The first time this runs it may take a while because it will download everything. After that it will only download the content that has been updated or is missing.
First thing to do is get your account cookies. This can be done by getting a browser extension that lest you see or export your cookies.
- **Method 1 (recommended)**
- Get the value of the cookie called `_simpleauth_sess` and pass that value using `-s "COOKIE_VALUE"`
- **Method 2**
- Export the cookies in the Netscape format using an extension.
If your exported cookie file is not working, it may be a formatting issue, this can be fixed by running the command `curl -b cookies.orig.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt http://bogus`
* Inside your library folder a file named `.cache.json` is saved and keeps track of the files that have been downloaded. This way running the download command again pointing to the same directory will only download new or updated files.
* Use `--help` with all `hbd` commands to see available options
* Download select bundles by using the `-k` or `--keys` flag. Find these keys by going to your *Purchases* section, click on a products and there should be a `downloads?key=XXXX` in the url.