Checkout [This Kanban Board]( to see the rough development roadmap, one of the columns is reseved for potential contributors, although you are free to take on any task you want to.
1.**server:** contains the implementation of [tachiyomi's extensions library]( and uses an Android compatibility library to run apk extensions. All this concludes to serving a REST API to `webUI`.
2.**webUI:** A react SPA(`create-react-app`) project that works with the server to do the presentation.
- Manual download: Download [android.jar]( and put it under `AndroidCompat/lib`.
- Automated download: Run `AndroidCompat/`(MacOS/Linux) or `AndroidCompat/getAndroid.ps1`(Windows) from project's root directory to download and rebuild the jar file from Google's repository.
Run `./gradlew :webUI:copyBuild server:shadowJar`, the resulting built jar file will be `server/build/Tachidesk-vX.Y.Z-rxxx.jar`.
### building without `webUI` bundled(server only)
Delete the `server/src/main/resources/react` directory if exists from previous runs, then run `./gradlew server:shadowJar`, the resulting built jar file will be `server/build/Tachidesk-vX.Y.Z-rxxx.jar`.
### building the Windows package
Run `./gradlew :server:windowsPackage` to build a server only bundle and `./gradlew :webUI:copyBuild :server:windowsPackage` to get a full bundle , the resulting built zip package file will be `server/build/`.