2023-09-14 22:24:21 -04:00

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package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.network.interceptor
import android.os.SystemClock
import okhttp3.HttpUrl
import okhttp3.Interceptor
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
import okhttp3.Response
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
* An OkHttp interceptor that handles given url host's rate limiting.
* Examples:
* httpUrl = "api.manga.com".toHttpUrlOrNull(), permits = 5, period = 1, unit = seconds => 5 requests per second to api.manga.com
* httpUrl = "imagecdn.manga.com".toHttpUrlOrNull(), permits = 10, period = 2, unit = minutes => 10 requests per 2 minutes to imagecdn.manga.com
* @since extension-lib 1.3
* @param httpUrl {HttpUrl} The url host that this interceptor should handle. Will get url's host by using HttpUrl.host()
* @param permits {Int} Number of requests allowed within a period of units.
* @param period {Long} The limiting duration. Defaults to 1.
* @param unit {TimeUnit} The unit of time for the period. Defaults to seconds.
fun OkHttpClient.Builder.rateLimitHost(
httpUrl: HttpUrl,
permits: Int,
period: Long = 1,
unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS,
) = addInterceptor(SpecificHostRateLimitInterceptor(httpUrl, permits, period, unit))
class SpecificHostRateLimitInterceptor(
httpUrl: HttpUrl,
private val permits: Int,
period: Long,
unit: TimeUnit,
) : Interceptor {
private val requestQueue = ArrayList<Long>(permits)
private val rateLimitMillis = unit.toMillis(period)
private val host = httpUrl.host
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
if (chain.request().url.host != host) {
return chain.proceed(chain.request())
synchronized(requestQueue) {
val now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()
val waitTime = if (requestQueue.size < permits) {
} else {
val oldestReq = requestQueue[0]
val newestReq = requestQueue[permits - 1]
if (newestReq - oldestReq > rateLimitMillis) {
} else {
oldestReq + rateLimitMillis - now // Remaining time
if (requestQueue.size == permits) {
if (waitTime > 0) {
requestQueue.add(now + waitTime)
Thread.sleep(waitTime) // Sleep inside synchronized to pause queued requests
} else {
return chain.proceed(chain.request())