mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 21:27:36 +01:00
Galaxy: Select build by build id
Make it possible to select by build id Tries to find build with build id first If no build is found with specified build id then try to use it as build index If build id or index is not valid then default to build index 0
This commit is contained in:
@ -104,12 +104,12 @@ class Downloader
void repair();
void download();
void downloadCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1);
void downloadCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1);
void uploadCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1);
void uploadCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1);
void deleteCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1);
void deleteCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1);
void downloadCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
void downloadCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
void uploadCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
void uploadCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
void deleteCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
void deleteCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
void checkOrphans();
void checkStatus();
@ -122,20 +122,20 @@ class Downloader
std::deque< std::pair<time_t, uintmax_t> > TimeAndSize;
void saveGalaxyJSON();
void galaxyInstallGame(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1, const unsigned int& iGalaxyArch = GlobalConstants::ARCH_X64);
void galaxyInstallGameById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1, const unsigned int& iGalaxyArch = GlobalConstants::ARCH_X64);
void galaxyListCDNs(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1);
void galaxyListCDNsById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1);
void galaxyShowBuilds(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1);
void galaxyShowCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1);
void galaxyShowLocalCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1);
void galaxyShowLocalCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1);
void galaxyShowBuildsById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1);
void galaxyShowCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index = -1);
void galaxyInstallGame(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string(), const unsigned int& iGalaxyArch = GlobalConstants::ARCH_X64);
void galaxyInstallGameById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string(), const unsigned int& iGalaxyArch = GlobalConstants::ARCH_X64);
void galaxyListCDNs(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
void galaxyListCDNsById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
void galaxyShowBuilds(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
void galaxyShowCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
void galaxyShowLocalCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
void galaxyShowLocalCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
void galaxyShowBuildsById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
void galaxyShowCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
std::map<std::string, std::string> cloudSaveLocations(const std::string& product_id, int build_index);
int cloudSaveListByIdForEach(const std::string& product_id, int build_index, const std::function<void(cloudSaveFile &)> &f);
std::map<std::string, std::string> cloudSaveLocations(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
int cloudSaveListByIdForEach(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id, const std::function<void(cloudSaveFile &)> &f);
CURLcode downloadFile(const std::string& url, const std::string& filepath, const std::string& xml_data = std::string(), const std::string& gamename = std::string());
int repairFile(const std::string& url, const std::string& filepath, const std::string& xml_data = std::string(), const std::string& gamename = std::string());
@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ class Downloader
std::string getGalaxyInstallDirectory(galaxyAPI *galaxyHandle, const Json::Value& manifest);
bool galaxySelectProductIdHelper(const std::string& product_id, std::string& selected_product);
std::vector<galaxyDepotItem> galaxyGetDepotItemVectorFromJson(const Json::Value& json, const unsigned int& iGalaxyArch = GlobalConstants::ARCH_X64);
int galaxyGetBuildIndexWithBuildId(Json::Value json, const std::string& build_id = std::string());
Website *gogWebsite;
galaxyAPI *gogGalaxy;
@ -828,89 +828,89 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
else if (!galaxy_product_id_show_builds.empty())
int build_index = -1;
std::string build_id;
std::vector<std::string> tokens = Util::tokenize(galaxy_product_id_show_builds, "/");
std::string product_id = tokens[0];
if (tokens.size() == 2)
build_index = std::stoi(tokens[1]);
build_id = tokens[1];
downloader.galaxyShowBuilds(product_id, build_index);
downloader.galaxyShowBuilds(product_id, build_id);
else if (!galaxy_product_id_show_cloud_paths.empty())
int build_index = -1;
std::string build_id;
std::vector<std::string> tokens = Util::tokenize(galaxy_product_id_show_cloud_paths, "/");
std::string product_id = tokens[0];
if (tokens.size() == 2)
build_index = std::stoi(tokens[1]);
build_id = tokens[1];
downloader.galaxyShowCloudSaves(product_id, build_index);
downloader.galaxyShowCloudSaves(product_id, build_id);
else if (!galaxy_product_id_show_local_cloud_paths.empty())
int build_index = -1;
std::string build_id;
std::vector<std::string> tokens = Util::tokenize(galaxy_product_id_show_local_cloud_paths, "/");
std::string product_id = tokens[0];
if (tokens.size() == 2)
build_index = std::stoi(tokens[1]);
build_id = tokens[1];
downloader.galaxyShowLocalCloudSaves(product_id, build_index);
downloader.galaxyShowLocalCloudSaves(product_id, build_id);
else if (!galaxy_product_cloud_saves_delete.empty())
int build_index = -1;
std::string build_id;
std::vector<std::string> tokens = Util::tokenize(galaxy_product_cloud_saves_delete, "/");
std::string product_id = tokens[0];
if (tokens.size() == 2)
build_index = std::stoi(tokens[1]);
build_id = tokens[1];
downloader.deleteCloudSaves(product_id, build_index);
downloader.deleteCloudSaves(product_id, build_id);
else if (!galaxy_product_id_install.empty())
int build_index = -1;
std::string build_id;
std::vector<std::string> tokens = Util::tokenize(galaxy_product_id_install, "/");
std::string product_id = tokens[0];
if (tokens.size() == 2)
build_index = std::stoi(tokens[1]);
build_id = tokens[1];
downloader.galaxyInstallGame(product_id, build_index, Globals::globalConfig.dlConf.iGalaxyArch);
downloader.galaxyInstallGame(product_id, build_id, Globals::globalConfig.dlConf.iGalaxyArch);
else if (!galaxy_product_id_list_cdns.empty())
int build_index = -1;
std::string build_id;
std::vector<std::string> tokens = Util::tokenize(galaxy_product_id_list_cdns, "/");
std::string product_id = tokens[0];
if (tokens.size() == 2)
build_index = std::stoi(tokens[1]);
build_id = tokens[1];
downloader.galaxyListCDNs(product_id, build_index);
downloader.galaxyListCDNs(product_id, build_id);
else if (!galaxy_product_cloud_saves.empty()) {
int build_index = -1;
std::string build_id;
std::vector<std::string> tokens = Util::tokenize(galaxy_product_cloud_saves, "/");
std::string product_id = tokens[0];
if (tokens.size() == 2)
build_index = std::stoi(tokens[1]);
build_id = tokens[1];
downloader.downloadCloudSaves(product_id, build_index);
downloader.downloadCloudSaves(product_id, build_id);
else if (!galaxy_upload_product_cloud_saves.empty()) {
int build_index = -1;
std::string build_id;
std::vector<std::string> tokens = Util::tokenize(galaxy_upload_product_cloud_saves, "/");
std::string product_id = tokens[0];
if (tokens.size() == 2)
build_index = std::stoi(tokens[1]);
build_id = tokens[1];
downloader.uploadCloudSaves(product_id, build_index);
downloader.uploadCloudSaves(product_id, build_id);
@ -456,60 +456,60 @@ Trust API responses for extras to be correct.
.SS "Experimental:"
\fB\-\-galaxy\-install\fR arg
Install game using product id [product_id/build_index] or
gamename regex [gamename/build_id]
Install game using product id [product_id/build] or
gamename regex [gamename/build]
Build index is used to select a build and defaults to 0 if not specified.
Build (build index or build id) is used to select a build and defaults to 0 if not specified.
Example: 12345/2 selects build 2 for product 12345
\fB\-\-galaxy\-show\-builds\fR arg
Show game builds using product id [product_id/build_index] or
gamename regex [gamename/build_id]
Show game builds using product id [product_id/build] or
gamename regex [gamename/build]
Build index is used to select a build
Build (build index or build id) is used to select a build.
Lists available builds if build index is not specified
Lists available builds if build is not specified
Example: 12345/2 selects build 2 for product 12345
\fB\-\-galaxy\-download\-cloud\-saves\fR arg
Download cloud saves using product\-id [product_id/build_index] or
gamename regex [gamename/build_id]
Download cloud saves using product\-id [product_id/build] or
gamename regex [gamename/build]
Build index is used to select a build and defaults to 0 if not specified.
Build (build index or build id) is used to select a build and defaults to 0 if not specified.
Example: 12345/2 selects build 2 for product 12345
\fB\-\-galaxy\-upload\-cloud\-saves\fR arg
Upload cloud saves using product\-id [product_id/build_index] or
gamename regex [gamename/build_id]
Upload cloud saves using product\-id [product_id/build] or
gamename regex [gamename/build]
Build index is used to select a build and defaults to 0 if not specified.
Build (build index or build id) is used to select a build and defaults to 0 if not specified.
Example: 12345/2 selects build 2 for product 12345
\fB\-\-galaxy\-show\-cloud\-saves\fR arg
Show game cloud\-saves using product id [product_id/build_index] or
gamename regex [gamename/build_id]
Show game cloud\-saves using product id [product_id/build] or
gamename regex [gamename/build]
Build (build index or build id) is used to select a build and defaults to 0 if not specified.
Build index is used to select a build and defaults to 0 if not specified.
Example: 12345/2 selects build 2 for product 12345
\fB\-\-galaxy\-show\-local\-cloud\-saves\fR arg
Show local cloud\-saves using product id [product_id/build_index] or
gamename regex [gamename/build_id]
Show local cloud\-saves using product id [product_id/build] or
gamename regex [gamename/build]
Build index is used to select a build and defaults to 0 if not specified.
Build (build index or build id) is used to select a build and defaults to 0 if not specified.
Example: 12345/2 selects build 2 for product 12345
\fB\-\-galaxy\-delete\-cloud\-saves\fR arg
Delete cloud\-saves using product id [product_id/build_index] or
gamename regex [gamename/build_id]
Delete cloud\-saves using product id [product_id/build] or
gamename regex [gamename/build]
Build index is used to select a build and defaults to 0 if not specified.
Build (build index or build id) is used to select a build and defaults to 0 if not specified.
Example: 12345/2 selects build 2 for product 12345
@ -572,10 +572,10 @@ Use \-\-galaxy\-list\-cdns to list available CDNs
Set priority by separating values with ","
\fB\-\-galaxy\-list-cdns\fR arg
List available CDNs for a game using product id [product_id/build_index] or
gamename regex [gamename/build_id]
List available CDNs for a game using product id [product_id/build] or
gamename regex [gamename/build]
Build index is used to select a build and defaults to 0 if not specified.
Build (build index or build id) is used to select a build and defaults to 0 if not specified.
Example: 12345/2 selects build 2 for product 12345
@ -3793,6 +3793,40 @@ void Downloader::saveGalaxyJSON()
int Downloader::galaxyGetBuildIndexWithBuildId(Json::Value json, const std::string& build_id)
int build_index = -1;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json["items"].size(); ++i)
std::string build_id_json = json["items"][i]["build_id"].asString();
if (build_id == build_id_json)
build_index = i;
// If we didn't match any build index with given id
// Try to use build id as index
if (build_index == -1)
int build_id_as_int = -1;
build_id_as_int = std::stoi(build_id);
catch (...)
// Failed to cast build id to int
build_index = build_id_as_int;
return build_index;
bool Downloader::galaxySelectProductIdHelper(const std::string& product_id, std::string& selected_product)
selected_product = product_id;
@ -3935,21 +3969,18 @@ std::vector<galaxyDepotItem> Downloader::galaxyGetDepotItemVectorFromJson(const
return items;
void Downloader::galaxyInstallGame(const std::string& product_id, int build_index, const unsigned int& iGalaxyArch)
void Downloader::galaxyInstallGame(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id, const unsigned int& iGalaxyArch)
std::string id;
if(this->galaxySelectProductIdHelper(product_id, id))
if (!id.empty())
this->galaxyInstallGameById(id, build_index, iGalaxyArch);
this->galaxyInstallGameById(id, build_id, iGalaxyArch);
void Downloader::galaxyInstallGameById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index, const unsigned int& iGalaxyArch)
void Downloader::galaxyInstallGameById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id, const unsigned int& iGalaxyArch)
if (build_index < 0)
build_index = 0;
std::string sPlatform;
unsigned int iPlatform = Globals::globalConfig.dlConf.iGalaxyPlatform;
if (iPlatform == GlobalConstants::PLATFORM_LINUX)
@ -3973,6 +4004,9 @@ void Downloader::galaxyInstallGameById(const std::string& product_id, int build_
int build_index = this->galaxyGetBuildIndexWithBuildId(json, build_id);
build_index = std::max(0, build_index);
if (json["items"][build_index]["generation"].asInt() != 2)
std::cout << "Only generation 2 builds are supported currently" << std::endl;
@ -4029,15 +4063,7 @@ void Downloader::galaxyInstallGameById(const std::string& product_id, int build_
if (!old_build_id.empty())
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_builds["items"].size(); ++i)
std::string build_id = json_builds["items"][i]["build_id"].asString();
if (build_id == old_build_id)
old_build_index = i;
old_build_index = this->galaxyGetBuildIndexWithBuildId(json_builds, old_build_id);
@ -4163,21 +4189,18 @@ void Downloader::galaxyInstallGameById(const std::string& product_id, int build_
void Downloader::galaxyListCDNs(const std::string& product_id, int build_index)
void Downloader::galaxyListCDNs(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id)
std::string id;
if(this->galaxySelectProductIdHelper(product_id, id))
if (!id.empty())
this->galaxyListCDNsById(id, build_index);
this->galaxyListCDNsById(id, build_id);
void Downloader::galaxyListCDNsById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index)
void Downloader::galaxyListCDNsById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id)
if (build_index < 0)
build_index = 0;
std::string sPlatform;
unsigned int iPlatform = Globals::globalConfig.dlConf.iGalaxyPlatform;
if (iPlatform == GlobalConstants::PLATFORM_LINUX)
@ -4197,6 +4220,9 @@ void Downloader::galaxyListCDNsById(const std::string& product_id, int build_ind
int build_index = this->galaxyGetBuildIndexWithBuildId(json, build_id);
build_index = std::max(0, build_index);
if (json["items"][build_index]["generation"].asInt() != 2)
std::cout << "Only generation 2 builds are supported currently" << std::endl;
@ -4624,17 +4650,17 @@ void Downloader::processGalaxyDownloadQueue(const std::string& install_path, Con
void Downloader::galaxyShowBuilds(const std::string& product_id, int build_index)
void Downloader::galaxyShowBuilds(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id)
std::string id;
if(this->galaxySelectProductIdHelper(product_id, id))
if (!id.empty())
this->galaxyShowBuildsById(id, build_index);
this->galaxyShowBuildsById(id, build_id);
void Downloader::galaxyShowBuildsById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index)
void Downloader::galaxyShowBuildsById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id)
std::string sPlatform;
unsigned int iPlatform = Globals::globalConfig.dlConf.iGalaxyPlatform;
@ -4686,6 +4712,8 @@ void Downloader::galaxyShowBuildsById(const std::string& product_id, int build_i
int build_index = this->galaxyGetBuildIndexWithBuildId(json, build_id);
if (build_index < 0)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json["items"].size(); ++i)
@ -4765,57 +4793,57 @@ std::pair<std::string::const_iterator, std::string::const_iterator> getline(std:
return { end, end };
void Downloader::uploadCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, int build_index)
void Downloader::uploadCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id)
std::string id;
if(this->galaxySelectProductIdHelper(product_id, id))
if (!id.empty())
this->uploadCloudSavesById(id, build_index);
this->uploadCloudSavesById(id, build_id);
void Downloader::deleteCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, int build_index)
void Downloader::deleteCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id)
std::string id;
if(this->galaxySelectProductIdHelper(product_id, id))
if (!id.empty())
this->deleteCloudSavesById(id, build_index);
this->deleteCloudSavesById(id, build_id);
void Downloader::downloadCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, int build_index)
void Downloader::downloadCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id)
std::string id;
if(this->galaxySelectProductIdHelper(product_id, id))
if (!id.empty())
this->downloadCloudSavesById(id, build_index);
this->downloadCloudSavesById(id, build_id);
void Downloader::galaxyShowCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, int build_index)
void Downloader::galaxyShowCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id)
std::string id;
if(this->galaxySelectProductIdHelper(product_id, id))
if (!id.empty())
this->galaxyShowCloudSavesById(id, build_index);
this->galaxyShowCloudSavesById(id, build_id);
void Downloader::galaxyShowLocalCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, int build_index)
void Downloader::galaxyShowLocalCloudSaves(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id)
std::string id;
if(this->galaxySelectProductIdHelper(product_id, id))
if (!id.empty())
this->galaxyShowLocalCloudSavesById(id, build_index);
this->galaxyShowLocalCloudSavesById(id, build_id);
std::map<std::string, std::string> Downloader::cloudSaveLocations(const std::string& product_id, int build_index) {
std::map<std::string, std::string> Downloader::cloudSaveLocations(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id) {
std::string sPlatform;
unsigned int iPlatform = Globals::globalConfig.dlConf.iGalaxyPlatform;
if (iPlatform == GlobalConstants::PLATFORM_LINUX) {
@ -4832,6 +4860,7 @@ std::map<std::string, std::string> Downloader::cloudSaveLocations(const std::str
Json::Value json = gogGalaxy->getProductBuilds(product_id, sPlatform);
int build_index = this->galaxyGetBuildIndexWithBuildId(json, build_id);
build_index = std::max(0, build_index);
std::string link = json["items"][build_index]["link"].asString();
@ -4917,8 +4946,8 @@ std::map<std::string, std::string> Downloader::cloudSaveLocations(const std::str
return name_to_location;
int Downloader::cloudSaveListByIdForEach(const std::string& product_id, int build_index, const std::function<void(cloudSaveFile &)> &f) {
auto name_to_location = this->cloudSaveLocations(product_id, build_index);
int Downloader::cloudSaveListByIdForEach(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id, const std::function<void(cloudSaveFile &)> &f) {
auto name_to_location = this->cloudSaveLocations(product_id, build_id);
if(name_to_location.empty()) {
std::cout << "No cloud save locations found" << std::endl;
return -1;
@ -4955,9 +4984,9 @@ int Downloader::cloudSaveListByIdForEach(const std::string& product_id, int buil
return 0;
void Downloader::uploadCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index)
void Downloader::uploadCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id)
auto name_to_locations = cloudSaveLocations(product_id, build_index);
auto name_to_locations = cloudSaveLocations(product_id, build_id);
if(name_to_locations.empty()) {
std::cout << "Cloud saves not supported for this game" << std::endl;
@ -5007,7 +5036,7 @@ void Downloader::uploadCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int build_i
auto res = this->cloudSaveListByIdForEach(product_id, build_index, [&](cloudSaveFile &csf) {
auto res = this->cloudSaveListByIdForEach(product_id, build_id, [&](cloudSaveFile &csf) {
auto it = path_to_cloudSaveFile.find(csf.path);
//If remote save is not locally stored, skip
@ -5061,7 +5090,7 @@ void Downloader::uploadCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int build_i
void Downloader::deleteCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index) {
void Downloader::deleteCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id) {
if(Globals::globalConfig.cloudWhiteList.empty() && !Globals::globalConfig.bCloudForce) {
std::cout << "No files have been whitelisted, either use \'--cloud-whitelist\' or \'--cloud-force\'" << std::endl;
@ -5085,7 +5114,7 @@ void Downloader::deleteCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int build_i
curl_easy_setopt(dlhandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, header);
curl_easy_setopt(dlhandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE");
this->cloudSaveListByIdForEach(product_id, build_index, [dlhandle](cloudSaveFile &csf) {
this->cloudSaveListByIdForEach(product_id, build_id, [dlhandle](cloudSaveFile &csf) {
auto url = "https://cloudstorage.gog.com/v1/" + Globals::galaxyConf.getUserId() + '/' + Globals::galaxyConf.getClientId() + '/' + csf.path;
curl_easy_setopt(dlhandle, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
@ -5103,8 +5132,8 @@ void Downloader::deleteCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int build_i
void Downloader::downloadCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index) {
auto res = this->cloudSaveListByIdForEach(product_id, build_index, [](cloudSaveFile &csf) {
void Downloader::downloadCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id) {
auto res = this->cloudSaveListByIdForEach(product_id, build_id, [](cloudSaveFile &csf) {
boost::filesystem::path filepath = csf.location;
if(boost::filesystem::exists(filepath)) {
@ -5155,9 +5184,9 @@ void Downloader::downloadCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int build
void Downloader::galaxyShowCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index)
void Downloader::galaxyShowCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id)
this->cloudSaveListByIdForEach(product_id, build_index, [](cloudSaveFile &csf) {
this->cloudSaveListByIdForEach(product_id, build_id, [](cloudSaveFile &csf) {
boost::filesystem::path filepath = csf.location;
filepath = boost::filesystem::absolute(filepath, boost::filesystem::current_path());
@ -5183,8 +5212,8 @@ void Downloader::galaxyShowCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int bui
void Downloader::galaxyShowLocalCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, int build_index) {
auto name_to_locations = cloudSaveLocations(product_id, build_index);
void Downloader::galaxyShowLocalCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, const std::string& build_id) {
auto name_to_locations = cloudSaveLocations(product_id, build_id);
if(name_to_locations.empty()) {
std::cout << "Cloud saves not supported for this game" << std::endl;
@ -5223,7 +5252,7 @@ void Downloader::galaxyShowLocalCloudSavesById(const std::string& product_id, in
this->cloudSaveListByIdForEach(product_id, build_index, [&](cloudSaveFile &csf) {
this->cloudSaveListByIdForEach(product_id, build_id, [&](cloudSaveFile &csf) {
auto it = path_to_cloudSaveFile.find(csf.path);
//If remote save is not locally stored, skip
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