plugins { application } repositories { mavenCentral() jcenter() maven { url = uri("") } maven { url = uri("") } } dependencies { // Android stub library implementation(fileTree("lib/")) // Android JAR libs // compileOnly( fileTree(dir: new File(rootProject.rootDir, "libs/other"), include: "*.jar") // JSON compileOnly( "") // Javassist compileOnly( "org.javassist:javassist:3.27.0-GA") // XML compileOnly( group= "xmlpull", name= "xmlpull", version= "") // Config API implementation(project(":AndroidCompat:Config")) // APK sig verifier compileOnly("") // AndroidX annotations compileOnly( "androidx.annotation:annotation:1.2.0-alpha01") // substitute for duktape-android // 'org.mozilla:rhino' includes some code that we don't need so use 'org.mozilla:rhino-runtime' instead implementation("org.mozilla:rhino-runtime:1.7.13") // 'org.mozilla:rhino-engine' provides the same interface as 'javax.script' a.k.a Nashorn implementation("org.mozilla:rhino-engine:1.7.13") } //def fatJarTask = tasks.getByPath(':AndroidCompat:JVMPatch:fatJar') // //// Copy JVM core patches //task copyJVMPatches(type: Copy) { // from fatJarTask.outputs.files // into 'src/main/resources/patches' //} // //compileOnly(Java.dependsOn gradle.includedBuild('dex2jar').task(':dex-translator:assemble') //compileOnly(Java.dependsOn copyJVMPatches //copyJVMPatches.dependsOn fatJarTask //