mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 05:05:23 +01:00
cleanup unused code
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,80 +8,10 @@ export const VideoProgressStore = versionedStoreBuilder()
version: 1,
migrate() {
// const output: WatchedStoreData = { items: [] };
// if (!data || data.constructor !== Object) return output;
// Object.keys(data).forEach((scraperId) => {
// if (scraperId === "--version") return;
// if (scraperId === "save") return;
// if (
// data[scraperId].movie &&
// data[scraperId].movie.constructor === Object
// ) {
// Object.keys(data[scraperId].movie).forEach((movieId) => {
// try {
// output.items.push({
// mediaId: movieId.includes("player.php")
// ? movieId.split("player.php%3Fimdb%3D")[1]
// : movieId,
// mediaType: MWMediaType.MOVIE,
// providerId: scraperId,
// title: data[scraperId].movie[movieId].full.meta.title,
// year: data[scraperId].movie[movieId].full.meta.year,
// progress: data[scraperId].movie[movieId].full.currentlyAt,
// percentage: Math.round(
// (data[scraperId].movie[movieId].full.currentlyAt /
// data[scraperId].movie[movieId].full.totalDuration) *
// 100
// ),
// });
// } catch (err) {
// console.error(
// `Failed to migrate movie: ${scraperId}/${movieId}`,
// data[scraperId].movie[movieId]
// );
// }
// });
// }
// if (
// data[scraperId].show &&
// data[scraperId].show.constructor === Object
// ) {
// Object.keys(data[scraperId].show).forEach((showId) => {
// if (data[scraperId].show[showId].constructor !== Object) return;
// Object.keys(data[scraperId].show[showId]).forEach((episodeId) => {
// try {
// output.items.push({
// mediaId: showId,
// mediaType: MWMediaType.SERIES,
// providerId: scraperId,
// title: data[scraperId].show[showId][episodeId].meta.title,
// year: data[scraperId].show[showId][episodeId].meta.year,
// percentage: Math.round(
// (data[scraperId].show[showId][episodeId].currentlyAt /
// data[scraperId].show[showId][episodeId].totalDuration) *
// 100
// ),
// progress: data[scraperId].show[showId][episodeId].currentlyAt,
// episodeId:
// data[scraperId].show[showId][episodeId].show.episode,
// seasonId: data[scraperId].show[showId][episodeId].show.season,
// });
// } catch (err) {
// console.error(
// `Failed to migrate series: ${scraperId}/${showId}/${episodeId}`,
// data[scraperId].show[showId][episodeId]
// );
// }
// });
// });
// }
// });
return output;
// TODO add migration back
return {
items: [],
@ -1,235 +1,22 @@
// import { ReactElement, useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";
// import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
// import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
// import { IconPatch } from "@/components/buttons/IconPatch";
// import { Icons } from "@/components/Icon";
// import { Navigation } from "@/components/layout/Navigation";
// import { Paper } from "@/components/layout/Paper";
// import { LoadingSeasons, Seasons } from "@/components/layout/Seasons";
// import { DecoratedVideoPlayer } from "@/components/video/DecoratedVideoPlayer";
// import { ArrowLink } from "@/components/text/ArrowLink";
// import { DotList } from "@/components/text/DotList";
// import { Title } from "@/components/text/Title";
// import { useLoading } from "@/hooks/useLoading";
// import { usePortableMedia } from "@/hooks/usePortableMedia";
// import {
// getIfBookmarkedFromPortable,
// useBookmarkContext,
// } from "@/state/bookmark";
// import { getWatchedFromPortable, useWatchedContext } from "@/state/watched";
// import { SourceControl } from "@/components/video/controls/SourceControl";
// import { ProgressListenerControl } from "@/components/video/controls/ProgressListenerControl";
// import { Loading } from "@/components/layout/Loading";
// import { NotFoundChecks } from "./notfound/NotFoundChecks";
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
import { Navigation } from "@/components/layout/Navigation";
import { ArrowLink } from "@/components/text/ArrowLink";
// interface StyledMediaViewProps {
// media: MWMedia;
// stream: MWMediaStream;
// }
// export function SkeletonVideoPlayer(props: { error?: boolean }) {
// return (
// <div className="flex aspect-video w-full items-center justify-center bg-denim-200 lg:rounded-xl">
// {props.error ? (
// <div className="flex flex-col items-center">
// <IconPatch icon={Icons.WARNING} className="text-red-400" />
// <p className="mt-5 text-white">Couldn't get your stream</p>
// </div>
// ) : (
// <div className="flex flex-col items-center">
// <Loading />
// <p className="mt-3 text-white">Getting your stream...</p>
// </div>
// )}
// </div>
// );
// }
// function StyledMediaView(props: StyledMediaViewProps) {
// const reactHistory = useHistory();
// const watchedStore = useWatchedContext();
// const startAtTime: number | undefined = getWatchedFromPortable(
// watchedStore.watched.items,
// props.media
// )?.progress;
// const updateProgress = useCallback(
// (time: number, duration: number) => {
// // Don't update stored progress if less than 30s into the video
// if (time <= 30) return;
// watchedStore.updateProgress(props.media, time, duration);
// },
// [props, watchedStore]
// );
// const goBack = useCallback(() => {
// if (reactHistory.action !== "POP") reactHistory.goBack();
// else reactHistory.push("/");
// }, [reactHistory]);
// return (
// <div className="overflow-hidden lg:rounded-xl">
// <DecoratedVideoPlayer title={props.media.title} onGoBack={goBack}>
// <SourceControl source={props.stream.url} type={props.stream.type} />
// <ProgressListenerControl
// startAt={startAtTime}
// onProgress={updateProgress}
// />
// </DecoratedVideoPlayer>
// </div>
// );
// }
// interface StyledMediaFooterProps {
// media: MWMedia;
// provider: MWMediaProvider;
// }
// function StyledMediaFooter(props: StyledMediaFooterProps) {
// const { setItemBookmark, getFilteredBookmarks } = useBookmarkContext();
// const isBookmarked = getIfBookmarkedFromPortable(
// getFilteredBookmarks(),
// props.media
// );
// return (
// <Paper className="mt-5">
// <div className="flex">
// <div className="flex-1">
// <Title>{props.media.title}</Title>
// <DotList
// className="mt-3 text-sm"
// content={[
// props.provider.displayName,
// props.media.mediaType,
// props.media.year,
// ]}
// />
// </div>
// <div>
// <IconPatch
// icon={Icons.BOOKMARK}
// active={isBookmarked}
// onClick={() => setItemBookmark(props.media, !isBookmarked)}
// clickable
// />
// </div>
// </div>
// {props.media.mediaType !== MWMediaType.MOVIE ? (
// <Seasons media={props.media} />
// ) : null}
// </Paper>
// );
// }
// function LoadingMediaFooter(props: { error?: boolean }) {
// const { t } = useTranslation();
// return (
// <Paper className="mt-5">
// <div className="flex">
// <div className="flex-1">
// <div className="mb-2 h-4 w-48 rounded-full bg-denim-500" />
// <div>
// <span className="mr-4 inline-block h-2 w-12 rounded-full bg-denim-400" />
// <span className="mr-4 inline-block h-2 w-12 rounded-full bg-denim-400" />
// </div>
// {props.error ? (
// <div className="flex items-center space-x-3">
// <IconPatch icon={Icons.WARNING} className="text-red-400" />
// <p>{t("media.invalidUrl")}</p>
// </div>
// ) : (
// <LoadingSeasons />
// )}
// </div>
// </div>
// </Paper>
// );
// }
// function MediaViewContent(props: { portable: MWPortableMedia }) {
// const mediaPortable = props.portable;
// const [streamUrl, setStreamUrl] = useState<MWMediaStream | undefined>();
// const [media, setMedia] = useState<MWMedia | undefined>();
// const [fetchMedia, loadingPortable, errorPortable] = useLoading(
// (portable: MWPortableMedia) => convertPortableToMedia(portable)
// );
// const [fetchStream, loadingStream, errorStream] = useLoading(
// (portable: MWPortableMedia) => getStream(portable)
// );
// useEffect(() => {
// (async () => {
// if (mediaPortable) {
// setMedia(await fetchMedia(mediaPortable));
// }
// })();
// }, [mediaPortable, setMedia, fetchMedia]);
// useEffect(() => {
// (async () => {
// if (mediaPortable) {
// setStreamUrl(await fetchStream(mediaPortable));
// }
// })();
// }, [mediaPortable, setStreamUrl, fetchStream]);
// let playerContent: ReactElement | null = null;
// if (loadingStream) playerContent = <SkeletonVideoPlayer />;
// else if (errorStream) playerContent = <SkeletonVideoPlayer error />;
// else if (media && streamUrl)
// playerContent = <StyledMediaView media={media} stream={streamUrl} />;
// let footerContent: ReactElement | null = null;
// if (loadingPortable) footerContent = <LoadingMediaFooter />;
// else if (errorPortable) footerContent = <LoadingMediaFooter error />;
// else if (mediaPortable && media)
// footerContent = (
// <StyledMediaFooter
// provider={
// getProviderFromId(mediaPortable.providerId) as MWMediaProvider
// }
// media={media}
// />
// );
// return (
// <>
// {playerContent}
// {footerContent}
// </>
// );
// }
import { useCallback } from "react";
import { DecoratedVideoPlayer } from "@/components/video/DecoratedVideoPlayer";
export function MediaView() {
const { t } = useTranslation();
// const mediaPortable: MWPortableMedia | undefined = usePortableMedia();
const reactHistory = useHistory();
const goBack = useCallback(() => {
if (reactHistory.action !== "POP") reactHistory.goBack();
else reactHistory.push("/");
}, [reactHistory]);
// TODO fetch meta
// TODO call useScrape
// TODO not found checks
// TODO watched store
// TODO scrape loading state
// TODO error page with video header
return (
<div className="flex min-h-screen w-full">
onClick={() =>
reactHistory.action !== "POP"
? reactHistory.goBack()
: reactHistory.push("/")
{/* <NotFoundChecks portable={mediaPortable}>
<div className="container mx-auto mt-40 mb-16 max-w-[1100px]">
<MediaViewContent portable={mediaPortable as MWPortableMedia} />
</NotFoundChecks> */}
<DecoratedVideoPlayer title="Hello world" onGoBack={goBack} autoPlay />
@ -1,28 +1,17 @@
import { ReactElement } from "react";
// import { NotFoundMedia, NotFoundProvider } from "./NotFoundView";
export interface NotFoundChecksProps {
// portable: MWPortableMedia | undefined;
id: string;
children?: ReactElement;
** Component that only renders children if the passed-in portable is fully correct
** Component that only renders children if the passed in data is fully correct
export function NotFoundChecks(
props: NotFoundChecksProps
): ReactElement | null {
// const providerMeta = props.portable
// ? getProviderMetadata(props.portable.providerId)
// : undefined;
// if (!providerMeta || !providerMeta.exists) {
// return <NotFoundMedia />;
// }
// if (!providerMeta.enabled) {
// return <NotFoundProvider />;
// }
// TODO do notfound check
return props.children || null;
@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ export function SearchResultsView({ searchQuery }: { searchQuery: MWQuery }) {
if (error) return <SearchSuffix failed />;
if (!results) return null;
// TODO on click go to the right page with id instead of portable
return (
{results.length > 0 ? (
Reference in New Issue
Block a user