Sude 0d9c27d20a Added --status command and made createXML output easier to read
Version check before download now works without local XML data. However it is much slower without the XML data because it calculates MD5 for the files

Some changes to config.h
- Removed "bHelp" from config because it was not needed
- Changed "bNoColor" to "bColor"
- Changed "bNoUnicode" to "bUnicode"
2013-11-14 15:40:59 +02:00

1664 lines
60 KiB

/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
* the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
* To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
* http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. */
#include "downloader.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "globalconstants.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_types.hpp>
#include <tinyxml.h>
#include <jsoncpp/json/json.h>
#include <htmlcxx/html/ParserDom.h>
namespace bptime = boost::posix_time;
Downloader::Downloader(Config &conf)
this->config = conf;
delete progressbar;
delete gogAPI;
/* Initialize the downloader
returns 0 if successful
returns 1 if failed
int Downloader::init()
this->resume_position = 0;
curlhandle = curl_easy_init();
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, config.sVersionString.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, config.iTimeout);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA, this);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, config.sCookiePath.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, config.sCookiePath.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, config.bVerifyPeer);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, config.bVerbose);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, Downloader::writeData);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, Downloader::readData);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, Downloader::progressCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE, config.iDownloadRate);
gogAPI = new API(config.sToken, config.sSecret);
gogAPI->curlSetOpt(CURLOPT_VERBOSE, config.bVerbose);
gogAPI->curlSetOpt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, config.bVerifyPeer);
gogAPI->curlSetOpt(CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, config.iTimeout);
progressbar = new ProgressBar(config.bUnicode, config.bColor);
bool bInitOK = gogAPI->init();
if (config.bLogin || !bInitOK)
return this->login();
if (!config.bNoCover && config.bDownload && !config.bUpdateCheck)
coverXML = this->getResponse("https://sites.google.com/site/gogdownloader/GOG_covers_v2.xml");
if (config.bCheckOrphans) // Always check everything when checking for orphaned files
config.bNoInstallers = false;
config.bNoExtras = false;
config.bNoPatches = false;
config.bNoLanguagePacks = false;
if (!config.bUpdateCheck) // updateCheck() calls getGameList() if needed
return 0;
/* Login
returns 1 if login fails
returns 0 if successful
int Downloader::login()
char *pwd;
std::string email;
std::cout << "Email: ";
pwd = getpass("Password: ");
std::string password = (std::string)pwd;
if (email.empty() || password.empty())
std::cout << "Email and/or password empty" << std::endl;
return 1;
// Login to website
if (!HTTP_Login(email, password))
std::cout << "HTTP: Login failed" << std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "HTTP: Login successful" << std::endl;
// Login to API
if (!gogAPI->login(email, password))
std::cout << "API: Login failed" << std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "API: Login successful" << std::endl;
// Save token and secret to config file
std::ofstream ofs(config.sConfigFilePath.c_str());
if (ofs)
ofs << "token = " << gogAPI->getToken() << std::endl << "secret = " << gogAPI->getSecret() << std::endl;
return 0;
std::cout << "Failed to create config: " << config.sConfigFilePath << std::endl;
return 1;
void Downloader::updateCheck()
if (gogAPI->user.notifications_forum)
std::cout << gogAPI->user.notifications_forum << " new forum replies" << std::endl;
std::cout << "No new forum replies" << std::endl;
if (gogAPI->user.notifications_messages)
std::cout << gogAPI->user.notifications_messages << " new private message(s)" << std::endl;
std::cout << "No new private messages" << std::endl;
if (gogAPI->user.notifications_games)
std::cout << gogAPI->user.notifications_games << " updated game(s)" << std::endl;
std::cout << "No updated games" << std::endl;
if (gogAPI->user.notifications_games)
config.sGameRegex = ".*"; // Always check all games
if (config.bList || config.bListDetails || config.bDownload)
if (config.bList)
config.bListDetails = true; // Always list details
if (config.bDownload)
void Downloader::getGameList()
gameNamesIds = this->getGames();
// Filter the game list
if (!config.sGameRegex.empty())
// GameRegex filter aliases
if (config.sGameRegex == "all")
config.sGameRegex = ".*";
if (config.sGameRegex == "free")
gameNamesIds = this->getFreeGames();
std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string>> gameNamesIdsFiltered;
boost::regex expression(config.sGameRegex);
boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gameNamesIds.size(); ++i)
if (boost::regex_search(gameNamesIds[i].first, what, expression))
gameNamesIds = gameNamesIdsFiltered;
if (config.bListDetails || config.bDownload || config.bRepair || config.bCheckOrphans || config.bCheckStatus)
/* Get detailed info about the games
returns 0 if successful
returns 1 if fails
int Downloader::getGameDetails()
gameDetails game;
int updated = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gameNamesIds.size(); ++i)
std::cout << "Getting game info " << i+1 << " / " << gameNamesIds.size() << "\r" << std::flush;
game = gogAPI->getGameDetails(gameNamesIds[i].first, config.iInstallerType, config.iInstallerLanguage);
if (!gogAPI->getError())
if (game.extras.empty() && !config.bNoExtras)
game.extras = this->getExtras(gameNamesIds[i].first, gameNamesIds[i].second);
if (!config.bUpdateCheck)
{ // Update check, only add games that have updated files
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < game.installers.size(); ++j)
if (game.installers[j].updated)
break; // add the game only once
if (updated >= gogAPI->user.notifications_games)
{ // Gone through all updated games. No need to go through the rest.
std::cout << std::endl << "Got info for all updated games. Moving on..." << std::endl;
std::cout << gogAPI->getErrorMessage() << std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
void Downloader::listGames()
if (config.bListDetails) // Detailed list
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < games.size(); ++i)
std::cout << "gamename: " << games[i].gamename << std::endl
<< "title: " << games[i].title << std::endl
<< "icon: " << "http://static.gog.com" << games[i].icon << std::endl;
// List installers
if (!config.bNoInstallers)
std::cout << "installers: " << std::endl;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].installers.size(); ++j)
if (!config.bUpdateCheck || games[i].installers[j].updated) // Always list updated files
std::cout << "\tid: " << games[i].installers[j].id << std::endl
<< "\tname: " << games[i].installers[j].name << std::endl
<< "\tpath: " << games[i].installers[j].path << std::endl
<< "\tsize: " << games[i].installers[j].size << std::endl
<< "\tupdated: " << (games[i].installers[j].updated ? "True" : "False") << std::endl
<< std::endl;
// List extras
if (!config.bNoExtras && !config.bUpdateCheck && !games[i].extras.empty())
std::cout << "extras: " << std::endl;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].extras.size(); ++j)
std::cout << "\tid: " << games[i].extras[j].id << std::endl
<< "\tname: " << games[i].extras[j].name << std::endl
<< "\tpath: " << games[i].extras[j].path << std::endl
<< "\tsize: " << games[i].extras[j].size << std::endl
<< std::endl;
// List patches
if (!config.bNoPatches && !config.bUpdateCheck && !games[i].patches.empty())
std::cout << "patches: " << std::endl;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].patches.size(); ++j)
std::cout << "\tid: " << games[i].patches[j].id << std::endl
<< "\tname: " << games[i].patches[j].name << std::endl
<< "\tpath: " << games[i].patches[j].path << std::endl
<< "\tsize: " << games[i].patches[j].size << std::endl
<< std::endl;
// List language packs
if (!config.bNoLanguagePacks && !config.bUpdateCheck && !games[i].languagepacks.empty())
std::cout << "language packs: " << std::endl;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].languagepacks.size(); ++j)
std::cout << "\tid: " << games[i].languagepacks[j].id << std::endl
<< "\tname: " << games[i].languagepacks[j].name << std::endl
<< "\tpath: " << games[i].languagepacks[j].path << std::endl
<< "\tsize: " << games[i].languagepacks[j].size << std::endl
<< std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gameNamesIds.size(); ++i)
std::cout << gameNamesIds[i].first << std::endl;
void Downloader::repair()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < games.size(); ++i)
// Installers (use remote or local file)
if (!config.bNoInstallers)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].installers.size(); ++j)
std::string filepath = Util::makeFilepath(config.sDirectory, games[i].installers[j].path, games[i].gamename);
// Get XML data
std::string XML = "";
if (!config.bNoRemoteXML)
XML = gogAPI->getXML(games[i].gamename, games[i].installers[j].id);
if (gogAPI->getError())
std::cout << gogAPI->getErrorMessage() << std::endl;
// Repair
if (!XML.empty() || config.bNoRemoteXML)
std::string url = gogAPI->getInstallerLink(games[i].gamename, games[i].installers[j].id);
if (gogAPI->getError())
std::cout << gogAPI->getErrorMessage() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Repairing file " << filepath << std::endl;
this->repairFile(url, filepath, XML);
std::cout << std::endl;
// Extras (GOG doesn't provide XML data for extras, use local file)
if (!config.bNoExtras)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].extras.size(); ++j)
std::string filepath = Util::makeFilepath(config.sDirectory, games[i].extras[j].path, games[i].gamename);
std::string url = gogAPI->getExtraLink(games[i].gamename, games[i].extras[j].id);
if (gogAPI->getError())
std::cout << gogAPI->getErrorMessage() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Repairing file " << filepath << std::endl;
this->repairFile(url, filepath);
std::cout << std::endl;
// Patches (use remote or local file)
if (!config.bNoPatches)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].patches.size(); ++j)
std::string filepath = Util::makeFilepath(config.sDirectory, games[i].patches[j].path, games[i].gamename);
std::string url = gogAPI->getPatchLink(games[i].gamename, games[i].patches[j].id);
if (gogAPI->getError())
std::cout << gogAPI->getErrorMessage() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Repairing file " << filepath << std::endl;
this->repairFile(url, filepath);
std::cout << std::endl;
// Language packs (GOG doesn't provide XML data for language packs, use local file)
if (!config.bNoLanguagePacks)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].languagepacks.size(); ++j)
std::string filepath = Util::makeFilepath(config.sDirectory, games[i].languagepacks[j].path, games[i].gamename);
std::string url = gogAPI->getLanguagePackLink(games[i].gamename, games[i].languagepacks[j].id);
if (gogAPI->getError())
std::cout << gogAPI->getErrorMessage() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Repairing file " << filepath << std::endl;
this->repairFile(url, filepath);
std::cout << std::endl;
void Downloader::download()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < games.size(); ++i)
// Download covers
if (!config.bNoCover && !config.bUpdateCheck)
// Take path from installer path because for some games the base directory for installer/extra path is not "gamename"
std::string filepath = Util::makeFilepath(config.sDirectory, games[i].installers[0].path, games[i].gamename);
// Get base directory from filepath
boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what;
boost::regex expression("(.*)/.*");
boost::regex_match(filepath, what, expression);
std::string directory = what[1];
this->downloadCovers(games[i].gamename, directory, coverXML);
// Download installers
if (!config.bNoInstallers)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].installers.size(); ++j)
// Not updated, skip to next installer
if (config.bUpdateCheck && !games[i].installers[j].updated)
// Get link
std::string url = gogAPI->getInstallerLink(games[i].gamename, games[i].installers[j].id);
if (gogAPI->getError())
std::cout << gogAPI->getErrorMessage() << std::endl;
std::string filepath = Util::makeFilepath(config.sDirectory, games[i].installers[j].path, games[i].gamename);
// Download
if (!url.empty())
std::string XML;
if (!config.bNoRemoteXML)
XML = gogAPI->getXML(games[i].gamename, games[i].installers[j].id);
if (!games[i].installers[j].name.empty())
std::cout << "Dowloading: " << games[i].installers[j].name << std::endl;
std::cout << filepath << std::endl;
this->downloadFile(url, filepath, XML);
std::cout << std::endl;
// Download extras
if (!config.bNoExtras && !config.bUpdateCheck)
{ // Save some time and don't process extras when running update check. Extras don't have updated flag, all of them would be skipped anyway.
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].extras.size(); ++j)
// Get link
std::string url = gogAPI->getExtraLink(games[i].gamename, games[i].extras[j].id);
if (gogAPI->getError())
std::cout << gogAPI->getErrorMessage() << std::endl;
std::string filepath = Util::makeFilepath(config.sDirectory, games[i].extras[j].path, games[i].gamename);
// Download
if (!url.empty())
if (!games[i].extras[j].name.empty())
std::cout << "Dowloading: " << games[i].extras[j].name << std::endl;
std::cout << filepath << std::endl;
CURLcode result = downloadFile(url, filepath);
std::cout << std::endl;
if (result==CURLE_OK && config.sXMLFile == "automatic")
std::cout << "Starting automatic XML creation" << std::endl;
Util::createXML(filepath, config.iChunkSize, config.sXMLDirectory);
std::cout << std::endl;
// Download patches
if (!config.bNoPatches)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].patches.size(); ++j)
// Get link
std::string url = gogAPI->getPatchLink(games[i].gamename, games[i].patches[j].id);
if (gogAPI->getError())
std::cout << gogAPI->getErrorMessage() << std::endl;
std::string filepath = Util::makeFilepath(config.sDirectory, games[i].patches[j].path, games[i].gamename);
// Download
if (!url.empty())
if (!games[i].patches[j].name.empty())
std::cout << "Dowloading: " << games[i].gamename << " " << games[i].patches[j].name << std::endl;
std::cout << filepath << std::endl;
CURLcode result = downloadFile(url, filepath);
std::cout << std::endl;
if (result==CURLE_OK && config.sXMLFile == "automatic")
std::cout << "Starting automatic XML creation" << std::endl;
Util::createXML(filepath, config.iChunkSize, config.sXMLDirectory);
std::cout << std::endl;
// Download language packs
if (!config.bNoLanguagePacks)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].languagepacks.size(); ++j)
// Get link
std::string url = gogAPI->getLanguagePackLink(games[i].gamename, games[i].languagepacks[j].id);
if (gogAPI->getError())
std::cout << gogAPI->getErrorMessage() << std::endl;
std::string filepath = Util::makeFilepath(config.sDirectory, games[i].languagepacks[j].path, games[i].gamename);
// Download
if (!url.empty())
if (!games[i].languagepacks[j].name.empty())
std::cout << "Dowloading: " << games[i].gamename << " " << games[i].languagepacks[j].name << std::endl;
std::cout << filepath << std::endl;
CURLcode result = downloadFile(url, filepath);
std::cout << std::endl;
if (result==CURLE_OK && config.sXMLFile == "automatic")
std::cout << "Starting automatic XML creation" << std::endl;
Util::createXML(filepath, config.iChunkSize, config.sXMLDirectory);
std::cout << std::endl;
// Download a file, resume if possible
CURLcode Downloader::downloadFile(const std::string& url, const std::string& filepath, const std::string& xml_data)
CURLcode res = CURLE_RECV_ERROR; // assume network error
bool bResume = false;
FILE *outfile;
size_t offset=0;
// Get directory from filepath
boost::filesystem::path pathname = filepath;
std::string directory = pathname.parent_path().string();
std::string filenameXML = pathname.filename().string() + ".xml";
// Using local XML data for version check before resuming
boost::filesystem::path local_xml_file;
local_xml_file = config.sXMLDirectory + "/" + filenameXML;
bool bSameVersion = true; // assume same version
bool bLocalXMLExists = boost::filesystem::exists(local_xml_file); // This is additional check to see if remote xml should be saved to speed up future version checks
std::string localHash = this->getLocalFileHash(filepath);
if (!xml_data.empty())
// Do version check if local hash exists
if (!localHash.empty())
TiXmlDocument remote_xml;
TiXmlNode *fileNodeRemote = remote_xml.FirstChild("file");
if (fileNodeRemote)
TiXmlElement *fileElemRemote = fileNodeRemote->ToElement();
std::string remoteHash = fileElemRemote->Attribute("md5");
if (remoteHash != localHash)
bSameVersion = false;
// Check that directory exists and create subdirectories
boost::filesystem::path path = directory;
if (boost::filesystem::exists(path))
if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory(path))
std::cout << path << " is not directory" << std::endl;
return res;
if (!boost::filesystem::create_directories(path))
std::cout << "Failed to create directory: " << path << std::endl;
return res;
// Check if file exists
if ((outfile=fopen(filepath.c_str(), "r"))!=NULL)
if (bSameVersion)
// File exists, resume
if ((outfile = freopen(filepath.c_str(), "r+", outfile))!=NULL )
bResume = true;
fseek(outfile, 0, SEEK_END);
offset = ftell(outfile);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM, offset);
this->resume_position = offset;
std::cout << "Failed to reopen " << filepath << std::endl;
return res;
std::cout << "Remote file is different, renaming local file" << std::endl;
boost::filesystem::path new_name = filepath + ".old";
if (boost::filesystem::exists(new_name))
std::cout << "Old renamed file found, deleting old file" << std::endl;
if (!boost::filesystem::remove(new_name))
std::cout << "Failed to delete " << new_name.string() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Skipping file" << std::endl;
return res;
boost::system::error_code ec;
boost::filesystem::rename(pathname, new_name, ec);
if (ec)
std::cout << "Failed to rename " << filepath << " to " << new_name.string() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Skipping file" << std::endl;
return res;
// Create new file
if ((outfile=fopen(filepath.c_str(), "w"))!=NULL)
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM, 0); // start downloading from the beginning of file
this->resume_position = 0;
std::cout << "Failed to create " << filepath << std::endl;
return res;
// File doesn't exist, create new file
if ((outfile=fopen(filepath.c_str(), "w"))!=NULL)
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM, 0); // start downloading from the beginning of file
this->resume_position = 0;
std::cout << "Failed to create " << filepath << std::endl;
return res;
// Save remote XML
if (!xml_data.empty())
if ((bLocalXMLExists && (!bSameVersion || config.bRepair)) || !bLocalXMLExists)
std::ofstream ofs(local_xml_file.string().c_str());
if (ofs)
ofs << xml_data;
std::cout << "Can't create " << local_xml_file.string() << std::endl;
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, outfile);
res = this->beginDownload();
// Download failed and was not a resume attempt so delete the file
if (res != CURLE_OK && !bResume)
boost::filesystem::path path = filepath;
if (boost::filesystem::exists(path))
if (!boost::filesystem::remove(path))
std::cout << "Failed to delete " << path << std::endl;
return res;
// Repair file
int Downloader::repairFile(const std::string& url, const std::string& filepath, const std::string& xml_data)
int res = 0;
FILE *outfile;
size_t offset=0, from_offset, to_offset, filesize;
std::string filehash;
int chunks;
std::vector<size_t> chunk_from, chunk_to;
std::vector<std::string> chunk_hash;
bool bParsingFailed = false;
// Get filename
boost::filesystem::path pathname = filepath;
std::string filename = pathname.filename().string();
TiXmlDocument xml;
if (!xml_data.empty()) {
std::cout << "XML: Using remote file" << std::endl;
std::string xml_file = config.sXMLDirectory + "/" + filename + ".xml";
std::cout << "XML: Using local file" << std::endl;
TiXmlNode *fileNode = xml.FirstChild("file");
if (!fileNode)
std::cout << "XML: Parsing failed / not valid XML" << std::endl;
if (config.bDownload)
bParsingFailed = true;
return res;
std::cout << "XML: Valid XML" << std::endl;
TiXmlElement *fileElem = fileNode->ToElement();
filename = fileElem->Attribute("name");
filehash = fileElem->Attribute("md5");
std::stringstream(fileElem->Attribute("chunks")) >> chunks;
std::stringstream(fileElem->Attribute("total_size")) >> filesize;
//Iterate through all chunk nodes
TiXmlNode *chunkNode = fileNode->FirstChild();
while (chunkNode)
TiXmlElement *chunkElem = chunkNode->ToElement();
std::stringstream(chunkElem->Attribute("from")) >> from_offset;
std::stringstream(chunkElem->Attribute("to")) >> to_offset;
chunkNode = fileNode->IterateChildren(chunkNode);
std::cout << "XML: Parsing finished" << std::endl << std::endl
<< filename << std::endl
<< "\tMD5:\t" << filehash << std::endl
<< "\tChunks:\t" << chunks << std::endl
<< "\tSize:\t" << filesize << " bytes" << std::endl << std::endl;
// Check if file exists
if ((outfile=fopen(filepath.c_str(), "r"))!=NULL && !bParsingFailed)
// File exists
if ((outfile = freopen(filepath.c_str(), "r+", outfile))!=NULL )
fseek(outfile, 0, SEEK_END);
offset = ftell(outfile);
std::cout << "Failed to reopen " << filepath << std::endl;
return res;
std::cout << "File doesn't exist " << filepath << std::endl;
if (this->config.bDownload)
std::cout << "Downloading: " << filepath << std::endl;
CURLcode result = this->downloadFile(url, filepath, xml_data);
if (result == CURLE_OK)
if (config.sXMLFile == "automatic" && bParsingFailed)
std::cout << "Starting automatic XML creation" << std::endl;
Util::createXML(filepath, config.iChunkSize, config.sXMLDirectory);
res = 1;
return res;
if (offset != filesize)
std::cout << "Filesizes don't match" << std::endl
<< "Incomplete download or different version" << std::endl;
if (this->config.bDownload)
std::cout << "Redownloading file" << std::endl;
boost::filesystem::path path = filepath;
if (!boost::filesystem::remove(path))
std::cout << "Failed to delete " << path << std::endl;
res = 0;
CURLcode result = this->downloadFile(url, filepath, xml_data);
std::cout << std::endl;
if (result == CURLE_OK)
res = 1;
res = 0;
return res;
for (int i=0; i<chunks; i++)
size_t chunk_begin = chunk_from.at(i);
size_t chunk_end = chunk_to.at(i);
size_t size=0, chunk_size = chunk_end - chunk_begin + 1;
std::string range = std::to_string(chunk_begin) + "-" + std::to_string(chunk_end);
std::cout << "\033[0K\rChunk " << i << " (" << chunk_size << " bytes): ";
fseek(outfile, chunk_begin, SEEK_SET);
unsigned char *chunk = (unsigned char *) malloc(chunk_size * sizeof(unsigned char *));
if (chunk == NULL)
std::cout << "Memory error" << std::endl;
return res;
size = fread(chunk, 1, chunk_size, outfile);
if (size != chunk_size)
std::cout << "Read error" << std::endl;
return res;
std::string hash = Util::getChunkHash(chunk, chunk_size, RHASH_MD5);
if (hash != chunk_hash.at(i))
std::cout << "Failed - downloading chunk" << std::endl;
fseek(outfile, chunk_begin, SEEK_SET);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, outfile);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_RANGE, range.c_str()); //download range
this->beginDownload(); //begin chunk download
std::cout << std::endl;
i--; //verify downloaded chunk
std::cout << "OK\r" << std::flush;
res = 1;
std::cout << std::endl;
return res;
// Download cover images
int Downloader::downloadCovers(const std::string& gamename, const std::string& directory, const std::string& cover_xml_data)
int res = 0;
TiXmlDocument xml;
// Check that directory exists and create subdirectories
boost::filesystem::path path = directory;
if (boost::filesystem::exists(path))
if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory(path))
std::cout << path << " is not directory" << std::endl;
return res;
if (!boost::filesystem::create_directories(path))
std::cout << "Failed to create directory: " << path << std::endl;
return res;
TiXmlElement *rootNode = xml.RootElement();
if (!rootNode)
std::cout << "Not valid XML" << std::endl;
return res;
TiXmlNode *gameNode = rootNode->FirstChild();
while (gameNode)
TiXmlElement *gameElem = gameNode->ToElement();
std::string game_name = gameElem->Attribute("name");
if (game_name == gamename)
boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what;
TiXmlNode *coverNode = gameNode->FirstChild();
while (coverNode)
TiXmlElement *coverElem = coverNode->ToElement();
std::string cover_url = coverElem->GetText();
// Get file extension for the image
boost::regex e1(".*(\\.\\w+)$", boost::regex::perl | boost::regex::icase);
boost::regex_search(cover_url, what, e1);
std::string file_extension = what[1];
std::string cover_name = std::string("cover_") + coverElem->Attribute("id") + file_extension;
std::string filepath = directory + "/" + cover_name;
std::cout << "Downloading cover " << filepath << std::endl;
CURLcode result = this->downloadFile(cover_url, filepath);
std::cout << std::endl;
if (result == CURLE_OK)
res = 1;
res = 0;
long int response_code = 0;
result = curl_easy_getinfo(curlhandle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &response_code);
std::cout << "HTTP ERROR: ";
if (result == CURLE_OK)
std::cout << response_code << std::endl;
std::cout << "failed to get error code: " << curl_easy_strerror(result) << std::endl;
coverNode = gameNode->IterateChildren(coverNode);
break; // Found cover for game, no need to go through rest of the game nodes
gameNode = rootNode->IterateChildren(gameNode);
return res;
CURLcode Downloader::beginDownload()
CURLcode result = curl_easy_perform(curlhandle);
this->resume_position = 0;
return result;
std::string Downloader::getResponse(const std::string& url)
std::ostringstream memory;
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, Downloader::writeMemoryCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &memory);
CURLcode result = curl_easy_perform(curlhandle);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, Downloader::writeData);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0);
std::string response = memory.str();
if (result != CURLE_OK)
std::cout << curl_easy_strerror(result) << std::endl;
return response;
int Downloader::progressCallback(void *clientp, double dltotal, double dlnow, double ultotal, double ulnow)
// on entry: dltotal - how much remains to download till the end of the file (bytes)
// dlnow - how much was downloaded from the start of the program (bytes)
unsigned int bar_length = 26;
Downloader* downloader = static_cast<Downloader*>(clientp);
double rate; // average download speed in B/s
// trying to get rate and setting to NaN if it fails
if (CURLE_OK != curl_easy_getinfo(downloader->curlhandle, CURLINFO_SPEED_DOWNLOAD, &rate))
rate = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
// (Shmerl): this flag is needed to catch the case before anything was downloaded on resume,
// and there is no way to calculate the fraction, so we set to 0 (otherwise it'd be 1).
// This is to prevent the progress bar from jumping to 100% and then to lower value.
// It's visually better to jump from 0% to higher one.
bool starting = ((0.0 == dlnow) && (0.0 == dltotal));
// (Shmerl): DEBUG: strange thing - when resuming a file which is already downloaded, dlnow is correctly 0.0
// but dltotal is 389.0! This messes things up in the progress bar not showing the very last bar as full.
// enable this debug line to test the problem:
// printf("\r\033[0K dlnow: %0.2f, dltotal: %0.2f\r", dlnow, dltotal); fflush(stdout); return 0;
// For now making a quirky workaround and setting dltotal to 0.0 in that case.
// It's probably better to find a real fix.
if ((0.0 == dlnow) && (389.0 == dltotal)) dltotal = 0.0;
// setting full dlwnow and dltotal
double offset = static_cast<double>(downloader->getResumePosition());
if (offset>0)
dlnow += offset;
dltotal += offset;
// Update progress bar every 100ms
if (downloader->timer.getTimeBetweenUpdates()>=100 || dlnow == dltotal)
bptime::time_duration eta(bptime::seconds((long)((dltotal - dlnow) / rate)));
std::stringstream eta_ss;
if (eta.hours() > 23)
eta_ss << eta.hours() / 24 << "d " <<
std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << eta.hours() % 24 << "h " <<
std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << eta.minutes() << "m " <<
std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << eta.seconds() << "s";
else if (eta.hours() > 0)
eta_ss << eta.hours() << "h " <<
std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << eta.minutes() << "m " <<
std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << eta.seconds() << "s";
else if (eta.minutes() > 0)
eta_ss << eta.minutes() << "m " <<
std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << eta.seconds() << "s";
eta_ss << eta.seconds() << "s";
// Create progressbar
double fraction = starting ? 0.0 : dlnow / dltotal;
// assuming that config is provided.
printf("\033[0K\r%3.0f%% ", fraction * 100);
downloader->progressbar->draw(bar_length, fraction);
std::string rate_unit;
if (rate > 1048576) // 1 MB
rate /= 1048576;
rate_unit = "MB/s";
rate /= 1024;
rate_unit = "kB/s";
printf(" %0.2f/%0.2fMB @ %0.2f%s ETA: %s\r", dlnow/1024/1024, dltotal/1024/1024, rate, rate_unit.c_str(), eta_ss.str().c_str());
return 0;
size_t Downloader::writeMemoryCallback(char *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp) {
std::ostringstream *stream = (std::ostringstream*)userp;
size_t count = size * nmemb;
stream->write(ptr, count);
return count;
size_t Downloader::writeData(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream)
return fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, stream);
size_t Downloader::readData(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream)
return fread(ptr, size, nmemb, stream);
size_t Downloader::getResumePosition()
return this->resume_position;
// Login to GOG website
int Downloader::HTTP_Login(const std::string& email, const std::string& password)
int res = 0;
std::string postdata;
std::ostringstream memory;
std::string buk;
// Get "buk" for login form
std::string json = this->getResponse("http://www.gog.com/user/ajax/?a=get");
Json::Value root;
Json::Reader *jsonparser = new Json::Reader;
bool parsingSuccessful = jsonparser->parse(json, root);
if (!parsingSuccessful)
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cerr << "DEBUG INFO (Downloader::HTTP_Login)" << std::endl << json << std::endl;
std::cout << jsonparser->getFormatedErrorMessages();
return res = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cerr << "DEBUG INFO (Downloader::HTTP_Login)" << std::endl << root << std::endl;
buk = root["buk"].asString();
//Create postdata - escape characters in email/password to support special characters
postdata = "log_email=" + (std::string)curl_easy_escape(curlhandle, email.c_str(),email.size())
+ "&log_password=" + (std::string)curl_easy_escape(curlhandle, password.c_str(), password.size())
+ "&buk=" + (std::string)curl_easy_escape(curlhandle, buk.c_str(), buk.size());
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_URL, "https://secure.gog.com/login");
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, postdata.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, Downloader::writeMemoryCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &memory);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_POSTREDIR, CURL_REDIR_POST_ALL);
CURLcode result = curl_easy_perform(curlhandle);
if (result != CURLE_OK)
// Expected to hit maximum amount of redirects so don't print error on it
std::cout << curl_easy_strerror(result) << std::endl;
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, -1);
json = this->getResponse("http://www.gog.com/user/ajax/?a=get");
parsingSuccessful = jsonparser->parse(json, root);
if (!parsingSuccessful)
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cerr << "DEBUG INFO (Downloader::HTTP_Login)" << std::endl << json << std::endl;
std::cout << jsonparser->getFormatedErrorMessages();
return res = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cerr << "DEBUG INFO (Downloader::HTTP_Login)" << std::endl << root << std::endl;
if (root["user"]["email"].asString() == email && (result == CURLE_OK || result == CURLE_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS))
res = 1; // Login successful
res = 0; // Login failed
delete jsonparser;
return res;
// Get list of games from account page
std::vector< std::pair<std::string,std::string> > Downloader::getGames()
std::vector< std::pair<std::string,std::string> > games;
Json::Value root;
Json::Reader *jsonparser = new Json::Reader;
int i = 1;
std::string html = "";
std::string page_html = "";
std::string response = this->getResponse("https://secure.gog.com/en/account/ajax?a=gamesShelfMore&s=title&q=&t=0&p=" + std::to_string(i));
// Parse JSON
if (!jsonparser->parse(response, root))
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cerr << "DEBUG INFO (Downloader::getGames)" << std::endl << response << std::endl;
std::cout << jsonparser->getFormatedErrorMessages();
delete jsonparser;
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cerr << "DEBUG INFO (Downloader::getGames)" << std::endl << root << std::endl;
page_html = root["html"].asString();
html += page_html;
} while (!page_html.empty());
delete jsonparser;
// Parse HTML to get game names
htmlcxx::HTML::ParserDom parser;
tree<htmlcxx::HTML::Node> dom = parser.parseTree(html);
tree<htmlcxx::HTML::Node>::iterator it = dom.begin();
tree<htmlcxx::HTML::Node>::iterator end = dom.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
if (it->tagName()=="div")
std::string classname = it->attribute("class").second;
if (classname=="shelf_game")
// Game name is contained in data-gameindex attribute
std::string game = it->attribute("data-gameindex").second;
std::string gameid = it->attribute("data-gameid").second;
if (!game.empty() && !gameid.empty())
return games;
// Get list of free games
std::vector< std::pair<std::string,std::string> > Downloader::getFreeGames()
Json::Value root;
Json::Reader *jsonparser = new Json::Reader;
std::vector< std::pair<std::string,std::string> > games;
std::string json = this->getResponse("https://secure.gog.com/games/ajax?a=search&f={\"price\":[\"free\"]}&p=1&t=all");
// Parse JSON
if (!jsonparser->parse(json, root))
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cerr << "DEBUG INFO (Downloader::getFreeGames)" << std::endl << json << std::endl;
std::cout << jsonparser->getFormatedErrorMessages();
delete jsonparser;
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cerr << "DEBUG INFO (Downloader::getFreeGames)" << std::endl << root << std::endl;
std::string html = root["result"]["html"].asString();
delete jsonparser;
// Parse HTML to get game names
htmlcxx::HTML::ParserDom parser;
tree<htmlcxx::HTML::Node> dom = parser.parseTree(html);
tree<htmlcxx::HTML::Node>::iterator it = dom.begin();
tree<htmlcxx::HTML::Node>::iterator end = dom.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
if (it->tagName()=="span")
std::string classname = it->attribute("class").second;
if (classname=="gog-price game-owned")
// Game name is contained in data-gameindex attribute
std::string game = it->attribute("data-gameindex").second;
std::string id = it->attribute("data-gameid").second;
if (!game.empty() && !id.empty())
return games;
std::vector<gameFile> Downloader::getExtras(const std::string& gamename, const std::string& gameid)
Json::Value root;
Json::Reader *jsonparser = new Json::Reader;
std::vector<gameFile> extras;
std::string gameDataUrl = "https://secure.gog.com/en/account/ajax?a=gamesListDetails&g=" + gameid;
std::string json = this->getResponse(gameDataUrl);
// Parse JSON
if (!jsonparser->parse(json, root))
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cerr << "DEBUG INFO (Downloader::getExtras)" << std::endl << json << std::endl;
std::cout << jsonparser->getFormatedErrorMessages();
delete jsonparser;
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cerr << "DEBUG INFO (Downloader::getExtras)" << std::endl << root << std::endl;
std::string html = root["details"]["html"].asString();
delete jsonparser;
htmlcxx::HTML::ParserDom parser;
tree<htmlcxx::HTML::Node> dom = parser.parseTree(html);
tree<htmlcxx::HTML::Node>::iterator it = dom.begin();
tree<htmlcxx::HTML::Node>::iterator end = dom.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
if (it->tagName()=="a")
std::string href = it->attribute("href").second;
// Extra links https://secure.gog.com/downlink/file/gamename/id_number
if (href.find("/downlink/file/" + gamename + "/")!=std::string::npos)
std::string id, name, path;
id.assign(href.begin()+href.find_last_of("/")+1, href.end());
// Get path from download link
std::string url = gogAPI->getExtraLink(gamename, id);
path.assign(url.begin()+url.find("/extras/"), url.begin()+url.find_first_of("?"));
path = "/" + gamename + path;
// Get name from path
gameFile ( false,
return extras;
void Downloader::checkOrphans()
std::vector<std::string> orphans;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < games.size(); ++i)
std::cout << "Checking for orphaned files " << i+1 << " / " << games.size() << "\r" << std::flush;
boost::filesystem::path path (config.sDirectory + games[i].gamename);
std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> filepath_vector;
if (boost::filesystem::exists(path))
if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(path))
boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator end_iter;
boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator dir_iter(path);
while (dir_iter != end_iter)
if (boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(dir_iter->status()))
std::string filename = dir_iter->path().filename().string();
boost::regex expression(".*\\.(zip|exe|bin|dmg|old)$");
boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what;
if (boost::regex_search(filename, what, expression))
std::cout << path << " does not exist" << std::endl;
catch (const boost::filesystem::filesystem_error& ex)
std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
if (!filepath_vector.empty())
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < filepath_vector.size(); ++j)
bool bFoundFile = false;
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < games[i].installers.size(); ++k)
if (games[i].installers[k].path.find(filepath_vector[j].filename().string()) != std::string::npos)
bFoundFile = true;
if (!bFoundFile)
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < games[i].extras.size(); ++k)
if (games[i].extras[k].path.find(filepath_vector[j].filename().string()) != std::string::npos)
bFoundFile = true;
if (!bFoundFile)
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < games[i].patches.size(); ++k)
if (games[i].patches[k].path.find(filepath_vector[j].filename().string()) != std::string::npos)
bFoundFile = true;
if (!bFoundFile)
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < games[i].languagepacks.size(); ++k)
if (games[i].languagepacks[k].path.find(filepath_vector[j].filename().string()) != std::string::npos)
bFoundFile = true;
if (!bFoundFile)
std::cout << std::endl;
if (!orphans.empty())
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < orphans.size(); ++i)
std::cout << orphans[i] << std::endl;
std::cout << "No orphaned files" << std::endl;
// Check status of files
void Downloader::checkStatus()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < games.size(); ++i)
if (!config.bNoInstallers)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].installers.size(); ++j)
boost::filesystem::path filepath = Util::makeFilepath(config.sDirectory, games[i].installers[j].path, games[i].gamename);
std::string remoteHash;
std::string localHash;
bool bHashOK = true; // assume hash OK
size_t filesize;
localHash = this->getLocalFileHash(filepath.string());
remoteHash = this->getRemoteFileHash(games[i].gamename, games[i].installers[j].id);
if (boost::filesystem::exists(filepath))
filesize = boost::filesystem::file_size(filepath);
if (remoteHash != localHash)
bHashOK = false;
std::cout << (bHashOK ? "OK " : "MD5 ") << games[i].gamename << " " << filepath.filename().string() << " " << filesize << " " << localHash << std::endl;
std::cout << "ND " << games[i].gamename << " " << filepath.filename().string() << std::endl;
if (!config.bNoExtras)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].extras.size(); ++j)
boost::filesystem::path filepath = Util::makeFilepath(config.sDirectory, games[i].extras[j].path, games[i].gamename);
std::string localHash = this->getLocalFileHash(filepath.string());
size_t filesize;
if (boost::filesystem::exists(filepath))
filesize = boost::filesystem::file_size(filepath);
std::cout << "OK " << games[i].gamename << " " << filepath.filename().string() << " " << filesize << " " << localHash << std::endl;
std::cout << "ND " << games[i].gamename << " " << filepath.filename().string() << std::endl;
if (!config.bNoPatches)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].patches.size(); ++j)
boost::filesystem::path filepath = Util::makeFilepath(config.sDirectory, games[i].patches[j].path, games[i].gamename);
std::string localHash = this->getLocalFileHash(filepath.string());
size_t filesize;
if (boost::filesystem::exists(filepath))
filesize = boost::filesystem::file_size(filepath);
std::cout << "OK " << games[i].gamename << " " << filepath.filename().string() << " " << filesize << " " << localHash << std::endl;
std::cout << "ND " << games[i].gamename << " " << filepath.filename().string() << std::endl;
if (!config.bNoLanguagePacks)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < games[i].languagepacks.size(); ++j)
boost::filesystem::path filepath = Util::makeFilepath(config.sDirectory, games[i].languagepacks[j].path, games[i].gamename);
std::string localHash = this->getLocalFileHash(filepath.string());
size_t filesize;
if (boost::filesystem::exists(filepath))
filesize = boost::filesystem::file_size(filepath);
std::cout << "OK " << games[i].gamename << " " << filepath.filename().string() << " " << filesize << " " << localHash << std::endl;
std::cout << "ND " << games[i].gamename << " " << filepath.filename().string() << std::endl;
std::string Downloader::getLocalFileHash(const std::string& filepath)
std::string localHash;
boost::filesystem::path path = filepath;
boost::filesystem::path local_xml_file = config.sXMLDirectory + "/" + path.filename().string() + ".xml";
if (boost::filesystem::exists(local_xml_file))
TiXmlDocument local_xml;
TiXmlNode *fileNodeLocal = local_xml.FirstChild("file");
if (fileNodeLocal)
TiXmlElement *fileElemLocal = fileNodeLocal->ToElement();
localHash = fileElemLocal->Attribute("md5");
if (boost::filesystem::exists(path))
localHash = Util::getFileHash(path.string(), RHASH_MD5);
return localHash;
std::string Downloader::getRemoteFileHash(const std::string& gamename, const std::string& id)
std::string remoteHash;
std::string xml_data = gogAPI->getXML(gamename, id);
if (!xml_data.empty())
TiXmlDocument remote_xml;
TiXmlNode *fileNodeRemote = remote_xml.FirstChild("file");
if (fileNodeRemote)
TiXmlElement *fileElemRemote = fileNodeRemote->ToElement();
remoteHash = fileElemRemote->Attribute("md5");
return remoteHash;