# Self-hosting tutorial > **Note** > We do not provide support on how to self-host, if you cant figure it out then tough luck. Please do not make GitHub issues or ask in our Discord server for support on how to self-host. So you would like to self-host. This app is made of two parts: - The proxy - The client ## Hosting the proxy The proxy is made as a Cloudflare worker. Cloudflare has a generous free plan, so you don't need to pay anything unless you get hundreds of users. 1. Create a Cloudflare account at [https://dash.cloudflare.com](https://dash.cloudflare.com). 2. Navigate to `Workers`. 3. If it asks you, choose a subdomain. 4. If it asks for a workers plan, press "Continue with free". 5. Create a new service with a name of your choice. Must be type `HTTP handler`. 6. On the service page, Click `Quick edit`. 7. Remove the template code in the quick edit window. 7. Download the `worker.js` file from the latest release of the proxy: [https://github.com/movie-web/simple-proxy/releases/latest](https://github.com/movie-web/simple-proxy/releases/latest). 8. Open the downloaded `worker.js` file in Notepad, Visual Studio Code or similar. 9. Copy the text contents of the `worker.js` file. 10. Paste the text contents into the edit screen of the Cloudflare service worker. 11. Click `Save and deploy` and confirm. Your proxy is now hosted on Cloudflare. Note the url of your worker as you will need it later. ## Hosting the client 1. Download the file `movie-web.zip` from the latest release: [https://github.com/movie-web/movie-web/releases/latest](https://github.com/movie-web/movie-web/releases/latest). 2. Extract the zip file so you can edit the files. 3. Open `config.js` in Notepad, Visual Studio Code or similar. 4. Put your Cloudflare proxy URL in-between the double quotes of `VITE_CORS_PROXY_URL: "",`. Make sure to not have a slash at the end of your URL. Example (THIS IS MINE, IT WONT WORK FOR YOU): `VITE_CORS_PROXY_URL: "https://test-proxy.test.workers.dev",` 5. Save the file. Your client has now been prepared, you can now host it with any static website hosting (Common ones include [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com/), [Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/) and [Vercel](https://vercel.com/) but any will work!). It doesn't require PHP, it's just a standard static page.