The whole GBA code is currently a little bit buggy, so for dumping roms you propbably should stay on the last somewhat stable release V27D. Reflashing only seems to work with 5V. Probably out of the same reason why some real carts don't work with V28 ... bad read/write timings. I also might have broken support for the Intel flashrom I added in the last commit...
Cartridge Reader for Arduino Mega2560
- Reads SNES roms and reads/writes save games from and to the SNES cartridge
Supported cartridge types so far: LoRom, HiRom, ExHiRom, SuperFX, SuperFX2, SDD1, SA1(needs Adafruit Clock Generator) - Reads and writes SFC Nintendo Power Flash Cartridges (also known as SF Memory, needs Adafruit Clock Generator for best result)
- Reads N64 roms and reads/writes save games(4K/16K Eeprom + Sram + all 3 types of Flashram)
- Reads and writes N64 controller paks and also can test a N64 controller's buttons and thumbstick
- Reflashes N64 Repros with Spansion S29GL256N or Intel 4400L0ZDQ0 flashroms
- Reads Game Boy (Color) roms and reads/writes save games
- Programs custom made Game Boy Color flashcarts with MX29F033 flashrom
- Reads Game Boy Advance roms and reads/writes most of the save games(4K Eeprom, 64K Eeprom, Sram/Fram, SST39VF512 512K flash + MX29L010 1M flash)
- Reflashes GBA Repros with Intel 4000L0YBQ0 flashrom
- Reads Sega Mega Drive roms and reads/writes save games(Sram/Fram)
- Programs Flashroms like 29F016, 29F032, 29F033, 29F1610 and 29L3211
Be sure to check the guides in the Wiki too.
Thanks to:
MichlK - ROM-Reader for Super Nintendo
Jeff Saltzman - 4-Way Button
Wayne and Layne - Video-Game-Shield menu
skaman - SNES enhancements and SA1 sram support
nocash - Nintendo Power and GBA Eeprom commands and lots of other info
crazynation - N64 bus timing
hkz/themanbehindthecurtain - N64 flashram commands
jago85 - help with N64 stuff
Andrew Brown/Peter Den Hartog - N64 controller protocol
bryc - mempak
Shaun Taylor - N64 controller CRC functions
Angus Gratton - CRC32
Tamanegi_taro - SA1 fix
Snes9x - SuperFX sram fix
zzattack - multigame pcb fix
Pickle - SDD1 fix
insidegadgets - GBCartRead
RobinTheHood - GameboyAdvanceRomDumper
YamaArashi - GBA flashrom bank switch command
Please join the discussion at: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=158974.0
And also feel free to send me a private message over the Arduino Forum in case you need help with ordering the parts or soldering or really anything else.