### Copy these files to the root of your SD card. If you're on Linux or MAC make sure the Windows style line endings(CRLF) don't get removed. Hint: You can select all the databases, right-click, properties, mark checkbox Hidden and now they won't show up in the Cart Reader's file browser. ## gb.txt / gg.txt / md.txt / pce.txt / sms.txt / vb.txt These files store the ROM names and the CRC32 checksums of the complete ROM and are used only for verification at the end of the dumping process. Example: 007 - The World Is Not Enough (USA, Europe).gbc E038E666 Name CRC32 ## colv.txt / wsv.txt Stores the ROM name, CRC32 of the complete ROM, CRC32 of the first 512 bytes and size in KB, since the size is not stored in the ROM it is needed for dumping. Example: Artillery Duel (USA).col 6F88FCF0,48474D52,16 Name CRC32 (complete ROM), CRC32 (512 bytes), size in KB ## gba.txt This file stores the GBA database which is needed because the save type and rom size are not stored inside the rom. Example: 007 - Everything or Nothing (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De).gba 9D4F1E18,BJBE,08,1 Name CRC32, game id, size in MByte, savetype Savetypes: 0 = Unknown or no save 1 = 4k Eeprom 2 = 64K Eeprom 3 = 256K Sram 4 = 512K Flash 5 = 1024K Flash 6 = 512K Sram ## intv.txt This file stores the Intellivision database which is needed because the save type and rom size are not stored inside the rom. Example: Air Strike (USA) (Proto).int 2C668249,1BB8CBB9,0,08,0 Name CRC32(whole ROM), CRC32(first 512bytes), mapper, size in KB, save ## n64.txt This file stores the N64 database which is needed because the save type and rom size are not stored inside the rom. The CRC32 checksum is used to verify a good dump. Example: 007 - The World Is Not Enough (Europe) (En,Fr,De).z64 002C3B2A,3B941695,32,0 Name CRC32, ROM internal CRC1, size in MByte, savetype Savetypes: 0 = no save chip 1 = SRAM 4 = Flashram 5 = 4K Eeprom 6 = 16K Eeprom ## nes.txt This file stores the CRC32 of the complete ROM minus the iNES header, the CRC32 calculated over the first 512 bytes of the first or last(MMC3) PRG bank and the iNES Header. The iNES header holds all the mapping info. Example: 89 Dennou Kyuusei Uranai (Japan).nes BA58ED29,716956B4,4E45531A100010080000070700000001 Name CRC32 (prg+chr combined), CRC32 (512 bytes), iNES Header ## snes.txt This file is needed for odd sized SNES games like Final Fantasy (JAP), Super Metroid(US/JAP) or Tales of Symphonia. Without this file you will get overdumps and the checksum calculation will fail. Example: 2020 Super Baseball (Japan).sfc E95A3DD7,0C19,379A6FFB,12,024 Name CRC32, internal checksum, CRC32 of header area(0xFFB0-0xFFFF), size in Mbit, number of banks (lorom needs twice as many banks as hirom for the same rom size, lorom: 32kb banks, hirom: 64kb banks) ## loopy.txt This file stores known Casio Loopy games, including the name and the internal checksum found at 000008h in the ROM header. Note that most ROM packs you will find are incorrectly dumped little-endian. These CRCs are for the big-endian dump, including any padding. ROMs are 2MB/16Mbit or 3MB/24Mbit. Example: Wanwan Aijou Monogatari.bin D90FE762 Name Checksum ## 2600.txt This file stores known Atari VCS / 2600 games with the required mapping value. Example: Wall-Defender 064 Name mapper mapper: 004 = Atari 32K with RAM [F4SC] 006 = Atari 16K with RAM [F6SC] 008 = Atari 8K with RAM [F8SC] 010 = UA Ltd 8K [UA] 032 = Atari 2K 063 = Tigervision 8K 064 = Atari 4K (Default) 192 = Commavid 2K [CV] 208 = Pitfall II 10K [DPC] 224 = Parker Bros 8K 231 = M-Network 16K 240 = Megaboy 64K 244 = Atari 32K [F4] 246 = Atari 16K [F6] 248 = Atari 8K [F8] 249 = Time Pilot 8K [TP] 250 = CBS RAM Plus 12K 254 = Activision 8K ## 5200.txt This file stores known Atari 5200 games with the required mapping value and cart size. Example: Defender 1,2 Name mapper, cart size mapper: 0 = Standard 4K/8K/16K/32K 1 = Two Chip 16K 2 = Bounty Bob Strikes Back 40K cart size: 0 = 4K 1 = 8K 2 = 16K 3 = 32K 4 = 40K ## 7800.txt This file stores known Atari 7800 games with the required mapping value and cart size. Example: Rampage 4,4 Name mapper, cart size mapper: 0 = Standard 16K/32K/48K [7816/7832/7848] 1 = SuperGame 128K [78SG] 2 = SuperGame - Alien Brigade/Crossbow 144K [78S9] 3 = F-18 Hornet 64K [78AB] 4 = Double Dragon/Rampage 128K [78AC] 5 = Realsports Baseball/Tank Command/Tower Toppler/Waterski 64K [78S4] 6 = Karateka (PAL) 64K [78S4 Variant] 7 = Bankset switching cart size: 0 = 16K 1 = 32K 2 = 48K 3 = 64K 4 = 128K 5 = 144K ## arccart.txt This file stores known Emerson Arcadia 2001 games with the required cart size. Example: American Football 2 Name cart size cart size: 0 = 2K 1 = 4K 2 = 6K 3 = 8K ## c64cart.txt This file stores known Commodore 64 games with the required mapping value and cart size. Example: Donkey Kong 00,3 Name mapper, cart size mapper: 00 = Normal 4K/8K/16K + Ultimax 8K/16K 01 = Action Replay 32K 02 = KCS Power Cartridge 16K 03 = Final Cartridge III 64K 04 = Simons Basic 16K 05 = Ocean 128K/256K/512K 06 = Expert Cartridge 8K 07 = Fun Play, Power Play 128K 08 = Super Games 64K 09 = Atomic Power 32K 10 = Epyx Fastload 8K 11 = Westermann Learning 16K 12 = Rex Utility 8K 13 = Final Cartridge I 16K 14 = Magic Formel 64K 15 = C64 Game System, System 3 512K 16 = WarpSpeed 16K 17 = Dinamic 128K 18 = Zaxxon, Super Zaxxon (SEGA) 20K 19 = Magic Desk, Domark, HES Australia 32K/64K/128K 20 = Super Snapshot 5 64K 21 = Comal-80 64K cart size: 0 = 4K 1 = 8K 2 = 12K 3 = 16K 4 = 20K 5 = 32K 6 = 64K 7 = 128K 8 = 256K 9 = 512K