From 4671ac239ffa902870730e359e95d6308fb004f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: joseph619 <>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 20:15:56 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Updates extensions FAQ (#156)
Edited Manga Rock, Kissmanga and added Mangakakalot, Webtoons etc
src/help/faq/ | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/help/faq/ b/src/help/faq/
index bdb52375..f6c119a0 100644
--- a/src/help/faq/
+++ b/src/help/faq/
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ To enter the **WebView** go to → menu and press **Trust** to proceed.
1. Restore backup.
-#### Why do I get `Value url at 0 of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject`?
-If you get this error when opening **MangaRock** chapters, try clearing your chapter cache.
-::: guide
-Chapter cache can be cleared by going to → then pressing [Clear chapter cache](/help/guides/settings/advanced/#clear-chapter-cache).
-::: aside
-Read more about clearing chapter cache [here](/help/guides/settings/advanced/#clear-chapter-cache)
+It is possible to Auto-Migrate MangaRock favorites to another source by using [TachiyomiJ2K](/forks/TachiyomiJ2K) or [TachiyomiAZ](/forks/TachiyomiAZ) fork.
### Madara
@@ -332,5 +313,25 @@ Read more about clearing chapter cache [here](/help/guides/settings/advanced/#cl
### KissManga
-#### Why do I get `Page list is empty`?
-If you get this error then you need to solve the **CAPTCHA** on their website using your browser (*Google Chrome*, *Samsung Browser*, *Firefox*, *Opera*, etc.).
\ No newline at end of file
+#### KissManga extension is missing
+Kissmanga is extension has been removed, as they have been blocking 3rd party apps & adblockers. Please migrate Kissmanga favorites in library to a different source.
+::: aside
+Read more about source migration [here](/help/guides/source-migration/#source-migration)
+### Mangakakalot
+#### Page list is empty
+Mangakakalot has created new entries for manga again on their site. Some old entries are obsolete and will not work. To resolve this, [migrate](/help/guides/source-migration/#source-migration) the manga From Mangakakalot extension to the Mangakakalot extension — manually. You can also migrate to another MangaBox source as they have nearly the same catalog.
+#### Image could not be decoded
+Open manga in Webview and wait for the image to comes up. If the image isn't loading you will need to look elsewhere to read that particular manga.
+### Japscan
+Japscan has some manga that are scrambled using a different algorithm than others on their site. If you encounter a manga being scrambled, use a different source to read.
+### Webtoons
+#### Page list is empty
+You will have to open the manga entry in WebView and verify your age, as Webtoons has recently added age verifications on their site.