You should have The Java Runtime Environment(JRE) 8 or newer and a modern browser installed. Also an internet connection is required as almost everything this app does is downloading stuff.
Download the latest (or a working more stable) release from [the repo branch]( or obtain it from [the releases section](
The server will be running on `http://localhost:4567`. A new browser window will be opened automatically. Also the System Tray Icon is your friend if you need to open the browser window again or close Tachidesk.
Windows specific builds have java bundled inside them. Download the zip release insted of the jar release which is named `` or ``, unizp it and run `server.exe`.
Anyways, for more info checkout [finished milestone #1]( and [milestone #2]( to see what's implemented.
1.**server:** contains the implementation of [tachiyomi's extensions library]( and uses an Android compatibility library to run apk extensions. All this concludes to serving a REST API to `webUI`.
2.**webUI:** A react SPA project that works with the server to do the presentation.
The `AndroidCompat` module and `scripts/` was originally developed by [@null-dev]( for [TachiWeb-Server]( and is licensed under `Apache License Version 2.0`.