/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See * http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. */ #ifndef CONFIG_H__ #define CONFIG_H__ #include <iostream> #include <curl/curl.h> #include "blacklist.h" class Config { public: Config() {}; virtual ~Config() {}; bool bVerbose; bool bRemoteXML; bool bCover; bool bUpdateCheck; bool bDownload; bool bList; bool bListDetails; bool bLoginHTTP; bool bLoginAPI; bool bRepair; bool bInstallers; bool bExtras; bool bPatches; bool bLanguagePacks; bool bDLC; bool bUnicode; // use Unicode in console output bool bColor; // use colors bool bVerifyPeer; bool bCheckStatus; bool bDuplicateHandler; bool bSaveConfig; bool bResetConfig; bool bReport; bool bSubDirectories; bool bUseCache; bool bUpdateCache; bool bSaveSerials; bool bPlatformDetection; bool bShowWishlist; bool bAutomaticXMLCreation; std::string sGameRegex; std::string sDirectory; std::string sCacheDirectory; std::string sXMLFile; std::string sXMLDirectory; std::string sToken; std::string sSecret; std::string sVersionString; std::string sVersionNumber; std::string sConfigDirectory; std::string sCookiePath; std::string sConfigFilePath; std::string sBlacklistFilePath; std::string sOrphanRegex; std::string sCoverList; std::string sReportFilePath; std::string sInstallersSubdir; std::string sExtrasSubdir; std::string sPatchesSubdir; std::string sLanguagePackSubdir; std::string sDLCSubdir; std::string sGameSubdir; std::string sFileIdString; std::string sOutputFilename; std::string sLanguagePriority; std::string sPlatformPriority; std::string sIgnoreDLCCountRegex; std::vector<unsigned int> vLanguagePriority; std::vector<unsigned int> vPlatformPriority; unsigned int iInstallerPlatform; unsigned int iInstallerLanguage; unsigned int iInclude; int iRetries; int iWait; int iCacheValid; size_t iChunkSize; curl_off_t iDownloadRate; long int iTimeout; Blacklist blacklist; }; #endif // CONFIG_H__