export class SimpleCache { protected readonly INTERVAL_MS = 2 * 60 * 1000; // 2 minutes protected _interval: ReturnType | null = null; protected _compare: ((a: Key, b: Key) => boolean) | null = null; protected _storage: { key: Key; value: Value; expiry: Date }[] = []; /* ** initialize store, will start the interval */ public initialize(): void { if (this._interval) throw new Error("cache is already initialized"); this._interval = setInterval(() => { const now = new Date(); this._storage.filter((val) => { if (val.expiry < now) return false; // remove if expiry date is in the past return true; }); }, this.INTERVAL_MS); } /* ** destroy cache instance, its not safe to use the instance after calling this */ public destroy(): void { if (this._interval) clearInterval(this._interval); this.clear(); } /* ** Set compare function, function must return true if A & B are equal */ public setCompare(compare: (a: Key, b: Key) => boolean): void { this._compare = compare; } /* ** check if cache contains the item */ public has(key: Key): boolean { return !!this.get(key); } /* ** get item from cache */ public get(key: Key): Value | undefined { if (!this._compare) throw new Error("Compare function not set"); const foundValue = this._storage.find( (item) => this._compare && this._compare(item.key, key) ); if (!foundValue) return undefined; return foundValue.value; } /* ** set item from cache, if it already exists, it will overwrite */ public set(key: Key, value: Value, expirySeconds: number): void { if (!this._compare) throw new Error("Compare function not set"); const foundValue = this._storage.find( (item) => this._compare && this._compare(item.key, key) ); const expiry = new Date(new Date().getTime() + expirySeconds * 1000); // overwrite old value if (foundValue) { foundValue.key = key; foundValue.value = value; foundValue.expiry = expiry; return; } // add new value to storage this._storage.push({ key, value, expiry, }); } /* ** remove item from cache */ public remove(key: Key): void { if (!this._compare) throw new Error("Compare function not set"); this._storage.filter((val) => { if (this._compare && this._compare(val.key, key)) return false; // remove if compare is success return true; }); } /* ** clear entire cache storage */ public clear(): void { this._storage = []; } }