const corsHeaders = { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET,HEAD,POST,OPTIONS", "Access-Control-Max-Age": "86400", } const allowedDomains = [ '', '', '', '', '' ]; async function handleRequest(request, destinationUrl, iteration = 0) { console.log(`PROXYING ${destinationUrl}${iteration ? ' ON ITERATION ' + iteration : ''}`); // Rewrite request to point to API url. This also makes the request mutable // so we can add the correct Origin header to make the API server think // that this request isn't cross-site. request = new Request(destinationUrl, request); request.headers.set("Origin", new URL(destinationUrl).origin); // Set PHPSESSID cookie if (request.headers.get('PHPSESSID')) { request.headers.set('Cookie', `PHPSESSID=${request.headers.get('PHPSESSID')};`); } // Set User Agent request.headers.set('User-Agent', ' Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:93.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/93.0'); let response = await fetch(request); if ((response.status === 302 || response.status === 301) && response.headers.get('location')) { if (iteration > 5) { event.respondWith( new Response('418 Too many redirects', { status: 418 }), ); } return await handleRequest(request, response.headers.get('location'), iteration + 1) } // Recreate the response so we can modify the headers response = new Response(response.body, response); // Set CORS headers response.headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", '*'); response.headers.set('Access-Control-Expose-Headers', 'PHPSESSID'); // Get and set PHPSESSID cookie const cookies = response.headers.get('Set-Cookie'); if (cookies && cookies.includes('PHPSESSID') && cookies.includes(';')) { let phpsessid = cookies.slice('PHPSESSID') + 10); phpsessid = phpsessid.slice(0,';')); response.headers.set('PHPSESSID', phpsessid); } // Append to/Add Vary header so browser will cache response correctly response.headers.append("Vary", "Origin"); return response; } function handleOptions(request) { // Make sure the necessary headers are present // for this to be a valid pre-flight request let headers = request.headers; if (headers.get("Origin") !== null && headers.get("Access-Control-Request-Method") !== null && headers.get("Access-Control-Request-Headers") !== null ) { return new Response(null, { headers: { ...corsHeaders, // Allow all future content Request headers to go back to browser // such as Authorization (Bearer) or X-Client-Name-Version "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": request.headers.get("Access-Control-Request-Headers"), }, }); } else { // Handle standard OPTIONS request return new Response(null, { headers: { Allow: "GET, HEAD, POST, OPTIONS", }, }) } } addEventListener("fetch", event => { const request = event.request const url = new URL(request.url); const destinationUrl = url.searchParams.get("destination"); console.log(`HTTP ${request.method} - ${request.url}` ); if (request.method === "OPTIONS") { // Handle CORS preflight requests event.respondWith(handleOptions(request)); } else if (!destinationUrl) { event.respondWith( new Response('200 OK', { status: 200, headers: { 'Allow': "GET, HEAD, POST, OPTIONS", 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' }, }), ); } else if (!allowedDomains.find(domain => destinationUrl.startsWith(domain))) { event.respondWith( new Response('404 Not Found', { status: 404, }), ); } else if (request.method === "GET" || request.method === "HEAD" || request.method === "POST") { // Handle request event.respondWith(handleRequest(request, destinationUrl)); } else { event.respondWith( new Response('404 Not Found', { status: 404, }), ); } });