You will need [Node.js]( **version 12+**, and [npm]( **version 7+**.
After cloning the repo, run:
``` bash
# Installs any dependencies needed.
$ npm install
To run the project now, run:
``` bash
# This command start a local server you can access and edit live.
$ npm run serve
### Commonly used NPM scripts
``` bash
# This command will generate a static site inside a public directory in your project.
$ npm run build
# This command will lint your files.
$ npm run lint
**Please make sure to have `npm run build` pass successfully before submitting a PR.** Although the same tests will be run against your PR on the CI server, it is better to have it working locally.
## Project Structure
- **`public`**: contains built files for distribution. Note this directory is only updated when a release happens or when you run the build command. Changes to this folder will not carry over with Git.
- **`src`**: contains the main code files.
- **`.vuepress`**: contains the main code files.
- **`components`**: this contains all the `.vue` components used on the website.
- **`config`**: contains complementary files for `config.js`.
-`navBar.js`: config for navigation bar.
-`plugins.js`: config for plugins.
-`sideBar.js`: config for sidebar.
- **`public`**: contains the static images/videos/scripts you'll want to use for the website.
- **`store`**: this contains the data store file used to connect features like downloads to main app and its forks.
- **`styles`**: all the projects style files are contained here.
- **`theme`**: this contains the extended Vuepress theme files.
- [`config.js`]( main config file for Vuepress.
-`constants.js`: all reused variables/constants is stored here.
- [`enhanceApp.js`]( this file is the place to install Vue plugins, register components and directives, etc.
- **`download`**: contains the markdown file for the `/download/` page.
- **`extensions`**: contains the markdown file for the `/extensions/` page.
- **`forks`**: contains the markdown files for the `/forks/...` pages.
- **`help`**: contains the markdown files for all the `/help/...` pages.
- **`sandbox`**: contains the markdown files for the `/sandbox/...` pages.
-``: markdown file for the front-page.
-`package.json`: contains information about which plugins are installed in the project.
## Credits
Thank you to all the people who have already contributed!