mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 14:28:57 +01:00
add initial anime stuff
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
package suwayomi.anime
* Copyright (C) Contributors to the Suwayomi project
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
import io.javalin.Javalin
import suwayomi.server.JavalinSetup
import suwayomi.anime.impl.extension.ExtensionsList.getExtensionList
object AnimeAPI {
fun defineEndpoints(app: Javalin) {
// list all extensions
app.get("/api/v1/extension/list") { ctx ->
JavalinSetup.future {
// // install extension identified with "pkgName"
// app.get("/api/v1/extension/install/:pkgName") { ctx ->
// val pkgName = ctx.pathParam("pkgName")
// ctx.json(
// JavalinSetup.future {
// installExtension(pkgName)
// }
// )
// }
// // update extension identified with "pkgName"
// app.get("/api/v1/extension/update/:pkgName") { ctx ->
// val pkgName = ctx.pathParam("pkgName")
// ctx.json(
// JavalinSetup.future {
// updateExtension(pkgName)
// }
// )
// }
// // uninstall extension identified with "pkgName"
// app.get("/api/v1/extension/uninstall/:pkgName") { ctx ->
// val pkgName = ctx.pathParam("pkgName")
// uninstallExtension(pkgName)
// ctx.status(200)
// }
// // icon for extension named `apkName`
// app.get("/api/v1/extension/icon/:apkName") { ctx -> // TODO: move to pkgName
// val apkName = ctx.pathParam("apkName")
// ctx.result(
// JavalinSetup.future { getExtensionIcon(apkName) }
// .thenApply {
// ctx.header("content-type", it.second)
// it.first
// }
// )
// }
// // list of sources
// app.get("/api/v1/source/list") { ctx ->
// ctx.json(getSourceList())
// }
// // fetch source with id `sourceId`
// app.get("/api/v1/source/:sourceId") { ctx ->
// val sourceId = ctx.pathParam("sourceId").toLong()
// ctx.json(getSource(sourceId))
// }
// // popular mangas from source with id `sourceId`
// app.get("/api/v1/source/:sourceId/popular/:pageNum") { ctx ->
// val sourceId = ctx.pathParam("sourceId").toLong()
// val pageNum = ctx.pathParam("pageNum").toInt()
// ctx.json(
// JavalinSetup.future {
// getMangaList(sourceId, pageNum, popular = true)
// }
// )
// }
// // latest mangas from source with id `sourceId`
// app.get("/api/v1/source/:sourceId/latest/:pageNum") { ctx ->
// val sourceId = ctx.pathParam("sourceId").toLong()
// val pageNum = ctx.pathParam("pageNum").toInt()
// ctx.json(
// JavalinSetup.future {
// getMangaList(sourceId, pageNum, popular = false)
// }
// )
// }
// // get manga info
// app.get("/api/v1/manga/:mangaId/") { ctx ->
// val mangaId = ctx.pathParam("mangaId").toInt()
// val onlineFetch = ctx.queryParam("onlineFetch", "false").toBoolean()
// ctx.json(
// JavalinSetup.future {
// getManga(mangaId, onlineFetch)
// }
// )
// }
// // manga thumbnail
// app.get("api/v1/manga/:mangaId/thumbnail") { ctx ->
// val mangaId = ctx.pathParam("mangaId").toInt()
// ctx.result(
// JavalinSetup.future { getMangaThumbnail(mangaId) }
// .thenApply {
// ctx.header("content-type", it.second)
// it.first
// }
// )
// }
// // list manga's categories
// app.get("api/v1/manga/:mangaId/category/") { ctx ->
// val mangaId = ctx.pathParam("mangaId").toInt()
// ctx.json(getMangaCategories(mangaId))
// }
// // adds the manga to category
// app.get("api/v1/manga/:mangaId/category/:categoryId") { ctx ->
// val mangaId = ctx.pathParam("mangaId").toInt()
// val categoryId = ctx.pathParam("categoryId").toInt()
// addMangaToCategory(mangaId, categoryId)
// ctx.status(200)
// }
// // removes the manga from the category
// app.delete("api/v1/manga/:mangaId/category/:categoryId") { ctx ->
// val mangaId = ctx.pathParam("mangaId").toInt()
// val categoryId = ctx.pathParam("categoryId").toInt()
// removeMangaFromCategory(mangaId, categoryId)
// ctx.status(200)
// }
// // get chapter list when showing a manga
// app.get("/api/v1/manga/:mangaId/chapters") { ctx ->
// val mangaId = ctx.pathParam("mangaId").toInt()
// val onlineFetch = ctx.queryParam("onlineFetch")?.toBoolean()
// ctx.json(JavalinSetup.future { getChapterList(mangaId, onlineFetch) })
// }
// // used to display a chapter, get a chapter in order to show it's pages
// app.get("/api/v1/manga/:mangaId/chapter/:chapterIndex") { ctx ->
// val chapterIndex = ctx.pathParam("chapterIndex").toInt()
// val mangaId = ctx.pathParam("mangaId").toInt()
// ctx.json(JavalinSetup.future { getChapter(chapterIndex, mangaId) })
// }
// // used to modify a chapter's parameters
// app.patch("/api/v1/manga/:mangaId/chapter/:chapterIndex") { ctx ->
// val chapterIndex = ctx.pathParam("chapterIndex").toInt()
// val mangaId = ctx.pathParam("mangaId").toInt()
// val read = ctx.formParam("read")?.toBoolean()
// val bookmarked = ctx.formParam("bookmarked")?.toBoolean()
// val markPrevRead = ctx.formParam("markPrevRead")?.toBoolean()
// val lastPageRead = ctx.formParam("lastPageRead")?.toInt()
// modifyChapter(mangaId, chapterIndex, read, bookmarked, markPrevRead, lastPageRead)
// ctx.status(200)
// }
// // get page at index "index"
// app.get("/api/v1/manga/:mangaId/chapter/:chapterIndex/page/:index") { ctx ->
// val mangaId = ctx.pathParam("mangaId").toInt()
// val chapterIndex = ctx.pathParam("chapterIndex").toInt()
// val index = ctx.pathParam("index").toInt()
// ctx.result(
// JavalinSetup.future { getPageImage(mangaId, chapterIndex, index) }
// .thenApply {
// ctx.header("content-type", it.second)
// it.first
// }
// )
// }
// // submit a chapter for download
// app.put("/api/v1/manga/:mangaId/chapter/:chapterIndex/download") { ctx ->
// // TODO
// }
// // cancel a chapter download
// app.delete("/api/v1/manga/:mangaId/chapter/:chapterIndex/download") { ctx ->
// // TODO
// }
// // global search, Not implemented yet
// app.get("/api/v1/search/:searchTerm") { ctx ->
// val searchTerm = ctx.pathParam("searchTerm")
// ctx.json(sourceGlobalSearch(searchTerm))
// }
// // single source search
// app.get("/api/v1/source/:sourceId/search/:searchTerm/:pageNum") { ctx ->
// val sourceId = ctx.pathParam("sourceId").toLong()
// val searchTerm = ctx.pathParam("searchTerm")
// val pageNum = ctx.pathParam("pageNum").toInt()
// ctx.json(JavalinSetup.future { sourceSearch(sourceId, searchTerm, pageNum) })
// }
// // source filter list
// app.get("/api/v1/source/:sourceId/filters/") { ctx ->
// val sourceId = ctx.pathParam("sourceId").toLong()
// ctx.json(sourceFilters(sourceId))
// }
// // adds the manga to library
// app.get("api/v1/manga/:mangaId/library") { ctx ->
// val mangaId = ctx.pathParam("mangaId").toInt()
// ctx.result(
// JavalinSetup.future { addMangaToLibrary(mangaId) }
// )
// }
// // removes the manga from the library
// app.delete("api/v1/manga/:mangaId/library") { ctx ->
// val mangaId = ctx.pathParam("mangaId").toInt()
// ctx.result(
// JavalinSetup.future { removeMangaFromLibrary(mangaId) }
// )
// }
// // lists mangas that have no category assigned
// app.get("/api/v1/library/") { ctx ->
// ctx.json(getLibraryMangas())
// }
// // category list
// app.get("/api/v1/category/") { ctx ->
// ctx.json(Category.getCategoryList())
// }
// // category create
// app.post("/api/v1/category/") { ctx ->
// val name = ctx.formParam("name")!!
// Category.createCategory(name)
// ctx.status(200)
// }
// // returns some static info of the current app build
// app.get("/api/v1/about/") { ctx ->
// ctx.json(About.getAbout())
// }
// // category modification
// app.patch("/api/v1/category/:categoryId") { ctx ->
// val categoryId = ctx.pathParam("categoryId").toInt()
// val name = ctx.formParam("name")
// val isDefault = ctx.formParam("default")?.toBoolean()
// Category.updateCategory(categoryId, name, isDefault)
// ctx.status(200)
// }
// // category re-ordering
// app.patch("/api/v1/category/:categoryId/reorder") { ctx ->
// val categoryId = ctx.pathParam("categoryId").toInt()
// val from = ctx.formParam("from")!!.toInt()
// val to = ctx.formParam("to")!!.toInt()
// Category.reorderCategory(categoryId, from, to)
// ctx.status(200)
// }
// // category delete
// app.delete("/api/v1/category/:categoryId") { ctx ->
// val categoryId = ctx.pathParam("categoryId").toInt()
// Category.removeCategory(categoryId)
// ctx.status(200)
// }
// // returns the manga list associated with a category
// app.get("/api/v1/category/:categoryId") { ctx ->
// val categoryId = ctx.pathParam("categoryId").toInt()
// ctx.json(getCategoryMangaList(categoryId))
// }
// // expects a Tachiyomi legacy backup json in the body
// app.post("/api/v1/backup/legacy/import") { ctx ->
// ctx.result(
// future {
// restoreLegacyBackup(ctx.bodyAsInputStream())
// }
// )
// }
// // expects a Tachiyomi legacy backup json as a file upload, the file must be named "backup.json"
// app.post("/api/v1/backup/legacy/import/file") { ctx ->
// ctx.result(
// JavalinSetup.future {
// restoreLegacyBackup(ctx.uploadedFile("backup.json")!!.content)
// }
// )
// }
// // returns a Tachiyomi legacy backup json created from the current database as a json body
// app.get("/api/v1/backup/legacy/export") { ctx ->
// ctx.contentType("application/json")
// ctx.result(
// JavalinSetup.future {
// createLegacyBackup(
// BackupFlags(
// includeManga = true,
// includeCategories = true,
// includeChapters = true,
// includeTracking = true,
// includeHistory = true,
// )
// )
// }
// )
// }
// // returns a Tachiyomi legacy backup json created from the current database as a file
// app.get("/api/v1/backup/legacy/export/file") { ctx ->
// ctx.contentType("application/json")
// val sdf = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm")
// val currentDate = sdf.format(Date())
// ctx.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"tachidesk_$currentDate.json\"")
// ctx.result(
// JavalinSetup.future {
// createLegacyBackup(
// BackupFlags(
// includeManga = true,
// includeCategories = true,
// includeChapters = true,
// includeTracking = true,
// includeHistory = true,
// )
// )
// }
// )
// }
// // Download queue stats
// app.ws("/api/v1/downloads") { ws ->
// ws.onConnect { ctx ->
// // TODO: send current stat
// // TODO: add to downlad subscribers
// }
// ws.onMessage {
// // TODO: send current stat
// }
// ws.onClose { ctx ->
// // TODO: remove from subscribers
// }
// }
@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
package suwayomi.anime.impl.extension
* Copyright (C) Contributors to the Suwayomi project
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
import android.net.Uri
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.network.GET
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.network.NetworkHelper
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.CatalogueSource
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.Source
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.SourceFactory
import mu.KotlinLogging
import okhttp3.Request
import okio.buffer
import okio.sink
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.deleteWhere
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.insert
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.select
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.transaction
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.update
import org.kodein.di.DI
import org.kodein.di.conf.global
import org.kodein.di.instance
import suwayomi.anime.impl.extension.ExtensionsList.extensionTableAsDataClass
import suwayomi.anime.impl.extension.github.ExtensionGithubApi
import suwayomi.anime.impl.util.PackageTools.EXTENSION_FEATURE
import suwayomi.anime.impl.util.PackageTools.LIB_VERSION_MAX
import suwayomi.anime.impl.util.PackageTools.LIB_VERSION_MIN
import suwayomi.anime.impl.util.PackageTools.METADATA_NSFW
import suwayomi.anime.impl.util.PackageTools.METADATA_SOURCE_CLASS
import suwayomi.anime.impl.util.PackageTools.dex2jar
import suwayomi.anime.impl.util.PackageTools.getPackageInfo
import suwayomi.anime.impl.util.PackageTools.getSignatureHash
import suwayomi.anime.impl.util.PackageTools.loadExtensionSources
import suwayomi.anime.impl.util.PackageTools.trustedSignatures
import suwayomi.anime.model.table.AnimeExtensionTable
import suwayomi.server.ApplicationDirs
import suwayomi.tachidesk.impl.util.network.await
import suwayomi.tachidesk.impl.util.storage.CachedImageResponse.getCachedImageResponse
import suwayomi.tachidesk.model.table.SourceTable
import uy.kohesive.injekt.injectLazy
import java.io.File
import java.io.InputStream
object Extension {
private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}
private val applicationDirs by DI.global.instance<ApplicationDirs>()
data class InstallableAPK(
val apkFilePath: String,
val pkgName: String
suspend fun installExtension(pkgName: String): Int {
logger.debug("Installing $pkgName")
val extensionRecord = extensionTableAsDataClass().first { it.pkgName == pkgName }
return installAPK {
val apkURL = ExtensionGithubApi.getApkUrl(extensionRecord)
val apkName = Uri.parse(apkURL).lastPathSegment!!
val apkSavePath = "${applicationDirs.extensionsRoot}/$apkName"
// download apk file
downloadAPKFile(apkURL, apkSavePath)
suspend fun installAPK(fetcher: suspend () -> String): Int {
val apkFilePath = fetcher()
val apkName = File(apkFilePath).name
// check if we don't have the extension already installed
// if it's installed and we want to update, it first has to be uninstalled
val isInstalled = transaction {
AnimeExtensionTable.select { AnimeExtensionTable.apkName eq apkName }.firstOrNull()
}?.get(AnimeExtensionTable.isInstalled) ?: false
if (!isInstalled) {
val fileNameWithoutType = apkName.substringBefore(".apk")
val dirPathWithoutType = "${applicationDirs.extensionsRoot}/$fileNameWithoutType"
val jarFilePath = "$dirPathWithoutType.jar"
val dexFilePath = "$dirPathWithoutType.dex"
val packageInfo = getPackageInfo(apkFilePath)
val pkgName = packageInfo.packageName
if (!packageInfo.reqFeatures.orEmpty().any { it.name == EXTENSION_FEATURE }) {
throw Exception("This apk is not a Tachiyomi extension")
// Validate lib version
val libVersion = packageInfo.versionName.substringBeforeLast('.').toDouble()
if (libVersion < LIB_VERSION_MIN || libVersion > LIB_VERSION_MAX) {
throw Exception(
"Lib version is $libVersion, while only versions " +
val signatureHash = getSignatureHash(packageInfo)
if (signatureHash == null) {
throw Exception("Package $pkgName isn't signed")
} else if (signatureHash !in trustedSignatures) {
// TODO: allow trusting keys
throw Exception("This apk is not a signed with the official tachiyomi signature")
val isNsfw = packageInfo.applicationInfo.metaData.getString(METADATA_NSFW) == "1"
val className = packageInfo.packageName + packageInfo.applicationInfo.metaData.getString(METADATA_SOURCE_CLASS)
logger.debug("Main class for extension is $className")
dex2jar(apkFilePath, jarFilePath, fileNameWithoutType)
// clean up
// File(apkFilePath).delete()
// collect sources from the extension
val sources: List<CatalogueSource> = when (val instance = loadExtensionSources(jarFilePath, className)) {
is Source -> listOf(instance)
is SourceFactory -> instance.createSources()
else -> throw RuntimeException("Unknown source class type! ${instance.javaClass}")
}.map { it as CatalogueSource }
val langs = sources.map { it.lang }.toSet()
val extensionLang = when (langs.size) {
0 -> ""
1 -> langs.first()
else -> "all"
val extensionName = packageInfo.applicationInfo.nonLocalizedLabel.toString().substringAfter("Tachiyomi: ")
// update extension info
transaction {
if (AnimeExtensionTable.select { AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName eq pkgName }.firstOrNull() == null) {
AnimeExtensionTable.insert {
it[this.apkName] = apkName
it[name] = extensionName
it[this.pkgName] = packageInfo.packageName
it[versionName] = packageInfo.versionName
it[versionCode] = packageInfo.versionCode
it[lang] = extensionLang
it[this.isNsfw] = isNsfw
AnimeExtensionTable.update({ AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName eq pkgName }) {
it[this.isInstalled] = true
it[this.classFQName] = className
val extensionId = AnimeExtensionTable.select { AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName eq pkgName }.first()[AnimeExtensionTable.id].value
sources.forEach { httpSource ->
SourceTable.insert {
it[id] = httpSource.id
it[name] = httpSource.name
it[lang] = httpSource.lang
it[extension] = extensionId
logger.debug("Installed source ${httpSource.name} (${httpSource.lang}) with id:${httpSource.id}")
return 201 // we installed successfully
} else {
return 302 // extension was already installed
private val network: NetworkHelper by injectLazy()
private suspend fun downloadAPKFile(url: String, savePath: String) {
val request = Request.Builder().url(url).build()
val response = network.client.newCall(request).await()
val downloadedFile = File(savePath)
downloadedFile.sink().buffer().use { sink ->
response.body!!.source().use { source ->
fun uninstallExtension(pkgName: String) {
logger.debug("Uninstalling $pkgName")
val extensionRecord = transaction { AnimeExtensionTable.select { AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName eq pkgName }.first() }
val fileNameWithoutType = extensionRecord[AnimeExtensionTable.apkName].substringBefore(".apk")
val jarPath = "${applicationDirs.extensionsRoot}/$fileNameWithoutType.jar"
transaction {
val extensionId = extensionRecord[AnimeExtensionTable.id].value
SourceTable.deleteWhere { SourceTable.extension eq extensionId }
if (extensionRecord[AnimeExtensionTable.isObsolete])
AnimeExtensionTable.deleteWhere { AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName eq pkgName }
AnimeExtensionTable.update({ AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName eq pkgName }) {
it[isInstalled] = false
if (File(jarPath).exists()) {
suspend fun updateExtension(pkgName: String): Int {
val targetExtension = ExtensionsList.updateMap.remove(pkgName)!!
transaction {
AnimeExtensionTable.update({ AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName eq pkgName }) {
it[name] = targetExtension.name
it[versionName] = targetExtension.versionName
it[versionCode] = targetExtension.versionCode
it[lang] = targetExtension.lang
it[isNsfw] = targetExtension.isNsfw
it[apkName] = targetExtension.apkName
it[iconUrl] = targetExtension.iconUrl
it[hasUpdate] = false
return installExtension(pkgName)
suspend fun getExtensionIcon(apkName: String): Pair<InputStream, String> {
val iconUrl = transaction { AnimeExtensionTable.select { AnimeExtensionTable.apkName eq apkName }.first() }[AnimeExtensionTable.iconUrl]
val saveDir = "${applicationDirs.extensionsRoot}/icon"
return getCachedImageResponse(saveDir, apkName) {
fun getExtensionIconUrl(apkName: String): String {
return "/api/v1/extension/icon/$apkName"
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
package suwayomi.anime.impl.extension
* Copyright (C) Contributors to the Suwayomi project
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
import mu.KotlinLogging
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.deleteWhere
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.insert
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.select
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.selectAll
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.transaction
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.update
import suwayomi.anime.impl.extension.Extension.getExtensionIconUrl
import suwayomi.anime.impl.extension.github.ExtensionGithubApi
import suwayomi.anime.impl.extension.github.OnlineExtension
import suwayomi.anime.model.dataclass.AnimeExtensionDataClass
import suwayomi.anime.model.table.AnimeExtensionTable
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
object ExtensionsList {
private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}
var lastUpdateCheck: Long = 0
var updateMap = ConcurrentHashMap<String, OnlineExtension>()
/** 60,000 milliseconds = 60 seconds */
private const val ExtensionUpdateDelayTime = 60 * 1000
suspend fun getExtensionList(): List<AnimeExtensionDataClass> {
// update if {ExtensionUpdateDelayTime} seconds has passed or requested offline and database is empty
if (lastUpdateCheck + ExtensionUpdateDelayTime < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
logger.debug("Getting extensions list from the internet")
lastUpdateCheck = System.currentTimeMillis()
val foundExtensions = ExtensionGithubApi.findExtensions()
} else {
logger.debug("used cached extension list")
return extensionTableAsDataClass()
fun extensionTableAsDataClass() = transaction {
AnimeExtensionTable.selectAll().map {
private fun updateExtensionDatabase(foundExtensions: List<OnlineExtension>) {
transaction {
foundExtensions.forEach { foundExtension ->
val extensionRecord = AnimeExtensionTable.select { AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName eq foundExtension.pkgName }.firstOrNull()
if (extensionRecord != null) {
if (extensionRecord[AnimeExtensionTable.isInstalled]) {
when {
foundExtension.versionCode > extensionRecord[AnimeExtensionTable.versionCode] -> {
// there is an update
AnimeExtensionTable.update({ AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName eq foundExtension.pkgName }) {
it[hasUpdate] = true
updateMap.putIfAbsent(foundExtension.pkgName, foundExtension)
foundExtension.versionCode < extensionRecord[AnimeExtensionTable.versionCode] -> {
// some how the user installed an invalid version
AnimeExtensionTable.update({ AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName eq foundExtension.pkgName }) {
it[isObsolete] = true
} else {
// extension is not installed so we can overwrite the data without a care
AnimeExtensionTable.update({ AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName eq foundExtension.pkgName }) {
it[name] = foundExtension.name
it[versionName] = foundExtension.versionName
it[versionCode] = foundExtension.versionCode
it[lang] = foundExtension.lang
it[isNsfw] = foundExtension.isNsfw
it[apkName] = foundExtension.apkName
it[iconUrl] = foundExtension.iconUrl
} else {
// insert new record
AnimeExtensionTable.insert {
it[name] = foundExtension.name
it[pkgName] = foundExtension.pkgName
it[versionName] = foundExtension.versionName
it[versionCode] = foundExtension.versionCode
it[lang] = foundExtension.lang
it[isNsfw] = foundExtension.isNsfw
it[apkName] = foundExtension.apkName
it[iconUrl] = foundExtension.iconUrl
// deal with obsolete extensions
AnimeExtensionTable.selectAll().forEach { extensionRecord ->
val foundExtension = foundExtensions.find { it.pkgName == extensionRecord[AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName] }
if (foundExtension == null) {
// not in the repo, so this extensions is obsolete
if (extensionRecord[AnimeExtensionTable.isInstalled]) {
// is installed so we should mark it as obsolete
AnimeExtensionTable.update({ AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName eq extensionRecord[AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName] }) {
it[isObsolete] = true
} else {
// is not installed so we can remove the record without a care
AnimeExtensionTable.deleteWhere { AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName eq extensionRecord[AnimeExtensionTable.pkgName] }
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package suwayomi.tachidesk.impl.extension.github
package suwayomi.anime.impl.extension.github
* Copyright (C) Contributors to the Suwayomi project
@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ import com.google.gson.JsonArray
import com.google.gson.JsonParser
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.network.NetworkHelper
import okhttp3.Request
import suwayomi.anime.model.dataclass.AnimeExtensionDataClass
import suwayomi.tachidesk.impl.util.network.UnzippingInterceptor
import suwayomi.tachidesk.model.dataclass.ExtensionDataClass
import uy.kohesive.injekt.injectLazy
object AnimeExtensionGithubApi {
object ExtensionGithubApi {
const val BASE_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com"
const val REPO_URL_PREFIX = "$BASE_URL/jmir1/tachiyomi-extensions/repo"
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ object AnimeExtensionGithubApi {
return parseResponse(response)
fun getApkUrl(extension: ExtensionDataClass): String {
fun getApkUrl(extension: AnimeExtensionDataClass): String {
return "$REPO_URL_PREFIX/apk/${extension.apkName}"
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package suwayomi.anime.impl.extension.github
data class OnlineExtension(
val name: String,
val pkgName: String,
val versionName: String,
val versionCode: Int,
val lang: String,
val isNsfw: Boolean,
val apkName: String,
val iconUrl: String
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
package suwayomi.anime.impl.util
* Copyright (C) Contributors to the Suwayomi project
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
import android.content.pm.PackageInfo
import android.content.pm.Signature
import android.os.Bundle
import com.googlecode.d2j.dex.Dex2jar
import com.googlecode.d2j.reader.MultiDexFileReader
import com.googlecode.dex2jar.tools.BaksmaliBaseDexExceptionHandler
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.lang.Hash
import mu.KotlinLogging
import net.dongliu.apk.parser.ApkFile
import net.dongliu.apk.parser.ApkParsers
import org.kodein.di.DI
import org.kodein.di.conf.global
import org.kodein.di.instance
import org.w3c.dom.Element
import org.w3c.dom.Node
import suwayomi.server.ApplicationDirs
import xyz.nulldev.androidcompat.pm.InstalledPackage.Companion.toList
import xyz.nulldev.androidcompat.pm.toPackageInfo
import java.io.File
import java.net.URL
import java.net.URLClassLoader
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
object PackageTools {
private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}
private val applicationDirs by DI.global.instance<ApplicationDirs>()
const val EXTENSION_FEATURE = "tachiyomi.extension"
const val METADATA_SOURCE_CLASS = "tachiyomi.extension.class"
const val METADATA_SOURCE_FACTORY = "tachiyomi.extension.factory"
const val METADATA_NSFW = "tachiyomi.extension.nsfw"
const val LIB_VERSION_MIN = 1.3
const val LIB_VERSION_MAX = 1.3
private const val officialSignature = "50ab1d1e3a20d204d0ad6d334c7691c632e41b98dfa132bf385695fdfa63839c" // jmir1's key
var trustedSignatures = mutableSetOf<String>() + officialSignature
* Convert dex to jar, a wrapper for the dex2jar library
fun dex2jar(dexFile: String, jarFile: String, fileNameWithoutType: String) {
// adopted from com.googlecode.dex2jar.tools.Dex2jarCmd.doCommandLine
// source at: https://github.com/DexPatcher/dex2jar/tree/v2.1-20190905-lanchon/dex-tools/src/main/java/com/googlecode/dex2jar/tools/Dex2jarCmd.java
val jarFilePath = File(jarFile).toPath()
val reader = MultiDexFileReader.open(Files.readAllBytes(File(dexFile).toPath()))
val handler = BaksmaliBaseDexExceptionHandler()
if (handler.hasException()) {
val errorFile: Path = File(applicationDirs.extensionsRoot).toPath().resolve("$fileNameWithoutType-error.txt")
Detail Error Information in File $errorFile
Please report this file to one of following link if possible (any one).
handler.dump(errorFile, emptyArray<String>())
/** A modified version of `xyz.nulldev.androidcompat.pm.InstalledPackage.info` */
fun getPackageInfo(apkFilePath: String): PackageInfo {
val apk = File(apkFilePath)
return ApkParsers.getMetaInfo(apk).toPackageInfo(apk).apply {
val parsed = ApkFile(apk)
val dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
val dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder()
val doc = parsed.manifestXml.byteInputStream().use {
applicationInfo.metaData = Bundle().apply {
val appTag = doc.getElementsByTagName("application").item(0)
.filter {
it.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
}.map {
it as Element
}.filter {
it.tagName == "meta-data"
}.forEach {
signatures = (
parsed.apkSingers.flatMap { it.certificateMetas }
/*+ parsed.apkV2Singers.flatMap { it.certificateMetas }*/
) // Blocked by: https://github.com/hsiafan/apk-parser/issues/72
.map { Signature(it.data) }.toTypedArray()
fun getSignatureHash(pkgInfo: PackageInfo): String? {
val signatures = pkgInfo.signatures
return if (signatures != null && signatures.isNotEmpty()) {
} else {
* loads the extension main class called $className from the jar located at $jarPath
* It may return an instance of HttpSource or SourceFactory depending on the extension.
fun loadExtensionSources(jarPath: String, className: String): Any {
val classLoader = URLClassLoader(arrayOf<URL>(URL("file:$jarPath")))
val classToLoad = Class.forName(className, false, classLoader)
return classToLoad.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance()
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package suwayomi.anime.model.dataclass
* Copyright (C) Contributors to the Suwayomi project
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
data class AnimeExtensionDataClass(
val apkName: String,
val iconUrl: String,
val name: String,
val pkgName: String,
val versionName: String,
val versionCode: Int,
val lang: String,
val isNsfw: Boolean,
val installed: Boolean,
val hasUpdate: Boolean,
val obsolete: Boolean,
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package suwayomi.anime.model.table
* Copyright (C) Contributors to the Suwayomi project
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
import org.jetbrains.exposed.dao.id.IntIdTable
object AnimeExtensionTable : IntIdTable() {
val apkName = varchar("apk_name", 1024)
// default is the local source icon from tachiyomi
val iconUrl = varchar("icon_url", 2048)
val name = varchar("name", 128)
val pkgName = varchar("pkg_name", 128)
val versionName = varchar("version_name", 16)
val versionCode = integer("version_code")
val lang = varchar("lang", 10)
val isNsfw = bool("is_nsfw")
val isInstalled = bool("is_installed").default(false)
val hasUpdate = bool("has_update").default(false)
val isObsolete = bool("is_obsolete").default(false)
val classFQName = varchar("class_name", 1024).default("") // fully qualified name
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.transaction
import org.kodein.di.DI
import org.kodein.di.conf.global
import org.kodein.di.instance
import suwayomi.server.ApplicationDirs
import suwayomi.tachidesk.impl.util.PackageTools.loadExtensionSources
import suwayomi.server.ApplicationDirs
import suwayomi.tachidesk.model.table.ExtensionTable
import suwayomi.tachidesk.model.table.SourceTable
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
package suwayomi.tachidesk.impl.util
* Copyright (C) Contributors to the Suwayomi project
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
import android.content.pm.PackageInfo
import android.content.pm.Signature
import android.os.Bundle
@ -25,12 +32,6 @@ import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
* Copyright (C) Contributors to the Suwayomi project
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
object PackageTools {
private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}
@ -41,12 +42,11 @@ object PackageTools {
const val METADATA_SOURCE_FACTORY = "tachiyomi.extension.factory"
const val METADATA_NSFW = "tachiyomi.extension.nsfw"
const val LIB_VERSION_MIN = 1.2
const val LIB_VERSION_MAX = 1.3
const val LIB_VERSION_MAX = 1.2
private const val officialSignature = "7ce04da7773d41b489f4693a366c36bcd0a11fc39b547168553c285bd7348e23" // inorichi's key
private const val animeSignature = "50ab1d1e3a20d204d0ad6d334c7691c632e41b98dfa132bf385695fdfa63839c" // jmir1's key
private const val unofficialSignature = "64feb21075ba97ebc9cc981243645b331595c111cef1b0d084236a0403b00581" // ArMor's key
var trustedSignatures = mutableSetOf<String>() + officialSignature + animeSignature + unofficialSignature
var trustedSignatures = mutableSetOf<String>() + officialSignature + unofficialSignature
* Convert dex to jar, a wrapper for the dex2jar library
Reference in New Issue
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