2023-10-25 19:14:41 +02:00

198 lines
5.7 KiB

import { useMemo } from "react";
import { Button } from "@/components/Button";
import { Icon, Icons } from "@/components/Icon";
import { OverlayPage } from "@/components/overlays/OverlayPage";
import { Menu } from "@/components/player/internals/ContextMenu";
import { convertSubtitlesToSrtDataurl } from "@/components/player/utils/captions";
import { useOverlayRouter } from "@/hooks/useOverlayRouter";
import { usePlayerStore } from "@/stores/player/store";
function useDownloadLink() {
const source = usePlayerStore((s) => s.source);
const currentQuality = usePlayerStore((s) => s.currentQuality);
const url = useMemo(() => {
if (source?.type === "file" && currentQuality)
return source.qualities[currentQuality]?.url ?? null;
return null;
}, [source, currentQuality]);
return url;
export function DownloadView({ id }: { id: string }) {
const router = useOverlayRouter(id);
const downloadUrl = useDownloadLink();
const selectedCaption = usePlayerStore((s) => s.caption?.selected);
const subtitleUrl = useMemo(
() =>
? convertSubtitlesToSrtDataurl(selectedCaption?.srtData)
: null,
if (!downloadUrl) return null;
return (
<Menu.BackLink onClick={() => router.navigate("/")}>
<Menu.ChevronLink onClick={() => router.navigate("/download/pc")}>
Downloading on PC
<Menu.ChevronLink onClick={() => router.navigate("/download/ios")}>
Downloading on iOS
onClick={() => router.navigate("/download/android")}
Downloading on Android
<Menu.Divider />
<Menu.Paragraph marginClass="my-6">
Downloads are taken directly from the provider. movie-web does not
have control over how the downloads are provided.
<Button className="w-full" href={downloadUrl} theme="purple">
Download video
className="w-full mt-2"
href={subtitleUrl ?? undefined}
Download current caption
export function CantDownloadView({ id }: { id: string }) {
const router = useOverlayRouter(id);
return (
<Menu.BackLink onClick={() => router.navigate("/")}>
Insert explanation for why you can&apos;t download HLS here
function AndroidExplanationView({ id }: { id: string }) {
const router = useOverlayRouter(id);
return (
<Menu.BackLink onClick={() => router.navigate("/download")}>
Download / Android
To download on Android, <Menu.Highlight>tap and hold</Menu.Highlight>{" "}
on the video, then select <Menu.Highlight>save</Menu.Highlight>.
function PCExplanationView({ id }: { id: string }) {
const router = useOverlayRouter(id);
return (
<Menu.BackLink onClick={() => router.navigate("/download")}>
Download / PC
On PC, right click the video and select{" "}
<Menu.Highlight>Save video as</Menu.Highlight>
function IOSExplanationView({ id }: { id: string }) {
const router = useOverlayRouter(id);
return (
<Menu.BackLink onClick={() => router.navigate("/download")}>
Download / iOS
To download on iOS, click{" "}
className="inline-block text-xl -mb-1"
, then{" "}
Save to Files
className="inline-block text-xl -mb-1 mx-1"
</Menu.Highlight>{" "}
. All that&apos;s left to do now is to pick a nice and cozy folder for
your video!
export function DownloadRoutes({ id }: { id: string }) {
return (
<OverlayPage id={id} path="/download" width={343} height={490}>
<DownloadView id={id} />
<OverlayPage id={id} path="/download/unable" width={343} height={440}>
<CantDownloadView id={id} />
<OverlayPage id={id} path="/download/ios" width={343} height={440}>
<IOSExplanationView id={id} />
<OverlayPage id={id} path="/download/android" width={343} height={440}>
<AndroidExplanationView id={id} />
<OverlayPage id={id} path="/download/pc" width={343} height={440}>
<PCExplanationView id={id} />