Uses the Arduino Serial Monitor and does not need the Adafruit Clock Generator.
Cartridge Reader Shield for Arduino Mega 2560
- Reads SNES roms and reads/writes save games from and to the SNES cartridge
Supported cartridge types so far: LoRom, HiRom, ExHiRom, SuperFX, SuperFX2, SDD1, SA1(needs Adafruit Clock Generator) - Reads and writes Nintendo Power Super Famicom Memory Flash Cartridges (needs Adafruit Clock Generator for best result)
- Reads N64 roms and reads/writes save games(4K/16K Eeprom + Sram + all 3 types of Flashram)
- Reads and writes N64 controller paks and also can test a N64 controller's buttons and thumbstick
- Reflashes N64 Repros with Spansion S29GL256N, Fujitsu MSP55LV512, Fujitsu MSP55LV100S or Intel 4400L0ZDQ0 flashroms
- Reads Game Boy (Color) roms and reads/writes save games
- Reads and writes Nintendo Power Game Boy Memory Flash Cartridges
- Programs custom made Game Boy (Color) flashcarts with 29F016/29F032/29F033 flashrom
- Reads Game Boy Advance roms and reads/writes most of the save games(4K Eeprom, 64K Eeprom, Sram/Fram, SST39VF512 512K flash + MX29L010 1M flash)
- Reflashes GBA Repros with Intel 4000L0YBQ0, Macronix MX29GL128E or Fujitsu MSP55LV128 flashroms
- Reads Sega Mega Drive roms and reads/writes save games(Sram/Fram)
- Programs Flashroms like 29F016, 29F032, 29F033, 29F1610, 29L3211 and 29LV160 (custom made adapters needed)
Be sure to check the guides in the Wiki too.
Thanks to:
MichlK - ROM-Reader for Super Nintendo
Jeff Saltzman - 4-Way Button
Wayne and Layne - Video-Game-Shield menu
skaman - SNES enhancements and SA1 sram support
nocash - Nintendo Power and GBA Eeprom commands and lots of other info
crazynation - N64 bus timing
hkz/themanbehindthecurtain - N64 flashram commands
jago85 - help with N64 stuff
Andrew Brown/Peter Den Hartog - N64 controller protocol
bryc - mempak
Shaun Taylor - N64 controller CRC functions
Angus Gratton - CRC32
Tamanegi_taro - SA1 fix
Snes9x - SuperFX sram fix
zzattack - multigame pcb fix
Pickle - SDD1 fix
insidegadgets - GBCartRead
RobinTheHood - GameboyAdvanceRomDumper
YamaArashi - GBA flashrom bank switch command
infinest - help with GB Memory cart
Please join the discussion at: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=158974.0
And also feel free to send me a private message over the Arduino Forum in case you need help with ordering the parts or soldering or really anything else.