import os import sys import json import time import parsel import logging import datetime import requests logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _clean_name(dirty_str): allowed_chars = (' ', '_', '.', '-', '[', ']') clean = [] for c in dirty_str.replace('+', '_').replace(':', ' -'): if c.isalpha() or c.isdigit() or c in allowed_chars: clean.append(c) return "".join(clean).strip().rstrip('.') class DownloadLibrary: def __init__(self, cookie_path, library_path, progress_bar=False, ext_include=None, ext_exclude=None, platform_include=None, purchase_keys=None, trove=False, update=False): self.cookie_path = cookie_path self.library_path = library_path self.progress_bar = progress_bar self.ext_include = [] if ext_include is None else list(map(str.lower, ext_include)) # noqa: E501 self.ext_exclude = [] if ext_exclude is None else list(map(str.lower, ext_exclude)) # noqa: E501 if platform_include is None or 'all' in platform_include: # if 'all', then do not need to use this check platform_include = [] self.platform_include = list(map(str.lower, platform_include)) self.cache_file = os.path.join(library_path, '.cache.json') self.purchase_keys = purchase_keys self.trove = trove self.update = update def start(self): with open(self.cookie_path, 'r') as f: self.account_cookies = self.cache_data = self._load_cache_data(self.cache_file) self.purchase_keys = self.purchase_keys if self.purchase_keys else self._get_purchase_keys() # noqa: E501 if self.trove is True:"Only checking the Humble Trove...") for product in self._get_trove_products(): title = _clean_name(product['human-name']) self._process_trove_product(title, product) else: for order_id in self.purchase_keys: self._process_order_id(order_id) def _get_trove_download_url(self, machine_name, web_name): try: sign_r = '', data={ 'machine_name': machine_name, 'filename': web_name, }, headers={'cookie': self.account_cookies}, ) except Exception: logger.error("Failed to get download url for trove product {title}" .format(title=web_name)) return None logger.debug("Signed url response {sign_r}".format(sign_r=sign_r)) if sign_r.json().get('_errors') == 'Unauthorized': logger.critical("Your account does not have access to the Trove") sys.exit() signed_url = sign_r.json()['signed_url'] logger.debug("Signed url {signed_url}".format(signed_url=signed_url)) return signed_url def _process_trove_product(self, title, product): for platform, download in product['downloads'].items(): # Sometimes the name has a dir in it # Example is "Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse" # Only the windows file has a dir like # "revolutionsoftware/" if self._should_download_platform(platform) is False: # noqa: E501"Skipping {platform} for {product_title}" .format(platform=platform, product_title=title)) continue web_name = download['url']['web'].split('/')[-1] ext = web_name.split('.')[-1] if self._should_download_file_type(ext) is False:"Skipping the file {web_name}" .format(web_name=web_name)) continue cache_file_key = 'trove:{name}'.format(name=web_name) file_info = { 'uploaded_at': download.get('uploaded_at'), 'md5': download.get('md5'), } cache_file_info = self.cache_data.get(cache_file_key, {}) if cache_file_info != {} and self.update is not True: # Do not care about checking for updates at this time continue if (file_info['uploaded_at'] != cache_file_info.get('uploaded_at') and file_info['md5'] != cache_file_info.get('md5')): product_folder = os.path.join( self.library_path, 'Humble Trove', title ) # Create directory to save the files to try: os.makedirs(product_folder) # noqa: E701 except OSError: pass # noqa: E701 local_filename = os.path.join( product_folder, web_name, ) signed_url = self._get_trove_download_url( download['machine_name'], web_name, ) if signed_url is None: # Failed to get signed url. Error logged in fn continue try: product_r = requests.get(signed_url, stream=True) except Exception: logger.error("Failed to get trove product {title}" .format(title=web_name)) continue if 'uploaded_at' in cache_file_info: uploaded_at = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(int(cache_file_info['uploaded_at'])) ) else: uploaded_at = None self._process_download( product_r, cache_file_key, file_info, local_filename, rename_str=uploaded_at, ) def _get_trove_products(self): trove_products = [] idx = 0 trove_base_url = '{idx}' # noqa: E501 while True: logger.debug("Collecting trove product data from api pg:{idx} ..." .format(idx=idx)) trove_page_url = trove_base_url.format(idx=idx) try: trove_r = requests.get(trove_page_url, headers={'cookie': self.account_cookies}) except Exception: logger.error("Failed to get products from Humble Trove") return [] page_content = trove_r.json() if len(page_content) == 0: break trove_products.extend(page_content) idx += 1 return trove_products def _process_order_id(self, order_id): order_url = '{order_id}?all_tpkds=true'.format(order_id=order_id) # noqa: E501 try: order_r = requests.get(order_url, headers={'cookie': self.account_cookies, 'content-type': 'application/json', 'content-encoding': 'gzip', }) except Exception: logger.error("Failed to get order key {order_id}" .format(order_id=order_id)) return logger.debug("Order request: {order_r}".format(order_r=order_r)) order = order_r.json() bundle_title = _clean_name(order['product']['human_name'])"Checking bundle: " + str(bundle_title)) for product in order['subproducts']: self._process_product(order_id, bundle_title, product) def _rename_old_file(self, local_filename, append_str): # Check if older file exists, if so rename if os.path.isfile(local_filename) is True: filename_parts = local_filename.rsplit('.', 1) new_name = "{name}_{append_str}.{ext}"\ .format(name=filename_parts[0], append_str=append_str, ext=filename_parts[1]) os.rename(local_filename, new_name)"Renamed older file to {new_name}" .format(new_name=new_name)) def _process_product(self, order_id, bundle_title, product): product_title = _clean_name(product['human_name']) # Get all types of download for a product for download_type in product['downloads']: if self._should_download_platform(download_type['platform']) is False: # noqa: E501"Skipping {platform} for {product_title}" .format(platform=download_type['platform'], product_title=product_title)) continue product_folder = os.path.join( self.library_path, bundle_title, product_title ) # Create directory to save the files to try: os.makedirs(product_folder) # noqa: E701 except OSError: pass # noqa: E701 # Download each file type of a product for file_type in download_type['download_struct']: try: url = file_type['url']['web'] except KeyError:"No url found: {bundle_title}/{product_title}" .format(bundle_title=bundle_title, product_title=product_title)) continue url_filename = url.split('?')[0].split('/')[-1] cache_file_key = order_id + ':' + url_filename ext = url_filename.split('.')[-1] if self._should_download_file_type(ext) is False:"Skipping the file {url_filename}" .format(url_filename=url_filename)) continue local_filename = os.path.join(product_folder, url_filename) cache_file_info = self.cache_data.get(cache_file_key, {}) if cache_file_info != {} and self.update is not True: # Do not care about checking for updates at this time continue try: product_r = requests.get(url, stream=True) except Exception: logger.error("Failed to download {url}".format(url=url)) continue logger.debug("Item request: {product_r}, Url: {url}" .format(product_r=product_r, url=url)) file_info = { 'url_last_modified': product_r.headers['Last-Modified'], } if file_info['url_last_modified'] != cache_file_info.get('url_last_modified'): # noqa: E501 if 'url_last_modified' in cache_file_info: last_modified = datetime.datetime.strptime( cache_file_info['url_last_modified'], '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z' ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: last_modified = None self._process_download( product_r, cache_file_key, file_info, local_filename, rename_str=last_modified, ) def _update_cache_data(self, cache_file_key, file_info): self.cache_data[cache_file_key] = file_info # Update cache file with newest data so if the script # quits it can keep track of the progress # Note: Only safe because of single thread, # need to change if refactor to multi threading with open(self.cache_file, 'w') as outfile: json.dump( self.cache_data, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ) def _process_download(self, open_r, cache_file_key, file_info, local_filename, rename_str=None): try: if rename_str: self._rename_old_file(local_filename, rename_str) self._download_file(open_r, local_filename) except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: if self.progress_bar: # Do not overwrite the progress bar on next print print() logger.error("Failed to download file {local_filename}" .format(local_filename=local_filename)) # Clean up broken downloaded file try: os.remove(local_filename) # noqa: E701 except OSError: pass # noqa: E701 if type(e).__name__ == 'KeyboardInterrupt': sys.exit() else: if self.progress_bar: # Do not overwrite the progress bar on next print print() self._update_cache_data(cache_file_key, file_info) finally: # Since its a stream connection, make sure to close it open_r.connection.close() def _download_file(self, product_r, local_filename):"Downloading: {local_filename}" .format(local_filename=local_filename)) with open(local_filename, 'wb') as outfile: total_length = product_r.headers.get('content-length') if total_length is None: # no content length header outfile.write(product_r.content) else: dl = 0 total_length = int(total_length) for data in product_r.iter_content(chunk_size=4096): dl += len(data) outfile.write(data) pb_width = 50 done = int(pb_width * dl / total_length) if self.progress_bar: print("\t{percent}% [{filler}{space}]" .format(local_filename=local_filename, percent=int(done * (100 / pb_width)), filler='=' * done, space=' ' * (pb_width - done), ), end='\r') if dl != total_length: raise ValueError("Download did not complete") def _load_cache_data(self, cache_file): try: with open(cache_file, 'r') as f: cache_data = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: cache_data = {} return cache_data def _get_purchase_keys(self): try: library_r = requests.get('', # noqa: E501 headers={'cookie': self.account_cookies}) except Exception: logger.error("Failed to get list of purchases") return [] logger.debug("Library request: " + str(library_r)) library_page = parsel.Selector(text=library_r.text) orders_json = json.loads(library_page.css('#user-home-json-data') .xpath('string()').extract_first()) return orders_json['gamekeys'] def _should_download_platform(self, platform): platform = platform.lower() if self.platform_include and platform not in self.platform_include: return False return True def _should_download_file_type(self, ext): ext = ext.lower() if self.ext_include != []: return ext in self.ext_include elif self.ext_exclude != []: return ext not in self.ext_exclude return True