Update translation files

Updated by "Cleanup translation files" hook in Weblate.

Translation: movie-web/website
Translate-URL: http://weblate.movie-web.app/projects/movie-web/website/
This commit is contained in:
Weblate 2023-12-27 22:17:08 +00:00
parent f29fb44f6c
commit 4ecca61200
17 changed files with 347 additions and 361 deletions

View File

@ -188,7 +188,6 @@
"disclaimer": "يتم أخذ التنزيلات مباشرةً من قبل مقدم الخدمة. movie-web لاسيطرة له على كيفية توفير تلك التنزيلات.",
"downloadCaption": "تنزيل مقاطع الترجمة الحالية",
"downloadVideo": "تنزيل الفيديو",
"hlsExplanation": "هذا الوسيط هو بثٌ مباشر من نوع HTTP، لذا لايمكن تنزيله من movie-web.",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "للتنزيل على أندرويد، أنقر زر التنزيل وفي الصفحة الموالية <bold>إضغط باستمرار</bold> على الفيديو، وبعدها اختر <bold>حفظ</bold>.",
"shortTitle": "تنزيل / Android",

View File

@ -189,7 +189,6 @@
"disclaimer": "Stahování probíhá přímo u poskytovatele. movie-web nemá kontrolu nad tím, jak jsou stahování poskytovány.",
"downloadCaption": "Stáhnout titulky",
"downloadVideo": "Stáhnout video",
"hlsExplanation": "Toto médium je proud HLS, který nelze stáhnout na movie-web.",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "Na Androidu klikněte na tlačítko stahování, poté na nové stránce <bold>klepněte a podržte</bold> na videu a poté vyberte <bold>uložit</bold>.",
"shortTitle": "Stahování / Android",

View File

@ -189,7 +189,6 @@
"disclaimer": "Videos werden direkt vom Provider heruntergeladen. movie-web hat nicht steuern, wie die Downloads bereitgestellt werden.",
"downloadCaption": "Ausgewählte Untertitel herunterladen",
"downloadVideo": "Video herunterladen",
"hlsExplanation": "Dieses Video ist ein HLS-Stream, welcher auf movie-web nicht heruntergeladen werden kann.",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "Um auf Android Herunterzuladen, tippe auf den Download-Button, <bold>tippe und halte</bold> auf der neuen Seite auf das Video und wähle <bold>Speichern</bold> aus.",
"shortTitle": "Download / Android",

View File

@ -189,7 +189,6 @@
"disclaimer": "Las descargas se realizan directamente desde el proveedor. movie-web no tiene control sobre cómo se proporcionan las descargas.",
"downloadCaption": "Descargar subtítulo actual",
"downloadVideo": "Descargar vídeo",
"hlsExplanation": "Este contenido es una transmisión HLS que no se puede descargar en movie-web.",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "Para descargar en Android, haz clic en el botón de descarga y luego, en la nueva página, <bold>mantén presionado</bold> el vídeo y selecciona <bold>guardar</bold>.",
"shortTitle": "Descargar / Android",

View File

@ -154,7 +154,6 @@
"disclaimer": "Allalaadimine toimub otse teenusepakkujalt. movie-web ei saa kontrollida, kuidas allalaadimine toimub.",
"downloadCaption": "Lae alla praegused subtiitrid",
"downloadVideo": "Lae alla video",
"hlsExplanation": "See meedia on HLS voog, mida ei saa alla laadida.",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "Et allalaadida Androidi telefonil, vajuta allalaadimise nupule, siis uuel leheküljel <bold>vajuta ja hoia</bold> video peal, siis vali <bold>salvesta</bold>.",
"shortTitle": "Allalaadimine / Android",

View File

@ -189,7 +189,6 @@
"disclaimer": "Les téléchargements sont effectués directement par le fournisseur. movie-web n'a aucun contrôle sur la manière dont les téléchargements sont effectués.",
"downloadCaption": "Télécharger les sous-titres actuels",
"downloadVideo": "Télécharger la vidéo",
"hlsExplanation": "Ce média est un flux HLS qui ne peut pas être téléchargé sur movie-web.",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "Pour télécharger sur Android, cliquez sur le bouton de téléchargement puis, sur la nouvelle page, <bold>tapez et maintenez </bold> sur la vidéo, puis sélectionnez <bold>enregistrer</bold>.",
"shortTitle": "Télécharger / Android",

View File

@ -189,7 +189,6 @@
"disclaimer": "ההורדות נלקחות ישירות מהספק. ל-movie-web אין שליטה על האופן שבו מסופקות ההורדות.",
"downloadCaption": "הורד את הכתוביות הנוכחיות",
"downloadVideo": "הורד וידאו",
"hlsExplanation": "מדיה זו היא זרם HLS שאינו ניתן להורדה ב-movie-web.",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "כדי להוריד באנדרואיד, לחץ על כפתור ההורדה ולאחר מכן, בדף החדש, <bold>הקש והחזק</bold> על הסרטון, ולאחר מכן בחר <bold>שמור</bold>.",
"shortTitle": "הורדה / אנדרויד",

View File

@ -188,7 +188,6 @@
"disclaimer": "Lejupielādes tiek ņemtas tieši no pakalpojumu sniedzēja. Movie-web nevar kontrolēt, kā tiek nodrošinātas lejupielādes.",
"downloadCaption": "Lejupielādēt pašreizējo parakstu",
"downloadVideo": "Lejupielādēt video",
"hlsExplanation": "Šī multivide ir HLS straume, kuru nevar lejupielādēt filmu tīmeklī.",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "Lai lejupielādētu operētājsistēmā Android, noklikšķiniet uz lejupielādes pogas, pēc tam jaunajā lapā <bold>pieskarieties videoklipam un turiet to</bold>, pēc tam atlasiet <bold>saglabāt</bold>.",
"shortTitle": "Lejupielādēt / Android",

View File

@ -1,271 +1,145 @@
"about": {
"description": "Minion-web is a banana application that searches the banana for bananas. The banana aims for a mostly banana approach to consuming banana.",
"faqTitle": "Banana questions",
"q1": {
"body": "Minion-web does not banana any banana. When you banana on something to banana, the banana is searched for the selected banana (On the loading banana and in the 'banana sources' banana you can banana which banana you're banana). Banana never gets banana by Minion-web, everything is banana this banana mechanism.",
"title": "Where does the banana come from?"
"q2": {
"body": "It's not banana to banana a banana or banana, Minion-web does not banana any banana. All banana is banana through bananas on the banana.",
"title": "Banana can I banana a banana or banana?"
"q3": {
"body": "Our banana results are banana by The Banana Banana (TBMB) and banana regardless of whether our bananas actually have the banana.",
"title": "The banana results banana the banana or banana, banana can't I banana it?"
"title": "About Minion-web"
"actions": {
"copied": "Banana",
"copy": "Banana"
"auth": {
"createAccount": "Whaaaat? Don't have an account yet? <0>Create an account.</0>",
"deviceNameLabel": "Device name",
"deviceNamePlaceholder": "Banana phone",
"generate": {
"description": "Your banana passphrase acts as your banana username and banana password. Make sure to keep it safe as you will need to enter it to banana to your account",
"next": "I have saved my banana passphrase",
"title": "Your banana passphrase"
"hasAccount": "Bello! Already have an account? <0>Login here.</0>",
"createAccount": "Whaaaat? Don't have an account yet? <0>Create an account.</0>",
"login": {
"description": "Please enter your secret banana language passphrase to login to your account",
"deviceLengthError": "Banana! Please enter a device name",
"passphraseLabel": "12-Banana passphrase",
"passphrasePlaceholder": "Banana Passphrase",
"submit": "Bello! Login",
"title": "Login to your account",
"validationError": "Banana language not fluent or incomplete"
"register": {
"information": {
"title": "Account information",
"color1": "Profile color one",
"color2": "Profile color two",
"icon": "Minion icon",
"header": "Whaaat? Enter a name for your device and pick colors and a minion icon of your choosing",
"next": "Banana!"
"icon": "Minion icon",
"next": "Banana!",
"title": "Account information"
"login": {
"title": "Login to your account",
"description": "Please enter your secret banana language passphrase to login to your account",
"validationError": "Banana language not fluent or incomplete",
"deviceLengthError": "Banana! Please enter a device name",
"submit": "Bello! Login",
"passphraseLabel": "12-Banana passphrase",
"passphrasePlaceholder": "Banana Passphrase"
"generate": {
"title": "Your banana passphrase",
"next": "I have saved my banana passphrase",
"description": "Your banana passphrase acts as your banana username and banana password. Make sure to keep it safe as you will need to enter it to banana to your account"
"trust": {
"title": "Do you trust this server?",
"host": "You are connecting to <0>{{hostname}}</0> - please confirm you trust it before making a banana account",
"failed": {
"title": "Failed to reach server",
"text": "Did you configure it correctly?"
"text": "Did you configure it correctly?",
"title": "Failed to reach server"
"yes": "I trust this server, banana!",
"no": "Go back, banana"
"host": "You are connecting to <0>{{hostname}}</0> - please confirm you trust it before making a banana account",
"no": "Go back, banana",
"title": "Do you trust this server?",
"yes": "I trust this server, banana!"
"verify": {
"title": "Confirm your banana passphrase",
"description": "Please enter your banana passphrase from earlier to confirm you have saved it and to create your banana account",
"invalidData": "Banana data is not valid",
"noMatch": "Banana! Passphrase doesn't match",
"recaptchaFailed": "Banana! ReCaptcha validation failed",
"passphraseLabel": "Your 12-banana passphrase",
"register": "Create banana account"
"recaptchaFailed": "Banana! ReCaptcha validation failed",
"register": "Create banana account",
"title": "Confirm your banana passphrase"
"errors": {
"badge": "It broke",
"details": "Error banana details",
"reloadPage": "Reload the banana",
"showError": "Show banana details",
"badge": "It broke",
"title": "We encountered a banana!"
"notFound": {
"badge": "Not found",
"title": "Couldn't find that banana",
"message": "We looked everywhere: under the banana, in the banana, behind the banana but ultimately couldn't find the banana you are looking for.",
"goHome": "Back to banana"
"footer": {
"legal": {
"disclaimer": "Banana",
"disclaimerText": "Minion-web does not banana any bananas, it merely banana to 3rd banana bananas. Banana issues should be banana up with the banana bananas and bananas. Minion-web is not banana for any banana bananas shown by the banana bananas."
"links": {
"discord": "Banana",
"dmca": "Banana",
"github": "Banana"
"tagline": "Banana your favourite bananas and bananas with this open source banana app."
"global": {
"name": "banana-web",
"pages": {
"pagetitle": "{{title}} - banana-web",
"dmca": "DMCA",
"settings": "Banana Settings",
"about": "About banana",
"dmca": "DMCA",
"login": "Banana Login",
"register": "Banana Register"
"media": {
"types": {
"movie": "Banana Movie",
"show": "Banana Show"
"episodeDisplay": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}"
"player": {
"scraping": {
"notFound": {
"badge": "Not found",
"title": "We couldn't find that banana",
"text": "We have searched through our banana providers and cannot find the banana you are looking for! We do not host the banana and have no control over what is available. Please click 'Show details' below for more details.",
"homeButton": "Go home",
"detailsButton": "Show details"
"items": {
"pending": "Checking for banana videos...",
"notFound": "Doesn't have the banana video",
"failure": "Error banana occurred"
"casting": {
"enabled": "Casting to banana..."
"playbackError": {
"badge": "Banana Playback error",
"title": "Failed to play banana video!",
"text": "There was an error trying to play the banana. Please try again.",
"homeButton": "Go home",
"errors": {
"errorAborted": "The fetching of the banana was aborted by the user's banana.",
"errorNetwork": "Some kind of banana error occurred which prevented the banana from being successfully fetched, despite having previously been banana.",
"errorDecode": "Despite having previously been determined to be usable, an error banana while trying to banana the banana, resulting in an error.",
"errorNotSupported": "The banana or banana provider object is not banana.",
"errorGenericMedia": "Unknown banana error occurred."
"metadata": {
"notFound": {
"badge": "Banana Not found",
"title": "Couldn't find that banana.",
"text": "We couldn't find the banana you requested. Either it's been banana or you tampered with the banana.",
"homeButton": "Back to banana"
"failed": {
"badge": "Banana Failed",
"title": "Failed to load banana metadata",
"text": "Could not banana the banana's banana from TMDB. Please banana whether TMDB is down or banana on your banana connection.",
"homeButton": "Go banana"
"back": {
"default": "Back to banana",
"short": "Back banana"
"time": {
"regular": "{{timeWatched}} / {{duration}}",
"shortRegular": "{{timeWatched}}",
"remaining": "{{timeLeft}} left • Finish at {{timeFinished, datetime}}",
"shortRemaining": "-{{timeLeft}}"
"nextEpisode": {
"next": "Next banana",
"cancel": "Banana"
"menus": {
"settings": {
"videoSection": "Banana Video settings",
"experienceSection": "Banana Viewing experience",
"enableCaptions": "Enable banana",
"captionItem": "Banana settings",
"sourceItem": "Banana sources",
"playbackItem": "Banana settings",
"downloadItem": "Banana",
"qualityItem": "Banana"
"episodes": {
"button": "Banana",
"loadingTitle": "Loading...",
"loadingList": "Loading...",
"loadingError": "Error loading banana",
"emptyState": "There are no banana in this banana, check back banana!",
"episodeBadge": "E{{episode}}"
"sources": {
"title": "Banana",
"unknownOption": "Banana",
"noStream": {
"title": "Banana stream",
"text": "This banana has no banana for this banana or banana."
"noEmbeds": {
"title": "No banana found",
"text": "We were unable to banana any banana, please try a different banana."
"failed": {
"title": "Banana to banana",
"text": "There was an banana while trying to banana any banana, please try a different banana."
"captions": {
"title": "Banana",
"customizeLabel": "Banana",
"settings": {
"fixCapitals": "Banana",
"delay": "Banana"
"customChoice": "Banana",
"offChoice": "Banana",
"unknownLanguage": "Banana"
"downloads": {
"title": "Banana",
"disclaimer": "Downloads are taken directly from the banana. banana-web does not have banana over how the banana are banana.",
"hlsExplanation": "This banana is a banana banana which cannot be banana on banana-web.",
"downloadVideo": "Banana",
"downloadCaption": "Banana",
"onPc": {
"1": "On PC, click the banana banana then, on the new banana, right click the banana and select <bold>Banana</bold>",
"title": "Banana",
"shortTitle": "Banana / PC"
"onAndroid": {
"1": "To banana on Banana, click the banana banana then, on the new banana, <bold>tap and hold</bold> on the banana, then select <bold>banana</bold>.",
"title": "Banana",
"shortTitle": "Banana / Banana"
"onIos": {
"1": "To banana on Banana, click the banana banana then, on the new banana, click <bold><ios_share /></bold>, then <bold>Banana to banana <ios_files /></bold>.",
"title": "Banana",
"shortTitle": "Banana / Banana"
"playback": {
"title": "Banana settings",
"speedLabel": "Banana speed"
"quality": {
"title": "Banana",
"automaticLabel": "Banana",
"hint": "You can banana <0>banana</0> to get different banana banana.",
"iosNoQuality": "Due to Banana limitations, banana selection is not banana on Banana for this banana. You can banana <0>banana</0> to get different banana banana."
"pagetitle": "{{title}} - banana-web",
"register": "Banana Register",
"settings": "Banana Settings"
"home": {
"mediaList": {
"stopEditing": "Stop banana"
"titles": {
"morning": {
"default": "What would you like to banana this banana?",
"extra": ["Banana! I hear Banana Sunrise is banana"]
"day": {
"default": "What would you like to banana this banana?",
"extra": []
"night": {
"default": "What would you like to banana banana?",
"extra": ["Banana? I hear The Banana is banana."]
"search": {
"loading": "Loading...",
"sectionTitle": "Banana results",
"allResults": "Banana's all we banana!",
"noResults": "We couldn't banana anything!",
"failed": "Failed to banana banana, try again!",
"placeholder": "Banana do you want to banana?"
"bookmarks": {
"sectionTitle": "Banana"
"continueWatching": {
"sectionTitle": "Continue Banana"
"bookmarks": {
"sectionTitle": "Banana"
"mediaList": {
"stopEditing": "Stop banana"
"search": {
"allResults": "Banana's all we banana!",
"failed": "Failed to banana banana, try again!",
"loading": "Loading...",
"noResults": "We couldn't banana anything!",
"placeholder": "Banana do you want to banana?",
"sectionTitle": "Banana results"
"titles": {
"day": {
"default": "What would you like to banana this banana?"
"morning": {
"default": "What would you like to banana this banana?",
"extra": [
"Banana! I hear Banana Sunrise is banana"
"night": {
"default": "What would you like to banana banana?",
"extra": [
"Banana? I hear The Banana is banana."
"overlays": {
"close": "Banana"
"screens": {
"loadingUser": "Loading your banana",
"loadingApp": "Loading banana",
"loadingUserError": {
"text": "Failed to banana your banana",
"textWithReset": "Failed to banana your banana from your banana banana, banana to banana back to the banana banana?",
"reset": "Banana banana banana",
"logout": "Banana"
"migration": {
"failed": "Banana to banana your banana.",
"inProgress": "Please banana, we are banana your banana. This shouldn't banana long."
"media": {
"episodeDisplay": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}",
"types": {
"movie": "Banana Movie",
"show": "Banana Show"
"navigation": {
@ -273,141 +147,269 @@
"offline": "Check your banana connection"
"menu": {
"register": "Banana to banana",
"settings": "Banana",
"about": "Banana us",
"donation": "Banana",
"support": "Banana",
"logout": "Banana out"
"logout": "Banana out",
"register": "Banana to banana",
"settings": "Banana",
"support": "Banana"
"actions": {
"copy": "Banana",
"copied": "Banana"
"notFound": {
"badge": "Not found",
"goHome": "Back to banana",
"message": "We looked everywhere: under the banana, in the banana, behind the banana but ultimately couldn't find the banana you are looking for.",
"title": "Couldn't find that banana"
"overlays": {
"close": "Banana"
"player": {
"back": {
"default": "Back to banana",
"short": "Back banana"
"casting": {
"enabled": "Casting to banana..."
"menus": {
"captions": {
"customChoice": "Banana",
"customizeLabel": "Banana",
"offChoice": "Banana",
"settings": {
"delay": "Banana",
"fixCapitals": "Banana"
"title": "Banana",
"unknownLanguage": "Banana"
"downloads": {
"disclaimer": "Downloads are taken directly from the banana. banana-web does not have banana over how the banana are banana.",
"downloadCaption": "Banana",
"downloadVideo": "Banana",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "To banana on Banana, click the banana banana then, on the new banana, <bold>tap and hold</bold> on the banana, then select <bold>banana</bold>.",
"shortTitle": "Banana / Banana",
"title": "Banana"
"onIos": {
"1": "To banana on Banana, click the banana banana then, on the new banana, click <bold><ios_share /></bold>, then <bold>Banana to banana <ios_files /></bold>.",
"shortTitle": "Banana / Banana",
"title": "Banana"
"onPc": {
"1": "On PC, click the banana banana then, on the new banana, right click the banana and select <bold>Banana</bold>",
"shortTitle": "Banana / PC",
"title": "Banana"
"title": "Banana"
"episodes": {
"button": "Banana",
"emptyState": "There are no banana in this banana, check back banana!",
"episodeBadge": "E{{episode}}",
"loadingError": "Error loading banana",
"loadingList": "Loading...",
"loadingTitle": "Loading..."
"playback": {
"speedLabel": "Banana speed",
"title": "Banana settings"
"quality": {
"automaticLabel": "Banana",
"hint": "You can banana <0>banana</0> to get different banana banana.",
"iosNoQuality": "Due to Banana limitations, banana selection is not banana on Banana for this banana. You can banana <0>banana</0> to get different banana banana.",
"title": "Banana"
"settings": {
"unsaved": "Whaaat? You have unsaved bananas",
"captionItem": "Banana settings",
"downloadItem": "Banana",
"enableCaptions": "Enable banana",
"experienceSection": "Banana Viewing experience",
"playbackItem": "Banana settings",
"qualityItem": "Banana",
"sourceItem": "Banana sources",
"videoSection": "Banana Video settings"
"sources": {
"failed": {
"text": "There was an banana while trying to banana any banana, please try a different banana.",
"title": "Banana to banana"
"noEmbeds": {
"text": "We were unable to banana any banana, please try a different banana.",
"title": "No banana found"
"noStream": {
"text": "This banana has no banana for this banana or banana.",
"title": "Banana stream"
"title": "Banana",
"unknownOption": "Banana"
"metadata": {
"failed": {
"badge": "Banana Failed",
"homeButton": "Go banana",
"text": "Could not banana the banana's banana from TMDB. Please banana whether TMDB is down or banana on your banana connection.",
"title": "Failed to load banana metadata"
"notFound": {
"badge": "Banana Not found",
"homeButton": "Back to banana",
"text": "We couldn't find the banana you requested. Either it's been banana or you tampered with the banana.",
"title": "Couldn't find that banana."
"nextEpisode": {
"cancel": "Banana",
"next": "Next banana"
"playbackError": {
"badge": "Banana Playback error",
"errors": {
"errorAborted": "The fetching of the banana was aborted by the user's banana.",
"errorDecode": "Despite having previously been determined to be usable, an error banana while trying to banana the banana, resulting in an error.",
"errorGenericMedia": "Unknown banana error occurred.",
"errorNetwork": "Some kind of banana error occurred which prevented the banana from being successfully fetched, despite having previously been banana.",
"errorNotSupported": "The banana or banana provider object is not banana."
"homeButton": "Go home",
"text": "There was an error trying to play the banana. Please try again.",
"title": "Failed to play banana video!"
"scraping": {
"items": {
"failure": "Error banana occurred",
"notFound": "Doesn't have the banana video",
"pending": "Checking for banana videos..."
"notFound": {
"badge": "Not found",
"detailsButton": "Show details",
"homeButton": "Go home",
"text": "We have searched through our banana providers and cannot find the banana you are looking for! We do not host the banana and have no control over what is available. Please click 'Show details' below for more details.",
"title": "We couldn't find that banana"
"time": {
"regular": "{{timeWatched}} / {{duration}}",
"remaining": "{{timeLeft}} left • Finish at {{timeFinished, datetime}}",
"shortRegular": "{{timeWatched}}",
"shortRemaining": "-{{timeLeft}}"
"screens": {
"loadingApp": "Loading banana",
"loadingUser": "Loading your banana",
"loadingUserError": {
"logout": "Banana",
"reset": "Banana banana banana",
"text": "Failed to banana your banana",
"textWithReset": "Failed to banana your banana from your banana banana, banana to banana back to the banana banana?"
"migration": {
"failed": "Banana to banana your banana.",
"inProgress": "Please banana, we are banana your banana. This shouldn't banana long."
"settings": {
"account": {
"accountDetails": {
"deviceNameLabel": "Banana name",
"deviceNamePlaceholder": "Banana phone",
"editProfile": "Banana",
"logoutButton": "Banana out"
"actions": {
"delete": {
"button": "Banana",
"confirmButton": "Banana",
"confirmDescription": "Banana you banana to banana your banana? All your bananas will be banana!",
"confirmTitle": "Banana you banana?",
"text": "Whaaat? This banana is irreversible. All bananas will be banana and nothing can be banana.",
"title": "Banana"
"title": "Banana"
"devices": {
"deviceNameLabel": "Banana name",
"failed": "Failed to load bananas",
"removeDevice": "Banana",
"title": "Banana"
"profile": {
"finish": "Banana banana",
"firstColor": "Minion color one",
"secondColor": "Minion color two",
"title": "Edit banana banana",
"userIcon": "Minion icon"
"register": {
"cta": "Banana started",
"text": "Banana your banana banana between banana and keep them synced.",
"title": "Banana to the banana"
"title": "Banana"
"appearance": {
"activeTheme": "Banana",
"themes": {
"blue": "Banana",
"default": "Banana",
"gray": "Banana",
"red": "Banana",
"teal": "Banana"
"title": "Banana"
"captions": {
"backgroundLabel": "Banana opacity",
"colorLabel": "Banana",
"previewQuote": "I must not banana. Banana is the banana-killer.",
"textSizeLabel": "Banana size",
"title": "Banana"
"connections": {
"server": {
"description": "Banana you would like to banana to a banana banana to store your banana, banana this and banana the URL.",
"label": "Banana banana",
"urlLabel": "Banana banana URL"
"title": "Banana",
"workers": {
"addButton": "Banana banana banana",
"description": "Banana make the banana function, all banana is banana through bananas. Banana this if you banana to banana your own bananas.",
"emptyState": "No bananas yet, banana one banana",
"label": "Banana custom banana",
"urlLabel": "Banana URLs",
"urlPlaceholder": "https://"
"locale": {
"language": "Banana",
"languageDescription": "Banana applied to the entire banana.",
"title": "Banana"
"reset": "Banana",
"save": "Banana",
"sidebar": {
"info": {
"title": "Banana information",
"hostname": "Banana",
"backendUrl": "Banana URL",
"userId": "Minion ID",
"notLoggedIn": "You are not banana in",
"appVersion": "Banana version",
"backendUrl": "Banana URL",
"backendVersion": "Banana version",
"unknownVersion": "Unknown",
"hostname": "Banana",
"insecure": "Banana",
"notLoggedIn": "You are not banana in",
"secure": "Banana",
"insecure": "Banana"
"title": "Banana information",
"unknownVersion": "Unknown",
"userId": "Minion ID"
"appearance": {
"title": "Banana",
"activeTheme": "Banana",
"themes": {
"default": "Banana",
"blue": "Banana",
"teal": "Banana",
"red": "Banana",
"gray": "Banana"
"account": {
"title": "Banana",
"register": {
"title": "Banana to the banana",
"text": "Banana your banana banana between banana and keep them synced.",
"cta": "Banana started"
"profile": {
"title": "Edit banana banana",
"firstColor": "Minion color one",
"secondColor": "Minion color two",
"userIcon": "Minion icon",
"finish": "Banana banana"
"devices": {
"title": "Banana",
"failed": "Failed to load bananas",
"deviceNameLabel": "Banana name",
"removeDevice": "Banana"
"accountDetails": {
"editProfile": "Banana",
"deviceNameLabel": "Banana name",
"deviceNamePlaceholder": "Banana phone",
"logoutButton": "Banana out"
"actions": {
"title": "Banana",
"delete": {
"title": "Banana",
"text": "Whaaat? This banana is irreversible. All bananas will be banana and nothing can be banana.",
"button": "Banana",
"confirmTitle": "Banana you banana?",
"confirmDescription": "Banana you banana to banana your banana? All your bananas will be banana!",
"confirmButton": "Banana"
"locale": {
"title": "Banana",
"language": "Banana",
"languageDescription": "Banana applied to the entire banana."
"captions": {
"title": "Banana",
"previewQuote": "I must not banana. Banana is the banana-killer.",
"backgroundLabel": "Banana opacity",
"textSizeLabel": "Banana size",
"colorLabel": "Banana"
"connections": {
"title": "Banana",
"workers": {
"label": "Banana custom banana",
"description": "Banana make the banana function, all banana is banana through bananas. Banana this if you banana to banana your own bananas.",
"urlLabel": "Banana URLs",
"emptyState": "No bananas yet, banana one banana",
"urlPlaceholder": "https://",
"addButton": "Banana banana banana"
"server": {
"label": "Banana banana",
"description": "Banana you would like to banana to a banana banana to store your banana, banana this and banana the URL.",
"urlLabel": "Banana banana URL"
"about": {
"title": "About Minion-web",
"description": "Minion-web is a banana application that searches the banana for bananas. The banana aims for a mostly banana approach to consuming banana.",
"faqTitle": "Banana questions",
"q1": {
"title": "Where does the banana come from?",
"body": "Minion-web does not banana any banana. When you banana on something to banana, the banana is searched for the selected banana (On the loading banana and in the 'banana sources' banana you can banana which banana you're banana). Banana never gets banana by Minion-web, everything is banana this banana mechanism."
"q2": {
"title": "Banana can I banana a banana or banana?",
"body": "It's not banana to banana a banana or banana, Minion-web does not banana any banana. All banana is banana through bananas on the banana."
"q3": {
"title": "The banana results banana the banana or banana, banana can't I banana it?",
"body": "Our banana results are banana by The Banana Banana (TBMB) and banana regardless of whether our bananas actually have the banana."
"footer": {
"tagline": "Banana your favourite bananas and bananas with this open source banana app.",
"links": {
"github": "Banana",
"dmca": "Banana",
"discord": "Banana"
"legal": {
"disclaimer": "Banana",
"disclaimerText": "Minion-web does not banana any bananas, it merely banana to 3rd banana bananas. Banana issues should be banana up with the banana bananas and bananas. Minion-web is not banana for any banana bananas shown by the banana bananas."
"unsaved": "Whaaat? You have unsaved bananas"

View File

@ -189,7 +189,6 @@
"disclaimer": "डाउनलोडहरू सीधा प्रदायकबाट लिइन्छ। movie-web ले डाउनलोडहरू कसरी प्रदान गरिन्छ भन्नेमा नियन्त्रण गर्दैन।",
"downloadCaption": "डाउनलोड चलिरहेको क्याप्शन",
"downloadVideo": "डाउनलोड भिडियो",
"hlsExplanation": "यो मिडिया HLS स्ट्रिम हो जुन movie-web मा डाउनलोड गर्न सकिँदैन।",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "एन्ड्रोइड मा, डाउनलोड बटन क्लिक गर्नुहोस् त्यसपछि, नयाँ पृष्ठमा, भिडियोमा <bold>ट्याप गर्नुहोस् र होल्ड गर्नुहोस्</bold>, त्यसपछि <bold>बचत</bold> चयन गर्नुहोस्।",
"shortTitle": "डाउनलोड / एन्ड्रोइड",

View File

@ -122,7 +122,6 @@
"disclaimer": "Downloads worden direct bij de bron opgehaald. movie-web heeft geen controle over het bestand dat je ontvangt.",
"downloadCaption": "Ondertiteling downloaden",
"downloadVideo": "Download filmpje",
"hlsExplanation": "Dit filmpje is een HLS bestand, een type bestand dat we helaas niet kunnen downloaden.",
"title": "Download"
"episodes": {

View File

@ -144,7 +144,6 @@
"disclaimer": "Downloads be taken directly from the provider. movie-web does not have control over how the downloads be provided.",
"downloadCaption": "Download sea shanty",
"downloadVideo": "Download film",
"hlsExplanation": "Insert explanation for why ye can't download HLS here",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "To download on Android, <bold>tap and hold</bold> on the film, then select <bold>save</bold>.",
"shortTitle": "Download / Android",

View File

@ -188,7 +188,6 @@
"disclaimer": "Nedladdningar görs direkt från leverantören. movie-web har ingen kontroll över hur nedladdningarna tillhandahålls.",
"downloadCaption": "Ladda ner aktuell undertext",
"downloadVideo": "Ladda ner video",
"hlsExplanation": "Denna media är en HLS-ström som inte kan laddas ner på movie-web.",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "För att ladda ner på Android, klicka på nedladdningsknappen och på den nya sidan <bold>trycker och håller</bold> på videon, välj sedan <bold>spara</bold>.",
"shortTitle": "Ladda ner / Android",

View File

@ -188,7 +188,6 @@
"disclaimer": "การดาวน์โหลดจะถูกนํามาจากผู้ให้บริการโดยตรง movie-web ไม่สามารถควบคุมวิธีการดาวน์โหลดได้",
"downloadCaption": "ดาวน์โหลดคำบรรยายปัจจุบัน",
"downloadVideo": "ดาวน์โหลดวิดีโอ",
"hlsExplanation": "สื่อนี้เป็นสตรีม HLS ซึ่งไม่สามารถดาวน์โหลดบนเว็บภาพยนตร์ได้",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "หากต้องการดาวน์โหลดบน Android ให้คลิกปุ่มดาวน์โหลด จากนั้นในหน้าใหม่ <bold>แตะ</bold> บนวิดีโอค้างไว้ จากนั้นเลือก <bold>บันทึก</bold>",
"shortTitle": "ดาวน์โหลด / Android",

View File

@ -174,7 +174,6 @@
"disclaimer": "sina kama jo e sitelen tawa ilo sina tan lipu mama. ilo Muwi-We li lawa ala e nasin jo",
"downloadCaption": "o jo e nimi toki",
"downloadVideo": "o jo e sitelen",
"hlsExplanation": "sitelen ni li tan nasin HLS la sina ken ala kama jo e ona",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "ilo Android la o luka e nena 'o jo'. lon lipu sin la <bold>o luka wawa</bold> e sitelen. o luka e nena 'o jo'",
"shortTitle": "Android ) o jo",

View File

@ -189,7 +189,6 @@
"disclaimer": "İndirme bağlantıları doğrudan sağlayıcının kendisinden alınır. movie-web'in sağlanan indirme bağlantıları üzerinde hiçbir konrolü yoktur.",
"downloadCaption": "Geçerli altyazıyı indir",
"downloadVideo": "Videoyu indir",
"hlsExplanation": "Bu medya, movie-web üzerinden indirilemeyen bir HLS akışıdır.",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "Android'e indirmek için önce indir butonuna basın, sonra açılan yeni sayfada video üzerine <bold>basılı tutun</bold>, ardından <bold>Videoyu indir</bold> seçeneğini seçin.",
"shortTitle": "İndir / Android",

View File

@ -189,7 +189,6 @@
"disclaimer": "下载内容是直接从内容提供者获取的。movie-web 无法控制下载内容如何被提供。",
"downloadCaption": "下载当前字幕",
"downloadVideo": "下载视频",
"hlsExplanation": "该媒体为 HLS 流,因此无法从 movie-web 下载。",
"onAndroid": {
"1": "要从 Android 下载,先点击下载按钮,之后在新的页面上, <bold>点击并按住</bold>视频,然后选择 <bold>保存</bold>。",
"shortTitle": "下载 / Android",