**Please make sure to have `npm run build` pass successfully before submitting a PR.** Although the same tests will be run against your PR on the CI server, it is better to have it working locally.
- **`website`**: contains all the website related files.
- **`src`**: contains all the markdown files used for the website.
- **`.vitepress`**:
- **[`dist`](https://vitepress.dev/guide/deploy)**: contains built files for distribution. Note this directory is only updated when a release happens or when you run the build command. Changes to this folder will not carry over with Git.
- **`theme`**: contains custom theme files.
-`config.ts`: main configuration file for VitePress.
- **`public`**: files to be exposed publicly without any processing.
-`package.json`: contains information about which plugins are installed in the project.
[![List of Contributors](https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=tachiyomiorg/website 'List of Contributors')](https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/website/graphs/contributors)