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synced 2025-02-01 21:42:31 +01:00
Multithreaded getGameDetails
Get game details using multiple threads
This commit is contained in:
@ -94,14 +94,15 @@ class Downloader
int loadGameDetailsCache();
int saveGameDetailsCache();
std::vector<gameDetails> getGameDetailsFromJsonNode(Json::Value root, const int& recursion_level = 0);
std::vector<gameFile> getExtrasFromJSON(const Json::Value& json, const std::string& gamename);
std::string getSerialsFromJSON(const Json::Value& json);
static std::vector<gameFile> getExtrasFromJSON(const Json::Value& json, const std::string& gamename, const Config& config);
static std::string getSerialsFromJSON(const Json::Value& json);
void saveSerials(const std::string& serials, const std::string& filepath);
std::string getChangelogFromJSON(const Json::Value& json);
static std::string getChangelogFromJSON(const Json::Value& json);
void saveChangelog(const std::string& changelog, const std::string& filepath);
static void processDownloadQueue(Config conf, const unsigned int& tid);
static int progressCallbackForThread(void *clientp, curl_off_t dltotal, curl_off_t dlnow, curl_off_t ultotal, curl_off_t ulnow);
void printProgress();
static void getGameDetailsThread(Config config, const unsigned int& tid);
static int progressCallback(void *clientp, curl_off_t dltotal, curl_off_t dlnow, curl_off_t ultotal, curl_off_t ulnow);
static size_t writeMemoryCallback(char *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp);
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include <htmlcxx/html/ParserDom.h>
#include <htmlcxx/html/Uri.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <algorithm>
namespace bptime = boost::posix_time;
@ -34,6 +35,8 @@ std::vector<DownloadInfo> vDownloadInfo;
ThreadSafeQueue<gameFile> dlQueue;
ThreadSafeQueue<Message> msgQueue;
ThreadSafeQueue<gameFile> createXMLQueue;
ThreadSafeQueue<gameItem> gameItemQueue;
ThreadSafeQueue<gameDetails> gameDetailsQueue;
std::mutex mtx_create_directories; // Mutex for creating directories in Downloader::processDownloadQueue
Downloader::Downloader(Config &conf)
@ -304,208 +307,77 @@ int Downloader::getGameDetails()
gameDetails game;
int updated = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gameItems.size(); ++i)
if (!gameItems.empty())
std::cerr << "Getting game info " << i+1 << " / " << gameItems.size() << "\r" << std::flush;
bool bHasDLC = !gameItems[i].dlcnames.empty();
gameSpecificConfig conf;
conf.bDLC = config.bDLC;
conf.bIgnoreDLCCount = false;
conf.iInstallerLanguage = config.iInstallerLanguage;
conf.iInstallerPlatform = config.iInstallerPlatform;
conf.dirConf = dirConfDefault;
conf.vLanguagePriority = config.vLanguagePriority;
conf.vPlatformPriority = config.vPlatformPriority;
if (!config.bUpdateCache) // Disable game specific config files for cache update
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gameItems.size(); ++i)
int iOptionsOverridden = Util::getGameSpecificConfig(gameItems[i].name, &conf);
if (iOptionsOverridden > 0)
// Create threads
unsigned int threads = config.iThreads;
if (gameItemQueue.size() < config.iThreads)
threads = gameItemQueue.size();
std::vector<std::thread> vThreads;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < threads; ++i)
DownloadInfo dlInfo;
vThreads.push_back(std::thread(Downloader::getGameDetailsThread, this->config, i));
unsigned int dl_status = DLSTATUS_NOTSTARTED;
while (dl_status != DLSTATUS_FINISHED)
// Print progress information once per 100ms
std::cerr << "\033[J\r" << std::flush; // Clear screen from the current line down to the bottom of the screen
// Print messages from message queue first
Message msg;
while (msgQueue.try_pop(msg))
std::cerr << std::endl << gameItems[i].name << " - " << iOptionsOverridden << " options overridden with game specific options" << std::endl;
if (config.bVerbose)
std::cerr << msg.getFormattedString(config.bColor, true) << std::endl;
if (config.bReport)
if (conf.bIgnoreDLCCount)
std::cerr << "\tIgnore DLC count" << std::endl;
if (conf.bDLC != config.bDLC)
std::cerr << "\tDLC: " << (conf.bDLC ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
if (conf.iInstallerLanguage != config.iInstallerLanguage)
std::cerr << "\tLanguage: " << Util::getOptionNameString(conf.iInstallerLanguage, GlobalConstants::LANGUAGES) << std::endl;
if (conf.vLanguagePriority != config.vLanguagePriority)
std::cerr << "\tLanguage priority:" << std::endl;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < conf.vLanguagePriority.size(); ++j)
std::cerr << "\t " << j << ": " << Util::getOptionNameString(conf.vLanguagePriority[j], GlobalConstants::LANGUAGES) << std::endl;
if (conf.iInstallerPlatform != config.iInstallerPlatform)
std::cerr << "\tPlatform: " << Util::getOptionNameString(conf.iInstallerPlatform, GlobalConstants::PLATFORMS) << std::endl;
if (conf.vPlatformPriority != config.vPlatformPriority)
std::cerr << "\tPlatform priority:" << std::endl;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < conf.vPlatformPriority.size(); ++j)
std::cerr << "\t " << j << ": " << Util::getOptionNameString(conf.vPlatformPriority[j], GlobalConstants::PLATFORMS) << std::endl;
this->report_ofs << msg.getTimestampString() << ": " << msg.getMessage() << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vDownloadInfo.size(); ++i)
unsigned int status = vDownloadInfo[i].getStatus();
dl_status |= status;
std::cerr << "Getting game info " << (gameItems.size() - gameItemQueue.size()) << " / " << gameItems.size() << std::endl;
if (dl_status != DLSTATUS_FINISHED)
std::cerr << "\033[1A\r" << std::flush; // Move cursor up by 1 row
game = gogAPI->getGameDetails(gameItems[i].name, conf.iInstallerPlatform, conf.iInstallerLanguage, config.bDuplicateHandler);
if (!gogAPI->getError())
// Join threads
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vThreads.size(); ++i)
gameDetails details;
while (gameDetailsQueue.try_pop(details))
Json::Value gameDetailsJSON;
if (!gameItems[i].gamedetailsjson.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = gameItems[i].gamedetailsjson;
if (game.extras.empty() && config.bExtras) // Try to get extras from account page if API didn't return any extras
if (gameDetailsJSON.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = gogWebsite->getGameDetailsJSON(gameItems[i].id);
game.extras = this->getExtrasFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON, gameItems[i].name);
if (config.bSaveSerials)
if (gameDetailsJSON.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = gogWebsite->getGameDetailsJSON(gameItems[i].id);
game.serials = this->getSerialsFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON);
if (config.bSaveChangelogs)
if (gameDetailsJSON.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = gogWebsite->getGameDetailsJSON(gameItems[i].id);
game.changelog = this->getChangelogFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON);
// Ignore DLC count and try to get DLCs from JSON
if (game.dlcs.empty() && !bHasDLC && conf.bDLC && conf.bIgnoreDLCCount)
if (gameDetailsJSON.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = gogWebsite->getGameDetailsJSON(gameItems[i].id);
gameItems[i].dlcnames = Util::getDLCNamesFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"]);
bHasDLC = !gameItems[i].dlcnames.empty();
if (game.dlcs.empty() && bHasDLC && conf.bDLC)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < gameItems[i].dlcnames.size(); ++j)
gameDetails dlc;
dlc = gogAPI->getGameDetails(gameItems[i].dlcnames[j], conf.iInstallerPlatform, conf.iInstallerLanguage, config.bDuplicateHandler);
if (dlc.extras.empty() && config.bExtras) // Try to get extras from account page if API didn't return any extras
if (gameDetailsJSON.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = gogWebsite->getGameDetailsJSON(gameItems[i].id);
// Make sure we get extras for the right DLC
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"].size(); ++k)
std::vector<std::string> urls;
if (gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k].isMember("extras"))
Util::getDownloaderUrlsFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k]["extras"], urls);
if (!urls.empty())
if (urls[0].find("/" + gameItems[i].dlcnames[j] + "/") != std::string::npos)
dlc.extras = this->getExtrasFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k], gameItems[i].dlcnames[j]);
if (config.bSaveSerials)
if (gameDetailsJSON.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = gogWebsite->getGameDetailsJSON(gameItems[i].id);
// Make sure we save serial for the right DLC
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"].size(); ++k)
std::vector<std::string> urls;
if (gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k].isMember("cdKey") && gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k].isMember("downloads"))
// Assuming that only DLC with installers can have serial
Util::getDownloaderUrlsFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k]["downloads"], urls);
if (!urls.empty())
if (urls[0].find("/" + gameItems[i].dlcnames[j] + "/") != std::string::npos)
dlc.serials = this->getSerialsFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k]);
if (config.bSaveChangelogs)
if (gameDetailsJSON.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = gogWebsite->getGameDetailsJSON(gameItems[i].id);
// Make sure we save changelog for the right DLC
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"].size(); ++k)
std::vector<std::string> urls;
if (gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k].isMember("changelog") && gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k].isMember("downloads"))
// Assuming that only DLC with installers can have changelog
Util::getDownloaderUrlsFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k]["downloads"], urls);
if (!urls.empty())
if (urls[0].find("/" + gameItems[i].dlcnames[j] + "/") != std::string::npos)
dlc.changelog = this->getChangelogFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k]);
if (!config.bUpdateCheck)
{ // Update check, only add games that have updated files
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < game.installers.size(); ++j)
if (game.installers[j].updated)
break; // add the game only once
if (updated >= gogAPI->user.notifications_games)
{ // Gone through all updated games. No need to go through the rest.
std::cerr << std::endl << "Got info for all updated games. Moving on..." << std::endl;
std::cerr << gogAPI->getErrorMessage() << std::endl;
std::sort(this->games.begin(), this->games.end(), [](const gameDetails& i, const gameDetails& j) -> bool { return i.gamename < j.gamename; });
std::cerr << std::endl;
return 0;
@ -1888,12 +1760,23 @@ uintmax_t Downloader::getResumePosition()
return this->resume_position;
std::vector<gameFile> Downloader::getExtrasFromJSON(const Json::Value& json, const std::string& gamename)
std::vector<gameFile> Downloader::getExtrasFromJSON(const Json::Value& json, const std::string& gamename, const Config& config)
std::vector<gameFile> extras;
std::vector<std::string> downloaderUrls;
Util::getDownloaderUrlsFromJSON(json["extras"], downloaderUrls);
// Create new API handle and set curl options for the API
API* api = new API(config.sToken, config.sSecret);
api->curlSetOpt(CURLOPT_VERBOSE, config.bVerbose);
api->curlSetOpt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, config.bVerifyPeer);
api->curlSetOpt(CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, config.iTimeout);
if (!config.sCACertPath.empty())
api->curlSetOpt(CURLOPT_CAINFO, config.sCACertPath.c_str());
if (!api->init())
delete api;
return extras;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json["extras"].size(); ++i)
@ -1903,7 +1786,12 @@ std::vector<gameFile> Downloader::getExtrasFromJSON(const Json::Value& json, con
id.assign(downloaderUrl.begin()+downloaderUrl.find_last_of("/")+1, downloaderUrl.end());
// Get path from download link
std::string url = gogAPI->getExtraLink(gamename, id);
std::string url = api->getExtraLink(gamename, id);
if (api->getError())
url = htmlcxx::Uri::decode(url);
if (url.find("/extras/") != std::string::npos)
@ -1952,6 +1840,7 @@ std::vector<gameFile> Downloader::getExtrasFromJSON(const Json::Value& json, con
delete api;
return extras;
@ -3419,3 +3308,245 @@ void Downloader::printProgress()
void Downloader::getGameDetailsThread(Config config, const unsigned int& tid)
std::string msg_prefix = "[Thread #" + std::to_string(tid) + "]";
API* api = new API(config.sToken, config.sSecret);
api->curlSetOpt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, config.bVerifyPeer);
api->curlSetOpt(CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, config.iTimeout);
if (!config.sCACertPath.empty())
api->curlSetOpt(CURLOPT_CAINFO, config.sCACertPath.c_str());
if (!api->init())
delete api;
msgQueue.push(Message("API init failed", MSGTYPE_ERROR, msg_prefix));
// Create new GOG website handle
Website* website = new Website(config);
if (!website->IsLoggedIn())
delete api;
delete website;
msgQueue.push(Message("Website not logged in", MSGTYPE_ERROR, msg_prefix));
// Set default game specific directory options to values from config
gameSpecificDirectoryConfig dirConfDefault;
dirConfDefault.sDirectory = config.sDirectory;
dirConfDefault.bSubDirectories = config.bSubDirectories;
dirConfDefault.sGameSubdir = config.sGameSubdir;
dirConfDefault.sInstallersSubdir = config.sInstallersSubdir;
dirConfDefault.sExtrasSubdir = config.sExtrasSubdir;
dirConfDefault.sLanguagePackSubdir = config.sLanguagePackSubdir;
dirConfDefault.sDLCSubdir = config.sDLCSubdir;
dirConfDefault.sPatchesSubdir = config.sPatchesSubdir;
gameItem game_item;
while (gameItemQueue.try_pop(game_item))
gameDetails game;
bool bHasDLC = !game_item.dlcnames.empty();
gameSpecificConfig conf;
conf.bDLC = config.bDLC;
conf.bIgnoreDLCCount = false;
conf.iInstallerLanguage = config.iInstallerLanguage;
conf.iInstallerPlatform = config.iInstallerPlatform;
conf.dirConf = dirConfDefault;
conf.vLanguagePriority = config.vLanguagePriority;
conf.vPlatformPriority = config.vPlatformPriority;
if (!config.bUpdateCache) // Disable game specific config files for cache update
int iOptionsOverridden = Util::getGameSpecificConfig(game_item.name, &conf);
if (iOptionsOverridden > 0)
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << game_item.name << " - " << iOptionsOverridden << " options overridden with game specific options" << std::endl;
if (config.bVerbose)
if (conf.bIgnoreDLCCount)
ss << "\tIgnore DLC count" << std::endl;
if (conf.bDLC != config.bDLC)
ss << "\tDLC: " << (conf.bDLC ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
if (conf.iInstallerLanguage != config.iInstallerLanguage)
ss << "\tLanguage: " << Util::getOptionNameString(conf.iInstallerLanguage, GlobalConstants::LANGUAGES) << std::endl;
if (conf.vLanguagePriority != config.vLanguagePriority)
ss << "\tLanguage priority:" << std::endl;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < conf.vLanguagePriority.size(); ++j)
ss << "\t " << j << ": " << Util::getOptionNameString(conf.vLanguagePriority[j], GlobalConstants::LANGUAGES) << std::endl;
if (conf.iInstallerPlatform != config.iInstallerPlatform)
ss << "\tPlatform: " << Util::getOptionNameString(conf.iInstallerPlatform, GlobalConstants::PLATFORMS) << std::endl;
if (conf.vPlatformPriority != config.vPlatformPriority)
ss << "\tPlatform priority:" << std::endl;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < conf.vPlatformPriority.size(); ++j)
ss << "\t " << j << ": " << Util::getOptionNameString(conf.vPlatformPriority[j], GlobalConstants::PLATFORMS) << std::endl;
msgQueue.push(Message(ss.str(), MSGTYPE_INFO, msg_prefix));
game = api->getGameDetails(game_item.name, conf.iInstallerPlatform, conf.iInstallerLanguage, config.bDuplicateHandler);
if (!api->getError())
Json::Value gameDetailsJSON;
if (!game_item.gamedetailsjson.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = game_item.gamedetailsjson;
if (game.extras.empty() && config.bExtras) // Try to get extras from account page if API didn't return any extras
if (gameDetailsJSON.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = website->getGameDetailsJSON(game_item.id);
game.extras = Downloader::getExtrasFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON, game_item.name, config);
if (config.bSaveSerials)
if (gameDetailsJSON.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = website->getGameDetailsJSON(game_item.id);
game.serials = Downloader::getSerialsFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON);
if (config.bSaveChangelogs)
if (gameDetailsJSON.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = website->getGameDetailsJSON(game_item.id);
game.changelog = Downloader::getChangelogFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON);
// Ignore DLC count and try to get DLCs from JSON
if (game.dlcs.empty() && !bHasDLC && conf.bDLC && conf.bIgnoreDLCCount)
if (gameDetailsJSON.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = website->getGameDetailsJSON(game_item.id);
game_item.dlcnames = Util::getDLCNamesFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"]);
bHasDLC = !game_item.dlcnames.empty();
if (game.dlcs.empty() && bHasDLC && conf.bDLC)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < game_item.dlcnames.size(); ++j)
gameDetails dlc;
dlc = api->getGameDetails(game_item.dlcnames[j], conf.iInstallerPlatform, conf.iInstallerLanguage, config.bDuplicateHandler);
if (dlc.extras.empty() && config.bExtras) // Try to get extras from account page if API didn't return any extras
if (gameDetailsJSON.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = website->getGameDetailsJSON(game_item.id);
// Make sure we get extras for the right DLC
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"].size(); ++k)
std::vector<std::string> urls;
if (gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k].isMember("extras"))
Util::getDownloaderUrlsFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k]["extras"], urls);
if (!urls.empty())
if (urls[0].find("/" + game_item.dlcnames[j] + "/") != std::string::npos)
dlc.extras = Downloader::getExtrasFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k], game_item.dlcnames[j], config);
if (config.bSaveSerials)
if (gameDetailsJSON.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = website->getGameDetailsJSON(game_item.id);
// Make sure we save serial for the right DLC
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"].size(); ++k)
std::vector<std::string> urls;
if (gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k].isMember("cdKey") && gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k].isMember("downloads"))
// Assuming that only DLC with installers can have serial
Util::getDownloaderUrlsFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k]["downloads"], urls);
if (!urls.empty())
if (urls[0].find("/" + game_item.dlcnames[j] + "/") != std::string::npos)
dlc.serials = Downloader::getSerialsFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k]);
if (config.bSaveChangelogs)
if (gameDetailsJSON.empty())
gameDetailsJSON = website->getGameDetailsJSON(game_item.id);
// Make sure we save changelog for the right DLC
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"].size(); ++k)
std::vector<std::string> urls;
if (gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k].isMember("changelog") && gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k].isMember("downloads"))
// Assuming that only DLC with installers can have changelog
Util::getDownloaderUrlsFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k]["downloads"], urls);
if (!urls.empty())
if (urls[0].find("/" + game_item.dlcnames[j] + "/") != std::string::npos)
dlc.changelog = Downloader::getChangelogFromJSON(gameDetailsJSON["dlcs"][k]);
if (!config.bUpdateCheck)
{ // Update check, only add games that have updated files
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < game.installers.size(); ++j)
if (game.installers[j].updated)
break; // add the game only once
msgQueue.push(Message(api->getErrorMessage(), MSGTYPE_ERROR, msg_prefix));
delete api;
delete website;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user