The first time this runs it may take a while because it will download everything. After that it will only download the content that has been updated or is missing.
- Get the value of the cookie called `_simpleauth_sess` and pass that value using `-s "COOKIE_VALUE"`
- **Method 2**
- Export the cookies in the Netscape format using an extension.
If your exported cookie file is not working, it may be a formatting issue, this can be fixed by running the command `curl -b cookies.orig.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt http://bogus`
* Inside your library folder a file named `.cache.json` is saved and keeps track of the files that have been downloaded. This way running the download command again pointing to the same directory will only download new or updated files.
* Use `--help` with all `hbd` commands to see available options
* Download select bundles by using the `-k` or `--keys` flag. Find these keys by going to your *Purchases* section, click on a products and there should be a `downloads?key=XXXX` in the url.