<p>This tool is a generic image conversion tool for the Data Frog SF2000. You can use it to convert the SF2000's raw image data files to PNG, and convert PNG/JPEG images to RGB565 format (a reduced colour mode used for most of the SF2000's UI elements), or BGRA format (the flavour of transparent images used by some SF2000 UI elements). You can also choose a variety of scaling or filtering modes when converting to an SF2000 image. Please note this tool is provided as-is; make sure you have backups of anything you care about before potentially replacing any files on your SF2000's microSD card! 🙂</p>
<h2>Step 1: Select Operating Mode</h2>
<p>This tool can operate in two main modes - you can use it to convert <em>from</em> an SF2000 format <em>to</em> RGB888/RGBA, or you can use it to convert <em>to</em> an SF2000 format <em>from</em> RGB888/RGBA. Choose the mode you want, and follow the next instruction that appears.</p>
var html = "<sectionid=\"selectSF2000File\"><h2>Step 2: Select SF2000 Image File</h2><p>Select the SF2000 image file you want to convert from. If you need help choosing the image you want to convert, you can <ahref=\"https://vonmillhausen.github.io/sf2000/#images-used\"target=\"_blank\"rel=\"noreferrernoopener\">find a reference to all of the used UI images in my overview of the SF2000 here</a>.</p><divid=\"step2Messages\"></div>";
// Add our file chooser...
html += "<divclass=\"controlContainer\"><labelclass=\"control\"><inputid=\"inputImage\"type=\"file\"></label></div>";
setMessage("error", "step2Messages", "ERROR: The selected file does not appear to be binary file; please make sure you're selecting an SF2000 encoded image file.");
// Start our new section, add our header and our instructions...
var html = "<sectionid=\"selectImageFile\"><h2>Step 2: Select RGB888/RGBA Image File</h2><p>Select the image file you want to convert to an SF2000 image format. You can select either a PNG or JPEG format image. Transparency is respected for PNGs, but only if outputting to the BGRA output format.</p><divid=\"step2Messages\"></div>";
// Add our file chooser...
html += "<divclass=\"controlContainer\"><labelclass=\"control\"><inputid=\"inputImage\"type=\"file\"></label></div>";
setMessage("error", "step2Messages", "ERROR: The selected file does not appear to be either a PNG or JPEG image; please make sure you're selecting an appropriate image file.");
var html = "<sectionid=\"processSF2000File\"><h2>Step 3: Set Data Interpretation Options</h2><p>As the image files on the SF2000 are raw binary blobs, there's no information stored in them to say what their width or height is, what format the pixel information is stored in, etc.. Therefore, it is up to <em>you</em> to specify those details yourself, which you can do using the options below.</p><p>A preview of the image will appear below the options, reflecting the current options; the preview has a white dash outline so you can better judge where the bounds of transparent images are. Below the preview image is a \"Download\" button you can use to download the image as a PNG.</p><p>Depending on the size of the file you selected, this tool may recognise it as a \"known\" file from the SF2000, and if so the options below will have been set automatically for you. If not, or if the options are automatically set incorrectly, here's a brief description of what each option does:</p><dl><dt>Image Format:</dt><dd>Specifies the data format for each pixel in the image. There are two image formats currently used by the SF2000 - RGB565 (used for most of the \"basic\" UI elements, including main backgrounds, etc.), and BGRA (used for anything that requires transparency, such as the system logos on the main menu, etc.).</dd><dt>Width:</dt><dd>Specifies the width of the image in pixels.</dd><dt>Height:</dt><dd>Specifies the height of the image in pixels.</dd></dl>";
html += "<divclass=\"control\"><label>Image Format: <selectid=\"imageFormat\"><option"+(imageFormat =="RGB565"?"selected":"")+">RGB565</option><option"+(imageFormat =="BGRA"?"selected":"")+">BGRA</option></select></label></div>";
html += "<divclass=\"control\"><label>Width: <inputid=\"outputImageWidth\"type=\"number\"min=\"1\"step=\"1\"value=\""+outputImageWidth+"\"></label></div>";
html += "<divclass=\"control\"><label>Height: <inputid=\"outputImageHeight\"type=\"number\"min=\"1\"step=\"1\"value=\""+outputImageHeight+"\"></label></div>";
html += "</div>";
// Next, we'll add the image preview...
html += "<divclass=\"controlContainer\"><divclass=\"control\"><canvasid=\"processFilePreview\"></canvas></div></div>";
// ... and the Download button...
html += "<divclass=\"controlContainer\"><divclass=\"control\"><inputid=\"sf2000Download\"type=\"button\"value=\"Download\"></div></div>";
html = "<sectionid=\"processUserFile\"><h2>Step 3: Set Conversion Options</h2><p>The options below control how your image is converted for use on the SF2000. A preview of the image will appear below the options, reflecting their current settings; the preview has a white dash outline so you can better judge where the bounds of transparent images are. Below the preview image is a \"Download\" button you can use to download the image as binary blob for the SF2000. If you name your input image like <code>name.extension.extension</code> (e.g., <code>c1eac.pal.png</code>), then the download will automatically be named like <code>name.extension</code> (e.g., <code>c1eac.pal</code>); this may help to speed up your workflow.</p><p>Here's a brief description of what each option does:</p><dl><dt>Image Format:</dt><dd>Specifies the data format for the output image. There are two image formats currently used by the SF2000 - RGB565 (used for most of the \"basic\" UI elements, including main backgrounds, etc.), and BGRA (used for anything that requires transparency, such as the system logos on the main menu, etc.). If you're not sure which format to choose, <ahref=\"https://vonmillhausen.github.io/sf2000/#images-used\"target=\"_blank\"rel=\"noreferrernoopener\">refer to my list of images used by the SF2000</a>.</dd><dt>Scaling:</dt><dd>One of two available scaling modes for your input image; the \"Scaling\" option lets you scale your image maintaining aspect ratio amongst several common sizes (e.g., 1x scaling to maintain the input image size, 2x scaling to double it, etc.)</dd><dt>Fit to:</dt><dd>The other available scaling mode; this will scale your image to the specified width and height, <em>without</em> maintaining aspect ratio. This will allow you to scale an image to any dimension you want, but it'll be up to you to do your own aspect ratio calculations.</dd><dt>Filter Type:</dt><dd>When scaling an image by anything other than 1x, specifies the type of image filtering to use. \"Nearest Neighbour\" will give sharp pixel scaling but only at integer upscales; any other scale will appear aliased. \"Bilinear\" will give a fuzzier scale, but it works better for non-integer scale factors and for downscaling.</dd></dl>";
// Now let's add our image controls; there's a few of them! We have a
// select box for choosing the image format, we have two different
// scaling options (one with a select box for choosing pre-defined
// scales, and one for user-defined output size), and we have a select
// box for choosing nearest-neighbour or hybrid gaussian/bilinear
// image filtering...
html += "<divclass=\"controlContainer\">";
// Image format...
html += "<divclass=\"control\"><label>Image Format: <selectid=\"imageFormat\"><option"+(imageFormat =="RGB565"?"selected":"")+">RGB565</option><option"+(imageFormat =="BGRA"?"selected":"")+">BGRA</option></select></label></div>";
html += "<divclass=\"control\"><label><inputtype=\"radio\"name=\"scaleMode\"value=\"fit\""+(userScaleMode =="fit"?"checked":"")+"> Fit to: </label><label>width <inputid=\"userFitWidth\"type=\"number\"min=\"1\"step=\"1\"value=\""+userFitWidth+"\""+(userScaleMode =="scale"?"disabled":"")+"></label> and <label>height <inputid=\"userFitHeight\"type=\"number\"min=\"1\"step=\"1\"value=\""+userFitHeight+"\""+(userScaleMode =="scale"?"disabled":"")+"></label></div>";
html += "</div>";
// Filter type...
html += "<divclass=\"control\"><label>Filter Type: <selectid=\"userFilterType\"><option"+(userFilterType =="NearestNeighbour"?"selected":"")+">Nearest Neighbour</option><option"+(userFilterType =="Bilinear"?"selected":"")+">Bilinear</option></select></label></div>";
html += "</div>";
// Next we'll add our image preview...
html += "<divclass=\"controlContainer\"><divclass=\"control\"><canvasid=\"processFilePreview\"></canvas></div></div>";
// ... and our Download button...
html += "<divclass=\"controlContainer\"><divclass=\"control\"><inputid=\"userDownload\"type=\"button\"value=\"Download\"></div></div>";