--- name: "🌟 Feature request" title: "[Feature Request] " about: "Suggest a feature to improve the project" labels: "enhancement" --- **PLEASE READ THIS** I acknowledge that: - I have updated to the latest version of the app. - I have tried the troubleshooting guide described in `README.md` - If this is a request for adding/changing an extension it should be brought up to Tachiyomi: https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/issues/new/choose - If this is an issue with some extension not working properly, It does work in Tachiyomi application as intended. - I have searched the existing issues and this is a new ticket **NOT** a duplicate or related to another open issue - I will fill out the title and the information in this template Note that the issue will be automatically closed if you do not fill out the title or requested information. **DELETE THIS SECTION IF YOU HAVE READ AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT** --- ## What feature should be added to Tachidesk? Explain What the feature is and how it should work in detail. Remove this line after you are done. ## Why/Project's Benefit/Existing Problem Explain why this should be added. Remove this line after you are done.