With these Eagle files you can easily make your own PCB variants. For best compatibility be sure to use the win32 version of Eagle 7.6.0 downloaded from [here](http://eagle.autodesk.com/eagle/software-versions/2). All PCBs were autorouted with FreeRouting for which you need the [Java 8 RE](https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html). #### Quick tutorial on modifying an adapter PCB: - Install Eagle 7.6.0 Win32 - Copy the cam, dru, lbr and ulp folders to the Eagle main dir. - Open the XXX_adapter.brd file that you want to modify in Eagle PCBs. - In the textfield type ripup; and execute by pressing Enter key twice. - Go to Schematic and Board view and do your changes, watch basic Eagle tutorials to learn how. - Once everything is done. Go back to Board view, then File -> Run ULP -> eagle2freerouterV6-6.ulp -> Create DSN file. - In Windows Explorer execute FreeRouting1.jar in ulp dir and open the XXX_adapter.dsn file you created in the previous step. - Let it autoroute for some hours, once finished choose Export Eagle Session script. - Back in Eagle in the Board view go File -> Execute Script and select the XXX_adapter.scr you just exported. - Next go File -> Cam Processor, File -> Open -> Job and select Elecrow_Gerber_Generater_DrillAlign.cam, then Process Job to export the Gerber files. - Finally inspect your gerber files with [GerberLogix](https://www.easylogix.de/products_detail.php?prog_id=1) before uploading them to JLCPCB.