diff --git a/downloader.py b/downloader.py
index 44e04bb..58cd2be 100755
--- a/downloader.py
+++ b/downloader.py
@@ -291,20 +291,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
 	parser.add_argument("entries", help="path to the game jam entries.json file")
 	parser.add_argument("--api-key", metavar="key", required=True, help="itch.io API key from https://itch.io/user/settings/api-keys")
 	parser.add_argument("--download-to", metavar="path", help="directory to save results into (default: current dir)")
-	parser.add_argument("--continue-from", metavar="id", help="skip all entries until the provided entry ID is found")
+	parser.add_argument("--continue-from", metavar="id", type=int, help="skip all entries until the provided entry ID is found")
 	args = parser.parse_args()
-	continue_id = args.continue_from
-	if continue_id is not None:
-		try:
-			continue_id = int(continue_id)
-		except:
-			print("ID to continue from must be an integer.")
-			exit(1)
 	download_to = os.getcwd()
 	if args.download_to is not None:
 		download_to = os.path.normpath(args.download_to)
-	download_jam(args.entries, download_to, args.api_key, continue_from=continue_id)
+	download_jam(args.entries, download_to, args.api_key, continue_from=args.continue_from)