1.**server:** contains the implementation of [tachiyomi's extensions library](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/extensions-lib) and uses an Android compatibility library to run apk extensions. All this conclude to serving a REST API to `webUI`.
2.**webUI:** A react SPA project that works with the server to do the presentation.
Download the latest (or a working more stable older) release from [the repo branch](https://github.com/AriaMoradi/Tachidesk/tree/repo) or obtain it from [the releases section](https://github.com/AriaMoradi/Tachidesk/releases).
Double click on the jar file or run `java -jar tachidesk-latest.jar` or `java -jar tachidesk-r0xxx.jar`
The server will be running on `http://localhost:4567` open this url in your browser.
The `AndroidCompat` module and `scripts/getAndroid.sh` was originally developed by [@null-dev](https://github.com/null-dev) for [TachiWeb-Server](https://github.com/Tachiweb/TachiWeb-server) and is licensed under `Apache License Version 2.0`.