Moving locales to new location. only new keys

Co-authored-by: William Oldham <>
This commit is contained in:
mrjvs 2023-11-28 21:58:48 +01:00
parent a4808415db
commit 9f9a339d3d
13 changed files with 883 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"menus": {
"episodes": {
"loadingTitle": "Načítání...",
"loadingList": "Načítání..."
"home": {
"search": {
"allResults": "To je vše co máme!",
"sectionTitle": "Výsledky vyhledávání",
"noResults": "Nemohli jsme nic najít!",
"failed": "Nepodařilo se najít média, zkuste to znovu!",
"loading": "Načítání...",
"placeholder": "Co si přejete sledovat?"
"bookmarks": {
"sectionTitle": "Záložky"
"continueWatching": {
"sectionTitle": "Pokračujte ve sledování"
"media": {
"types": {
"movie": "Film",
"show": "Seriál"
"episodeDisplay": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}"
"player": {
"playbackError": {
"title": "Jejda, rozbilo se to!"
"metadata": {
"notFound": {
"badge": "Nenalezeno",
"homeButton": "Zpátky domů",
"title": "Nemohli jsme najít Vaše média.",
"text": "Nemohli jsme najít média o které jste požádali. Buďto jsme ho nemohli najít, nebo jste manipulovali s URL."
"menus": {
"captions": {
"customChoice": "Nahrát titulky",
"customizeLabel": "Upravit",
"title": "Titulky"
"sources": {
"title": "Zdroje"
"episodes": {
"button": "Epizody",
"loadingTitle": "Načítání...",
"loadingList": "Načítání..."
"back": {
"default": "Zpátky domů",
"short": "Zpět"
"notFound": {
"badge": "Nenalezeno",
"goHome": "Zpátky domů",
"title": "Tuto stránku se nepodařilo najít",
"message": "Dívali jsme se všude: pod koši, ve skříni, za proxy, ale nakonec jsme nemohli najít stránku, kterou hledáte."
"navigation": {
"banner": {
"offline": "Zkontrolujte své internetové připojení"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"menus": {
"episodes": {
"loadingTitle": "Wird geladen...",
"loadingList": "Wird geladen..."
"home": {
"search": {
"allResults": "Das ist alles, was wir haben!",
"sectionTitle": "Suchergebnisse",
"noResults": "Wir haben nichts gefunden!",
"failed": "Das Medium wurde nicht gefunden, bitte versuchen Sie es erneut!",
"loading": "Wird geladen...",
"placeholder": "Was willst du gucken?"
"bookmarks": {
"sectionTitle": "Favoriten"
"continueWatching": {
"sectionTitle": "Weiter ansehen"
"media": {
"types": {
"movie": "Film",
"show": "Serie"
"episodeDisplay": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}"
"player": {
"playbackError": {
"title": "Hoppla, etwas ist schiefgegangen!"
"metadata": {
"notFound": {
"badge": "Nicht gefunden",
"homeButton": "Zurück zur Startseite",
"title": "Das Medium konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"text": "Wir konnten die angeforderten Medien nicht finden."
"menus": {
"captions": {
"customChoice": "Untertitel hochladen",
"customizeLabel": "Bearbeiten",
"title": "Untertitel"
"sources": {
"title": "Quellen"
"episodes": {
"button": "Folgen",
"loadingTitle": "Wird geladen...",
"loadingList": "Wird geladen..."
"back": {
"default": "Zurück zur Startseite",
"short": "Rückmeldung"
"notFound": {
"badge": "Nicht gefunden",
"goHome": "Zurück zur Startseite",
"title": "Diese Seite kann nicht gefunden werden",
"message": "Wir haben überall gesucht, aber am Ende konnten wir die gesuchte Seite nicht finden."
"navigation": {
"banner": {
"offline": "Internetverbindung ist instabil"

View File

@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
"notFound": {
"badge": "Not found",
"title": "Page could not be found",
"message": "Oh, my apowogies, sweetie! The itty-bitty movie-web did its utmost bestest, but alas, no wucky videos to be spotted anywhere (´⊙ω⊙`) Please don't be angwy, wittle movie-web ish twying so hard. Can you find it in your heart to forgive? UwU 💖",
"goHome": "Go home"
"title": "Couldn't find that page",
"message": "We looked everywhere: under the bins, in the closet, behind the proxy but ultimately couldn't find the page you are looking for.",
"goHome": "Back to home"
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
"playbackError": {
"badge": "Not found",
"title": "Goo goo gaa gaa",
"title": "Whoops, it broke!",
"text": "Oh, my apowogies, sweetie! The itty-bitty movie-web did its utmost bestest, but alas, no wucky videos to be spotted anywhere (´⊙ω⊙`) Please don't be angwy, wittle movie-web ish twying so hard. Can you find it in your heart to forgive? UwU 💖",
"homeButton": "Go home",
"errors": {
@ -95,9 +95,9 @@
"metadata": {
"notFound": {
"badge": "Not found",
"title": "This media doesnt exist",
"text": "Oh, my apowogies, sweetie! The itty-bitty movie-web did its utmost bestest, but alas, no wucky videos to be spotted anywhere (´⊙ω⊙`) Please don't be angwy, wittle movie-web ish twying so hard. Can you find it in your heart to forgive? UwU 💖",
"homeButton": "Go home"
"title": "Couldn't find that media",
"text": "We couldn't find the media you requested. Either it's been removed or you tampered with the URL",
"homeButton": "Back to home"
"failed": {
"badge": "Failed",
@ -172,19 +172,19 @@
"downloadVideo": "Download video",
"downloadCaption": "Download current caption",
"onPc": {
"1": "On PC, right click the video and select <bold>Save video as</bold>",
"title": "Downloading on PC",
"shortTitle": "Download / PC",
"1": "On PC, right click the video and select <bold>Save video as</bold>"
"shortTitle": "Download / PC"
"onAndroid": {
"1": "To download on Android, <bold>tap and hold</bold> on the video, then select <bold>save</bold>.",
"title": "Downloading on Android",
"shortTitle": "Download / Android",
"1": "To download on Android, <bold>tap and hold</bold> on the video, then select <bold>save</bold>."
"shortTitle": "Download / Android"
"onIos": {
"1": "To download on iOS, click <bold><ios_share /></bold>, then <bold>Save to Files <ios_files /></bold>. All that's left to do now is to pick a nice and cozy folder for your video!",
"title": "Downloading on iOS",
"shortTitle": "Download / iOS",
"1": "To download on iOS, click <bold><ios_share /></bold>, then <bold>Save to Files <ios_files /></bold>. All that's left to do now is to pick a nice and cozy folder for your video!"
"shortTitle": "Download / iOS"
"playback": {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"menus": {
"episodes": {
"loadingTitle": "Chargement...",
"loadingList": "Chargement..."
"home": {
"search": {
"allResults": "C'est tout ce que nous avons!",
"sectionTitle": "Résultats de la recherche",
"noResults": "Nous n'avons rien trouvé!",
"failed": "Le média n'a pas été trouvé, veuillez réessayez!",
"loading": "Chargement...",
"placeholder": "Que voulez-vous voir?"
"bookmarks": {
"sectionTitle": "Favoris"
"continueWatching": {
"sectionTitle": "Continuer le visionnage"
"media": {
"types": {
"movie": "Film",
"show": "Série"
"episodeDisplay": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}"
"player": {
"playbackError": {
"title": "Oups, c'est coupé !"
"metadata": {
"notFound": {
"badge": "Introuvable",
"homeButton": "Retour à l'accueil",
"title": "Impossible de trouver ce média",
"text": "Nous n'avons pas trouvé le média que vous avez demandé. Soit il a été supprimé, soit vous avez modifié l'URL."
"menus": {
"captions": {
"customChoice": "Télécharger des sous-titres",
"customizeLabel": "Personnaliser",
"title": "Sous-titres"
"sources": {
"title": "Sources"
"episodes": {
"button": "Épisodes",
"loadingTitle": "Chargement...",
"loadingList": "Chargement..."
"back": {
"default": "Retour à la page d'accueil",
"short": "Retour"
"notFound": {
"badge": "Introuvable",
"goHome": "Retour à l'accueil",
"title": "Impossible de trouver cette page",
"message": "Nous avons cherché partout : sous les poubelles, dans le placard, derrière le proxy, mais nous n'avons finalement pas trouvé la page que vous cherchez."
"navigation": {
"banner": {
"offline": "Vérifiez votre connexion internet"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"menus": {
"episodes": {
"loadingTitle": "Caricamento...",
"loadingList": "Caricamento..."
"home": {
"search": {
"allResults": "Ecco tutto ciò che abbiamo!",
"sectionTitle": "Risultati della ricerca",
"noResults": "Non abbiamo trovato nulla!",
"failed": "Impossibile trovare i media, riprova!",
"loading": "Caricamento...",
"placeholder": "Cosa vuoi guardare?"
"bookmarks": {
"sectionTitle": "Segnalibri"
"continueWatching": {
"sectionTitle": "Continua a guardare"
"media": {
"types": {
"movie": "Film",
"show": "Serie"
"episodeDisplay": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}"
"player": {
"playbackError": {
"title": "Ops, qualcosa si è rotto!"
"metadata": {
"notFound": {
"badge": "Non trovato",
"homeButton": "Torna alla home",
"title": "Impossibile trovare quel media",
"text": "Non siamo riusciti a trovare il media richiesto. È stato rimosso o hai manomesso l'URL."
"menus": {
"captions": {
"customChoice": "Carica sottotitolo",
"customizeLabel": "Personalizza",
"title": "Sottotitoli"
"sources": {
"title": "Fonti"
"episodes": {
"button": "Episodi",
"loadingTitle": "Caricamento...",
"loadingList": "Caricamento..."
"back": {
"default": "Torna alla home",
"short": "Indietro"
"notFound": {
"badge": "Non trovato",
"goHome": "Torna alla home",
"title": "Impossibile trovare quella pagina",
"message": "Abbiamo cercato ovunque: sotto i bidoni, nell'armadio, dietro il proxy, ma alla fine non siamo riusciti a trovare la pagina che stai cercando."
"navigation": {
"banner": {
"offline": "Controlla la tua connessione internet"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"menus": {
"episodes": {
"loadingTitle": "Aan het zoeken...",
"loadingList": "Aan het zoeken..."
"home": {
"search": {
"allResults": "Dat is het!",
"sectionTitle": "Zoekresultaten",
"noResults": "We konden helaas niets vinden.",
"failed": "Het is niet gelukt de media te laden, probeer het nog eens.",
"loading": "Aan het zoeken...",
"placeholder": "Wat wil je graag kijken?"
"bookmarks": {
"sectionTitle": "Opgeslagen"
"continueWatching": {
"sectionTitle": "Kijk verder"
"media": {
"types": {
"movie": "Films",
"show": "Series"
"episodeDisplay": "S{{season}} A{{episode}}"
"player": {
"playbackError": {
"title": "Oeps, hier ging iets mis!"
"metadata": {
"notFound": {
"badge": "Pagina niet gevonden",
"homeButton": "Naar de home-pagina",
"title": "We konden deze media niet vinden.",
"text": "We konden dit stukje media niet vinden. Het is mogelijk verwijderd, of jij hebt zelf de URL aangepast."
"menus": {
"captions": {
"customChoice": "Ondertiteling uploaden",
"customizeLabel": "Instellingen",
"title": "Ondertiteling"
"sources": {
"title": "Bronnen"
"episodes": {
"button": "Afleveringen",
"loadingTitle": "Aan het zoeken...",
"loadingList": "Aan het zoeken..."
"back": {
"default": "Naar de home-pagina",
"short": "Terug"
"notFound": {
"badge": "Pagina niet gevonden",
"goHome": "Naar de home-pagina",
"title": "Pagina niet gevonden",
"message": "We hebben echt alles geprobeerd, zelfs tijdrijzen; echter hebben we deze pagina helaas niet kunnen vinden."
"navigation": {
"banner": {
"offline": "Controleer je internetverbinding"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"home": {
"search": {
"allResults": "That be all we 'ave, me hearty!",
"sectionTitle": "Search results",
"noResults": "We couldn't find anythin' that matches yer search!",
"failed": "Failed t' find media, walk the plank and try again!",
"placeholder": "Wha' be ye searchin' for?"
"bookmarks": {
"sectionTitle": "Treasure Maps"
"media": {
"types": {
"movie": "Movie",
"show": "Series"
"episodeDisplay": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}"
"player": {
"playbackError": {
"title": "Shiver me timbers! It broke!"
"metadata": {
"notFound": {
"badge": "Ahoy! I see nothin' on the horizon.",
"homeButton": "Back to the port",
"title": "Avast ye! Couldn't find that media",
"text": "We couldn't find the media ye requested. Either it's been scuttled or ye tampered with the URL, ye scallywag!"
"menus": {
"captions": {
"customChoice": "Upload yer own caption!",
"customizeLabel": "Customize yer captions",
"title": "Select a subtitle language, me hearty!"
"sources": {
"title": "Wha' provider do ye want to use?"
"episodes": {
"button": "Episodes"
"back": {
"default": "Back to the port, mates!",
"short": "Back"
"notFound": {
"badge": "Ahoy! I see nothin' on the horizon.",
"goHome": "Back to the port",
"title": "Avast ye! Couldn't find that page.",
"message": "Arrr! We searched every inch o' the vessel: from the bilge to the crow's nest, from the keel to the topmast, but avast! We couldn't find the page ye be lookin' fer, me heartie."
"navigation": {
"banner": {
"offline": "Avast! Check yer internet connection"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"menus": {
"episodes": {
"loadingTitle": "Wczytywanie...",
"loadingList": "Wczytywanie..."
"home": {
"search": {
"allResults": "To wszystko co mamy!",
"sectionTitle": "Wyniki wyszukiwania",
"noResults": "Nie mogliśmy niczego znaleźć!",
"failed": "Nie udało się znaleźć mediów, Spróbuj ponownie!",
"loading": "Wczytywanie...",
"placeholder": "Co chciałbyś obejrzeć?"
"bookmarks": {
"sectionTitle": "Zakładki"
"continueWatching": {
"sectionTitle": "Kontynuuj oglądanie"
"media": {
"types": {
"movie": "Filmy",
"show": "Seriale"
"episodeDisplay": "S{{season}} E{{episode}}"
"player": {
"playbackError": {
"title": "Ups, popsuło się!"
"metadata": {
"notFound": {
"badge": "Nie znaleziono",
"homeButton": "Wróć na stronę główną",
"title": "Nie można znaleźć multimediów",
"text": "Nie mogliśmy znaleźć rządanych multimediów. Albo zostały usunięte, albo grzebałeś przy adresie URL."
"menus": {
"captions": {
"customChoice": "Załącz",
"customizeLabel": "Personalizuj",
"title": "Napisy"
"sources": {
"title": "Źródła"
"episodes": {
"button": "Odcinki",
"loadingTitle": "Wczytywanie...",
"loadingList": "Wczytywanie..."
"back": {
"default": "Wróć na stronę główną",
"short": "Wróć"
"notFound": {
"badge": "Nie znaleziono",
"goHome": "Wróć na stronę główną",
"title": "Nie można znaleźć tej strony",
"message": "Szukaliśmy wszędzie: w koszu, w szafie a nawet w piwnicy, ale nie byliśmy w stanie znaleźć strony której szukasz."
"navigation": {
"banner": {
"offline": "Sprawdź swoje połączenie sieciowe"
"overlays": {
"close": "Zamknąć"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"menus": {
"episodes": {
"loadingTitle": "Yükleniyor...",
"loadingList": "Yükleniyor..."
"home": {
"search": {
"allResults": "Bu kadarını bulabildik!",
"sectionTitle": "Arama sonuçları",
"noResults": "Hiçbir şey bulamadık!",
"failed": "Medya bulunamadı, tekrar deneyin!",
"loading": "Yükleniyor...",
"placeholder": "Ne izlemek istersiniz?"
"bookmarks": {
"sectionTitle": "Yerimleri"
"continueWatching": {
"sectionTitle": "İzlemeye devam edin"
"media": {
"types": {
"movie": "Film",
"show": "Dizi"
"episodeDisplay": "S{{season}} B{{episode}}"
"player": {
"playbackError": {
"title": "Hay aksi, bozuldu!"
"metadata": {
"notFound": {
"badge": "Bulunamadı",
"homeButton": "Geri",
"title": "Medya bulunamadı",
"text": "İstediğiniz medyayı bulamadık. URL'i yanlış girdiniz ya da medya kaldırıldı."
"menus": {
"captions": {
"customChoice": "Altyazı yükle",
"customizeLabel": "Kişiselleştirme",
"title": "Altyazılar"
"sources": {
"title": "Kaynaklar"
"episodes": {
"button": "Bölümler",
"loadingTitle": "Yükleniyor...",
"loadingList": "Yükleniyor..."
"back": {
"default": "Ana sayfaya dön",
"short": "Geri"
"notFound": {
"badge": "Bulunamadı",
"goHome": "Geri",
"title": "Sayfa bulunamadı",
"message": "Her yere baktık: bazanın altına, dolabın içine hatta ara sunucuya ama maalesef aradığınız sayfayı bulamadık."
"navigation": {
"banner": {
"offline": "İnternet bağlantınızı kontrol ediniz"
"overlays": {
"close": "Kapat"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"menus": {
"episodes": {
"loadingTitle": "Đang tải...",
"loadingList": "Đang tải..."
"home": {
"search": {
"allResults": "Đó là tất cả chúng tôi có!",
"sectionTitle": "Kết quả tìm kiếm",
"noResults": "Chúng tôi không thể tìm thấy gì!",
"failed": "Không thể tìm thấy nội dung, hãy thử lại!",
"loading": "Đang tải...",
"placeholder": "Bạn muốn xem gì?"
"bookmarks": {
"sectionTitle": "Đánh dấu"
"continueWatching": {
"sectionTitle": "Tiếp tục xem"
"media": {
"types": {
"movie": "Phim",
"show": "Chương trình truyền hình"
"episodeDisplay": "M{{season}} T{{episode}}"
"player": {
"playbackError": {
"title": "Rất tiếc, đã hỏng!"
"metadata": {
"notFound": {
"badge": "Không tìm thấy",
"homeButton": "Quay lại trang chính",
"title": "Không thể tìm thấy nội dung",
"text": "Chúng tôi không thể tìm thấy nội dung mà bạn yêu cầu. Hoặc là nó đã bị xóa, hoặc bạn đã xáo trộn URL"
"menus": {
"captions": {
"customChoice": "Tải phụ đề lên",
"customizeLabel": "Tùy chỉnh",
"title": "Phụ đề"
"sources": {
"title": "Nguồn"
"episodes": {
"button": "Tập",
"loadingTitle": "Đang tải...",
"loadingList": "Đang tải..."
"back": {
"default": "Quay lại trang chính",
"short": "Quay lại"
"notFound": {
"badge": "Không tìm thấy",
"goHome": "Quay lại trang chính",
"title": "Không thể tìm thấy trang",
"message": "Chúng tôi đã tìm kiếm khắp nơi: dưới thùng rác, trong tủ quần áo, đằng sau máy chủ proxy nhưng vẫn không thể tìm thấy trang bạn đang tìm kiếm."
"navigation": {
"banner": {
"offline": "Hãy kiểm tra kết nối Internet của bạn"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
"global": {
"name": "movie-web"
"menus": {
"episodes": {
"loadingTitle": "载入中……",
"loadingList": "载入中……"
"home": {
"search": {
"allResults": "以上是我们能找到的所有结果!",
"sectionTitle": "搜索结果",
"noResults": "我们找不到任何结果!",
"failed": "查找媒体失败,请重试!",
"loading": "载入中……",
"placeholder": "您想看些什么?"
"bookmarks": {
"sectionTitle": "书签"
"continueWatching": {
"sectionTitle": "继续观看"
"media": {
"types": {
"movie": "电影",
"show": "连续剧"
"episodeDisplay": "第{{season}}季 第{{episode}}集"
"player": {
"playbackError": {
"title": "哎呀,出问题了!"
"metadata": {
"notFound": {
"badge": "未找到",
"homeButton": "返回首页",
"title": "无法找到媒体",
"text": "我们无法找到您请求的媒体。它可能已被删除,或您篡改了 URL"
"menus": {
"captions": {
"customChoice": "上传字幕",
"customizeLabel": "自定义",
"title": "字幕"
"sources": {
"title": "视频源"
"episodes": {
"button": "分集",
"loadingTitle": "载入中……",
"loadingList": "载入中……"
"back": {
"default": "返回首页",
"short": "返回"
"notFound": {
"badge": "未找到",
"goHome": "返回首页",
"title": "无法找到页面",
"message": "我们已经到处找过了:不管是垃圾桶下、橱柜里或是代理之后。但最终并没有发现您查找的页面。"
"navigation": {
"banner": {
"offline": "检查您的互联网连接"

src/lang_migrate.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs/promises");
const { existsSync } = require("fs");
const _ = require("lodash");
function bootstrap(cb) {
const langs = [
const convert = `
search.loading player.menus.episodes.loadingTitle
search.loading player.menus.episodes.loadingList
search.bookmarks home.bookmarks.sectionTitle
search.continueWatching home.continueWatching.sectionTitle
seasons.seasonAndEpisode media.episodeDisplay
media.errors.genericTitle player.playbackError.title
notFound.genericTitle player.metadata.notFound.badge
notFound.backArrow player.metadata.notFound.homeButton player.metadata.notFound.title player.metadata.notFound.text
notFound.genericTitle notFound.badge
notFound.backArrow notFound.goHome notFound.title notFound.message
errors.offline navigation.banner.offline
videoPlayer.popouts.uploadCustomCaption player.menus.captions.customChoice
videoPlayer.popouts.captionPreferences.title player.menus.captions.customizeLabel
videoPlayer.popouts.captions player.menus.captions.title
videoPlayer.popouts.sources player.menus.sources.title
videoPlayer.popouts.close overlays.close
videoPlayer.buttons.episodes player.menus.episodes.button
videoPlayer.backToHome player.back.default
videoPlayer.backToHomeShort player.back.short
const translations = convert
.map((row) => row.split("\t"));
const oldBasePath = path.join(__dirname, "./setup/locales/");
const newBasePath = path.join(__dirname, "./assets/locales/");
bootstrap(async () => {
for (let lang of langs) {
const oldFile = JSON.parse(
await fs.readFile(oldBasePath + lang + "/translation.json")
let newFile = {};
if (existsSync(newBasePath + lang + ".json")) {
newFile = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(newBasePath + lang + ".json"));
for (let mapping of translations) {
const value = _.get(oldFile, mapping[0]);
if (value) {
_.set(newFile, mapping[1], value);
await fs.mkdir(newBasePath, { recursive: true });
await fs.writeFile(
newBasePath + lang + ".json",
JSON.stringify(newFile, null, 2)

temp_locale Normal file
View File

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