); for (int c = 0; c < 512; c++) { // Write command sequence writeByte_Flash(0x555, 0xaa); writeByte_Flash(0x2aa, 0x55); writeByte_Flash(0x555, 0xa0); // Write current byte writeByte_Flash(currByte + c, sdBuffer[c]); busyCheck29F032(sdBuffer[c]); } } // Set data pins to input again dataIn8(); // Close the file: myFile.close(); } else { println_Msg(F("Can't open file")); display_Update(); } } void busyCheck29F032(byte c) { // Set data pins to input dataIn8(); // Setting OE(PH1) CE(PH6)LOW PORTH &= ~((1 << 1) | (1 << 6)); // Setting WE(PH4) HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 4); //When the Embedded Program algorithm is complete, the device outputs the datum programmed to D7 while ((PINC & 0x80) != (c & 0x80)) {} // Set data pins to output dataOut(); // Setting OE(PH1) HIGH PORTH |= (1 << 1); } /****************************************** 29F1610 flashrom functions *****************************************/ void resetFlash29F1610() { // Set data pins to output dataOut(); // Reset command sequence writeByte_Flash(0x5555 << 1, 0xaa); writeByte_Flash(0x2aaa << 1, 0x55); writeByte_Flash(0x5555 << 1, 0xf0); // Set data pins to input again dataIn8(); delay(500); } void writeFlash29F1610() { // Create filepath sprintf(filePath, "%s/%s", filePath, fileName); println_Msg(F("Flashing file ")); println_Msg(filePath); display_Update(); // Open file on sd card if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { // Get rom size from file fileSize = myFile.fileSize(); if (fileSize > flashSize) print_Error(F("File size exceeds flash size."), true); // Set data pins to output dataOut(); for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < fileSize; currByte += 128) { // Fill sdBuffer with 1 page at a time then write it repeat until all bytes are written myFile.read(sdBuffer, 128); // Blink led if (currByte % 3072 == 0) PORTB ^= (1 << 4); // Check if write is complete delayMicroseconds(100); busyCheck29F1610(); // Write command sequence writeByte_Flash(0x5555 << 1, 0xaa); writeByte_Flash(0x2aaa << 1, 0x55); writeByte_Flash(0x5555 << 1, 0xa0); // Write one full page at a time for (byte c = 0; c < 128; c++) { writeByte_Flash(currByte + c, sdBuffer[c]); } } // Check if write is complete busyCheck29F1610(); // Set data pins to input again dataIn8(); // Close the file: myFile.close(); } else { println_Msg(F("Can't open file on SD")); display_Update(); } } void writeFlash29F1601() { // Create filepath sprintf(filePath, "%s/%s", filePath, fileName); println_Msg(F("Flashing file ")); println_Msg(filePath); display_Update(); // Open file on sd card if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { // Get rom size from file fileSize = myFile.fileSize(); if (fileSize > flashSize) print_Error(F("File size exceeds flash size."), true); // Set data pins to output dataOut(); for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < fileSize; currByte += 128) { // Fill sdBuffer with 1 page at a time then write it repeat until all bytes are written myFile.read(sdBuffer, 128); // Blink led if (currByte % 3072 == 0) PORTB ^= (1 << 4); // Check if write is complete delayMicroseconds(100); busyCheck29F1610(); // Write command sequence writeByte_Flash(0x5555 << 1, 0xaa); writeByte_Flash(0x2aaa << 1, 0x55); writeByte_Flash(0x5555 << 1, 0xa0); // Write one full page at a time for (byte c = 0; c < 128; c++) { writeByte_Flash(currByte + c, sdBuffer[c]); if (c == 127) { // Write the last byte twice or else it won't write at all writeByte_Flash(currByte + c, sdBuffer[c]); } } } // Check if write is complete busyCheck29F1610(); // Set data pins to input again dataIn8(); // Close the file: myFile.close(); } else { println_Msg(F("Can't open file on SD")); display_Update(); } } void idFlash29F1610() { // Set data pins to output dataOut(); // ID command sequence writeByte_Flash(0x5555 << 1, 0xaa); writeByte_Flash(0x2aaa << 1, 0x55); writeByte_Flash(0x5555 << 1, 0x90); // Set data pins to input again dataIn8(); // Read the two id bytes into a string sprintf(flashid, "%02X%02X", readByte_Flash(0), readByte_Flash(2)); } byte readStatusReg() { // Set data pins to output dataOut(); // Status reg command sequence writeByte_Flash(0x5555 << 1, 0xaa); writeByte_Flash(0x2aaa << 1, 0x55); writeByte_Flash(0x5555 << 1, 0x70); // Set data pins to input again dataIn8(); // Read the status register byte statusReg = readByte_Flash(0); return statusReg; } void eraseFlash29F1610() { // Set data pins to output dataOut(); // Erase command sequence writeByte_Flash(0x5555 << 1, 0xaa); writeByte_Flash(0x2aaa << 1, 0x55); writeByte_Flash(0x5555 << 1, 0x80); writeByte_Flash(0x5555 << 1, 0xaa); writeByte_Flash(0x2aaa << 1, 0x55); writeByte_Flash(0x5555 << 1, 0x10); // Set data pins to input again dataIn8(); busyCheck29F1610(); } // Delay between write operations based on status register void busyCheck29F1610() { // Set data pins to input dataIn8(); // Read the status register byte statusReg = readByte_Flash(0); while ((statusReg & 0x80) != 0x80) { statusReg = readByte_Flash(0); } // Set data pins to output dataOut(); } /****************************************** MX29LV flashrom functions *****************************************/ void busyCheck29LV640(unsigned long myAddress, byte myData) { // Set data pins to input dataIn8(); // Read the status register byte statusReg = readByte_Flash(myAddress); while ((statusReg & 0x80) != (myData & 0x80)) { statusReg = readByte_Flash(myAddress); } // Set data pins to output dataOut(); } void writeFlash29LV640() { // Create filepath sprintf(filePath, "%s/%s", filePath, fileName); println_Msg(F("Flashing file ")); println_Msg(filePath); display_Update(); // Open file on sd card if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { // Get rom size from file fileSize = myFile.fileSize(); if (fileSize > flashSize) print_Error(F("File size exceeds flash size."), true); // Set data pins to output dataOut(); for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < fileSize; currByte += 512) { // Fill sdBuffer myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); // Blink led if (currByte % 4096 == 0) PORTB ^= (1 << 4); for (int c = 0; c < 512; c++) { // Write command sequence writeByte_Flash(0x555 << 1, 0xaa); writeByte_Flash(0x2aa << 1, 0x55); writeByte_Flash(0x555 << 1, 0xa0); // Write current byte writeByte_Flash(currByte + c, sdBuffer[c]); // Check if write is complete busyCheck29LV640(currByte + c, sdBuffer[c]); } } // Set data pins to input again dataIn8(); // Close the file: myFile.close(); } else { println_Msg(F("Can't open file on SD")); display_Update(); } } /****************************************** Common flashrom functions *****************************************/ void blankcheck_Flash() { println_Msg(F("Please wait...")); display_Update(); blank = 1; for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < flashSize; currByte++) { // Check if all bytes are 0xFF if (readByte_Flash(currByte) != 0xFF) { currByte = flashSize; blank = 0; } } if (blank) { println_Msg(F("Flashrom is empty")); display_Update(); } else { print_Error(F("Error: Not blank"), false); } } void verifyFlash() { println_Msg(F("Verifying...")); display_Update(); // Open file on sd card if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { // Get rom size from file fileSize = myFile.fileSize(); if (fileSize > flashSize) print_Error(F("File size exceeds flash size."), true); blank = 0; for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < fileSize; currByte += 512) { //fill sdBuffer myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); for (int c = 0; c < 512; c++) { if (readByte_Flash(currByte + c) != sdBuffer[c]) { blank++; } } } if (blank == 0) { println_Msg(F("Flashrom verified OK")); display_Update(); } else { print_Msg(F("Error: ")); print_Msg(blank); println_Msg(F(" bytes ")); print_Error(F("did not verify."), false); } // Close the file: myFile.close(); } else { println_Msg(F("Can't open file on SD")); display_Update(); } } void readFlash() { // Reset to root directory sd.chdir("/"); // Get name, add extension and convert to char array for sd lib EEPROM_readAnything(10, foldern); sd.mkdir("FLASH", true); sd.chdir("FLASH"); sprintf(fileName, "FL%d", foldern); strcat(fileName, ".bin"); // write new folder number back to eeprom foldern = foldern + 1; EEPROM_writeAnything(10, foldern); display_Clear(); print_Msg(F("Saving as ")); print_Msg(fileName); println_Msg(F("...")); display_Update(); // Open file on sd card if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) { print_Error(F("Can't create file on SD"), true); } for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < flashSize; currByte += 512) { for (int c = 0; c < 512; c++) { sdBuffer[c] = readByte_Flash(currByte + c); } myFile.write(sdBuffer, 512); } // Close the file: myFile.close(); println_Msg(F("Finished reading")); display_Update(); } void printFlash(int numBytes) { char myBuffer[3]; for (int currByte = 0; currByte < numBytes; currByte += 10) { for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) { itoa (readByte_Flash(currByte + c), myBuffer, 16); for (int i = 0; i < 2 - strlen(myBuffer); i++) { print_Msg("0"); } // Now print the significant bits print_Msg(myBuffer); } println_Msg(""); } display_Update(); } /****************************************** 29L3211 16bit flashrom functions *****************************************/ void resetFlash16() { // Set data pins to output dataOut16(); // Reset command sequence writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0xaa); writeWord_Flash(0x2aaa, 0x55); writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0xf0); // Set data pins to input again dataIn16(); delay(500); } void writeFlash16() { // Create filepath sprintf(filePath, "%s/%s", filePath, fileName); println_Msg(F("Flashing file ")); println_Msg(filePath); display_Update(); // Open file on sd card if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { // Get rom size from file fileSize = myFile.fileSize(); if (fileSize > flashSize) print_Error(F("File size exceeds flash size."), true); // Set data pins to output dataOut16(); // Fill sdBuffer with 1 page at a time then write it repeat until all bytes are written int d = 0; for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < fileSize / 2; currByte += 64) { myFile.read(sdBuffer, 128); // Blink led if (currByte % 2048 == 0) PORTB ^= (1 << 4); // Check if write is complete delayMicroseconds(100); busyCheck16(); // Write command sequence writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0xaa); writeWord_Flash(0x2aaa, 0x55); writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0xa0); // Write one full page at a time for (byte c = 0; c < 64; c++) { word currWord = ( ( sdBuffer[d + 1] & 0xFF ) << 8 ) | ( sdBuffer[d] & 0xFF ); writeWord_Flash(currByte + c, currWord); d += 2; } d = 0; } // Check if write is complete busyCheck16(); // Set data pins to input again dataIn16(); // Close the file: myFile.close(); } else { println_Msg(F("Can't open file on SD.")); display_Update(); } } void writeFlash16_29F1601() { // Create filepath sprintf(filePath, "%s/%s", filePath, fileName); println_Msg(F("Flashing file ")); println_Msg(filePath); display_Update(); // Open file on sd card if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { // Get rom size from file fileSize = myFile.fileSize(); if (fileSize > flashSize) print_Error(F("File size exceeds flash size."), true); // Set data pins to output dataOut16(); // Fill sdBuffer with 1 page at a time then write it repeat until all bytes are written int d = 0; for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < fileSize / 2; currByte += 64) { myFile.read(sdBuffer, 128); // Blink led if (currByte % 2048 == 0) PORTB ^= (1 << 4); // Check if write is complete delayMicroseconds(100); busyCheck16(); // Write command sequence writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0xaa); writeWord_Flash(0x2aaa, 0x55); writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0xa0); // Write one full page at a time for (byte c = 0; c < 64; c++) { word currWord = ( ( sdBuffer[d + 1] & 0xFF ) << 8 ) | ( sdBuffer[d] & 0xFF ); writeWord_Flash(currByte + c, currWord); if (c == 63) { // Write the last byte twice or else it won't write at all writeWord_Flash(currByte + c, sdBuffer[d + 1]); } d += 2; } d = 0; } // Check if write is complete busyCheck16(); // Set data pins to input again dataIn16(); // Close the file: myFile.close(); } else { println_Msg(F("Can't open file on SD.")); display_Update(); } } void idFlash16() { // Set data pins to output dataOut16(); // ID command sequence writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0xaa); writeWord_Flash(0x2aaa, 0x55); writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0x90); // Set data pins to input again dataIn16(); // Read the two id bytes into a string sprintf(flashid, "%02X%02X", readWord_Flash(0) & 0xFF, readWord_Flash(1) & 0xFF); } byte readStatusReg16() { // Set data pins to output dataOut16(); // Status reg command sequence writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0xaa); writeWord_Flash(0x2aaa, 0x55); writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0x70); // Set data pins to input again dataIn16(); // Read the status register byte statusReg = readWord_Flash(0); return statusReg; } void eraseFlash16() { // Set data pins to output dataOut16(); // Erase command sequence writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0xaa); writeWord_Flash(0x2aaa, 0x55); writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0x80); writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0xaa); writeWord_Flash(0x2aaa, 0x55); writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0x10); // Set data pins to input again dataIn16(); busyCheck16(); } void blankcheck16() { println_Msg(F("Please wait...")); display_Update(); blank = 1; for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < flashSize / 2; currByte++) { if (readWord_Flash(currByte) != 0xFFFF) { currByte = flashSize / 2; blank = 0; } } if (blank) { println_Msg(F("Flashrom is empty.")); display_Update(); } else { print_Error(F("Error: Not blank"), false); } } void verifyFlash16() { println_Msg(F("Verifying...")); display_Update(); // Open file on sd card if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { // Get rom size from file fileSize = myFile.fileSize(); if (fileSize > flashSize) { print_Error(F("File size exceeds flash size."), true); } blank = 0; word d = 0; for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < fileSize / 2; currByte += 256) { //fill sdBuffer myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); for (int c = 0; c < 256; c++) { word currWord = ((sdBuffer[d + 1] << 8) | sdBuffer[d]); if (readWord_Flash(currByte + c) != currWord) { blank++; } d += 2; } d = 0; } if (blank == 0) { println_Msg(F("Flashrom verified OK")); display_Update(); } else { println_Msg(F("Verification ERROR!")); print_Msg(blank); print_Error(F("B did not verify."), false); display_Update(); } // Close the file: myFile.close(); } else { println_Msg(F("Can't open file on SD.")); display_Update(); } } void readFlash16() { // Reset to root directory sd.chdir("/"); // Get name, add extension and convert to char array for sd lib EEPROM_readAnything(10, foldern); sd.mkdir("FLASH", true); sd.chdir("FLASH"); sprintf(fileName, "FL%d", foldern); strcat(fileName, ".bin"); // write new folder number back to eeprom foldern = foldern + 1; EEPROM_writeAnything(10, foldern); display_Clear(); print_Msg(F("Saving as ")); print_Msg(fileName); println_Msg(F("...")); display_Update(); // Open file on sd card if (!myFile.open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) { println_Msg(F("Can't create file on SD.")); display_Update(); while (1); } word d = 0; for (unsigned long currByte = 0; currByte < flashSize / 2; currByte += 256) { for (word c = 0; c < 256; c++) { word currWord = readWord_Flash(currByte + c); // Split word into two bytes // Right sdBuffer[d + 1] = (( currWord >> 8 ) & 0xFF); // Left sdBuffer[d] = (currWord & 0xFF); d += 2; } myFile.write(sdBuffer, 512); d = 0; } // Close the file: myFile.close(); println_Msg(F("Finished reading.")); display_Update(); } void printFlash16(int numBytes) { /* right_byte = short_val & 0xFF; left_byte = ( short_val >> 8 ) & 0xFF short_val = ( ( left_byte & 0xFF ) << 8 ) | ( right_byte & 0xFF ); */ char buf[3]; for (int currByte = 0; currByte < numBytes / 2; currByte += 5) { // 5 words per line for (int c = 0; c < 5; c++) { word currWord = readWord_Flash(currByte + c); // Split word into two bytes byte left_byte = currWord & 0xFF; byte right_byte = ( currWord >> 8 ) & 0xFF; sprintf (buf, "%x", left_byte); for (int i = 0; i < 2 - strlen(buf); i++) { print_Msg("0"); } // Now print the significant bits print_Msg(buf); sprintf (buf, "%x", right_byte); for (int i = 0; i < 2 - strlen(buf); i++) { print_Msg("0"); } // Now print the significant bits print_Msg(buf); } println_Msg(""); } display_Update(); } // Delay between write operations based on status register void busyCheck16() { // Set data pins to input dataIn16(); // Read the status register word statusReg = readWord_Flash(0); while ((statusReg | 0xFF7F) != 0xFFFF) { statusReg = readWord_Flash(0); } // Set data pins to output dataOut16(); } /****************************************** MX29LV flashrom functions 16bit *****************************************/ // Delay between write operations based on status register void busyCheck16_29LV640(unsigned long myAddress, word myData) { // Set data pins to input dataIn16(); // Read the status register word statusReg = readWord_Flash(myAddress); while ((statusReg & 0x80) != (myData & 0x80)) { statusReg = readWord_Flash(myAddress); } // Set data pins to output dataOut16(); } void writeFlash16_29LV640() { // Create filepath sprintf(filePath, "%s/%s", filePath, fileName); println_Msg(F("Flashing file ")); println_Msg(filePath); display_Update(); // Open file on sd card if (myFile.open(filePath, O_READ)) { // Get rom size from file fileSize = myFile.fileSize(); if (fileSize > flashSize) print_Error(F("File size exceeds flash size."), true); // Set data pins to output dataOut16(); int d = 0; for (unsigned long currWord = 0; currWord < fileSize / 2; currWord += 256) { // Fill sdBuffer myFile.read(sdBuffer, 512); // Blink led if (currWord % 4096 == 0) PORTB ^= (1 << 4); for (int c = 0; c < 256; c++) { // Write command sequence writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0xaa); writeWord_Flash(0x2aaa, 0x55); writeWord_Flash(0x5555, 0xa0); // Write current word word myWord = ( ( sdBuffer[d + 1] & 0xFF ) << 8 ) | ( sdBuffer[d] & 0xFF ); writeWord_Flash(currWord + c, myWord); d += 2; // Check if write is complete busyCheck16_29LV640(currWord + c, myWord); } d = 0; } // Set data pins to input again dataIn16(); // Close the file: myFile.close(); } else { println_Msg(F("Can't open file on SD.")); display_Update(); } } //****************************************** // End of File //******************************************